Domodial Posté(e) le 6 février 2016 Signaler Posté(e) le 6 février 2016 Du coup le DIM n'est pas possible, le OFF garde les leds légèrement allumé, et en plein feu ça clignote un peut. Il faut que je baisse a 10% pour arreter le clignotement...mais ça ne dim pas.
Domodial Posté(e) le 6 février 2016 Signaler Posté(e) le 6 février 2016 Pour info, ce type de led dispo en blanc chaud ou froid donne rendu vraiment correct. Je dirais l'équivalent de 120w halogène. Je ne constate que 2% (à l'oeil) de différence avec les halogènes. Par contre j'ai du modifier les appliques.
murlock7 Posté(e) le 8 février 2016 Signaler Posté(e) le 8 février 2016 Bonjour, Suite à mon passage en 4.07 et mes problèmes d'instances en trop pour le controle de la lumiere, j'ai trouvé ce post et ce smartlight. je suis equipé de detecteur de présence fibaro et d'ampoule limitless/milight. Je n'ai donc pas d'interupteur manuel. Comme ce smartlight fait exactement ce que je recherche en une seule scene j'ai tenté de l'intégrer chez moi. les commandes d'allumage et d'extinction de la lampe sont ajoutées dans les parties extraXXXXXXXFunc et extraOffChecks et de fait je n'utilise que la partie detection et conpteur. Malheureusement si la lumiere s'allume bien l'extinction ne se produit jamais. Dans le log je tombe dans l'override (comme angelz) et à la fin de l'override il ne fait plus rien. Mais comme je n'ai pas compris sa correction je suis bloqué. Quelqu'un aurait il une solution? Merci
HANSOLO Posté(e) le 8 février 2016 Signaler Posté(e) le 8 février 2016 Mis en place ce soir pour commander 2 lampes via 2 détecteurs de mvt et 1 capteur de luminosité
Domodial Posté(e) le 16 février 2016 Signaler Posté(e) le 16 février 2016 Salut a vous utilisateurs de Smart lights ! Depuis la maj 4.071 j'ai que des merdes avec le script. Soit les lumières ne s'éteignent plus après 5 minutes. Soit elles ne s'allument pas bien.. un coup oui un coup non.. Je n'arrive pas à comprendre, juste que c'est depuis la maj. Fibaro... je pense que dès que je trouve une béta stable ou stable non béta, je ne TOUCHE PLUS A RIEN, je n'upgrade plus ! fini basta.
cyssou Posté(e) le 13 mars 2016 Signaler Posté(e) le 13 mars 2016 Salut Je viens d'installer le script, sur ma HC2 qui est en V4.080. Le problème est que lorsque je démarre la scene, elle fonctionne une seul est unique fois... Une idée ?
angelz Posté(e) le 1 avril 2016 Signaler Posté(e) le 1 avril 2016 bonjour, voila j'utilise ce script depuis quelques semaines et c'est vrai qu'il est pas mal :-) par contre je ne vois pas comment (et si c'est possible) que la détection se fasse sur X sec et pas a chaque détection en fait pour ma monté d'escalier les lumière s'allume trop souvent j'aimerais dire au script si détection de mouvement et que 2 sec plus tard il y a toujours une détection la lampe s'allume voici mon script : --[[ %% properties 65 value 79 value %% globals TimeOfDay PresentState --]] --[[ Change - XXX value - above. One for motion sensor, one for Light sensor. TimeOfDay global variable and lux make sure that the scene will be triggered when you are already in the room and something changes. Set your settings below, lights and add extra functions Feel free to suggest changes or contact when having problems. It is not allowed to sell or distribute this software and earlier versions without the approval of Control Living © 2014 - 2015 Smart lights by Control Living Version 1.6.7 --]] -------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------YOUR LIGHT SETTINGS-------------------------- motionSensorID = {65}; -- change id for your motion sensor. LuxSensorID = {79}; -- change id for your light sensor. actionDevice = 100; -- change id for your light sensor. --Enter the name of your Global variable. WITHOUT IT, THE SCENE DOES NOT WORK. Capital sensitive! sleepState = "SleepState"; --Sleep globalstate variable. timeOfDay = "TimeOfDay"; --Time of Day Global variable. presentState = "PresentState"; --Present state Global variable. --Enter the values of your global variables stated above. If not using, copy the name in front of the "YourValueName" sleepStateMapping = {Sleeping="Sleeping", Awake="Awake"}; timeOfDayMapping = {Morning="Morning", Day="Day", Evening="Evening", Night="Night"}; presentStateMapping = {Home="Home", Away="Away", Holiday="Holiday"}; -- Set the lux value for which the lights have to be turned on. -- If you don't want to use the MinLux then just set it to: 65535 minLuxMorning = 2500; minLuxDay = 2500; minLuxEvening = 2500; minLuxNight = 2500; --If the current lux value is above the maxlux, the lights will turn off after their set onTime. maxLuxMorning = 6000; maxLuxDay = 6000; --[[ Now the most important part: Here you can enter what light, for how long and at what value has to be turned on. Leave empty brackets for no lights. To set the light value without timer use 2 parameters: {id=LightID, setValue="VALUE"} To set the light value with timer use 3 parameters: {id=LightID, setValue="VALUE", onTime=timeInSeconds } To set the light value for RGBW: use the above, where setValue is: setValue={R="255",G="255",B="255",W="255"} -- RGBW set: {id=LightID, setValue={R="255",G="255",B="255",W="255"}, onTime=timeInSeconds } --]] lightsSleeping = {}; --lights that are triggered when Sleepstate is sleeping. lightsMorning = {{id=actionDevice, setValue="turnOn", onTime=20}}; lightsDay = {{id=actionDevice, setValue="turnOn", onTime=20}}; lightsEvening = {{id=actionDevice, setValue="turnOn", onTime=20}}; lightsNight = {{id=actionDevice, setValue="turnOn", onTime=20}}; --Manual Override, the time that lights will not be turned ON again after manually turning them off. OverrideFor = 90; dimmDownTime = 10; -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------EXTRA FEATURES----------------------------- extraMorningFunc = function() -- Add your extra code here. If you want some checks or maybe run a virtual device button. --This code is always triggered if there is motion. -- movieLights = {{180, "10"},{181, "10"} }; --if (xbmc == "playing" ) then CallLightArray(movieLights); ExtraDebug("Extra morning function called"); end extraDayFunc = function() -- Add your extra code here. If you want some checks or maybe run a virtual device button. --This code is always triggered if there is motion. ExtraDebug("Extra day function called"); end extraEveningFunc = function() -- Add your extra code here. If you want some checks or maybe run a virtual device button. --This code is always triggered if there is motion. ExtraDebug("Extra evening function called"); end extraNightFunc = function() -- Add your extra code here. If you want some checks or maybe run a virtual device button. --This code is always triggered if there is motion. ExtraDebug("Extra night function called"); end extraLightTriggerChecks = function() --add extra checks here. and return the total true or false value. --if returning false the lights will not be triggered. -- for instance: return ( (pcTurnedOff == true ) and (xbmc ~= "Empty") ); -- return true to enable lights to turn on return true; end extraOffChecks = function() --return true to keep lights on. return false; end -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------ADVANCES SETTINGS----------------------------- local showStandardDebugInfo = true; -- Debug shown in white local showExtraDebugInfo = false; -- Debug shown in orange -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DO NOT CHANGE THE CODE BELOW -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- --UPDATE FROM HERE --private variables startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); keepLightsOn = false; timerRunning = false; previousLights = nil; version = "1.6.7"; SavedState = { homeStatus = "", sleepState = 0, timeOfDay = "", lux = 0, motion = 0, startTime = 0 } CurrentState = { homeStatus = "", sleepState = "", timeOfDay = "", lux = 0, motionState = 0, currentLightArray = {} } RGBWDeviceType = { "com.fibaro.RGBW", "com.fibaro.colorController", "com.fibaro.FGRGBW441M" } BinaryDeviceType = { "com.fibaro.binarySwitch","com.fibaro.FGWP101", "com.fibaro.developer.angelz.SwitchLumiereFhem", "turnOn" } DimmerDeviceType = { "com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch" } OffModes = {None, ByScene, ManualOverride } function Debug( color, message ) fibaro:debug(string.format('<%s style="color:%s;">%s</%s>', "span", color, message, "span")); end --Making sure that only one instance of the scene is running. fibaro:sleep(50); --sleep to prevent all instances being killed. if (fibaro:countScenes() > 1) then if (showExtraDebugInfo) then Debug( "grey", "Abort, Scene count = " .. fibaro:countScenes()); end fibaro:abort(); end --------------------------EXECUTION---------------------------------- function SetCurrentStatus() ExtraDebug("Updating current variable statuses"); CurrentState.homeStatus = GetPresentState(); CurrentState.timeOfDay = GetTimeOfDay(); CurrentState.sleepState = GetSleepState(); CurrentState.lux = GetAverageLuxValue(); CurrentState.motionState = GetCurrentMotionStatus(); end function SaveCurrentStatus() ExtraDebug("Saving current variable statuses"); SavedState.homeStatus = CurrentState.homeStatus; SavedState.timeOfDay = CurrentState.timeOfDay; SavedState.sleepState = CurrentState.sleepState; SavedState.lux = CurrentState.lux; SavedState.motion = CurrentState.motionState; end function CheckStatusChanges() ExtraDebug("Status change check"); if (CurrentState.homeStatus ~= SavedState.homeStatus ) or (CurrentState.timeOfDay ~= SavedState.timeOfDay ) then if (CurrentState.homeStatus ~= presentStateMapping.Home ) then TurnOffLights(); else SceneTriggered(); --reset time. end; end SaveCurrentStatus(); -- if we still have a motion then reset timer. if ( (CurrentState.motionState ~= 0 or extraOffChecks() ) and not IsMaxLuxExceeded() ) then ExtraDebug( "Resetting time" ); SavedState.startTime = os.time(); else ExtraDebug("Timer is not reset."); end --any other case, we are not resetting the timer. end function IsMaxLuxExceeded() if (CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Morning and CurrentState.lux > maxLuxMorning ) then ExtraDebug( "Current lux value: " .. CurrentState.lux .. " higher then max Lux Morning: " .. maxLuxMorning .. "."); return true; elseif (CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Day and CurrentState.lux > maxLuxDay ) then ExtraDebug( "Current lux value: " .. CurrentState.lux .. " higher then max Lux Day: " .. maxLuxDay .. "."); return true; end return false; end function LightsOff( lightArray ) local stillLightsOn = 0; local currentTime = os.time(); for i = 1,#lightArray do if ( lightArray[i].onTime ~= nil) then lightItem = lightArray[i]; lightItem.OffMode = CheckManualOverrideItem( lightItem ); --local if ( lightItem.OffMode == "ManualOverride" ) then ExtraDebug("Manual override for light: [" .. .. "]" .. .. " active, not turning on"); goto continue; end --On till: local timeL = SavedState.startTime + (lightItem.onTime); local timeLeft = timeL - currentTime; if (timeLeft >= 0 ) then ExtraDebug("Time left for: [" .. .. "]" .. .. ": " .. timeLeft .. " seconds" ); end if ( timeLeft < dimmDownTime ) then if ( lightItem.OffMode ~= "ManualOverride" ) then lightItem.OffMode = "ByScene"; end if ( (timeLeft <= 0) and (lightItem.currentValue ~= 0) ) then fibaro:call(, "turnOff"); StandardDebug("Switch off light: [" .. .. "]'" .. .."'"); else if ( item.lightType == "com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch" ) then currentValueDiv = roundit(((lightItem.currentValue) / (dimmDownTime)), 0); currentValueNew = (lightItem.currentValue - currentValueDiv); if (currentValueNew <=0 ) then currentValueNew = 0; end fibaro:call(, "setValue", tostring(currentValueNew)); end stillLightsOn = stillLightsOn + 1; end elseif (CheckLightToBeTurnedOnAgain(lightItem)) then ExtraDebug("Turn light: " .. .. " back on"); turnLightOn(lightItem); lightItem.OffMode = ""; stillLightsOn = stillLightsOn + 1; else lightItem.OffMode = "NoOverride"; stillLightsOn = stillLightsOn + 1; end end ::continue:: end return stillLightsOn; end function KeepLightsOnTimer() ExtraDebug("--------------- Timer running ---------------"); ExtraDebug("starting with while loop, to keep lights on"); SavedState.startTime = os.time(); SaveCurrentStatus(); sleepTime = 1000; while ( keepLightsOn ) do ExtraDebug("--------------- next timer run ---------------"); fibaro:sleep(sleepTime); start_time = os.clock(); SetCurrentStatus(); currentLightArray = GetTimeOfDayLightArray(); UpdateLightValues(currentLightArray); CheckStatusChanges(); local stillLightsOn = 0; stillLightsOn = LightsOff( currentLightArray ); if (stillLightsOn == 0 ) then keepLightsOn = RunManualOverrideMode( currentLightArray ); end_time = 0; --if lights turned back on after override. else end_time = os.clock() end elapsed_time = (end_time - start_time) * 1000; sleepTime = 1000 - elapsed_time; end end function CheckManualOverrideItem( currentItem ) --ExtraDebug("Manual override check for: [" .. .. "]" ..; --fibaro:debug(currentItem.currentValue) --fibaro:debug(currentItem.OffMode) if (currentItem.currentValue == 0 and currentItem.OffMode ~= "ByScene" ) then ExtraDebug( "Manual override for light: [" .. .. "]" .. .. " active" ); return "ManualOverride"; elseif (currentItem.currentValue ~= 0 and currentItem.OffMode == "ManualOverride" ) then ExtraDebug( "Manual override for light: [" .. .. "]" .. .. " cancelled" ); return "NoOverride"; end return currentItem.OffMode; --returning current mode; end function RunManualOverrideMode( currentLightArray ) OverrideForAll = CheckIfAllInOverrideMode(currentLightArray); if ( OverrideForAll ) then ExtraDebug("-----------------Override Mode---------------"); OverrideTimer = os.time(); while ( OverrideForAll and (OverrideTimer + OverrideFor ) - os.time() > 0 ) do ExtraDebug("Still in override for: " .. (OverrideTimer + OverrideFor ) - os.time() .. " seconds" ); fibaro:sleep(1000); UpdateLightValues(currentLightArray); OverrideForAll = CheckIfAllInOverrideMode(currentLightArray); motion = GetCurrentMotionStatus(); if ( motion ~= 0 ) then OverrideTimer = os.time(); end end else return false; end -- if ( (OverrideTimer + OverrideFor ) - os.time() <= 0 ) then --time has end. So not continue to run lights loop -- return false; -- end if (OverrideForAll) then return false; --run lights else return true; end end function CheckIfAllInOverrideMode(currentLightArray) OverrideForAll = 0; for i = 1,#currentLightArray do if ( CheckManualOverrideItem(currentLightArray[i]) == "ManualOverride" ) then OverrideForAll = OverrideForAll +1; else return false; end end if ( OverrideForAll ~= 0 and OverrideForAll == #currentLightArray ) then return true; end return false; end function RunTimer() if ( keepLightsOn and not timerRunning ) then ExtraDebug("Starting timer, not yet running"); timerRunning = true; KeepLightsOnTimer(); else ExtraDebug("Timer already running, returning"); end end function TurnOffLights() local timeOfDayArray = GetTimeOfDayLightArray(); SetLightValues(timeOfDayArray); UpdateLightValues(timeOfDayArray); CallLightArray(timeOfDayArray, "off" ); return; end ----------------------Turn lights on functions------------------------ function CallLightArray( lightArray, turnOnOrOff ) if (#lightArray == 0 ) then if (CurrentState.sleepState == sleepStateMapping.Sleeping) then noLightsSetText = "lightsSleeping"; else noLightsSetText = CurrentState.timeOfDay; end StandardDebug( "No lights set for " .. noLightsSetText ); return; end if not ( CheckIfTable(lightArray, "lights" .. CurrentState.timeOfDay ) ) then return end for i = 1,#lightArray do if not ( CheckIfTable(lightArray[i], "lights" .. CurrentState.timeOfDay ) ) then break end lightItem = lightArray[i]; if (turnOnOrOff == "on" ) then turnLightOn(lightItem); if (lightItem.onTime ~= nil) then keepLightsOn = true; end else fibaro:call(, "turnOff"); --Always turn off, if HC2 light status is not actual. if ( lightItem.currentValue ~= 0) then keepLightsOn = false; StandardDebug("Switch off light: [" .. .. "]'" .. .."'"); end end end StandardDebug( "Lights turned: " .. turnOnOrOff .. " for " .. CurrentState.timeOfDay ); end function turnLightOn( lightItem ) if (lightItem.lightType == "com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch" ) then fibaro:call(, "setValue", tostring(lightItem.setValue)); StandardDebug( "Set: [" .. .. "]'" .. .. "' to Value: " .. lightItem.setValue ); elseif ( lightItem.lightType == "com.fibaro.RGBW" )then StandardDebug( "Turn: [" .. .. "]'" .. .. "' On"); if ( lightItem.setValue.brg~= nil ) then fibaro:call(, "setBrightness", tostring(lightItem.setValue.brg)); else local clrvalues =lightItem.setValue; fibaro:call(, "setColor", clrvalues.R, clrvalues.G, clrvalues.B, clrvalues.W) end elseif (lightItem.lightType == "com.fibaro.binarySwitch") then fibaro:call(, "turnOn"); StandardDebug( "Turn: [" .. .. "]'" .. .. "' On"); end end function CheckPreviousLights( NewLightArray ) if ( previousLights ~= nil ) then for i = 1,#previousLights do local lightItem = previousLights[i]; for i = 1,#NewLightArray do local lightItem1 = NewLightArray[i]; inarray = false; if ( == ) then inarray= true; break end end if not ( inarray ) then fibaro:call(, "turnOff"); end end end previousLights = NewLightArray; end function LightperDayPart( minLux, lightArray ) local newLuxValue = CurrentState.lux; if ( extraLightTriggerChecks() ) then if ( newLuxValue > minLux ) then StandardDebug( "Sensor lux: " .. newLuxValue .. " higher then minValue: " .. minLux .. " : no action"); else StandardDebug("Sensor lux: " .. newLuxValue .. " is lower then minValue: " .. minLux); SetLightValues(lightArray); CallLightArray( lightArray, "on" ); CheckPreviousLights( lightArray ); end else ExtraDebug("ExtraLightTriggerChecks failed, so no lights"); end end function SceneTriggered() if ( CurrentState.homeStatus ~= presentStateMapping.Home ) then ExtraDebug("Presentstate = not at home, so no lights"); elseif ( CurrentState.sleepState == sleepStateMapping.Sleeping ) then LightperDayPart( 65535, lightsSleeping ); elseif ( CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Morning ) then extraMorningFunc(); LightperDayPart( minLuxMorning, lightsMorning ); elseif ( CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Day ) then extraDayFunc(); LightperDayPart( minLuxDay, lightsDay ); elseif ( CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Evening ) then extraEveningFunc(); LightperDayPart( minLuxEvening, lightsEvening ); elseif ( CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Night ) then extraNightFunc(); LightperDayPart( minLuxNight, lightsNight ); else ErrorDebug( "No lights: " .. CurrentState.timeOfDay ); end if (keepLightsOn == true) then RunTimer(); end end function SceneTriggeredByLights( st ) if (st == "off") then ExtraDebug( "light turned off, sleep 4 sec" ); fibaro:sleep(4000); elseif (st == "on") then ExtraDebug( "light turned on, activating timer" ); fibaro:sleep(4000); --TODO: add light to current array. --keepLightsOn = true; --RunTimer(); end end ------------------------STATUS functions------------------------------ function GetTimeOfDay() return LookupGlobal( timeOfDay, "TimeOfDay", "Day"); end function GetSleepState() return LookupGlobal( sleepState, "sleepState", "Awake"); end function GetPresentState() return LookupGlobal( presentState, "presentState", "Home"); end function LookupGlobal( name, stateName, default ) local ps = fibaro:getGlobalValue( name ); if ( (ps ~= "") and (ps ~= nil ) ) then ExtraDebug("returned " .. stateName .. ": " .. ps ); return ps; else ErrorDebug( stateName .. " variable not found"); return default; end end function lightsStatus( id ) --check if lights are already on. allLights = {lightsSleeping, lightsMorning, lightsDay, lightsEvening, lightsNight }; for i = 1,#allLights do for iL = 1, #allLights[i] do local lightItem = allLights[i][iL]; if ( == tonumber(id) ) then if ( lightItem.currentValue == 0 ) then return "off"; else return "on"; end end end end ErrorDebug("Light status unknown"); return "Unknown"; end function GetTimeOfDayLightArray() if ( CurrentState.sleepState == sleepStateMapping.Sleeping ) then return lightsSleeping; elseif ( CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Morning ) then return lightsMorning; elseif ( CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Day ) then return lightsDay; elseif ( CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Evening ) then return lightsEvening; elseif ( CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Night ) then return lightsNight; end end function GetCurrentMotionStatus() local sensorbreached = 0; if (CheckIfTable(motionSensorID, "motionSensorID") ) then for i = 1,#motionSensorID do if ( tonumber(fibaro:getValue(motionSensorID[i], "value")) > 0 ) then sensorbreached = 1; end end else --if not a table, just return the value of the containing ID sensorbreached = tonumber(fibaro:getValue(motionSensorID, "value")) end return sensorbreached; end function GetAverageLuxValue() local luxAverage = 0; if (CheckIfTable(LuxSensorID, "LuxSensorID") ) then if (#LuxSensorID == 1) then return tonumber(fibaro:getValue(LuxSensorID[1], "value")); end for i = 1,#LuxSensorID do luxAverage = luxAverage + tonumber(fibaro:getValue(LuxSensorID[i], "value")); end luxAverage = roundit( (luxAverage / #LuxSensorID), 0 ); else --if not a table, just return the value of the containing ID luxAverage = tonumber(fibaro:getValue(LuxSensorID, "value")); end return luxAverage; end function UpdateLightValues( currentArray ) for i = 1,#currentArray do item = currentArray[i]; newValue = fibaro:getValue(, "value"); item.currentValue = tonumber(newValue) ~= nil and tonumber(newValue) or ( newValue == "true" and 1 or 0 ); if ( item.lightType == "com.fibaro.RGBW" )then color = fibaro:getValue(, "color"); c = {R="0", G="0", B="0", W="0", brg="0" } c.R, c.G, c.B, c.W = color:match("([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)"); c.brg = fibaro:getValue(, "brightness"); item.currentValue = c; end end end function SetLightValues(currentArray) for i = 1,#currentArray do item = currentArray[i]; = tostring(fibaro:getName(; item.OffMode = "NoOverride"; if ( == nil) then = "Unknown"; end item.lightType = GetDeviceType( ); end end function GetDeviceType(itemId) deviceType = fibaro:getType(; if ( idIsInList(deviceType, RGBWDeviceType) ) then deviceType ="com.fibaro.RGBW"; elseif ( idIsInList(deviceType, BinaryDeviceType) ) then deviceType = "com.fibaro.binarySwitch"; elseif ( idIsInList(deviceType, DimmerDeviceType ) ) then deviceType = "com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch"; --elseif( ) then --deviceType = "Philips.Hue"; end return deviceType; end --------------------Helper functions-------------------------------- function CheckLightToBeTurnedOnAgain(lightItem) if not (lightItem.OffMode=="ByScene") then return; end if (lightItem.lightType == "com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch" ) then if (lightItem.currentValue) < tonumber(lightItem.setValue) then return true; end elseif( lightItem.lightType == "com.fibaro.RGBW" )then c = lightItem.currentValue; if (c.R == "0" and c.G == "0" and c.B == "0" and c.W == "0" ) then return true; end elseif (lightItem.lightType == "com.fibaro.binarySwitch") then if (lightItem.setValue == "turnOn" and lightItem.currentValue == 0 ) then return true; end end return false; end function CheckIfTable( array, arrayname ) local tableCheck = tostring( type( array ) ); if ( tableCheck ~= "table" ) then ErrorDebug("Missing brackets for variable: '" .. arrayname .. "', please place extra brackts: { } around: " .. array .. "."); return false; end return true; end function roundit(num, idp) local mult = 10^(idp or 0) return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult end function idIsInList( startSourceId, sensorList ) for i = 1,#sensorList do if ( startSourceId == sensorList[i] ) then return true; end end return false; end --------------------Debugging Functions----------------------------- function StandardDebug( debugMessage ) if ( showStandardDebugInfo ) then Debug( "white", debugMessage); end end function ExtraDebug( debugMessage ) if ( showExtraDebugInfo ) then Debug( "orange", debugMessage); end end function ErrorDebug( debugMessage ) Debug( "red", "Error: " .. debugMessage); Debug( "red", ""); end function TestDebug(debugMessage ) Debug( "blue", "Testing: " .. debugMessage ); end ----------------------START OF THE SCENE---------------------------- SetCurrentStatus(); StandardDebug("Home status: " .. CurrentState.homeStatus ); StandardDebug("Motion status: " .. ( CurrentState.motionState == 0 and "No movement" or "movement")); if (startSource["type"] == "property") then startSourceID = tonumber(startSource['deviceID']); triggerDebug = "Triggered by: " .. startSourceID; if ( idIsInList( startSourceID, motionSensorID ) ) then StandardDebug( triggerDebug .. " Motion sensor" ); if ( CurrentState.motionState > 0 ) then SceneTriggered(); end elseif ( idIsInList( startSourceID, LuxSensorID ) ) then StandardDebug( triggerDebug .. " Lux sensor" ); ExtraDebug( "Lux value changed to: " .. CurrentState.lux ); if ( CurrentState.motionState > 0 ) then SceneTriggered(); end else StandardDebug( triggerDebug .. " Light switch" ); st = lightsStatus( startSourceID ); if (st == "Unknown") then ErrorDebug( "Unknown light trigger" ); else SceneTriggeredByLights( st ); end -- Maybe we can change the light preset to make it more intelligent. -- Maybe we can change the Lux preset to make it more intelligent. end elseif ( startSource["type"] == "global" ) then StandardDebug( "Triggered by: " .. "global variable" ); -- If home status away, we trigger so the current array will be turned off. If motion, turn them on. if (CurrentState.homeStatus ~= presentStateMapping.Home) then TurnOffLights(); elseif (CurrentState.motionState > 0 ) then SceneTriggered(); end else StandardDebug( "Triggered by: " .. startSource["type"] .. " , Not checking the motion state." ); --Just run the Light Code, not checking for motion. Probably triggered manually. if ( startSource["type"] == "other" ) then SceneTriggered(); end end Debug( "green", "© Smart Lights V" .. version .. " | by Control Living, Finished" ); Debug( "green", "-------------------------------------------------------" ); --fibaro:abort(); --otherwise scene will stay alive to long. --UPDATE TILL HERE si quelqu'un a une idée ? merci de votre aide
angelz Posté(e) le 1 avril 2016 Signaler Posté(e) le 1 avril 2016 Bonjour, j'utilise ce script depuis quelque semaine et ca marche bien sauf que j'ai des fausse detection j'aimerais dire au script : si une detection de mouvement, attendre 1 seconde ou plus et reverifier si il y a toujours une detection et seulement la allumer la lampe mais je ne vois pas comment faire. voici mon code : --[[ %% properties 65 value 79 value %% globals TimeOfDay PresentState --]] --[[ Change - XXX value - above. One for motion sensor, one for Light sensor. TimeOfDay global variable and lux make sure that the scene will be triggered when you are already in the room and something changes. Set your settings below, lights and add extra functions Feel free to suggest changes or contact when having problems. It is not allowed to sell or distribute this software and earlier versions without the approval of Control Living © 2014 - 2015 Smart lights by Control Living Version 1.6.7 --]] -------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------YOUR LIGHT SETTINGS-------------------------- motionSensorID = {65}; -- change id for your motion sensor. LuxSensorID = {79}; -- change id for your light sensor. actionDevice = 100; -- change id for your light sensor. --Enter the name of your Global variable. WITHOUT IT, THE SCENE DOES NOT WORK. Capital sensitive! sleepState = "SleepState"; --Sleep globalstate variable. timeOfDay = "TimeOfDay"; --Time of Day Global variable. presentState = "PresentState"; --Present state Global variable. --Enter the values of your global variables stated above. If not using, copy the name in front of the "YourValueName" sleepStateMapping = {Sleeping="Sleeping", Awake="Awake"}; timeOfDayMapping = {Morning="Morning", Day="Day", Evening="Evening", Night="Night"}; presentStateMapping = {Home="Home", Away="Away", Holiday="Holiday"}; -- Set the lux value for which the lights have to be turned on. -- If you don't want to use the MinLux then just set it to: 65535 minLuxMorning = 2500; minLuxDay = 2500; minLuxEvening = 2500; minLuxNight = 2500; --If the current lux value is above the maxlux, the lights will turn off after their set onTime. maxLuxMorning = 6000; maxLuxDay = 6000; --[[ Now the most important part: Here you can enter what light, for how long and at what value has to be turned on. Leave empty brackets for no lights. To set the light value without timer use 2 parameters: {id=LightID, setValue="VALUE"} To set the light value with timer use 3 parameters: {id=LightID, setValue="VALUE", onTime=timeInSeconds } To set the light value for RGBW: use the above, where setValue is: setValue={R="255",G="255",B="255",W="255"} -- RGBW set: {id=LightID, setValue={R="255",G="255",B="255",W="255"}, onTime=timeInSeconds } --]] lightsSleeping = {}; --lights that are triggered when Sleepstate is sleeping. lightsMorning = {{id=actionDevice, setValue="turnOn", onTime=20}}; lightsDay = {{id=actionDevice, setValue="turnOn", onTime=20}}; lightsEvening = {{id=actionDevice, setValue="turnOn", onTime=20}}; lightsNight = {{id=actionDevice, setValue="turnOn", onTime=20}}; --Manual Override, the time that lights will not be turned ON again after manually turning them off. OverrideFor = 90; dimmDownTime = 10; -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------EXTRA FEATURES----------------------------- extraMorningFunc = function() -- Add your extra code here. If you want some checks or maybe run a virtual device button. --This code is always triggered if there is motion. -- movieLights = {{180, "10"},{181, "10"} }; --if (xbmc == "playing" ) then CallLightArray(movieLights); ExtraDebug("Extra morning function called"); end extraDayFunc = function() -- Add your extra code here. If you want some checks or maybe run a virtual device button. --This code is always triggered if there is motion. ExtraDebug("Extra day function called"); end extraEveningFunc = function() -- Add your extra code here. If you want some checks or maybe run a virtual device button. --This code is always triggered if there is motion. ExtraDebug("Extra evening function called"); end extraNightFunc = function() -- Add your extra code here. If you want some checks or maybe run a virtual device button. --This code is always triggered if there is motion. ExtraDebug("Extra night function called"); end extraLightTriggerChecks = function() --add extra checks here. and return the total true or false value. --if returning false the lights will not be triggered. -- for instance: return ( (pcTurnedOff == true ) and (xbmc ~= "Empty") ); -- return true to enable lights to turn on return true; end extraOffChecks = function() --return true to keep lights on. return false; end -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------ADVANCES SETTINGS----------------------------- local showStandardDebugInfo = true; -- Debug shown in white local showExtraDebugInfo = false; -- Debug shown in orange -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DO NOT CHANGE THE CODE BELOW -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- --UPDATE FROM HERE --private variables startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); keepLightsOn = false; timerRunning = false; previousLights = nil; version = "1.6.7"; SavedState = { homeStatus = "", sleepState = 0, timeOfDay = "", lux = 0, motion = 0, startTime = 0 } CurrentState = { homeStatus = "", sleepState = "", timeOfDay = "", lux = 0, motionState = 0, currentLightArray = {} } RGBWDeviceType = { "com.fibaro.RGBW", "com.fibaro.colorController", "com.fibaro.FGRGBW441M" } BinaryDeviceType = { "com.fibaro.binarySwitch","com.fibaro.FGWP101", "com.fibaro.developer.angelz.SwitchLumiereFhem", "turnOn" } DimmerDeviceType = { "com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch" } OffModes = {None, ByScene, ManualOverride } function Debug( color, message ) fibaro:debug(string.format('<%s style="color:%s;">%s</%s>', "span", color, message, "span")); end --Making sure that only one instance of the scene is running. fibaro:sleep(50); --sleep to prevent all instances being killed. if (fibaro:countScenes() > 1) then if (showExtraDebugInfo) then Debug( "grey", "Abort, Scene count = " .. fibaro:countScenes()); end fibaro:abort(); end --------------------------EXECUTION---------------------------------- function SetCurrentStatus() ExtraDebug("Updating current variable statuses"); CurrentState.homeStatus = GetPresentState(); CurrentState.timeOfDay = GetTimeOfDay(); CurrentState.sleepState = GetSleepState(); CurrentState.lux = GetAverageLuxValue(); CurrentState.motionState = GetCurrentMotionStatus(); end function SaveCurrentStatus() ExtraDebug("Saving current variable statuses"); SavedState.homeStatus = CurrentState.homeStatus; SavedState.timeOfDay = CurrentState.timeOfDay; SavedState.sleepState = CurrentState.sleepState; SavedState.lux = CurrentState.lux; SavedState.motion = CurrentState.motionState; end function CheckStatusChanges() ExtraDebug("Status change check"); if (CurrentState.homeStatus ~= SavedState.homeStatus ) or (CurrentState.timeOfDay ~= SavedState.timeOfDay ) then if (CurrentState.homeStatus ~= presentStateMapping.Home ) then TurnOffLights(); else SceneTriggered(); --reset time. end; end SaveCurrentStatus(); -- if we still have a motion then reset timer. if ( (CurrentState.motionState ~= 0 or extraOffChecks() ) and not IsMaxLuxExceeded() ) then ExtraDebug( "Resetting time" ); SavedState.startTime = os.time(); else ExtraDebug("Timer is not reset."); end --any other case, we are not resetting the timer. end function IsMaxLuxExceeded() if (CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Morning and CurrentState.lux > maxLuxMorning ) then ExtraDebug( "Current lux value: " .. CurrentState.lux .. " higher then max Lux Morning: " .. maxLuxMorning .. "."); return true; elseif (CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Day and CurrentState.lux > maxLuxDay ) then ExtraDebug( "Current lux value: " .. CurrentState.lux .. " higher then max Lux Day: " .. maxLuxDay .. "."); return true; end return false; end function LightsOff( lightArray ) local stillLightsOn = 0; local currentTime = os.time(); for i = 1,#lightArray do if ( lightArray[i].onTime ~= nil) then lightItem = lightArray[i]; lightItem.OffMode = CheckManualOverrideItem( lightItem ); --local if ( lightItem.OffMode == "ManualOverride" ) then ExtraDebug("Manual override for light: [" .. .. "]" .. .. " active, not turning on"); goto continue; end --On till: local timeL = SavedState.startTime + (lightItem.onTime); local timeLeft = timeL - currentTime; if (timeLeft >= 0 ) then ExtraDebug("Time left for: [" .. .. "]" .. .. ": " .. timeLeft .. " seconds" ); end if ( timeLeft < dimmDownTime ) then if ( lightItem.OffMode ~= "ManualOverride" ) then lightItem.OffMode = "ByScene"; end if ( (timeLeft <= 0) and (lightItem.currentValue ~= 0) ) then fibaro:call(, "turnOff"); StandardDebug("Switch off light: [" .. .. "]'" .. .."'"); else if ( item.lightType == "com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch" ) then currentValueDiv = roundit(((lightItem.currentValue) / (dimmDownTime)), 0); currentValueNew = (lightItem.currentValue - currentValueDiv); if (currentValueNew <=0 ) then currentValueNew = 0; end fibaro:call(, "setValue", tostring(currentValueNew)); end stillLightsOn = stillLightsOn + 1; end elseif (CheckLightToBeTurnedOnAgain(lightItem)) then ExtraDebug("Turn light: " .. .. " back on"); turnLightOn(lightItem); lightItem.OffMode = ""; stillLightsOn = stillLightsOn + 1; else lightItem.OffMode = "NoOverride"; stillLightsOn = stillLightsOn + 1; end end ::continue:: end return stillLightsOn; end function KeepLightsOnTimer() ExtraDebug("--------------- Timer running ---------------"); ExtraDebug("starting with while loop, to keep lights on"); SavedState.startTime = os.time(); SaveCurrentStatus(); sleepTime = 1000; while ( keepLightsOn ) do ExtraDebug("--------------- next timer run ---------------"); fibaro:sleep(sleepTime); start_time = os.clock(); SetCurrentStatus(); currentLightArray = GetTimeOfDayLightArray(); UpdateLightValues(currentLightArray); CheckStatusChanges(); local stillLightsOn = 0; stillLightsOn = LightsOff( currentLightArray ); if (stillLightsOn == 0 ) then keepLightsOn = RunManualOverrideMode( currentLightArray ); end_time = 0; --if lights turned back on after override. else end_time = os.clock() end elapsed_time = (end_time - start_time) * 1000; sleepTime = 1000 - elapsed_time; end end function CheckManualOverrideItem( currentItem ) --ExtraDebug("Manual override check for: [" .. .. "]" ..; --fibaro:debug(currentItem.currentValue) --fibaro:debug(currentItem.OffMode) if (currentItem.currentValue == 0 and currentItem.OffMode ~= "ByScene" ) then ExtraDebug( "Manual override for light: [" .. .. "]" .. .. " active" ); return "ManualOverride"; elseif (currentItem.currentValue ~= 0 and currentItem.OffMode == "ManualOverride" ) then ExtraDebug( "Manual override for light: [" .. .. "]" .. .. " cancelled" ); return "NoOverride"; end return currentItem.OffMode; --returning current mode; end function RunManualOverrideMode( currentLightArray ) OverrideForAll = CheckIfAllInOverrideMode(currentLightArray); if ( OverrideForAll ) then ExtraDebug("-----------------Override Mode---------------"); OverrideTimer = os.time(); while ( OverrideForAll and (OverrideTimer + OverrideFor ) - os.time() > 0 ) do ExtraDebug("Still in override for: " .. (OverrideTimer + OverrideFor ) - os.time() .. " seconds" ); fibaro:sleep(1000); UpdateLightValues(currentLightArray); OverrideForAll = CheckIfAllInOverrideMode(currentLightArray); motion = GetCurrentMotionStatus(); if ( motion ~= 0 ) then OverrideTimer = os.time(); end end else return false; end -- if ( (OverrideTimer + OverrideFor ) - os.time() <= 0 ) then --time has end. So not continue to run lights loop -- return false; -- end if (OverrideForAll) then return false; --run lights else return true; end end function CheckIfAllInOverrideMode(currentLightArray) OverrideForAll = 0; for i = 1,#currentLightArray do if ( CheckManualOverrideItem(currentLightArray[i]) == "ManualOverride" ) then OverrideForAll = OverrideForAll +1; else return false; end end if ( OverrideForAll ~= 0 and OverrideForAll == #currentLightArray ) then return true; end return false; end function RunTimer() if ( keepLightsOn and not timerRunning ) then ExtraDebug("Starting timer, not yet running"); timerRunning = true; KeepLightsOnTimer(); else ExtraDebug("Timer already running, returning"); end end function TurnOffLights() local timeOfDayArray = GetTimeOfDayLightArray(); SetLightValues(timeOfDayArray); UpdateLightValues(timeOfDayArray); CallLightArray(timeOfDayArray, "off" ); return; end ----------------------Turn lights on functions------------------------ function CallLightArray( lightArray, turnOnOrOff ) if (#lightArray == 0 ) then if (CurrentState.sleepState == sleepStateMapping.Sleeping) then noLightsSetText = "lightsSleeping"; else noLightsSetText = CurrentState.timeOfDay; end StandardDebug( "No lights set for " .. noLightsSetText ); return; end if not ( CheckIfTable(lightArray, "lights" .. CurrentState.timeOfDay ) ) then return end for i = 1,#lightArray do if not ( CheckIfTable(lightArray[i], "lights" .. CurrentState.timeOfDay ) ) then break end lightItem = lightArray[i]; if (turnOnOrOff == "on" ) then turnLightOn(lightItem); if (lightItem.onTime ~= nil) then keepLightsOn = true; end else fibaro:call(, "turnOff"); --Always turn off, if HC2 light status is not actual. if ( lightItem.currentValue ~= 0) then keepLightsOn = false; StandardDebug("Switch off light: [" .. .. "]'" .. .."'"); end end end StandardDebug( "Lights turned: " .. turnOnOrOff .. " for " .. CurrentState.timeOfDay ); end function turnLightOn( lightItem ) if (lightItem.lightType == "com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch" ) then fibaro:call(, "setValue", tostring(lightItem.setValue)); StandardDebug( "Set: [" .. .. "]'" .. .. "' to Value: " .. lightItem.setValue ); elseif ( lightItem.lightType == "com.fibaro.RGBW" )then StandardDebug( "Turn: [" .. .. "]'" .. .. "' On"); if ( lightItem.setValue.brg~= nil ) then fibaro:call(, "setBrightness", tostring(lightItem.setValue.brg)); else local clrvalues =lightItem.setValue; fibaro:call(, "setColor", clrvalues.R, clrvalues.G, clrvalues.B, clrvalues.W) end elseif (lightItem.lightType == "com.fibaro.binarySwitch") then fibaro:call(, "turnOn"); StandardDebug( "Turn: [" .. .. "]'" .. .. "' On"); end end function CheckPreviousLights( NewLightArray ) if ( previousLights ~= nil ) then for i = 1,#previousLights do local lightItem = previousLights[i]; for i = 1,#NewLightArray do local lightItem1 = NewLightArray[i]; inarray = false; if ( == ) then inarray= true; break end end if not ( inarray ) then fibaro:call(, "turnOff"); end end end previousLights = NewLightArray; end function LightperDayPart( minLux, lightArray ) local newLuxValue = CurrentState.lux; if ( extraLightTriggerChecks() ) then if ( newLuxValue > minLux ) then StandardDebug( "Sensor lux: " .. newLuxValue .. " higher then minValue: " .. minLux .. " : no action"); else StandardDebug("Sensor lux: " .. newLuxValue .. " is lower then minValue: " .. minLux); SetLightValues(lightArray); CallLightArray( lightArray, "on" ); CheckPreviousLights( lightArray ); end else ExtraDebug("ExtraLightTriggerChecks failed, so no lights"); end end function SceneTriggered() if ( CurrentState.homeStatus ~= presentStateMapping.Home ) then ExtraDebug("Presentstate = not at home, so no lights"); elseif ( CurrentState.sleepState == sleepStateMapping.Sleeping ) then LightperDayPart( 65535, lightsSleeping ); elseif ( CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Morning ) then extraMorningFunc(); LightperDayPart( minLuxMorning, lightsMorning ); elseif ( CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Day ) then extraDayFunc(); LightperDayPart( minLuxDay, lightsDay ); elseif ( CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Evening ) then extraEveningFunc(); LightperDayPart( minLuxEvening, lightsEvening ); elseif ( CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Night ) then extraNightFunc(); LightperDayPart( minLuxNight, lightsNight ); else ErrorDebug( "No lights: " .. CurrentState.timeOfDay ); end if (keepLightsOn == true) then RunTimer(); end end function SceneTriggeredByLights( st ) if (st == "off") then ExtraDebug( "light turned off, sleep 4 sec" ); fibaro:sleep(4000); elseif (st == "on") then ExtraDebug( "light turned on, activating timer" ); fibaro:sleep(4000); --TODO: add light to current array. --keepLightsOn = true; --RunTimer(); end end ------------------------STATUS functions------------------------------ function GetTimeOfDay() return LookupGlobal( timeOfDay, "TimeOfDay", "Day"); end function GetSleepState() return LookupGlobal( sleepState, "sleepState", "Awake"); end function GetPresentState() return LookupGlobal( presentState, "presentState", "Home"); end function LookupGlobal( name, stateName, default ) local ps = fibaro:getGlobalValue( name ); if ( (ps ~= "") and (ps ~= nil ) ) then ExtraDebug("returned " .. stateName .. ": " .. ps ); return ps; else ErrorDebug( stateName .. " variable not found"); return default; end end function lightsStatus( id ) --check if lights are already on. allLights = {lightsSleeping, lightsMorning, lightsDay, lightsEvening, lightsNight }; for i = 1,#allLights do for iL = 1, #allLights[i] do local lightItem = allLights[i][iL]; if ( == tonumber(id) ) then if ( lightItem.currentValue == 0 ) then return "off"; else return "on"; end end end end ErrorDebug("Light status unknown"); return "Unknown"; end function GetTimeOfDayLightArray() if ( CurrentState.sleepState == sleepStateMapping.Sleeping ) then return lightsSleeping; elseif ( CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Morning ) then return lightsMorning; elseif ( CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Day ) then return lightsDay; elseif ( CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Evening ) then return lightsEvening; elseif ( CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Night ) then return lightsNight; end end function GetCurrentMotionStatus() local sensorbreached = 0; if (CheckIfTable(motionSensorID, "motionSensorID") ) then for i = 1,#motionSensorID do if ( tonumber(fibaro:getValue(motionSensorID[i], "value")) > 0 ) then sensorbreached = 1; end end else --if not a table, just return the value of the containing ID sensorbreached = tonumber(fibaro:getValue(motionSensorID, "value")) end return sensorbreached; end function GetAverageLuxValue() local luxAverage = 0; if (CheckIfTable(LuxSensorID, "LuxSensorID") ) then if (#LuxSensorID == 1) then return tonumber(fibaro:getValue(LuxSensorID[1], "value")); end for i = 1,#LuxSensorID do luxAverage = luxAverage + tonumber(fibaro:getValue(LuxSensorID[i], "value")); end luxAverage = roundit( (luxAverage / #LuxSensorID), 0 ); else --if not a table, just return the value of the containing ID luxAverage = tonumber(fibaro:getValue(LuxSensorID, "value")); end return luxAverage; end function UpdateLightValues( currentArray ) for i = 1,#currentArray do item = currentArray[i]; newValue = fibaro:getValue(, "value"); item.currentValue = tonumber(newValue) ~= nil and tonumber(newValue) or ( newValue == "true" and 1 or 0 ); if ( item.lightType == "com.fibaro.RGBW" )then color = fibaro:getValue(, "color"); c = {R="0", G="0", B="0", W="0", brg="0" } c.R, c.G, c.B, c.W = color:match("([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)"); c.brg = fibaro:getValue(, "brightness"); item.currentValue = c; end end end function SetLightValues(currentArray) for i = 1,#currentArray do item = currentArray[i]; = tostring(fibaro:getName(; item.OffMode = "NoOverride"; if ( == nil) then = "Unknown"; end item.lightType = GetDeviceType( ); end end function GetDeviceType(itemId) deviceType = fibaro:getType(; if ( idIsInList(deviceType, RGBWDeviceType) ) then deviceType ="com.fibaro.RGBW"; elseif ( idIsInList(deviceType, BinaryDeviceType) ) then deviceType = "com.fibaro.binarySwitch"; elseif ( idIsInList(deviceType, DimmerDeviceType ) ) then deviceType = "com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch"; --elseif( ) then --deviceType = "Philips.Hue"; end return deviceType; end --------------------Helper functions-------------------------------- function CheckLightToBeTurnedOnAgain(lightItem) if not (lightItem.OffMode=="ByScene") then return; end if (lightItem.lightType == "com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch" ) then if (lightItem.currentValue) < tonumber(lightItem.setValue) then return true; end elseif( lightItem.lightType == "com.fibaro.RGBW" )then c = lightItem.currentValue; if (c.R == "0" and c.G == "0" and c.B == "0" and c.W == "0" ) then return true; end elseif (lightItem.lightType == "com.fibaro.binarySwitch") then if (lightItem.setValue == "turnOn" and lightItem.currentValue == 0 ) then return true; end end return false; end function CheckIfTable( array, arrayname ) local tableCheck = tostring( type( array ) ); if ( tableCheck ~= "table" ) then ErrorDebug("Missing brackets for variable: '" .. arrayname .. "', please place extra brackts: { } around: " .. array .. "."); return false; end return true; end function roundit(num, idp) local mult = 10^(idp or 0) return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult end function idIsInList( startSourceId, sensorList ) for i = 1,#sensorList do if ( startSourceId == sensorList[i] ) then return true; end end return false; end --------------------Debugging Functions----------------------------- function StandardDebug( debugMessage ) if ( showStandardDebugInfo ) then Debug( "white", debugMessage); end end function ExtraDebug( debugMessage ) if ( showExtraDebugInfo ) then Debug( "orange", debugMessage); end end function ErrorDebug( debugMessage ) Debug( "red", "Error: " .. debugMessage); Debug( "red", ""); end function TestDebug(debugMessage ) Debug( "blue", "Testing: " .. debugMessage ); end ----------------------START OF THE SCENE---------------------------- SetCurrentStatus(); StandardDebug("Home status: " .. CurrentState.homeStatus ); StandardDebug("Motion status: " .. ( CurrentState.motionState == 0 and "No movement" or "movement")); if (startSource["type"] == "property") then startSourceID = tonumber(startSource['deviceID']); triggerDebug = "Triggered by: " .. startSourceID; if ( idIsInList( startSourceID, motionSensorID ) ) then StandardDebug( triggerDebug .. " Motion sensor" ); if ( CurrentState.motionState > 0 ) then SceneTriggered(); end elseif ( idIsInList( startSourceID, LuxSensorID ) ) then StandardDebug( triggerDebug .. " Lux sensor" ); ExtraDebug( "Lux value changed to: " .. CurrentState.lux ); if ( CurrentState.motionState > 0 ) then SceneTriggered(); end else StandardDebug( triggerDebug .. " Light switch" ); st = lightsStatus( startSourceID ); if (st == "Unknown") then ErrorDebug( "Unknown light trigger" ); else SceneTriggeredByLights( st ); end -- Maybe we can change the light preset to make it more intelligent. -- Maybe we can change the Lux preset to make it more intelligent. end elseif ( startSource["type"] == "global" ) then StandardDebug( "Triggered by: " .. "global variable" ); -- If home status away, we trigger so the current array will be turned off. If motion, turn them on. if (CurrentState.homeStatus ~= presentStateMapping.Home) then TurnOffLights(); elseif (CurrentState.motionState > 0 ) then SceneTriggered(); end else StandardDebug( "Triggered by: " .. startSource["type"] .. " , Not checking the motion state." ); --Just run the Light Code, not checking for motion. Probably triggered manually. if ( startSource["type"] == "other" ) then SceneTriggered(); end end Debug( "green", "© Smart Lights V" .. version .. " | by Control Living, Finished" ); Debug( "green", "-------------------------------------------------------" ); --fibaro:abort(); --otherwise scene will stay alive to long. --UPDATE TILL HERE si quelqu'un a une idée ? merci
Domodial Posté(e) le 8 février 2017 Signaler Posté(e) le 8 février 2017 (modifié) Bonsoir à tous, J'ai perdu mon script (je ne sais comment) il n'est plus dans ma HC2, impossible de le retrouver. J'ai voulu le désactiver (car mon oeil sans pile) et puis j'ai du le supprimer à la place En le cherchant chez l'auteur je vois que dans sa dernière version il est payant, par contre je ne sais pas trop ce qu'il a de nouveau... Modifié le 8 février 2017 par Domodial
Rem's Posté(e) le 8 février 2017 Signaler Posté(e) le 8 février 2017 A gauche, dans l'onglet visibilité, tu as "show all". La tu verras tous les modules Sinon ....
Domodial Posté(e) le 9 février 2017 Signaler Posté(e) le 9 février 2017 non mais je l'avais vraiment supprimé heureusement j'avais une sauvegarde grace au HC2 Toolkit
Domodial Posté(e) le 19 février 2017 Signaler Posté(e) le 19 février 2017 Salut à tous, Pour ceux qui utilise ce script, est-ce qu'il fonctionne encore chez vous en 4.110 ? Car j'ai tout repris de zéro, et il ne fonctionne plus. Dans le log la détection se passe bien, il inscrit "On" mais pas de lumière allumé. Il dit aussi souvent qu'il a détecté à 412lux alors qu'il fait 18lux sur le moment... Je ne comprends plus rien en fait. Juste si ceux qui l'utilise peuvent me dire s'il est fonctionnel. Merci
Domodial Posté(e) le 20 février 2017 Signaler Posté(e) le 20 février 2017 bon, le script fonctionne si je bypass les paramètres de Lux. Je vais revoir tout cela ce soir... C'est suite a Sauron qui n'avait plus de pile depuis xxx mois J'ai remis une pile et ça fonctionne pas trop bien... J'ai pas encore controlé les paramètres, mais si c'est perdu parce que plus de pile (je ne pense pas car le réglage est dans la HC2) alors je comprendrais mieux... 1
pepite Posté(e) le 20 février 2017 Signaler Posté(e) le 20 février 2017 Excellent, HS Salut @Domodial, ca va comment ? ta reconversion se précise ? /HS
Domodial Posté(e) le 20 février 2017 Signaler Posté(e) le 20 février 2017 Hello pepite HS Disons que finalement je ne veux pas perdre mon ancienneté et donc je recherche en interne mais ça ne se passe pas bien /HS
Ez3kiel Posté(e) le 20 février 2017 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 20 février 2017 Salut Domodial, pas de soucis chez moi avec le script.Tu as bien gardé les memes ID pour l'oeil de sauron? La valeur de Lux évolue ou elle reste fixe à 418 ? (debug script)
Domodial Posté(e) le 20 février 2017 Signaler Posté(e) le 20 février 2017 (modifié) Merci de répondre Ez3kiel Je galère ^^ Je jongle entre ici et le forum US, mais autant dire que je ne trouve pas la panne. Si je met la valeur lux (matin, soir ou nuit) à 65535 ça fonctionne très bien. Si je met 30 Lux pour minLuxMorning et que ma valeur lux de Sauron est à 0 et bien ça me dit ça dans le log (ce qui est totalement dingue) : [DEBUG] 18:28:01: Home status: Present [DEBUG] 18:28:01: Motion status: movement [DEBUG] 18:28:01: Triggered by: 460 Motion sensor [DEBUG] 18:28:01: Off [DEBUG] 18:28:01: Sensor lux: 0 is lower then minValue: 30 [DEBUG] 18:28:01: No lights set for Matin [DEBUG] 18:28:01: © Smart Lights V1.7.0 | by Control Living, Finished [DEBUG] 18:28:01: ------------------------------------------------------- [DEBUG] 18:28:08: Home status: Present [DEBUG] 18:28:08: Motion status: No movement [DEBUG] 18:28:08: Triggered by: 460 Motion sensor [DEBUG] 18:28:08: © Smart Lights V1.7.0 | by Control Living, Finished [DEBUG] 18:28:08: ------------------------------------------------------- Autrement voici la commande de la lampe du matin (rien de violent) : -- Matin : Spots plafond uniquement lightsMorning = {id=305, setValue="turnOn", onTime=300}; EDIT : je crois avoir un problème de syntaxe, je viens de faire le test avec un RGBW et ça fonctionne... Modifié le 20 février 2017 par Domodial
Ez3kiel Posté(e) le 20 février 2017 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 20 février 2017 (modifié) La syntaxe parait bonne à 1ere vue. Ta lampe du matin est pas sur un FGD par hasard ? Je crois me souvenir qu'il y avait eu une modif dans le script sur les types de modules (vers le passage en V4 ou juste avant ), tu es repartis d'un vieux backup ? Ci dessous mon backup qui logiquement est fonctionnel : Révéler le contenu masqué --[[ %% properties 33 value 35 value 491 value %% globals --]] --[[ Change - XXX value - above. One for motion sensor, one for Light sensor. TimeOfDay global variable and lux make sure that the scene will be triggered when you are already in the room and something changes. Set your settings below, lights and add extra functions Feel free to suggest changes or contact when having problems. It is not allowed to sell or distribute this software and earlier versions without the approval of Control Living © 2014 - 2015 Smart lights by Control Living Version 1.6.7 --]] -------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------YOUR LIGHT SETTINGS-------------------------- motionSensorID = {33}; -- change id for your motion sensor. LuxSensorID = {35}; -- change id for your light sensor. --Enter the name of your Global variable. WITHOUT IT, THE SCENE DOES NOT WORK. Capital sensitive! sleepState = "SleepState"; --Sleep globalstate variable. timeOfDay = "TimeOfDay"; --Time of Day Global variable. presentState = "Presence"; --Present state Global variable. --Enter the values of your global variables stated above. If not using, copy the name in front of the "YourValueName" sleepStateMapping = {Sleeping="Sleeping", Awake="Awake"}; timeOfDayMapping = {Morning="Morning", Day="Day", Evening="Evening", Night="Night"}; presentStateMapping = {Home="Present", Away="Absent", Holiday="Holiday"}; -- Set the lux value for which the lights have to be turned on. -- If you don't want to use the MinLux then just set it to: 65535 minLuxMorning = 30; minLuxDay = 30; minLuxEvening = 30; minLuxNight = 30; --If the current lux value is above the maxlux, the lights will turn off after their set onTime. maxLuxMorning = 300; maxLuxDay = 300; --[[ Now the most important part: Here you can enter what light, for how long and at what value has to be turned on. Leave empty brackets for no lights. To set the light value without timer use 2 parameters: {id=LightID, setValue="VALUE"} To set the light value with timer use 3 parameters: {id=LightID, setValue="VALUE", onTime=timeInSeconds } To set the light value for RGBW: use the above, where setValue is: setValue={R="255",G="255",B="255",W="255"} -- RGBW set: {id=LightID, setValue={R="255",G="255",B="255",W="255"}, onTime=timeInSeconds } --]] lightsSleeping = {}; --lights that are triggered when Sleepstate is sleeping. lightsMorning = {{id=111, setValue="turnOn", onTime=1800},{id=128, setValue={R="255",G="255",B="136",W="255"}, onTime=1800}}; lightsDay = {{id=111, setValue="turnOn", onTime=3600},{id=128, setValue={R="255",G="255",B="136",W="255"}, onTime=3600}}; lightsEvening = {{id=111, setValue="turnOn", onTime=3600},{id=128, setValue={R="255",G="255",B="136",W="255"}, onTime=3600}}; lightsNight = {{id=111, setValue="turnOn", onTime=3600},{id=128, setValue={R="77",G="77",B="41",W="0"}, onTime=3600}}; --Manual Override, the time that lights will not be turned ON again after manually turning them off. OverrideFor = 90; dimmDownTime = 10; -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------EXTRA FEATURES----------------------------- extraMorningFunc = function() -- Add your extra code here. If you want some checks or maybe run a virtual device button. --This code is always triggered if there is motion. -- movieLights = {{180, "10"},{181, "10"} }; --if (xbmc == "playing" ) then CallLightArray(movieLights); ExtraDebug("Extra morning function called"); end extraDayFunc = function() -- Add your extra code here. If you want some checks or maybe run a virtual device button. --This code is always triggered if there is motion. ExtraDebug("Extra day function called"); end extraEveningFunc = function() -- Add your extra code here. If you want some checks or maybe run a virtual device button. --This code is always triggered if there is motion. ExtraDebug("Extra evening function called"); end extraNightFunc = function() -- Add your extra code here. If you want some checks or maybe run a virtual device button. --This code is always triggered if there is motion. ExtraDebug("Extra night function called"); end extraLightTriggerChecks = function() --add extra checks here. and return the total true or false value. --if returning false the lights will not be triggered. -- for instance: return ( (pcTurnedOff == true ) and (xbmc ~= "Empty") ); -- return true to enable lights to turn on local xbmc= fibaro:getGlobalValue("Xbmc_salon"); return (xbmc == "Empty"); --return true; end extraOffChecks = function() --return true to keep lights on. return false; end -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------ADVANCES SETTINGS----------------------------- local showStandardDebugInfo = true; -- Debug shown in white local showExtraDebugInfo = false; -- Debug shown in orange -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DO NOT CHANGE THE CODE BELOW -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- --UPDATE FROM HERE --private variables startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); keepLightsOn = false; timerRunning = false; previousLights = nil; version = "1.6.7"; SavedState = { homeStatus = "", sleepState = 0, timeOfDay = "", lux = 0, motion = 0, startTime = 0 } CurrentState = { homeStatus = "", sleepState = "", timeOfDay = "", lux = 0, motionState = 0, currentLightArray = {} } RGBWDeviceType = { "com.fibaro.RGBW", "com.fibaro.colorController", "com.fibaro.FGRGBW441M" } BinaryDeviceType = { "com.fibaro.binarySwitch","com.fibaro.FGWP101", "turnOn" } DimmerDeviceType = { "com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch" } OffModes = {None, ByScene, ManualOverride } function Debug( color, message ) fibaro:debug(string.format('<%s style="color:%s;">%s</%s>', "span", color, message, "span")); end --Making sure that only one instance of the scene is running. fibaro:sleep(50); --sleep to prevent all instances being killed. if (fibaro:countScenes() > 1) then if (showExtraDebugInfo) then Debug( "grey", "Abort, Scene count = " .. fibaro:countScenes()); end fibaro:abort(); end --------------------------EXECUTION---------------------------------- function SetCurrentStatus() ExtraDebug("Updating current variable statuses"); CurrentState.homeStatus = GetPresentState(); CurrentState.timeOfDay = GetTimeOfDay(); CurrentState.sleepState = GetSleepState(); CurrentState.lux = GetAverageLuxValue(); CurrentState.motionState = GetCurrentMotionStatus(); end function SaveCurrentStatus() ExtraDebug("Saving current variable statuses"); SavedState.homeStatus = CurrentState.homeStatus; SavedState.timeOfDay = CurrentState.timeOfDay; SavedState.sleepState = CurrentState.sleepState; SavedState.lux = CurrentState.lux; SavedState.motion = CurrentState.motionState; end function CheckStatusChanges() ExtraDebug("Status change check"); if (CurrentState.homeStatus ~= SavedState.homeStatus ) or (CurrentState.timeOfDay ~= SavedState.timeOfDay ) then if (CurrentState.homeStatus ~= presentStateMapping.Home ) then TurnOffLights(); else SceneTriggered(); --reset time. end; end SaveCurrentStatus(); -- if we still have a motion then reset timer. if ( (CurrentState.motionState ~= 0 or extraOffChecks() ) and not IsMaxLuxExceeded() ) then ExtraDebug( "Resetting time" ); SavedState.startTime = os.time(); else ExtraDebug("Timer is not reset."); end --any other case, we are not resetting the timer. end function IsMaxLuxExceeded() if (CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Morning and CurrentState.lux > maxLuxMorning ) then ExtraDebug( "Current lux value: " .. CurrentState.lux .. " higher then max Lux Morning: " .. maxLuxMorning .. "."); return true; elseif (CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Day and CurrentState.lux > maxLuxDay ) then ExtraDebug( "Current lux value: " .. CurrentState.lux .. " higher then max Lux Day: " .. maxLuxDay .. "."); return true; end return false; end function LightsOff( lightArray ) local stillLightsOn = 0; local currentTime = os.time(); for i = 1,#lightArray do if ( lightArray[i].onTime ~= nil) then lightItem = lightArray[i]; lightItem.OffMode = CheckManualOverrideItem( lightItem ); --local if ( lightItem.OffMode == "ManualOverride" ) then ExtraDebug("Manual override for light: [" .. .. "]" .. .. " active, not turning on"); goto continue; end --On till: local timeL = SavedState.startTime + (lightItem.onTime); local timeLeft = timeL - currentTime; if (timeLeft >= 0 ) then ExtraDebug("Time left for: [" .. .. "]" .. .. ": " .. timeLeft .. " seconds" ); end if ( timeLeft < dimmDownTime ) then if ( lightItem.OffMode ~= "ManualOverride" ) then lightItem.OffMode = "ByScene"; end if ( (timeLeft <= 0) and (lightItem.currentValue ~= 0) ) then fibaro:call(, "turnOff"); StandardDebug("Switch off light: [" .. .. "]'" .. .."'"); else if ( item.lightType == "com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch" ) then currentValueDiv = roundit(((lightItem.currentValue) / (dimmDownTime)), 0); currentValueNew = (lightItem.currentValue - currentValueDiv); if (currentValueNew <=0 ) then currentValueNew = 0; end fibaro:call(, "setValue", tostring(currentValueNew)); end stillLightsOn = stillLightsOn + 1; end elseif (CheckLightToBeTurnedOnAgain(lightItem)) then ExtraDebug("Turn light: " .. .. " back on"); turnLightOn(lightItem); lightItem.OffMode = ""; stillLightsOn = stillLightsOn + 1; else lightItem.OffMode = "NoOverride"; stillLightsOn = stillLightsOn + 1; end end ::continue:: end return stillLightsOn; end function KeepLightsOnTimer() ExtraDebug("--------------- Timer running ---------------"); ExtraDebug("starting with while loop, to keep lights on"); SavedState.startTime = os.time(); SaveCurrentStatus(); sleepTime = 1000; while ( keepLightsOn ) do ExtraDebug("--------------- next timer run ---------------"); fibaro:sleep(sleepTime); start_time = os.clock(); SetCurrentStatus(); currentLightArray = GetTimeOfDayLightArray(); UpdateLightValues(currentLightArray); CheckStatusChanges(); local stillLightsOn = 0; stillLightsOn = LightsOff( currentLightArray ); if (stillLightsOn == 0 ) then keepLightsOn = RunManualOverrideMode( currentLightArray ); end_time = 0; --if lights turned back on after override. else end_time = os.clock() end elapsed_time = (end_time - start_time) * 1000; sleepTime = 1000 - elapsed_time; end end function CheckManualOverrideItem( currentItem ) --ExtraDebug("Manual override check for: [" .. .. "]" ..; if (currentItem.currentValue == 0 and currentItem.OffMode ~= "ByScene" ) then ExtraDebug( "Manual override for light: [" .. .. "]" .. .. " active" ); return "ManualOverride"; elseif (currentItem.currentValue ~= 0 and currentItem.OffMode == "ManualOverride" ) then ExtraDebug( "Manual override for light: [" .. .. "]" .. .. " cancelled" ); return "NoOverride"; end return currentItem.OffMode; --returning current mode; end function RunManualOverrideMode( currentLightArray ) OverrideForAll = CheckIfAllInOverrideMode(currentLightArray); if ( OverrideForAll ) then ExtraDebug("-----------------Override Mode---------------"); OverrideTimer = os.time(); while ( OverrideForAll and (OverrideTimer + OverrideFor ) - os.time() > 0 ) do ExtraDebug("Still in override for: " .. (OverrideTimer + OverrideFor ) - os.time() .. " seconds" ); fibaro:sleep(1000); UpdateLightValues(currentLightArray); OverrideForAll = CheckIfAllInOverrideMode(currentLightArray); motion = GetCurrentMotionStatus(); if ( motion ~= 0 ) then OverrideTimer = os.time(); end end else return false; end -- if ( (OverrideTimer + OverrideFor ) - os.time() <= 0 ) then --time has end. So not continue to run lights loop -- return false; -- end if (OverrideForAll) then return false; --run lights else return true; end end function CheckIfAllInOverrideMode(currentLightArray) OverrideForAll = 0; for i = 1,#currentLightArray do if ( CheckManualOverrideItem(currentLightArray[i]) == "ManualOverride" ) then OverrideForAll = OverrideForAll +1; else return false; end end if ( OverrideForAll ~= 0 and OverrideForAll == #currentLightArray ) then return true; end return false; end function RunTimer() if ( keepLightsOn and not timerRunning ) then ExtraDebug("Starting timer, not yet running"); timerRunning = true; KeepLightsOnTimer(); else ExtraDebug("Timer already running, returning"); end end function TurnOffLights() local timeOfDayArray = GetTimeOfDayLightArray(); SetLightValues(timeOfDayArray); UpdateLightValues(timeOfDayArray); CallLightArray(timeOfDayArray, "off" ); return; end ----------------------Turn lights on functions------------------------ function CallLightArray( lightArray, turnOnOrOff ) if (#lightArray == 0 ) then if (CurrentState.sleepState == sleepStateMapping.Sleeping) then noLightsSetText = "lightsSleeping"; else noLightsSetText = CurrentState.timeOfDay; end StandardDebug( "No lights set for " .. noLightsSetText ); return; end if not ( CheckIfTable(lightArray, "lights" .. CurrentState.timeOfDay ) ) then return end for i = 1,#lightArray do if not ( CheckIfTable(lightArray[i], "lights" .. CurrentState.timeOfDay ) ) then break end lightItem = lightArray[i]; if (turnOnOrOff == "on" ) then turnLightOn(lightItem); if (lightItem.onTime ~= nil) then keepLightsOn = true; end else fibaro:call(, "turnOff"); --Always turn off, if HC2 light status is not actual. if ( lightItem.currentValue ~= 0) then keepLightsOn = false; StandardDebug("Switch off light: [" .. .. "]'" .. .."'"); end end end StandardDebug( "Lights turned: " .. turnOnOrOff .. " for " .. CurrentState.timeOfDay ); end function turnLightOn( lightItem ) if (lightItem.lightType == "com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch" ) then fibaro:call(, "setValue", tostring(lightItem.setValue)); StandardDebug( "Set: [" .. .. "]'" .. .. "' to Value: " .. lightItem.setValue ); elseif ( lightItem.lightType == "com.fibaro.RGBW" )then StandardDebug( "Turn: [" .. .. "]'" .. .. "' On"); if ( lightItem.setValue.brg~= nil ) then fibaro:call(, "setBrightness", tostring(lightItem.setValue.brg)); else local clrvalues =lightItem.setValue; fibaro:call(, "setColor", clrvalues.R, clrvalues.G, clrvalues.B, clrvalues.W) end elseif (lightItem.lightType == "com.fibaro.binarySwitch") then fibaro:call(, "turnOn"); StandardDebug( "Turn: [" .. .. "]'" .. .. "' On"); end end function CheckPreviousLights( NewLightArray ) if ( previousLights ~= nil ) then for i = 1,#previousLights do local lightItem = previousLights[i]; for i = 1,#NewLightArray do local lightItem1 = NewLightArray[i]; inarray = false; if ( == ) then inarray= true; break end end if not ( inarray ) then fibaro:call(, "turnOff"); end end end previousLights = NewLightArray; end function LightperDayPart( minLux, lightArray ) local newLuxValue = CurrentState.lux; if ( extraLightTriggerChecks() ) then if ( newLuxValue > minLux ) then StandardDebug( "Sensor lux: " .. newLuxValue .. " higher then minValue: " .. minLux .. " : no action"); else StandardDebug("Sensor lux: " .. newLuxValue .. " is lower then minValue: " .. minLux); SetLightValues(lightArray); CallLightArray( lightArray, "on" ); CheckPreviousLights( lightArray ); end else ExtraDebug("ExtraLightTriggerChecks failed, so no lights"); end end function SceneTriggered() if ( CurrentState.homeStatus ~= presentStateMapping.Home ) then ExtraDebug("Presentstate = not at home, so no lights"); elseif ( CurrentState.sleepState == sleepStateMapping.Sleeping ) then LightperDayPart( 65535, lightsSleeping ); elseif ( CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Morning ) then extraMorningFunc(); LightperDayPart( minLuxMorning, lightsMorning ); elseif ( CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Day ) then extraDayFunc(); LightperDayPart( minLuxDay, lightsDay ); elseif ( CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Evening ) then extraEveningFunc(); LightperDayPart( minLuxEvening, lightsEvening ); elseif ( CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Night ) then extraNightFunc(); LightperDayPart( minLuxNight, lightsNight ); else ErrorDebug( "No lights: " .. CurrentState.timeOfDay ); end if (keepLightsOn == true) then RunTimer(); end end function SceneTriggeredByLights( st ) if (st == "off") then ExtraDebug( "light turned off, sleep 4 sec" ); fibaro:sleep(4000); elseif (st == "on") then ExtraDebug( "light turned on, activating timer" ); fibaro:sleep(4000); --TODO: add light to current array. --keepLightsOn = true; --RunTimer(); end end ------------------------STATUS functions------------------------------ function GetTimeOfDay() return LookupGlobal( timeOfDay, "TimeOfDay", "Day"); end function GetSleepState() return LookupGlobal( sleepState, "sleepState", "Awake"); end function GetPresentState() return LookupGlobal( presentState, "presentState", "Home"); end function LookupGlobal( name, stateName, default ) local ps = fibaro:getGlobalValue( name ); if ( (ps ~= "") and (ps ~= nil ) ) then ExtraDebug("returned " .. stateName .. ": " .. ps ); return ps; else ErrorDebug( stateName .. " variable not found"); return default; end end function lightsStatus( id ) --check if lights are already on. allLights = {lightsSleeping, lightsMorning, lightsDay, lightsEvening, lightsNight }; for i = 1,#allLights do for iL = 1, #allLights[i] do local lightItem = allLights[i][iL]; if ( == tonumber(id) ) then if ( lightItem.currentValue == 0 ) then return "off"; else return "on"; end end end end ErrorDebug("Light status unknown"); return "Unknown"; end function GetTimeOfDayLightArray() if ( CurrentState.sleepState == sleepStateMapping.Sleeping ) then return lightsSleeping; elseif ( CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Morning ) then return lightsMorning; elseif ( CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Day ) then return lightsDay; elseif ( CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Evening ) then return lightsEvening; elseif ( CurrentState.timeOfDay == timeOfDayMapping.Night ) then return lightsNight; end end function GetCurrentMotionStatus() local sensorbreached = 0; if (CheckIfTable(motionSensorID, "motionSensorID") ) then for i = 1,#motionSensorID do if ( tonumber(fibaro:getValue(motionSensorID[i], "value")) > 0 ) then sensorbreached = 1; end end else --if not a table, just return the value of the containing ID sensorbreached = tonumber(fibaro:getValue(motionSensorID, "value")) end return sensorbreached; end function GetAverageLuxValue() local luxAverage = 0; if (CheckIfTable(LuxSensorID, "LuxSensorID") ) then if (#LuxSensorID == 1) then return tonumber(fibaro:getValue(LuxSensorID[1], "value")); end for i = 1,#LuxSensorID do luxAverage = luxAverage + tonumber(fibaro:getValue(LuxSensorID[i], "value")); end luxAverage = roundit( (luxAverage / #LuxSensorID), 0 ); else --if not a table, just return the value of the containing ID luxAverage = tonumber(fibaro:getValue(LuxSensorID, "value")); end return luxAverage; end function UpdateLightValues( currentArray ) for i = 1,#currentArray do item = currentArray[i]; newValue = fibaro:getValue(, "value"); item.currentValue = tonumber(newValue) ~= nil and tonumber(newValue) or ( newValue == "true" and 1 or 0 ); if ( item.lightType == "com.fibaro.RGBW" )then color = fibaro:getValue(, "color"); c = {R="0", G="0", B="0", W="0", brg="0" } c.R, c.G, c.B, c.W = color:match("([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)"); c.brg = fibaro:getValue(, "brightness"); item.currentValue = c; end end end function SetLightValues(currentArray) for i = 1,#currentArray do item = currentArray[i]; = tostring(fibaro:getName(; item.OffMode = "NoOverride"; if ( == nil) then = "Unknown"; end item.lightType = GetDeviceType( ); end end function GetDeviceType(itemId) deviceType = fibaro:getType(; if ( idIsInList(deviceType, RGBWDeviceType) ) then deviceType ="com.fibaro.RGBW"; elseif ( idIsInList(deviceType, BinaryDeviceType) ) then deviceType = "com.fibaro.binarySwitch"; elseif ( idIsInList(deviceType, DimmerDeviceType ) ) then deviceType = "com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch"; --elseif( ) then --deviceType = "Philips.Hue"; end return deviceType; end --------------------Helper functions-------------------------------- function CheckLightToBeTurnedOnAgain(lightItem) if not (lightItem.OffMode=="ByScene") then return; end if (lightItem.lightType == "com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch" ) then if (lightItem.currentValue) < tonumber(lightItem.setValue) then return true; end elseif( lightItem.lightType == "com.fibaro.RGBW" )then c = lightItem.currentValue; if (c.R == "0" and c.G == "0" and c.B == "0" and c.W == "0" ) then return true; end elseif (lightItem.lightType == "com.fibaro.binarySwitch") then if (lightItem.setValue == "turnOn" and lightItem.currentValue == 0 ) then return true; end end return false; end function CheckIfTable( array, arrayname ) local tableCheck = tostring( type( array ) ); if ( tableCheck ~= "table" ) then ErrorDebug("Missing brackets for variable: '" .. arrayname .. "', please place extra brackts: { } around: " .. array .. "."); return false; end return true; end function roundit(num, idp) local mult = 10^(idp or 0) return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult end function idIsInList( startSourceId, sensorList ) for i = 1,#sensorList do if ( startSourceId == sensorList[i] ) then return true; end end return false; end --------------------Debugging Functions----------------------------- function StandardDebug( debugMessage ) if ( showStandardDebugInfo ) then Debug( "white", debugMessage); end end function ExtraDebug( debugMessage ) if ( showExtraDebugInfo ) then Debug( "orange", debugMessage); end end function ErrorDebug( debugMessage ) Debug( "red", "Error: " .. debugMessage); Debug( "red", ""); end function TestDebug(debugMessage ) Debug( "blue", "Testing: " .. debugMessage ); end ----------------------START OF THE SCENE---------------------------- SetCurrentStatus(); StandardDebug("Home status: " .. CurrentState.homeStatus ); StandardDebug("Motion status: " .. ( CurrentState.motionState == 0 and "No movement" or "movement")); if (startSource["type"] == "property") then startSourceID = tonumber(startSource['deviceID']); triggerDebug = "Triggered by: " .. startSourceID; if ( idIsInList( startSourceID, motionSensorID ) ) then StandardDebug( triggerDebug .. " Motion sensor" ); if ( CurrentState.motionState > 0 ) then SceneTriggered(); end elseif ( idIsInList( startSourceID, LuxSensorID ) ) then StandardDebug( triggerDebug .. " Lux sensor" ); ExtraDebug( "Lux value changed to: " .. CurrentState.lux ); if ( CurrentState.motionState > 0 ) then SceneTriggered(); end else StandardDebug( triggerDebug .. " Light switch" ); st = lightsStatus( startSourceID ); if (st == "Unknown") then ErrorDebug( "Unknown light trigger" ); else SceneTriggeredByLights( st ); end -- Maybe we can change the light preset to make it more intelligent. -- Maybe we can change the Lux preset to make it more intelligent. end elseif ( startSource["type"] == "global" ) then StandardDebug( "Triggered by: " .. "global variable" ); -- If home status away, we trigger so the current array will be turned off. If motion, turn them on. if (CurrentState.homeStatus ~= presentStateMapping.Home) then TurnOffLights(); elseif (CurrentState.motionState > 0 ) then SceneTriggered(); end else StandardDebug( "Triggered by: " .. startSource["type"] .. " , Not checking the motion state." ); --Just run the Light Code, not checking for motion. Probably triggered manually. if ( startSource["type"] == "other" ) then SceneTriggered(); end end Debug( "green", "© Smart Lights V" .. version .. " | by Control Living, Finished" ); Debug( "green", "-------------------------------------------------------" ); --fibaro:abort(); --otherwise scene will stay alive to long. --UPDATE TILL HERE Modifié le 20 février 2017 par Ez3kiel
Domodial Posté(e) le 21 février 2017 Signaler Posté(e) le 21 février 2017 Hello, Non en fait je suis repartit du nouveau script en 1.7 et j'ai remis mes lignes. Mais hier soir, pour une raison encore que j'ignore et que je pense j'ignorerais encore ça c'est mis à refonctionner correctement ! Truc de dingue en ne sais pas si c'est la reconfiguration douce du Sauron ... ^^ 1
Domodial Posté(e) le 22 février 2017 Signaler Posté(e) le 22 février 2017 (modifié) Juste pour dire que ça fonctionne toujours ! Sauron ne devait pas remonter les Lux correctement. Modifié le 22 février 2017 par Domodial 1
Domodial Posté(e) le 23 février 2017 Signaler Posté(e) le 23 février 2017 Hello, J'ai quand même un problème (et oui ça serait trop beau). Et du coup, c'est à rien ne comprendre. Si j'écrit cette ligne ça fonctionne ! lightsMorning = {{id=544, setValue={R="132",G="0",B="255",W="255"}, onTime=300}, {id=305, setValue="turnOn", onTime=300}}; Si j'écrit cette ligne le module ne fonctionne pas (alors qu'il fonctionne sur la ligne plus haut) lightsMorning = {id=305, setValue="turnOn", onTime=300}; Ce module est un simple On/Off et cette même ligne fonctionnait dans la version 1.6 de smart Light. J'ai posé la question sur le sujet de l'auteur sur le forum officiel, c'est assez déconcertant comme bug.
Ez3kiel Posté(e) le 23 février 2017 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 23 février 2017 Salut Domodial, Afin de tester , je te propose de reprendre le code que j'ai posté plus haut et de remplacer dans ton script toute la partie sous le : -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DO NOT CHANGE THE CODE BELOW -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- --UPDATE FROM HERE Par contre ,fais le dans une nouvelle scene car c'est pas le script 1.7 , il y a peut etre eu un changement dans la nouvelle version Une autre idée , ca marche avec les doubles accolades car tu as 2 devices Mais as-tu essayé avec cette syntaxe ? : lightsMorning = {{id=305, setValue="turnOn", onTime=300}};
Domodial Posté(e) le 24 février 2017 Signaler Posté(e) le 24 février 2017 Hello, Avec les double accolades j'avait essayé direct, mais non ça ne fonctionne pas
schwinny Posté(e) le 22 août 2017 Signaler Posté(e) le 22 août 2017 (modifié) Si quelqu'un peux m'envoyer le 1.6.8 ou 1.7, je suis preneur pour tester avec mes oeils Modifié le 22 août 2017 par schwinny ajout version
schwinny Posté(e) le 26 août 2017 Signaler Posté(e) le 26 août 2017 soucis désolé. Le 20/02/2017 à 17:42, Domodial a dit : Merci de répondre Ez3kiel Je galère ^^ Je jongle entre ici et le forum US, mais autant dire que je ne trouve pas la panne. Si je met la valeur lux (matin, soir ou nuit) à 65535 ça fonctionne très bien. Si je met 30 Lux pour minLuxMorning et que ma valeur lux de Sauron est à 0 et bien ça me dit ça dans le log (ce qui est totalement dingue) : [DEBUG] 18:28:01: Home status: Present [DEBUG] 18:28:01: Motion status: movement [DEBUG] 18:28:01: Triggered by: 460 Motion sensor [DEBUG] 18:28:01: Off [DEBUG] 18:28:01: Sensor lux: 0 is lower then minValue: 30 [DEBUG] 18:28:01: No lights set for Matin [DEBUG] 18:28:01: © Smart Lights V1.7.0 | by Control Living, Finished [DEBUG] 18:28:01: ------------------------------------------------------- [DEBUG] 18:28:08: Home status: Present [DEBUG] 18:28:08: Motion status: No movement [DEBUG] 18:28:08: Triggered by: 460 Motion sensor [DEBUG] 18:28:08: © Smart Lights V1.7.0 | by Control Living, Finished [DEBUG] 18:28:08: ------------------------------------------------------- Autrement voici la commande de la lampe du matin (rien de violent) : -- Matin : Spots plafond uniquement lightsMorning = {id=305, setValue="turnOn", onTime=300}; EDIT : je crois avoir un problème de syntaxe, je viens de faire le test avec un RGBW et ça fonctionne... Développer @Domodial j'ai eu le meme soucis est en fait il faut absolument mettre des double accolades pour un dimmer.. Autour de la ligne 45. RGBWDeviceType = { "com.fibaro.RGBW", "com.fibaro.colorController", "com.fibaro.FGRGBW441M" } BinaryDeviceType = { "com.fibaro.binarySwitch","com.fibaro.FGWP101", "turnOn" } DimmerDeviceType = { "com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch","com.fibaro.FGD212" } et autour de la 140 lightsSleeping = {}; --lights that are triggered when Sleepstate is sleeping. lightsMorning = {{id=98, setValue=60, onTime=60}}; lightsDay = {{id=98, setValue=60, onTime=60}}; lightsEvening = {{id=98, setValue=60, onTime=60}}; lightsNight = {{id=98, setValue=20, onTime=60}};
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