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Intégration station Netatmo dans HC3


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Il y a 23 heures, mprinfo a dit :

Perso je n'utilise plus ma station netatmo avec ma hc3

Idem depuis près d'un an je m'en suis débarrassé.


Il y a 23 heures, mprinfo a dit :

Cela me confirme que les solutions cloud ne sont pas des solutions pérennes sur le long therme

Voilà c'est la raison principale de cet abandon

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Salut @jojo,

Ma version nécessite que les utilisateurs se connectent à Netatmo et ajoutent leurs propres applications avec l'ID client, le secret client et les jetons générés. De plus, ma version prend en charge les unités de mesure sélectionnées par l'utilisateur, par exemple, si vous modifiez l'unité de vitesse du vent de km/h à m/s, celle-ci est également correctement mise à jour sur QA. Prend également en charge plusieurs stations avec des capteurs de pluie et de vent et des modules intérieurs supplémentaires.

Dès que j'aurai fini de créer le contrôle qualité Advanced Notification Center (ANC), je mettrai à jour tout mon contrôle qualité pour envoyer des notifications. Identique à mon ANC pour HC2, il prendra en charge le courrier électronique Fibaro, le push et le push interactif, Pushover, WhatsApp, Signal, Groupme et Telegram. Il y aura également un support pour LaMetric Clock et Sonos TTS :)

Ma version peut être trouvée ici :


Hi @jojo,


My version requires users to login to Netatmo and add their own apps with client ID, client secret and generated tokens. Also, my version support user selected measuring units, for example, if you change wind speed unit from km/h to m/s then this is also properly updated on QA. Also, supports more than one station with rain and wind sensors and additional indoor modules.


As soon as I finish making Advanced Notification Center (ANC) QA then I will update all my QA to send notifications. Same as my ANC for HC2 it will support Fibaro e-mail, push and interactive push, Pushover, WhatsApp, Signal, Groupme and Telegram. There will be also support for LaMetric Clock and Sonos TTS :)


My version can be found here:


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@Sankotronic, ok, so its is 3 hours as announced by Legrand for 2 month.

For me on HC2 is it still working without that, I think the have not migrate alls servers to this new authentification system...


Juste a question, any solution for HC2 version (I think not but... :))...

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Salut @Nico,


La solution de station météo Netatmo pour HC2 avec un nouveau type d'octroi de code d'autorisation est disponible dans la section de téléchargement du forum Fibaro :


Il existe également UHAS (Universal Home Automation System) pour HC2 qui contient la station météo Netatmo, la solution Netatmo Air Quality et Netatmo Cameras. Les utilisateurs n'ont pas besoin d'installer le package complet, mais les modules de traduction, de planification, de système et de notification doivent être installés pour que les autres solutions fonctionnent pleinement. UHAS est disponible dans la section de téléchargement du forum Fibaro :


(Google translate :))


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Hi @Nico,


I'm still learning LUA for HC3 myself. Since Fibaro does not provide nothing but basic developer information it takes time to understand all the possibilities that HC3 provides. My plan is to migrate UHAS for HC2 to HC3 and all my currently published work for HC3 is result of my learning and testing.


Since I'm still learner myself, I can try to help with migration, but for free. :)

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Il y a 23 heures, Sankotronic a dit :

My version requires users to login to Netatmo and add their own apps with client ID, client secret and generated tokens. Also, my version support user selected measuring units, for example, if you change wind speed unit from km/h to m/s then this is also properly updated on QA. Also, supports more than one station with rain and wind sensors and additional indoor modules.


I will replace the installed version by yours and hope it will be better

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il y a 48 minutes, jojo a dit :

Great QA !


Just working on Netatmo Weather Station QA new version 1.2 that will have better checking for communication with Netatmo servers, also added variable "connection" that can be used to check status of connection with e.g. GEA. Also, wind direction is now moved to measuring unit instead on QA log label so can be seen on mobile app:


Netatmowinddirectiondisplay.png.2ecc17feab1f3b09608b544a170d48e9.png Netatmowinddirectionmobileapp.PNG.6130b961ae694621739422b6dd8e9ee8.PNG


Same improvements will be added to my Netatmo Air Quality QA and weather providers (OpenWeatherMap, WeatherBit and Weather Underground) that I also working on.


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il y a une heure, mprinfo a dit :

Migrating to hc3?


Hi @mprinfo,

Yes, definitely migrating from HC2 to HC3.


il y a une heure, mprinfo a dit :

Is this the best solution?

For me this is the best solution. Don't know for other people, it all depends on what someone needs and expects :) What do you expect?

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Je suis sous hc3 depuis ça sortie

Je posais cette question pour Nico

Perso je ne fais plus beaucoup de domotique ma hc3 me suffit surtout que mon installation est a 90% zwave.

Le soucis avec fibaro c'est le multi protocole.

On voit bien qu'aujourd'hui le zwave n'a plus la côte sûrement dû au prix élevé des modules

Envoyé de mon Pixel 8 Pro en utilisant Tapatalk

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Il y a 16 heures, Sankotronic a dit :

Just working on Netatmo Weather Station QA new version 1.2

Since you work on a next version, could you please include what I consider a VERY small bug :

To comply with my HC3 naming convention, I changed the name of the child devices.

And after a few minutes, it comes back to the original name.

This is also important to keep the one provided, as we do use an automatic Devices name/id generator for eg GEA.

Thank you.

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Hi @mprinfo,


I do understand that ZigBee devices are cheaper than z-wave, but there is a good reason for that. Anyway, as I wrote, it all depends on what is expected. I'm very happy with z-wave and only ZigBee devices I have is Philips HUE lighting.



Hi @jojo,

I added variable "auto_name" to all my QA that add child devices and if value is set to 'false' then QA will not change child devices names.


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Hello @Sankotronic, I have an error that has been appearing since today. Do you know what it corresponds to?

[19.06.2024] [18:42:07] [DEBUG] [QA_NETATMO_1348]: Station [1] updated Il y a 01 minutes
[19.06.2024] [18:42:11] [DEBUG] [QA_NETATMO_1348]: ERROR Credentials data is missing


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Hi @fredokl,


there are four variables that are required for QA to work:

  • client_id - you get when you login to Netatmo Connect and add new app under 'My apps'
  • client_secret - same as client_id you get with adding app
  • access_token & refresh_token - after adding app, on the bottom of the page there is token generator. For scope you select read_station and click on button Generate Token. You will be directed to your account page to confirm making new tokens and then you will get both tokens which you need to paste to variables on QA and save.

Above error is printed by checkSettings() function after QA reads all its local variables.

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@SankotronicAnd @jojo. I had already changed my "Access Token" and my "Refresh Token" and it didn't work.

I just regenerated these two elements and checked the other elements of the variables and I always get the same error.

What is strange is that I have the data going up because it is the same as on the Netatmo application.

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Hi @fredokl,


Function checkSettings() just checks if any of the 4 credential variables: client_id, client_secret, access_token and refresh_token contain either empty string or default value "-" and if they do, then that ERROR is printed.


Netatmo QA version 1.1 checks credentials on every connection to the Netatmo servers and I guess that one or both tokens where not received correctly.

In new version 1.2 I added more checks and more information printed. It is possible that Netatmo servers from time to time do not return new tokens, so I will correct code to keep current ones in that case.


BTW - I noticed today that my Netatmo weather QA also lost connection due to bad tokens. So, there is something wrong on Netatmo side too. ;)

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