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HC2 3.901 Alpha 

Alpha version is designed for user testing. 

Installation shall be performed only after reading and fully accepting following terms. 


- introduction to the plugins (Denon Amplifier, LG Bluray, ONKYO Amplifier, Philips Bluray, Pioneer Amplifier, Samsung TV, Sonos, Sony Bluray, Sony TV) 

- new improved Z-Wave engine 

- cooperation with Z-Wave locks 

- extended functionality of sensors (tamper support) 

- extended support of Fibaro Smoke Sensor 

- extended support of Fibaro Motion Sensor 

- possibility of hiding devices 

- possibility of disabling devices 

- multithreading 

- many backend improvements 


In order to update to 3.901 alpha Home Center 2 must be first updated to version 3.591 beta. 

It is recommended to make a backup before updating to alpha version. 


1. To update to alpha make sure that you are locally logged as admin on your HC2. 

2. Type the following address in your web browser: 

http://<IP of your HC2>/services/startAlphaUpgrade.php?key=<personal key obtained from Fibaro> 

and press Enter. 

3. Update screen with progress bar should appear. 

Please be patient whilst update to alpha version as it takes more time than usually because of conversion process. 


Fibar Group Sp. z o.o. allows free use of this software in its “as-is” condition. Fibar Group Sp. z o.o. disclaims any liability of any kind for any damages whatsoever resulting from the use of this software 

This is an alpha release, and active development is on-going. The platform might be unstable and is not final and should not be used in production. 


In order to get personal key necessary for update please provide us serial number and MAC address of your HC2 at Please also attach statement that you have accepted terms of disclaimer. 


We will appreciate your feedback on our bugtracker at 

Thank you for your interest in alpha version and willingness to participate in the development of Fibaro!



Bon, j'attend la clef et je m'y colle...


Y'a t'il d'autres courageux à  part Shad ?


A votre avis les copains :D


ahrrr... Je l'avais pas vu venir celle-là  :D


Et bien vous l'avez pas encore vous ?


Eh!!! J C tu nous la fais pas à  l'envers hein ?


Je suis sur que t'a pas de clef encore...Toi t'es rancunier non ? tu veux te venger de la dernière fois ou je t'ai fais marché... ;)


même pas :D, rancunier c'est pas le genre de la maison :rolleyes:



please use that link to download alpha ....


et toc :P


Il est mentionné dans le changelog les plugins. Ca devait pas être réservé à  la V4 ?

- introduction to the plugins (Denon Amplifier, LG Bluray, ONKYO Amplifier, Philips Bluray, Pioneer Amplifier, Samsung TV, Sonos, Sony Bluray, Sony TV)



Ils veulent peut-être sortir la V4 en stable directement et l'alpha et bêtas en 3.9xx !


C'est en anglais ;) ...

Par contre c'est de l' ALPHA :lol: pas besoin de faire un dessin ...


Bon, trop dur de résister, je viens de faire la demande aussi :P

Je sens que je vais encore me faire engueuler par ma femme si y'a des trucs qui marchent plus, elle se fout que ce soit une alpha... :P

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