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Voici la V4.030 ;)


Pas de surprises pour les utilisateurs de la bêta.


This version mainly concentrate on adding better support and integration for more devices (not only z-wave devices). Important part of software responsible for management z-wave devices was rebuild from the scratch for better support different devices types.

New Home Center (HC) software introduces support for plugins. Plugins give support for new devices and new functionalities without modifying HC Firmware. Plugins can be used for controlling devices via different protocols and standards. Plugins have their own user interface and can call all APIs available on HC. Possibility of installing plugins developed by independent developers will be introduced in next versions.

New functionalities

Drag & Drop for devices and scenes – available on home, devices and rooms screens. Assigning devices to rooms and changing its order is now much easier and faster.
Temperature Panel – allows to see history of temperature changes in rooms and on each device.
Diagnostic Panel – general information about HC working condition like CPU & RAM usage, free space on hard drive. Will be extended in future versions.
Soft Device Reconfiguration - option allows to save settings, parameters and device ID. Thanks to that scenes with reconfigurable device will not require editing. Full reconfiguration will remove and add the device to the Z-Wave network, resulting in the loss of its settings, parameters and change the device ID..
Mesh Network Reconfiguration - available on Configuration -> Z-Wave Network
New Z-Wave engine – redesigned and rewritten from the scratch. Now is faster and has better support for devices.
Z-Wave Door Locks support – controlling and PIN settings.
Thermostats – extended controlling for thermostats from manufacturers like: Honeywell, Trane Corporation.
Extended tamper for sensors – exclusive information for motion detection and violation of sensors.
Fibaro Smoke Sensor extended support – level of smoke and gap to alarm level is reported and visible on charts. Sensitivity level is now easier to set.
Fibro Motion Sensor new device – when seismometer mode is turned on new device reporting tremors is available. Charts for temperature and illuminance. Additionally information about sensor violation.
Device hiding – device that is not in use can be hide without removing it.
Device deactivation – deactivated device is visible in UI but can’t be controlled.
Multithreading added for HC (server and z-wave) – now engines work much faster.
Event panel moved – for better usability now is available in menu on right side of screen.
Pre-Update Confirmation – installing update will prompt user additional confirmation.
Added support for American English (EN-US)
User rights management – moved to Configuration.
Recovery Memory Health - can be checked on Backup & Recovery
Backups has information about compatibility with current HC version
Block scenes improvements – for device only available actions are visible, scene activation block added and logical conditions grouping using brackets.
Lua Scenes – updated tooltips for devices.
Rest API Active Documentation - documentation and ability to test REST API requests, access at HOME_CENTER_IP/docs


Plugins are grouped in categories: Safety, Cameras, Climate, Multimedia, Others
Plugins search
Network devices search via ARP

Plugins category Safety:
DSC Alarm – for DSC Alarms,
Helios Basic – integration using Basic license,
Helios Gold – integration using Gold license
Mobotix – for Mobotix videophone,
Satel Alarm – for SATEL

Plugins category Cameras
more than 100 devices from various manufacturers

Plugin category Climate
Carrier Furance
WS Davis Vantage
Nest - plugin for well-known thermostat
Netatmo - plugin for thermostat and weather station from netatmo

Plugins category Multimedia
LG Bluray
NC + mediabox
XBMC Remote Control
Denon Amplifier
LG Bluray
Onkyo Amplifier
Philips Bluray
Pioneer Amplifier
Samsung TV*
Sony Bluray
Sony TV*

* some TV Sets firmware version may not be supported

Plugins category Other
Philips Hue
Wake on LAN

Other changes

Many other improvements to the system

  • Upvote 3

Enfin ! Ils ont tenu leur promesse !

Qui tente cette mise àjour tant attendue ?

Je vais attendre les premiers retours avant de faire prendre un quelconque risque àmon chauffage en ce jour un peu froid ....


@Sakkhho,Si si c'est possible àdistance mais je déconseille vivement...


Prenez un ticket les serveurs vont tomber sinon :lol: ... hum c'est peut-être déjàle cas !


@Domodial, bon je sais que tu en meurs d'envie... Tu me diras :lol:

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