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V4.023 Béta - 15-12-2014


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Fibaro Home Center 2 v 4.023 BETA.

Beta version is designed for user testing and soon will be released as official.

WARNING! After installing this upgrade backups from version 1.x and 3.x will be retained but hidden because they are incompatible with the version 4.x. In case of update from old version, v1.x, after that update all users will be deleted. Admin password will be reset. Also update to Beta software all devices will be automatically reconfigured to work with new system architecture. Reconfiguration progress will be shown in pop-up window.
This update can last longer than previous. If this update lasts longer than 30 minutes, please go to main HC2 address (e.g.
If "System temporarily unavailable" text will appear during update, please wait - you will be redirected to the main page when all services start.


New Features

Soft Reconfiguration option allows you to save settings, parameters and device ID. Thanks to that scenes with reconfigurable device will not require editing. Full reconfiguration will remove and add the device to the Z-Wave network, resulting in the loss of its settings, parameters and change the device ID.

Resolved Issues

#0001986: Not able to change params
#0002126: New Switch reconfigure Problem
#0002189: Danfoss LC13 E5 error after few days.
Fixed problem with some Z-Wave locks battery reports
Fixed problem with controlling blind lamels via web interface
Communication with Satel devices improved (response time reduced)

Known issues

Important! User Developed Plugins will be removed with this update. Please be sure you have your plugin source code.
Satel - adding plugin progress bar disappears during configuration. Please wait about 15 minutes before performing actions on Satel devices.
Devices Polling may not work properly - devices state in UI may be refreshed only after action taken.
Breached sensor with Arm Delay causes instant alarm after being armed
Data range selection in event panel doesn't work properly
Devices imported via Gateway Connection may have no icons
Gateway Connection status of dead device between master and slave controller may be different
Devices not properly configured on 3.X may not be converted properly
Reconfiguration may not work properly in some cases
On mobile clients devices may be visible in different categories than configured
Advanced settings for some imported devices may not work properly
Plugin for Sony TV will not work with newest Sony Firmware
Horstmann Thermostat HRT4-ZW higher battery usage in some cases
Doorlocks some functions may not work properly

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Bon le soft reconfiguration fonctionne : Il m'a indiqué une Danfoss qui déconnait d'après lui (Pour moi non :)), j'ai lancé la reconfiguration réveil, puis c'était ok. Et en fait désormais il est à  nouveau reconnu comme une tête Danfoss et non plus comme un thermostat !


Par contre mon panneau de chauffage cela à  l'air mort...

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Alors la c'est plus que cool... le SCS est encore mieux reconnu qu'en V4.022. Il se décompose en 2 modules : le Thermostat et la T° de la pièce. (Jc, ton plugin les a devancé lol).


La remontée de consigne entre SCS=>HC2 est instantanée désormais. Très content ça fait 1 an que j'attends ça.


Le diag Zwave est d'une simplicité... 3 modules en cause dans mon installe :


Une Danfoss

Le SCS317

Et un Fgk.


On clique sur "Reconfigure" puis on va réveiller le module. Et le module est de nouveau bien configuré. Le top ! Plus besoin d'exclure le module. Mon SCS s'est configuré en un nouveau thermostat dans le HC2.

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