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bon, j'ai décidé de recommencer àzéro : exclude / include.

et voici ce que j'ai après l'inclusion. Pas normal ?

les drop down sont vides


voilà , j'ai quelque chose qui devrait fonctionner, MAIS

  • je n'ai pas pu tout tester, car chez moi il n'accepte que le changement de température, pas le changement de mode (même en manuel)

Il faudra évidemment ajouter les ID de ton Nest Contrôler (le plugin Nest doit être installé) et les id de tes devices ZXT dans le bouton 1 du module virtuel (à  la place de ceux existants).


Le module virtuel va lire les données du Nest toutes les 5 minutes, mais tu peux lancer manuellement en appuyant sur le bouton "Nest", qui est le bouton par défaut.


Lazer, je n'ai pas pu utiliser ta suggestion pour les consignes, car il me retourne une erreur LUA. Bizarre, je regarderai plus tard.

Charles0, peux-tu me retourner ce que le module viturel retourne comme info pour Nest Mode lorsqu'il est en mode "cooling". En mode chauffage, c'est "heat".


Fait-moi savoir si cela fonctionne.


salut jojo 

et merci

bon ca marche a moitié 



le nest et a 24 mais le zxt envoi tout les 5 min 25 deg.

j ai l impression que le programme ne prend pas les instruction du nest


vérifie bien lesID de tous les devices, car s'il y a une chose que j'ai pu vraiment tester, et c'est bien la modification de consigne..


J'ai passé la consigne de mon Nest à  19°C

Puis j'ai appuyé sur le bouton Nest du VD

et environ 15-30 sec après, la consigne est définitivement arrivée au ZXT


Ton Nest est en mode chauffage ou refroidissement ?



salut jojo

mon nest est pour le moment en mode refroidissement 


comment je peut vérifie que l info du nest remonte bien ?


et comment je lui dit d arrêter ?

car j arrête la clim avec ma télécommande et 5 min plus tard elle repart


ps : stp donne moi une photo du module nest pour verifier si c est celui que j ai dans l ID


merci a+ 


dans le VD ici, tu dois avoir les mêmes info que sur ton Nest

ce dont j'ai besoin, c'est la valeur que le Nest envoie lorsqu'il est en mode refroidissement.

Sur le screenshot précédent, c'est Mode = heat


Voici à  quoi ressemble le controler Nest


Je viens de revivifier, et en effet le champ que j'avais utilisé n'était pas toujours mis àjour correctement. Pourquoi ??? Bug ???

Mais par chance il y en a un autre qui semble fonctionner.

Donc remplace le code du bouton Nest par celui-ci (et adapte les id de devices)

-- User Settings
local id = {
	ZXTThermostat   = 697,
	ZXTMode         = 699,
	ZXTFanSpeed     = 700,
    NestControler   = 530

-- DO not change bellow this line
local ZXTThermostat = {
	Heating = "1",
	Cooling = "2",
	Dry     = "8",
	Auto    = "10"
local ZXTMode = {
	Off    = "0",
	Heat   = "1",
	Cool   = "2",
	Resume = "5",
	Fan    = "6",
	Dry    = "8",
	Auto   = "10"
local ZXTFanSpeed = {
	AutoLow    = "0",
	Low        = "1",
	AutoHigh   = "2",
	High       = "3",
	AutoMedium = "4",
	Medium     = "5",
	Off        = "128"

local HC2 = Net.FHttp("",11111)
local selfID = fibaro:getSelfId()

--récupération des infos du Nest
local payload = "/api/devices/"["NestControler"]
response, status, errorCode = HC2:GET(payload)
if tonumber(errorCode) == 0 and tonumber(status) == 200 then
  if response ~= nil and response ~= "" then
	jsonTable = json.decode(response)
    NestSetPoint =["ui.Current__Setpoint_Value_Label.caption"]
    fibaro:debug("NestSetPoint : " ..NestSetPoint)
    NestCurrentTemperature =["ui.Current__Temperature_Value_Label.caption"]
    fibaro:debug("NestCurrentTemperature : " ..NestCurrentTemperature)

    NestMode =
    fibaro:debug("NestMode : " ..NestMode)

    NestAway =["ui.Away_Switch.value"]
    fibaro:debug("NestAway : " ..tostring(NestAway))
    if NestAway == true then
      NestAway = "Oui"
      NestAway = "Non"

fibaro:call(selfID, "setProperty", "ui.NestTmp.value", NestCurrentTemperature)
fibaro:call(selfID, "setProperty", "ui.NestSetPoint.value", NestSetPoint)
fibaro:call(selfID, "setProperty", "ui.NestMode.value", NestMode)
fibaro:call(selfID, "setProperty", "ui.NestAway.value", NestAway)
-- NestSetPoint to number
NestSetPoint = string.sub(NestSetPoint,1,-4)

-- récupération des infos du ZXT-120
local payload = "/api/devices/"["ZXTThermostat"]
response, status, errorCode = HC2:GET(payload)
if tonumber(errorCode) == 0 and tonumber(status) == 200 then
  if response ~= nil and response ~= "" then
	jsonTable = json.decode(response)

    ZXTSetPoint =
    fibaro:debug("ZXTSetPoint : " ..ZXTSetPoint)
fibaro:call(selfID, "setProperty", "ui.ZXTSetPoint.value", ZXTSetPoint)

if NestAway == "Non" then
  if NestMode == "heat" then
    fibaro:call(id["ZXTMode"], "setMode", "1")
    fibaro:call(id["ZXTThermostat"], "setThermostatSetpoint", "1", NestSetPoint)

  else -- NestMode <> "heat"
    fibaro:call(id["ZXTMode"], "setMode", "2")
    fibaro:call(id["ZXTThermostat"], "setThermostatSetpoint", "2", NestSetPoint)
else  -- NestAway = oui
  fibaro:call(id["ZXTMode"], "setMode", "0")

ok la ca marche ca a allume ma clim et meme changer ma temperature.

1 - mais quand j éteins le nest ca ne m éteins pas le module

2 - le module envoi l instruction tout les 5 min. il peut pas verifier si il y a une dif. entre le zxt et le nest et seulment la envoye l instruction si il le faut ?

3 - tu ma demander de te donner les info du module stp dit moi comment pas a pas







1 - tu éteins ton Nest ? Je ne vois pas comment l'éteindre. Peux-tu m'envoyer le son de ton Nest lorsqu'il est allumé, et lorsqu'il est éteint, je vais comparer les 2.

2 - en effet, je voulais n'envoyer la consigne au ZXT que s'il y avait une modification, mais je n'ai pas vu comment récupérer le mode actif (heat ou cool) du device (mais c'est peut-être lié au fait que je pense que celui que j'ai reçu serait défectueux, je suis en discussion avec mon revendeur)

3 - fais moi le même screenshot que celui-ci


Ne m'avais-tu pas dis qu'il faisait un bcp lorsqu'il recevait l'instruction ? C'est un paramètre ? Le mien ne dit rien.

Y a-t-il un paramètre à  modifier pour qu'il remonte la température, moi, je n'ai une remontée de la température que lorsque j'appuie sur le gros bouton du device.

Le module thermostat du ZXT (le 1°) et le module Mode (le 3°) se mette-t-ils bien à  jour chez toi (en mode colling) ? Chez moi non


ok voila sur clim

id: 73,
name: "Nest Clim Panel",
roomID: 18,
type: "com.fibaro.nestThermostat",
baseType: "com.fibaro.operatingMode",
enabled: true,
visible: true,
isPlugin: true,
parentId: 72,
remoteGatewayId: 0,
interfaces: [ ],
view: [ ],
properties: {
currentHumidity: "65",
currentTargetHumidity: "35",
currentTargetTemperature: "24",
currentTargetTemperatureHigh: "24",
currentTargetTemperatureLow: "20",
currentTargetTemperatureType: "off",
currentTemperature: "27",
dead: "false",
deviceControlType: "0",
deviceIcon: "70",
emailNotificationID: "0",
emailNotificationType: "0",
isOnline: "true",
lastUpdated: "-2090472357",
liliOffCommand: "",
liliOnCommand: "",
log: "",
logTemp: "",
manufacturer: "",
mode: "2",
model: "",
mute: "false",
nestID: "02AA01AC03150D55",
nestName: "",
nestStructureID: "",
power: "false",
pushNotificationID: "0",
pushNotificationType: "0",
remoteGatewayId: "0",
saveLogs: "true",
setpointTemp: "24",
setpointTemp2: "20",
smsNotificationID: "0",
smsNotificationType: "0",
state: "999",
supportedModes: "1,2",
ui.Away_Switch.captionOff: "Away: Off",
ui.Away_Switch.captionOn: "Away: On",
ui.Away_Switch.value: false,
ui.Cool_Button.caption: "Cool",
ui.Current__Setpoint_Name_Label.caption: "Current Setpoint:",
ui.Current__Setpoint_Value_Label.caption: "20°C - 24°C",
ui.Current__Target_Type_Label.caption: "Target Type:",
ui.Current__Temperature_Name_Label.caption: "Current Temperature:",
ui.Current__Temperature_Value_Label.caption: "27.13°C",
ui.Current__Type_Value_Label.caption: "OFF",
ui.Heat_Button.caption: "Heat",
ui.Minus__Setpoint_Button.caption: "",
ui.Minus__Setpoint_Button2.caption: "",
ui.OFF_Button.caption: "OFF",
ui.Plus_Setpoint_Button.caption: "",
ui.Plus_Setpoint_Button2.caption: "",
ui.Range_Button.caption: "Range",
ui.Setpoint_Name_Label.caption: "Cooling target:",
ui.Setpoint_Name_Label2.caption: "Heating target:",
ui.Setpoint_Value_Label.caption: "24°C",
ui.Setpoint_Value_Label2.caption: "20°C",
unit: "",
userDescription: "",
value: "27.13",
volume: "0"
actions: {
setMute: 1,
setVolume: 1,
turnOff: 0,
turnOn: 0
created: 1443774089,
modified: 1443774089,
sortOrder: 45
id: 73,
name: "Nest Clim Panel",
roomID: 18,
type: "com.fibaro.nestThermostat",
baseType: "com.fibaro.operatingMode",
enabled: true,
visible: true,
isPlugin: true,
parentId: 72,
remoteGatewayId: 0,
interfaces: [ ],
view: [ ],
properties: {
currentHumidity: "67",
currentTargetHumidity: "35",
currentTargetTemperature: "24",
currentTargetTemperatureHigh: "24",
currentTargetTemperatureLow: "20",
currentTargetTemperatureType: "off",
currentTemperature: "27",
dead: "false",
deviceControlType: "0",
deviceIcon: "70",
emailNotificationID: "0",
emailNotificationType: "0",
isOnline: "true",
lastUpdated: "-2090060195",
liliOffCommand: "",
liliOnCommand: "",
log: "",
logTemp: "",
manufacturer: "",
mode: "2",
model: "",
mute: "false",
nestID: "02AA01AC03150D55",
nestName: "",
nestStructureID: "",
power: "false",
pushNotificationID: "0",
pushNotificationType: "0",
remoteGatewayId: "0",
saveLogs: "true",
setpointTemp: "24",
setpointTemp2: "20",
smsNotificationID: "0",
smsNotificationType: "0",
state: "999",
supportedModes: "1,2",
ui.Away_Switch.captionOff: "Away: Off",
ui.Away_Switch.captionOn: "Away: On",
ui.Away_Switch.value: false,
ui.Cool_Button.caption: "Cool",
ui.Current__Setpoint_Name_Label.caption: "Current Setpoint:",
ui.Current__Setpoint_Value_Label.caption: "20°C - 24°C",
ui.Current__Target_Type_Label.caption: "Target Type:",
ui.Current__Temperature_Name_Label.caption: "Current Temperature:",
ui.Current__Temperature_Value_Label.caption: "27.31°C",
ui.Current__Type_Value_Label.caption: "OFF",
ui.Heat_Button.caption: "Heat",
ui.Minus__Setpoint_Button.caption: "",
ui.Minus__Setpoint_Button2.caption: "",
ui.OFF_Button.caption: "OFF",
ui.Plus_Setpoint_Button.caption: "",
ui.Plus_Setpoint_Button2.caption: "",
ui.Range_Button.caption: "Range",
ui.Setpoint_Name_Label.caption: "Cooling target:",
ui.Setpoint_Name_Label2.caption: "Heating target:",
ui.Setpoint_Value_Label.caption: "24°C",
ui.Setpoint_Value_Label2.caption: "20°C",
unit: "",
userDescription: "",
value: "27.31",
volume: "0"
actions: {
setMute: 1,
setVolume: 1,
turnOff: 0,
turnOn: 0
created: 1443774089,
modified: 1443774089,
sortOrder: 45

et voila éteint 



pour la question 2

il faut aussi compare la temp et pas que le mode


pour ce qui est du bip c est ma clim qui fait quand elle prend un ordre


la temp sur le zxt c est de la ...... elle ne marche pas pour moi et n ait pas fiable


je continue merci a + 


il me semble que j'ai 2 fois le json lorsque le Nest est off : "currentTargetTemperatureType: "off","


Peux-tu me le réenvoyer en mode COOL ?


P.S. tu habites où ?, il fait chaud chez toi, c'est plus agréable qu'en Belgique  ;)

id: 73,
name: "Nest Clim Panel",
roomID: 18,
type: "com.fibaro.nestThermostat",
baseType: "com.fibaro.operatingMode",
enabled: true,
visible: true,
isPlugin: true,
parentId: 72,
remoteGatewayId: 0,
interfaces: [ ],
view: [ ],
properties: {
currentHumidity: "56",
currentTargetHumidity: "35",
currentTargetTemperature: "24",
currentTargetTemperatureHigh: "24",
currentTargetTemperatureLow: "20",
currentTargetTemperatureType: "off",
currentTemperature: "27",
dead: "false",
deviceControlType: "0",
deviceIcon: "70",
emailNotificationID: "0",
emailNotificationType: "0",
isOnline: "true",
lastUpdated: "-2069155291",
liliOffCommand: "",
liliOnCommand: "",
log: "",
logTemp: "",
manufacturer: "",
mode: "2",
model: "",
mute: "false",
nestID: "02AA01AC03150D55",
nestName: "",
nestStructureID: "",
power: "false",
pushNotificationID: "0",
pushNotificationType: "0",
remoteGatewayId: "0",
saveLogs: "true",
setpointTemp: "24",
setpointTemp2: "20",
smsNotificationID: "0",
smsNotificationType: "0",
state: "999",
supportedModes: "1,2",
ui.Away_Switch.captionOff: "Away: Off",
ui.Away_Switch.captionOn: "Away: On",
ui.Away_Switch.value: false,
ui.Cool_Button.caption: "Cool",
ui.Current__Setpoint_Name_Label.caption: "Current Setpoint:",
ui.Current__Setpoint_Value_Label.caption: "20°C - 24°C",
ui.Current__Target_Type_Label.caption: "Target Type:",
ui.Current__Temperature_Name_Label.caption: "Current Temperature:",
ui.Current__Temperature_Value_Label.caption: "26.5°C",
ui.Current__Type_Value_Label.caption: "OFF",
ui.Heat_Button.caption: "Heat",
ui.Minus__Setpoint_Button.caption: "",
ui.Minus__Setpoint_Button2.caption: "",
ui.OFF_Button.caption: "OFF",
ui.Plus_Setpoint_Button.caption: "",
ui.Plus_Setpoint_Button2.caption: "",
ui.Range_Button.caption: "Range",
ui.Setpoint_Name_Label.caption: "Cooling target:",
ui.Setpoint_Name_Label2.caption: "Heating target:",
ui.Setpoint_Value_Label.caption: "24°C",
ui.Setpoint_Value_Label2.caption: "20°C",
unit: "",
userDescription: "",
value: "26.50",
volume: "0"
actions: {
setMute: 1,
setVolume: 1,
turnOff: 0,
turnOn: 0
created: 1443774089,
modified: 1443774089,
sortOrder: 45

voila pour le OFF

id: 73,
name: "Nest Clim Panel",
roomID: 18,
type: "com.fibaro.nestThermostat",
baseType: "com.fibaro.operatingMode",
enabled: true,
visible: true,
isPlugin: true,
parentId: 72,
remoteGatewayId: 0,
interfaces: [ ],
view: [ ],
properties: {
currentHumidity: "58",
currentTargetHumidity: "35",
currentTargetTemperature: "24",
currentTargetTemperatureHigh: "24",
currentTargetTemperatureLow: "20",
currentTargetTemperatureType: "cool",
currentTemperature: "27",
dead: "false",
deviceControlType: "0",
deviceIcon: "70",
emailNotificationID: "0",
emailNotificationType: "0",
isOnline: "true",
lastUpdated: "-2067618988",
liliOffCommand: "",
liliOnCommand: "",
log: "",
logTemp: "",
manufacturer: "",
mode: "2",
model: "",
mute: "false",
nestID: "02AA01AC03150D55",
nestName: "",
nestStructureID: "",
power: "false",
pushNotificationID: "0",
pushNotificationType: "0",
remoteGatewayId: "0",
saveLogs: "true",
setpointTemp: "24",
setpointTemp2: "20",
smsNotificationID: "0",
smsNotificationType: "0",
state: "999",
supportedModes: "1,2",
ui.Away_Switch.captionOff: "Away: Off",
ui.Away_Switch.captionOn: "Away: On",
ui.Away_Switch.value: false,
ui.Cool_Button.caption: "Cool",
ui.Current__Setpoint_Name_Label.caption: "Current Setpoint:",
ui.Current__Setpoint_Value_Label.caption: "30.5°C",
ui.Current__Target_Type_Label.caption: "Target Type:",
ui.Current__Temperature_Name_Label.caption: "Current Temperature:",
ui.Current__Temperature_Value_Label.caption: "27.03°C",
ui.Current__Type_Value_Label.caption: "COOL",
ui.Heat_Button.caption: "Heat",
ui.Minus__Setpoint_Button.caption: "",
ui.Minus__Setpoint_Button2.caption: "",
ui.OFF_Button.caption: "OFF",
ui.Plus_Setpoint_Button.caption: "",
ui.Plus_Setpoint_Button2.caption: "",
ui.Range_Button.caption: "Range",
ui.Setpoint_Name_Label.caption: "Cooling target:",
ui.Setpoint_Name_Label2.caption: "Heating target:",
ui.Setpoint_Value_Label.caption: "24°C",
ui.Setpoint_Value_Label2.caption: "20°C",
unit: "",
userDescription: "",
value: "27.03",
volume: "0"
actions: {
setMute: 1,
setVolume: 1,
turnOff: 0,
turnOn: 0
created: 1443774089,
modified: 1443774089,
sortOrder: 45

voila le cool :



ok, j'ai vu ! j'y travaille ce soir.


Sur mon ZXT, lorsque je le mets en cooling, il revient à  heating

chez toi il reste bien en Cooling après un refresh ?

Pourrais-tu égalment m'envoyer le json de ce device pour en mode Cooling et en mode Heating ? Comme ça je pourrai tester dans quel mode il est et ne faire le changement que si nécessaire


voici le nouveau code du bouton Nest qui devrait prendre en compte si ton Nest est en off.

Peux-tu tester et me dire quoi ?

-- User Settings
local id = {
	ZXTThermostat   = 697,
	ZXTMode         = 699,
	ZXTFanSpeed     = 700,
    NestControler   = 530

-- DO not change bellow this line
local ZXTThermostat = {
	Heating = "1",
	Cooling = "2",
	Dry     = "8",
	Auto    = "10"
local ZXTMode = {
	Off    = "0",
	Heat   = "1",
	Cool   = "2",
	Resume = "5",
	Fan    = "6",
	Dry    = "8",
	Auto   = "10"
local ZXTFanSpeed = {
	AutoLow    = "0",
	Low        = "1",
	AutoHigh   = "2",
	High       = "3",
	AutoMedium = "4",
	Medium     = "5",
	Off        = "128"

local HC2 = Net.FHttp("",11111)
local selfID = fibaro:getSelfId()

--récupération des infos du Nest
local payload = "/api/devices/"["NestControler"]
response, status, errorCode = HC2:GET(payload)
if tonumber(errorCode) == 0 and tonumber(status) == 200 then
  if response ~= nil and response ~= "" then
	jsonTable = json.decode(response)
    NestSetPoint =["ui.Current__Setpoint_Value_Label.caption"]
    fibaro:debug("NestSetPoint : " ..NestSetPoint)
    NestCurrentTemperature =["ui.Current__Temperature_Value_Label.caption"]
    fibaro:debug("NestCurrentTemperature : " ..NestCurrentTemperature)

    NestMode =
    fibaro:debug("NestMode : " ..NestMode)

    NestAway =["ui.Away_Switch.value"]
    fibaro:debug("NestAway : " ..tostring(NestAway))
    if NestAway == true then
      NestAway = "Oui"
      NestAway = "Non"

fibaro:call(selfID, "setProperty", "ui.NestTmp.value", NestCurrentTemperature)
fibaro:call(selfID, "setProperty", "ui.NestSetPoint.value", NestSetPoint)
fibaro:call(selfID, "setProperty", "ui.NestMode.value", NestMode)
fibaro:call(selfID, "setProperty", "ui.NestAway.value", NestAway)
-- NestSetPoint to number
NestSetPoint = string.sub(NestSetPoint,1,-4)

-- récupération des infos du ZXT-120
local payload = "/api/devices/"["ZXTThermostat"]
response, status, errorCode = HC2:GET(payload)
if tonumber(errorCode) == 0 and tonumber(status) == 200 then
  if response ~= nil and response ~= "" then
	jsonTable = json.decode(response)

    ZXTSetPoint =
    fibaro:debug("ZXTSetPoint : " ..ZXTSetPoint)
fibaro:call(selfID, "setProperty", "ui.ZXTSetPoint.value", ZXTSetPoint)

if NestAway == "Non" then
  if NestMode == "heat" then
    fibaro:call(id["ZXTMode"], "setMode", "1")
    fibaro:call(id["ZXTThermostat"], "setThermostatSetpoint", "1", NestSetPoint)
  elseif NestMode == "cool"
    fibaro:call(id["ZXTMode"], "setMode", "2")
    fibaro:call(id["ZXTThermostat"], "setThermostatSetpoint", "2", NestSetPoint)
  else --NestMode == "off"
    fibaro:call(id["ZXTMode"], "setMode", "0")
else  -- NestAway = oui
  fibaro:call(id["ZXTMode"], "setMode", "0")

voila zxt en chaud

id: 52,
name: "ZXT Clim Panel",
roomID: 20,
type: "com.fibaro.setPoint",
baseType: "com.fibaro.hvac",
enabled: true,
visible: true,
isPlugin: false,
parentId: 51,
remoteGatewayId: 0,
interfaces: [
properties: {
parameters: [
id: 25,
lastReportedValue: 0,
lastSetValue: 0,
size: 1,
value: 0
id: 26,
lastReportedValue: 0,
lastSetValue: 0,
size: 1,
value: 0
id: 27,
lastReportedValue: 471,
lastSetValue: 471,
size: 2,
value: 471
id: 28,
lastReportedValue: 255,
lastSetValue: 255,
size: 1,
value: 255
id: 32,
lastReportedValue: 255,
lastSetValue: 255,
size: 1,
value: 255
id: 33,
lastReportedValue: 1,
lastSetValue: 1,
size: 1,
value: 1
id: 35,
lastReportedValue: 0,
lastSetValue: 0,
size: 4,
value: 0
id: 37,
lastReportedValue: 0,
lastSetValue: 0,
size: 1,
value: 0
zwaveCompany: "Remotec Technology Ltd",
zwaveInfo: "6,3,42",
zwaveVersion: "1.12",
pollingTimeSec: 0,
batteryLevel: "0",
batteryLowNotification: "true",
configured: "true",
dead: "false",
defInterval: "0",
deviceControlType: "0",
deviceIcon: "71",
emailNotificationID: "0",
emailNotificationType: "0",
endPointId: "0",
liliOffCommand: "",
liliOnCommand: "",
log: "",
logTemp: "",
manufacturer: "",
markAsDead: "true",
maxInterval: "0",
minInterval: "0",
mode: "1",
model: "",
nodeId: "6",
parametersTemplate: "417",
productInfo: "82,84,1,1,131,119,1,12",
pushNotificationID: "0",
pushNotificationType: "0",
remoteGatewayId: "0",
saveLogs: "true",
smsNotificationID: "0",
smsNotificationType: "0",
stepInterval: "0",
supportedModes: "1,2,8,10",
targetLevel: "24.00",
unit: "C",
useTemplate: "true",
userDescription: "",
value: "22.00"
actions: {
reconfigure: 0,
setInterval: 1,
setSetpointMode: 1,
setThermostatSetpoint: 2
created: 1443774089,
modified: 1443774089,
sortOrder: 96

et voila zxt en froid

id: 52,
name: "ZXT Clim Panel",
roomID: 20,
type: "com.fibaro.setPoint",
baseType: "com.fibaro.hvac",
enabled: true,
visible: true,
isPlugin: false,
parentId: 51,
remoteGatewayId: 0,
interfaces: [
properties: {
parameters: [
id: 25,
lastReportedValue: 0,
lastSetValue: 0,
size: 1,
value: 0
id: 26,
lastReportedValue: 0,
lastSetValue: 0,
size: 1,
value: 0
id: 27,
lastReportedValue: 471,
lastSetValue: 471,
size: 2,
value: 471
id: 28,
lastReportedValue: 255,
lastSetValue: 255,
size: 1,
value: 255
id: 32,
lastReportedValue: 255,
lastSetValue: 255,
size: 1,
value: 255
id: 33,
lastReportedValue: 1,
lastSetValue: 1,
size: 1,
value: 1
id: 35,
lastReportedValue: 0,
lastSetValue: 0,
size: 4,
value: 0
id: 37,
lastReportedValue: 0,
lastSetValue: 0,
size: 1,
value: 0
zwaveCompany: "Remotec Technology Ltd",
zwaveInfo: "6,3,42",
zwaveVersion: "1.12",
pollingTimeSec: 0,
batteryLevel: "0",
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liliOnCommand: "",
log: "",
logTemp: "",
manufacturer: "",
markAsDead: "true",
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model: "",
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productInfo: "82,84,1,1,131,119,1,12",
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userDescription: "",
value: "22.00"
actions: {
reconfigure: 0,
setInterval: 1,
setSetpointMode: 1,
setThermostatSetpoint: 2
created: 1443774089,
modified: 1443774089,
sortOrder: 96
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