mprinfo Posté(e) le 10 janvier 2016 Signaler Posté(e) le 10 janvier 2016 Visualisation des Températures par ordres décroissant Ce VD va vous permettre de visualiser toutes les sondes de température Il suffit d'importer le VD pour que cela fonctionne Fichier à télécharger : Mise a jours version 0.90b : Temperature_v0.9b.vfib 2
jojo Posté(e) le 10 janvier 2016 Signaler Posté(e) le 10 janvier 2016 les flèches, c'est pour naviguer dans les pages ? Alors pourrais-je suggérer d'afficher le n° de page et le nombre total de pages : Page 2/4 ou Page 1/1
mprinfo Posté(e) le 10 janvier 2016 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 10 janvier 2016 Je l'ai pas fais car il faudrait dans ce cas que je traite le chaine de caractère ça me faisait une peu plus de travail
mprinfo Posté(e) le 21 janvier 2016 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 21 janvier 2016 Mise a jours version 0.90b : Temperature_v0.9b.vfib Code <-------------- HC2 = Net.FHttp("",11111) R_Modules = HC2:GET("/api/devices") local AllModules = json.decode(R_Modules) Reponse1 = HC2:GET("/api/sections") local Sections = json.decode(Reponse1) Reponse2 = HC2:GET("/api/rooms") local Room = json.decode(Reponse2) ------------------------------------------------------ local Temperature = {} local SelfId = fibaro:getSelfId() local IdEnd = AllModules[#AllModules].id local Page = tonumber(fibaro:getValue(SelfId, "ui.LabPage.value")) local LabSections = fibaro:getValue(SelfId, "ui.LabSection.value") local LabPieces = fibaro:getValue(SelfId, "ui.LabPieces.value") ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Recuperer nom + section a partir d'une id ------------------------------------------------------------- function recupvaleur(RoomID) for i,v in ipairs(Room) do if Room[i].id == RoomID then local RoomName = Room[i].name local SectionID = Room[i].sectionID for k,w in ipairs(Sections) do if Sections[k].id == SectionID then local a , b = RoomName, Sections[k].name return b , a end end end end end --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Création de la table des température --------------------------------------------------------------------- for i,v in ipairs(AllModules) do if AllModules[i].visible == true and AllModules[i].type == "com.fibaro.temperatureSensor" then local id = AllModules[i].id local PieceID = AllModules[i].roomID local Nom = AllModules[i].name local SectionName , PieceName = recupvaleur(PieceID) local Valeur = tonumber(AllModules[i].properties.value) if LabSections == "Tous" then table.insert(Temperature, {SectionName, PieceName, Nom, Valeur}) fibaro:debug(SectionName.." - "..PieceName.." - "..Nom.." - "..Valeur.." degrés") else if SectionName == LabSections and LabPieces == "Tous" then table.insert(Temperature, {SectionName, PieceName, Nom, Valeur}) --fibaro:debug(SectionName.." - "..PieceName.." - "..Nom.." - "..Valeur.." degrés") else if SectionName == LabSections and LabPieces == PieceName then table.insert(Temperature, {SectionName, PieceName, Nom, Valeur}) end end end end end table.sort(Temperature, function(a, return a[4]>b[4] end) local t = tonumber(#Temperature) ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Mise a jour des labels et gestion des pages ------------------------------------------------------------------ if Page == nil or Page <= 1 then Page = 1 else Page = Page - 1 end if t == 0 then fibaro:call(SelfId, "setProperty", "ui.LabMiniMax.value", "Pas de sondes") else fibaro:call(SelfId,"setProperty","ui.LabPage.value", Page) fibaro:call(SelfId, "setProperty", "ui.LabMiniMax.value", "Max : "..Temperature[1][4].." C - Mini : "..Temperature[#Temperature][4].." C - Nbre "..t) end local p = Page*5-5 for i = 1, 5 do fibaro:debug("i = "..i.." Page = "..p.."Table = "..t) if t < i+p then fibaro:call(SelfId, "setProperty", "ui.Label"..i..".value", "") else fibaro:call(SelfId, "setProperty", "ui.Label"..i..".value", Temperature[i+p][2].." - "..Temperature[i+p][3].." : "..Temperature[i+p][4].." C") end end code --------> HC2 = Net.FHttp("",11111) R_Modules = HC2:GET("/api/devices") local AllModules = json.decode(R_Modules) Reponse1 = HC2:GET("/api/sections") local Sections = json.decode(Reponse1) Reponse2 = HC2:GET("/api/rooms") local Room = json.decode(Reponse2) ------------------------------------------------------ local Temperature = {} local SelfId = fibaro:getSelfId() local IdEnd = AllModules[#AllModules].id local Page = tonumber(fibaro:getValue(SelfId, "ui.LabPage.value")) fibaro:debug("Nombres de modules : " ..#AllModules.." - Sections : "..#Sections) fibaro:debug("Dernier ID : "..IdEnd) local LabSections = fibaro:getValue(SelfId, "ui.LabSection.value") local LabPieces = fibaro:getValue(SelfId, "ui.LabPieces.value") ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Recuperer nom + section a partir d'une id ------------------------------------------------------------- function recupvaleur(RoomID) for i,v in ipairs(Room) do if Room[i].id == RoomID then local RoomName = Room[i].name local SectionID = Room[i].sectionID for k,w in ipairs(Sections) do if Sections[k].id == SectionID then local a , b = RoomName, Sections[k].name return b , a end end end end end --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Création de la table des température --------------------------------------------------------------------- for i,v in ipairs(AllModules) do if AllModules[i].visible == true and AllModules[i].type == "com.fibaro.temperatureSensor" then local id = AllModules[i].id local PieceID = AllModules[i].roomID local Nom = AllModules[i].name local SectionName , PieceName = recupvaleur(PieceID) local Valeur = tonumber(AllModules[i].properties.value) if LabSections == "Tous" then table.insert(Temperature, {SectionName, PieceName, Nom, Valeur}) --fibaro:debug(SectionName.." - "..PieceName.." - "..Nom.." - "..Valeur.." degrés") else if SectionName == LabSections and LabPieces == "Tous" then table.insert(Temperature, {SectionName, PieceName, Nom, Valeur}) --fibaro:debug(SectionName.." - "..PieceName.." - "..Nom.." - "..Valeur.." degrés") else if SectionName == LabSections and LabPieces == PieceName then table.insert(Temperature, {SectionName, PieceName, Nom, Valeur}) end end end --fibaro:debug(SectionName.." - "..PieceName.." - "..Nom.." - "..Valeur.." degrés") end end table.sort(Temperature, function(a, return a[4]>b[4] end) local t = tonumber(#Temperature) ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Mise a jour des labels et gestion des pages ------------------------------------------------------------------ if Page == nil then Page = 1 elseif Page >= t/5 then -- ne modifie rien else Page = Page + 1 end if t == 0 then fibaro:call(SelfId, "setProperty", "ui.LabMiniMax.value", "Pas de sondes") else fibaro:call(SelfId,"setProperty","ui.LabPage.value", Page) fibaro:call(SelfId, "setProperty", "ui.LabMiniMax.value", "Max : "..Temperature[1][4].." C - Mini : "..Temperature[#Temperature][4].." C - Nbre "..t) end local p = Page*5-5 for i = 1, 5 do fibaro:debug("i = "..i.." j = "..p.."Table = "..t) if t < i+p then fibaro:call(SelfId, "setProperty", "ui.Label"..i..".value", "") else fibaro:call(SelfId, "setProperty", "ui.Label"..i..".value", Temperature[i+p][2].." - "..Temperature[i+p][3].." : "..Temperature[i+p][4].." C") end end code -Piece HC2 = Net.FHttp("",11111) Reponse1 = HC2:GET("/api/sections") local Sections = json.decode(Reponse1) table.insert(Sections, {name = "Tous"}) Reponse2 = HC2:GET("/api/rooms") local Room = json.decode(Reponse2) table.insert(Room, {name = "Tous"}) local SelfId = fibaro:getSelfId() local LabSections = fibaro:getValue(SelfId, "ui.LabSection.value") -- Recuperation de l'id de la section if LabSections ~= "Tous" then for i,v in ipairs(Sections) do if LabSections == Sections[i].name then IDSections = Sections[i].id fibaro:debug(IDSections) break end end else IDSections = "Tous" end fibaro:debug("id Section: "..IDSections) -- creation de la table des pieces dans la section local NomRoom = {"Tous"} if IDSections ~= "Tous" then for i,v in ipairs(Room) do if Room[i].sectionID == IDSections then table.insert(NomRoom, Room[i].name) --fibaro:debug(Room[i].name) end end else for i,v in ipairs(Room) do table.insert(NomRoom, Room[i].name) --fibaro:debug(Room[i].name) end end -------------------------------------------------------------- local LabPieces = fibaro:getValue(SelfId, "ui.LabPieces.value") fibaro:call(SelfId, "setProperty", "ui.LabPieces.value", "Tous") for i = 1, #(NomRoom) do fibaro:debug(LabPieces.." "..i.." "..NomRoom[i]) if LabPieces == NomRoom[i] and i > 1 then LabPieces = NomRoom[i -1] break end end fibaro:debug("piece "..LabPieces) fibaro:call(SelfId,"setProperty","ui.LabPage.value", "1") fibaro:call(SelfId, "setProperty", "ui.LabPieces.value", LabPieces) fibaro:call(SelfId, "pressButton", "10") code Piece+ HC2 = Net.FHttp("",11111) Reponse1 = HC2:GET("/api/sections") local Sections = json.decode(Reponse1) table.insert(Sections, {name = "Tous"}) Reponse2 = HC2:GET("/api/rooms") local Room = json.decode(Reponse2) table.insert(Room, {name = "Tous"}) local SelfId = fibaro:getSelfId() local LabSections = fibaro:getValue(SelfId, "ui.LabSection.value") -- Recuperation de l'id de la section if LabSections ~= "Tous" then for i,v in ipairs(Sections) do if LabSections == Sections[i].name then IDSections = Sections[i].id fibaro:debug(IDSections) break end end else IDSections = "Tous" end fibaro:debug("id Section: "..IDSections) -- creation de la table des pieces dans la section local NomRoom = {"Tous"} if IDSections ~= "Tous" then for i,v in ipairs(Room) do if Room[i].sectionID == IDSections then table.insert(NomRoom, Room[i].name) --fibaro:debug(Room[i].name) end end else for i,v in ipairs(Room) do table.insert(NomRoom, Room[i].name) --fibaro:debug(Room[i].name) end end -------------------------------------------------------------- local LabPieces = fibaro:getValue(SelfId, "ui.LabPieces.value") fibaro:call(SelfId, "setProperty", "ui.LabPieces.value", "Tous") for i = 1, #(NomRoom) do fibaro:debug(LabPieces.." "..i.." "..NomRoom[i]) if LabPieces == NomRoom[i] and i < #(NomRoom) then LabPieces = NomRoom[i +1] break end end fibaro:debug("piece "..LabPieces) fibaro:call(SelfId,"setProperty","ui.LabPage.value", "1") fibaro:call(SelfId, "setProperty", "ui.LabPieces.value", LabPieces) fibaro:call(SelfId, "pressButton", "10") Code - Sect HC2 = Net.FHttp("",11111) Reponse1 = HC2:GET("/api/sections") local Sections = json.decode(Reponse1) table.insert(Sections, {name = "Tous"}) local SelfId = fibaro:getSelfId() local LabSections = fibaro:getValue(SelfId, "ui.LabSection.value") fibaro:call(SelfId, "setProperty", "ui.LabSection.value", "Tous") for i,v in ipairs(Sections) do if LabSections == Sections[i].name and i > 1 then --or Sections[i].name == "Tous" then LabSections = Sections[i -1].name break end end if LabSections == "" then LabSections = "Tous" end fibaro:debug("nom :"..LabSections) fibaro:call(SelfId,"setProperty","ui.LabPage.value", "1") fibaro:call(SelfId, "setProperty", "ui.LabSection.value", LabSections) fibaro:call(SelfId, "setProperty", "ui.LabPieces.value", "Tous") fibaro:call(SelfId, "pressButton", "10") code Sect + HC2 = Net.FHttp("",11111) Reponse1 = HC2:GET("/api/sections") local Sections = json.decode(Reponse1) table.insert(Sections, {name = "Tous"}) local SelfId = fibaro:getSelfId() local LabSections = fibaro:getValue(SelfId, "ui.LabSection.value") fibaro:call(SelfId, "setProperty", "ui.LabSection.value", "Tous") for i,v in ipairs(Sections) do local t = #Sections fibaro:debug("table = "..t) if LabSections == Sections[i].name and i <= t -1 then LabSections = Sections[i +1].name break end end if LabSections == "" then LabSections = "Tous" end fibaro:debug("nom :"..LabSections) fibaro:call(SelfId,"setProperty","ui.LabPage.value", "1") fibaro:call(SelfId, "setProperty", "ui.LabSection.value", LabSections) fibaro:call(SelfId, "setProperty", "ui.LabPieces.value", "Tous") fibaro:call(SelfId, "pressButton", "10") Temperature_v0.9b.vfib
cybersquat Posté(e) le 29 janvier 2016 Signaler Posté(e) le 29 janvier 2016 Merci Pascal, as tu des icons qui pourraient aller avec ? même si tu aimes pas ca
Rocketlud Posté(e) le 29 janvier 2016 Signaler Posté(e) le 29 janvier 2016 Tu es chaud bouillant en ce moment Merci Pascal
mprinfo Posté(e) le 29 janvier 2016 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 29 janvier 2016 C'est bientôt le printemps lol Envoyé de mon SM-G900F en utilisant Tapatalk
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