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Someone can't help.

I'm trying to change my simple VD to QA in HC3 where the countdown starts for a defined time. The countdown works.

In HC2 it worked in HC3 I can't set it.

But: I can't stop it with another button during the countdown. How to interrupt, stop the countdown in HC3 LUA? Can't you help with LUA adjustment?

I was trying it in the lines 12-15 but doesnot work. I can interrupt the function during startup.

QA in Attachment.




function QuickApp:onInit()
timer2 = self:getVariable("timer2")
timer = tonumber(self:getVariable("timer"))
    self.counter = timer*10
if timer == -1 then
    self:debug("SET TIME")
    self:updateView("label1""text""SET TIME")
while self.counter > 0 do
  if self:getVariable("timer") == "-1" then
        self.counter = self.counter -1;
        self:updateView("label2""text""remaining time:  " ..self.counter)
  self.counter ==0
    self:updateView("label""text""SET TIME: 0s")
    self:updateView("label2""text"" remaining times: 0 s")
-- set 10s
function QuickApp:Button10s()
    self:updateView("label""text"" SET: 10s")
-- button STOP
function QuickApp:STOP()
     self:updateView("label5""text""SET TIME: 0s")



Counter (5).fqa


Sorry I don't have time to understand and rewrite your QuickApp, so I just give you a quick tip : you have to use fibaro.setTimeout()

and forget the traditional linear way of programming in HC2's virtual devices, as HC3's QuickApps are now running in an asynchronous way.

There are a few examples of proper ways to code a loop on this forum, you can search for the given function as a keyword.

Le 15. 4. 2022 à 21:23, Lazer a dit :

Prepáčte, nemám čas pochopiť a prepísať vašu aplikáciu QuickApp, takže vám dám len rýchly tip: musíte použiť fibaro.setTimeout()

a zabudnite na tradičný lineárny spôsob programovania vo virtuálnych zariadeniach HC2, pretože rýchle aplikácie HC3 teraz bežia asynchrónnym spôsobom.

Na tomto fóre je niekoľko príkladov správnych spôsobov kódovania slučky, danú funkciu môžete vyhľadať ako kľúčové slovo.

thank you but i'm not a programmer so i guess I can't do it alone.

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