robisette Posté(e) le 10 avril 2018 Signaler Posté(e) le 10 avril 2018 Bonjour a tous, Je dois allumer les lumières dès qu'il fait noir et s'éteindre à 23h30, j'ai déjà une scène qui varie une variable du jour au soir, et j'ai créé la scène ci-dessous, malheureusement la nuit je trouve les lumières allumées, quelle erreur ? " --[[ %% autostart %% properties %% globals --]] -- check script instance count in memory if (fibaro:countScenes() > 1) then fibaro:debug("Script already running."); fibaro:abort(); end fibaro:debug( .. " - Script start"); function tempFunc() local currentDate ="*t"); if fibaro:getGlobalValue("Giorno_Notte") == "Notte" and ((currentDate.wday == 1 or currentDate.wday == 2 or currentDate.wday == 3 or currentDate.wday == 4 or currentDate.wday == 5 or currentDate.wday == 6 or currentDate.wday == 7) and (string.format("%02d", currentDate.hour) .. ":" .. string.format("%02d", currentDate.min) < "23:30") ) then fibaro:call(316, "turnOn"); fibaro:call(47, "turnOn"); fibaro:call(49, "turnOn"); fibaro:debug("ON"); -- MULTIPE MORE THINGS AT DIFFERENT TIMES.... end if ((currentDate.wday == 1 or currentDate.wday == 2 or currentDate.wday == 3 or currentDate.wday == 4 or currentDate.wday == 5 or currentDate.wday == 6 or currentDate.wday == 7) and (string.format("%02d", currentDate.hour) .. ":" .. string.format("%02d", currentDate.min) == "23:30") ) then fibaro:call(316, "turnOff"); fibaro:call(47, "turnOff"); fibaro:call(49, "turnOff"); fibaro:debug("OFF"); -- MULTIPE MORE THINGS AT DIFFERENT TIMES.... end setTimeout(tempFunc, 60*1000); end tempFunc() -- initial start when the scence is started "
Steven Posté(e) le 10 avril 2018 Signaler Posté(e) le 10 avril 2018 Perso, je ferais ainsi : - Allumage des lumières lorsque la variable Giorno_Notte passe à "Notte" - Déclenchement du setTimeout - Si >= 23:30 alors on éteint. --[[ %% properties %% globals Giorno_Notte --]] -- check script instance count in memory if (fibaro:countScenes() > 1) then fibaro:debug("Script already running."); fibaro:abort(); end fibaro:debug( .. " - Script start"); function tempFunc() local currentDate ="*t"); if (string.format("%02d", currentDate.hour) .. ":" .. string.format("%02d", currentDate.min) >= "23:30") then fibaro:call(316, "turnOff"); fibaro:call(47, "turnOff"); fibaro:call(49, "turnOff"); fibaro:debug("OFF"); -- MULTIPE MORE THINGS AT DIFFERENT TIMES.... end setTimeout(tempFunc, 60*1000); end if (fibaro:getGlobalValue("Giorno_Notte") == "Notte") then fibaro:call(316, "turnOn"); fibaro:call(47, "turnOn"); fibaro:call(49, "turnOn"); fibaro:debug("ON"); -- MULTIPE MORE THINGS AT DIFFERENT TIMES.... tempFunc(); end
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