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Bonjour @Dragoniacs

Alors peux tu nous donner ta ligne concernée stp ?


Et peux tu faire ceci depuis un navigateur : http://iphc2/api/devices/iddudeviceen batteriefaible


et nous donner le chiffre qui se trouve derriere BatteryLevel stp ?  Merciii

Modifié par pepite
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Humf.... l'API me donne en retour : "30"...

et ma ligne regarde les batteries inférieur à 30.... ->   GEA.add({{"Batteries", 30},{"Time","20:00"}}, 30, "Il y a des batteries faibles, merci de vérifier")


Ceci explique cela ?

Je vais essayer de passer le critère à 40 alors :)


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I have a problem that happens from time to time. I dont know if its the GEA code or the actual wallplug that couses this behavour. 

The problem is that at 10PM when the light supose to turn off, it turns off but goes immedately back to on. 

I cant recall whats cousing this "back to on" trigger. The actual light is only used in my GEA code and only in these lines.


The "HALL_WALL" value is added as trigger in the top, to avoid the light to be turned off.


Whats cousing this?


GEA.add({"Time", "06:00", "06:02"}, 30, "", {"turnOn", id["HALL_WALL"]})
GEA.add({{"Days", "Weekdays"},{"Time", "09:00", "09:02"}}, 30, "", {"turnOff", id["HALL_WALL"]}) 
GEA.add({"Time", "Sunset-35", "Sunset-30"}, 30, "", {"turnOn", id["HALL_WALL"]})
GEA.add({"Time", "22:00", "22:02"}, 30, "", {"turnOff", id["HALL_WALL"]})
GEA.add({{"Value", id["HALL_WALL"], 0}, {"Time", "Sunset-35", "21:59"}}, -1, "", {"TurnOn", id["HALL_WALL"]})


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hi @Kristiano,


il y a 13 minutes, Kristiano a dit :

The "HALL_WALL" value is added as trigger in the top, to avoid the light to be turned off.

to be turned OFF and Turned ON with this line :

GEA.add({{"Value", id["HALL_WALL"], 0}, {"Time", "Sunset-35", "21:59"}}, -1, "", {"TurnOn", id["HALL_WALL"]})

And this line :

GEA.add({"Time", "22:00", "22:02"}, 30, "", {"turnOff", id["HALL_WALL"]})


When you turnOff to 10 pm, the first line with trigger turnOn too ;-)


Don't forget that GEA turns every 30 sec, 21:59 and 22:00 maybe in conflict. Try to modify time and take the habit to test like this :


GEA.add({id["HALL_WALL"], {"Time", "22:00", "22:02"} }, 30, "", {"turnOff", id["HALL_WALL"]})


GEA.add({id["HALL_WALL"], {"Time", "22:00", "22:02"} }, 30, "", {"turnOff"})


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Yes but thats why i set the "force to keep it on to Sunset -> 21.59 rather then 22.00.


The turn off is set to 22.00.


So when if time is 21.59 and gets turned of manually the system will trigger a turnon.

But if time were 22.00 it would not happen, and since the trigger for off is at 22.00 ->22.02 it should not get forced?


i dont get it

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I think 21:59 is too nearby to 22:00 for GEA try with 21:57 or less and test.


Each time you turnOff manually or automatically in this period :

{"Time", "Sunset-35", "21:59"}

, this line , with the trigger in the head ,will  turnOn

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il y a 5 minutes, pepite a dit :

I think 21:59 or less and test.


Each time you turnOff manually or automatically in this period:


, this line, with the trigger in the head, will turnOn

Exactly! But the only automated turn off is at 22.00 and thats after 21.59. So it should not be considered.

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Bonjour a tous,


J'aime quand un pb arrive alors que rien ne bouge.


En effet je n'ai pas fait l'update 4.160 , je n'ai rien touché a mon GEA, hier tous a super bien fonctionné et pourtant ce matin patatras :( 


Monsieur GEA refuse de mettre a jour une variable globale je vais voir dedans et voici le msg que je trouve :



[DEBUG] 03:41:00: [1;31m2018-01-25 03:41:00.981561 [ fatal] LUA error: /usr/share/lua/5.2/json/decode/util.lua:35: unexpected character @ character: 1 0:1 [] line:

[DEBUG] 03:41:00: 



Rebot de la box par acquis de consciences .... Rien ... donc à 6h la box n'est pas passé sur la variable globale adéquate .


Mais à l'instant à 8h elle a bien voulu changer ....


Très étrange ...


Maintenant donc ne soit pas de pb mais si vous connaissiez la raison je peux peut être corriger ce petit pb , mme n'étais pas content. dans la cuisine avec seulement les bandeaux de LED pour préparer le petit déjeuner LoL



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C'est mon script bateau qui gère le changement de variable suivant l'heure et qui a toujours très bien fonctionné


-- Pour en bas

  -- Tous les jours à 08:00
GEA.add( true, 30, "", { {"Time", "08:00", "08:00"}, 
    {"Global", "TimeOfDay", "Morning"} })

-- Tous les jours à 10:00
GEA.add( true, 30, "", { {"Time", "10:00", "10:00"}, 
    {"Global", "TimeOfDay", "Day"} } )

-- Tous les jours à 20:00
GEA.add( true, 30, "", { {"Time", "20:00", "20:00"}, 
    {"Global", "TimeOfDay", "Evening"} } )

-- Tous les jours à 23:00
GEA.add( true, 30, "", { {"Time", "23:00", "23:00"}, 
    {"Global", "TimeOfDay", "Night"} } )

-- Pour la cuisine :

  -- Tous les jours à 06:00
GEA.add( true, 30, "", { {"Time", "06:00", "06:00"}, 
    {"Global", "TimeOfDay1", "Wakeup"} })

-- Tous les jours à 08:00
GEA.add( true, 30, "", { {"Time", "08:00", "08:00"}, 
    {"Global", "TimeOfDay1", "PauseAM"} } )

-- Tous les jours à 11:00
GEA.add( true, 30, "", { {"Time", "11:00", "11:00"}, 
    {"Global", "TimeOfDay1", "Midi"} } )
    -- Tous les jours à 13:00
GEA.add( true, 30, "", { {"Time", "13:00", "13:00"}, 
    {"Global", "TimeOfDay1", "PauseAP"} } )
-- Tous les jours à 17:00
GEA.add( true, 30, "", { {"Time", "17:00", "17:00"}, 
    {"Global", "TimeOfDay1", "Diner"} } )

-- Tous les jours à 20:00
GEA.add( true, 30, "", { {"Time", "20:00", "20:00"}, 
    {"Global", "TimeOfDay1", "Soir"} } )

  -- Tous les jours à 22:00
GEA.add( true, 30, "", { {"Time", "22:00", "22:00"}, 
    {"Global", "TimeOfDay1", "Nuit"} })


et le Debug ne donnait pas plus d'info


[DEBUG] 03:41:00: @1331550s [Validation] #12 [true][Time, ["13:00","13:00"]] | 30 | | [Global, ["TimeOfDay1","PauseAP"]]

[DEBUG] 03:41:00: [1;31m2018-01-25 03:41:00.981561 [ fatal] LUA error: /usr/share/lua/5.2/json/decode/util.lua:35: unexpected character @ character: 1 0:1 [] line:

[DEBUG] 03:41:00: 


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Il y a 21 heures, Steven a dit :

Sounds like a bug :( but where and why ? I agree with @pepite (for once ;)) , just try 21:57 instead of 21:59 to try.

I am currently working on {"Time"} because we found some trouble about it but not your case, not yet.

Thinking open minded, is it possible that the script starts at 21:59 and the the validation of the condition is true to turn it back on and then while passing on to the line to turn the light off the times goes and the clock reaches 22.00 and that condition is also true?

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il y a une heure, Kristiano a dit :

Thinking open minded, is it possible that the script starts at 21:59 and the the validation of the condition is true to turn it back on and then while passing on to the line to turn the light off the times goes and the clock reaches 22.00 and that condition is also true?

Yep, this can happen, this is exactly what we are testing now and seems to be corrected in coming next release.

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Il y a 4 heures, pepite a dit :

Ah oui, rien de particulier ;-)


Peux tu essayer comme ceci :


-- Tous les jours à 08:00


GEA.add( {"Time", "08:00", "08:01"}, 30, "", {"Global", "TimeOfDay", "Morning"} )




Vue que le BUG n'est pas revenue je em tâte a changer LoL c'est pour qu'elle version de GEA ça ?

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