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V4.031 Hot Fix - 09-01-2014


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Liste des modifications logicielles 4.031:This version is hot fixing version addressing some of issues reported by users. There are no new functionalites.


4.031 Hotfix


Resolved Issues:


#0002363: Motion sensor parameters can no longer be set


#0002419: Change Icon


#0001983: Icons on Fibaro


Setting Assocations for battery devices


Setting Wake up time for battery devices


Setting Parameters for battery devices



Device Support:


Qees Retoshell Dimmer - added device template


Flush Qubino Dimmer - added device template



Known issues:


Power Mettering may not work properly for some devices

Net Atmo plugin may stop working after few hours due API limits

UBS Temperature is not visivble on iPhone/iPad client

RGBW Controler may not work propery when used in in/out mode

Alarm Panel doesn't work in some specific configurations


Plugins for TV Sets of various manufacturers may not work with its newes firmware due to restricions provided by new devices firmware. There will be added detalied information about suported firmwave versions within plugins.



Satel - adding plugin progress bar disappears during configuration. Please wait about 15 minutes before performing actions on Satel devices.

Devices Polling may not work properly - devices state in UI may be refreshed only after action taken.

Breached sensor with Arm Delay causes instant alarm after being armed

Data range selection in event panel doesn't work properly

Devices imported via Gateway Connection may have no icons

Gateway Connection status of dead device between master and slave controller may be different

Devices not properly configured on 3.X may not be converted properly

Reconfiguration may not work properly in some cases

On mobile clients devices may be visible in different categories than configured

Advanced settings for some imported devices may not work properly

Horstmann Thermostat HRT4-ZW higher battery usage in some cases

Doorlocks some functions may not work properly

Liste des modifications logicielles 4.031:This version is hot fixing version addressing some of issues reported by users. There are no new functionalites.


4.031 Hotfix


Resolved Issues:


#0002363: Motion sensor parameters can no longer be set


#0002419: Change Icon


#0001983: Icons on Fibaro


Setting Assocations for battery devices


Setting Wake up time for battery devices


Setting Parameters for battery devices



Device Support:


Qees Retoshell Dimmer - added device template


Flush Qubino Dimmer - added device template



Known issues:


Power Mettering may not work properly for some devices

Net Atmo plugin may stop working after few hours due API limits

UBS Temperature is not visivble on iPhone/iPad client

RGBW Controler may not work propery when used in in/out mode

Alarm Panel doesn't work in some specific configurations


Plugins for TV Sets of various manufacturers may not work with its newes firmware due to restricions provided by new devices firmware. There will be added detalied information about suported firmwave versions within plugins.



Satel - adding plugin progress bar disappears during configuration. Please wait about 15 minutes before performing actions on Satel devices.

Devices Polling may not work properly - devices state in UI may be refreshed only after action taken.

Breached sensor with Arm Delay causes instant alarm after being armed

Data range selection in event panel doesn't work properly

Devices imported via Gateway Connection may have no icons

Gateway Connection status of dead device between master and slave controller may be different

Devices not properly configured on 3.X may not be converted properly

Reconfiguration may not work properly in some cases

On mobile clients devices may be visible in different categories than configured

Advanced settings for some imported devices may not work properly

Horstmann Thermostat HRT4-ZW higher battery usage in some cases

Doorlocks some functions may not work properly


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Pareil ...en espérant du mieux pour les appareils à  batterie !

Car la sirene ZM1601 ..impossible de la faire marcher avec la 4.030.

Le porte clé KFOB2 ...impossible de faire de sceneactivation  avec la 4.030

Et j'ai pas encore essayé le detecteur de fumée d'Everspring croise les doigts ! :)

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Le principale c'est que Fibaro réagi dans le bon sens on ne peut pas régler tous le probléme en quelques jours il va falloir du temps plusieurs mois je pense.

Mais ils font de gros efforts surtout au niveau communication on ne va tout de même pas leurs reprocher cela

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