pepite Posté(e) le 20 mars 2018 Signaler Posté(e) le 20 mars 2018 ok tout compris ;-) merci @Did Je suis très en avance, mais qu'as tu pour tes arroseurs ?
Did Posté(e) le 20 mars 2018 Signaler Posté(e) le 20 mars 2018 Je n'ai pas mis d'arroseurs mais des tuyères RainBird 1804 SAM-PRS (c'est pour des surfaces moins grandes et donc qui consomment moins, après tu gères la durée pour compenser). Tu ajoutes ensuite les buses Uni Spray SÉRIE 8 à 18 VAN selon les diamètres que tu veux arroser, c'est assez souple mais il faut respecter la somme des charges des buses et aussi celles des longueurs de tuyaux et coudes ou tés en souterrain. 1
Delacoste Posté(e) le 20 mars 2018 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 20 mars 2018 Il y a 9 heures, pepite a dit : ------------------------------------------------------ -- Customize the following data (GARDENA smartsystem) ------------------------------------------------------ local username = '' local password = 'yourpassword' Ensuite vérifie si ces variables globales sont créées : addGlobal('gardena_parameters', "") addGlobal('gardena_command', "") addGlobal('gardena_userid', "") addGlobal('gardena_token', "") addGlobal('gardena_location', "") ' pepite, excuse moi pour ma naïveté mais ou as-tu trouvé cela? quel script? et comment?
pepite Posté(e) le 20 mars 2018 Signaler Posté(e) le 20 mars 2018 @Delacoste c'est dans smart system status scene
Delacoste Posté(e) le 20 mars 2018 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 20 mars 2018 il me donne ce message que signifie-t'il?
pepite Posté(e) le 20 mars 2018 Signaler Posté(e) le 20 mars 2018 ca progresse ;-) Regarde dans le panneau de variables si tu as la variable "gardena_userid", sinon crée la manuellement pour voir.
pepite Posté(e) le 20 mars 2018 Signaler Posté(e) le 20 mars 2018 Et lis ceci suite a ton erreur qu'a eu un autre utiisateur. A priori, faut recreer les variables et arreter plsuieurs fois et relancer plusieurs fois le script. Laréponse du créateur du VD Citation @Daniel. The function gAuth takes your specified Gardena username and password to login to the Gardena portal. The debug log shows that the authentication request is successful. It then proceeds to retrieve a token and user_id from the Gardena site. Once retrieved it will create global variables gardena_token and gardena_userid (if they don't exist already). Thereafter it will write the retrieved roken and user_id to these global variables. The next functions in the script rely on the information contained in the global variables to execute (or they will fail with a LUA error). The first time that the status script is run, the global variable information may not yet be available to the functions that need it. What would resolve this, is stopping and starting the script a number of time. You can also check if the global variables gardena_token and gardena_userid do indeed exist and have information contained within them.
Delacoste Posté(e) le 20 mars 2018 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 20 mars 2018 il y a 26 minutes, pepite a dit : A priori, faut recreer les variables et arreter plsuieurs fois et relancer plusieurs fois le script. tu entends quoi par ça? MERCI --[[ %% properties %% autostart %% globals --]] ------------------------------------------------------ -- Customize the following data (GARDENA smartsystem) ------------------------------------------------------ local username = '' local password = 'mot de passe' ------------------------------------------------------ local max_counter = 6 local refresh = 60 local debug = 1 ------------------------------------------------------ -- Do not change anything from this point onwards ------------------------------------------------------ local sourceTrigger = fibaro:getSourceTrigger() Debug = function ( color, message ) fibaro:debug(string.format('<%s style="color:%s;">%s', "span", color, message, "span")) end DebugError = function ( color, message ) fibaro:debug(string.format('<%s style="color:%s;">%s', "span", color, message, "span")) end Debug('orange', 'GARDENA smartsystem - Autostart') Debug('white', 'This scene runs every: ' ..(refresh/60).. ' minutes') function addGlobal(vName, vValue) local http = net.HTTPClient({timeout=5000}) requestData = json.encode({ name = vName, value = vValue }) http:request("", { options = { method = 'POST', headers = { ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' }, data = requestData, timeout = 5000 }, success = function(resp) if tonumber(resp.status) == 201 then if (debug == 1) then Debug("green", "status: "..tostring(resp.status)..", variable: "..vName.." added, value: "..vValue) else Debug("purple", "status: "..tostring(resp.status)..", variable: "..vName) end end end, error = function(err) DebugError("red", "error: "..tostring(err)..", variable: "..vName.." adding FAILED") end }) end function matchDevices(Identifier) devices = {} local httpClient = net.HTTPClient(); httpClient:request('', { success = function(resp) local devices = json.decode( for i, v in pairs(devices) do if ( == Identifier) then local vName = string.gsub(Identifier,'[%d%-%d]',"") local vValue = tostring( if (fibaro:getGlobalValue(vName) == nil) then addGlobal(vName, vValue) -- nu fibaro:setGlobal(vName, vValue) end end end end, error = function(err) print('error = ' .. err) end, options = { method = 'GET' } }) end --end function makeLink(id) return string.format( '<a href="../devices/configuration.html?id=%u" target="_blank"'.. 'style="display:inline;color:Cyan">%u</a>', id, id) end function MakeTimeStamp(dateString) local pattern = "(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)T(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)(%u)" local xyear, xmonth, xday, xhour, xminute, xseconds, xoffset = dateString:match(pattern) local converted_timestamp = os.time({year = xyear, month = xmonth, day = xday, hour = xhour, min = xminute, sec = xseconds}) local converted_time ="%d-%m-%Y at %H:%M",converted_timestamp); return converted_time end function MakeTimeStamp2(dateString) local pattern = "(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)T(%d+):(%d+)(%u)" local xyear, xmonth, xday, xhour, xminute, xseconds, xoffset = dateString:match(pattern) local converted_timestamp = os.time({year = xyear, month = xmonth, day = xday, hour = xhour, min = xminute, sec = xseconds}) local converted_time ="%d-%m-%Y at %R",converted_timestamp); return converted_time end function MakeTimeStamp3(dateString) local pattern = "^(%d%d%d%d)-(%d%d)-(%d%d)T(%d%d):(%d%d):(%d%d)(.-)$" local xyear, xmonth, xday, xhour, xminute, xseconds, xoffset = dateString:match(pattern) local converted_timestamp = os.time({year = xyear, month = xmonth, day = xday, hour = xhour, min = xminute, sec = xseconds}) local converted_time ="%d-%m-%Y at %R",converted_timestamp); return converted_time end function gAuth(nextFunction) local request_body = '{"sessions":{"email":"' .. username .. '","password":"' .. password ..'"}}' getSessionData('', request_body, function(data) if (data.sessions ~= nil) then local token = data.sessions.token local user_id = data.sessions.user_id addGlobal('gardena_parameters', "") addGlobal('gardena_command', "") addGlobal('gardena_userid', "") addGlobal('gardena_token', "") addGlobal('gardena_location', "") fibaro:setGlobal('gardena_token', token) fibaro:setGlobal('gardena_userid', user_id) if (debug == 1) then Debug('white', 'Authentication was succesful') end gLocation() else DebugError( 'red', 'Authentication failed. Please check username and password') end end ) setTimeout(gAuth, refresh*1000); end function getSessionData(url, body, func) local http = net.HTTPClient() http:request(url, { options = { method = 'POST', headers = { ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' }, data = body }, success = function(response) if response.status == 200 or response.status == 201 then func(json.decode( else end end }) end function gLocation() local token = fibaro:getGlobal('gardena_token') local user_id = fibaro:getGlobal('gardena_userid') local url = '' .. user_id local http = net.HTTPClient() http:request(url, { options={ headers = {['Content-Type'] = 'application/json',['X-Session'] = token}, method = 'GET', timeout = 5000 }, success = function(status) local response = json.decode( local name = response.locations[1].name local location = response.locations[1].id fibaro:setGlobal('gardena_location', location) gDevices() if (debug == 1) then Debug('white', "Locating GARDENA smartsystem devices in " Debug('yellow', "* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *") end end, }) end function gDevices() local token = fibaro:getGlobal('gardena_token') local user_id = fibaro:getGlobal('gardena_userid') local location = fibaro:getGlobal('gardena_location') local url = '' .. location local http = net.HTTPClient() http:request(url, { options={ headers = {['Content-Type'] = 'application/json',['X-Session'] = token}, method = 'GET', timeout = 5000 }, success = function(status) if status.status ~= 200 and status.status ~= 201 then print("failed"); end if status.status == 200 then local response = json.decode( local name = response.devices[1].name local device = response.devices[1].id for k,v in pairs(response.devices) do local vName = string.gsub(,'[%d%-%d]',"") local vValue = tostring( local VirtualDevice = fibaro:getGlobalValue(vName) local deviceid = matchDevices( if (debug == 1) then Debug('yellow', "* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *") Debug('white', "Found the following GARDENA "..v.category.. ":") Debug('yellow', "Name: " Debug('yellow', "Identifier: " if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then Debug("white", "Corresponding Fibaro virtual device is " ..makeLink(VirtualDevice)) end if v.category == "gateway" then end --Find GARDENA Mowers if v.category == "mower" then for a, b in pairs(v.abilities) do for c, d in pairs( do if ( == 'last_time_online') then stamp_last_time_online = string.len(tostring(d.value)) if (stamp_last_time_online == 17) then local mower_online = (MakeTimeStamp2(d.value)) elseif (stamp_last_time_online == 20) then local mower_online = (MakeTimeStamp3(d.value)) if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Last on-line on " ..mower_online) end if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.moweronline.value", mower_online) end end elseif ( == 'level') then local mower_battery_level = (d.value .. " %") if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery level is " ..mower_battery_level) end if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerbatterylevel.value", mower_battery_level) end elseif ( == 'rechargeable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'ok') then local mower_battery_status = "OK" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerbatterystatus.value", mower_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery health is " ..mower_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'rechargeable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'weak') then local mower_battery_status = "weak" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerbatterystatus.value", mower_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery health is " ..mower_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'rechargeable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'undefined') then local mower_battery_status = "undefined" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerbatterystatus.value", mower_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery health is " ..mower_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'charging') and (d.value == false) then local mower_charging = "no" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowercharging.value", mower_charging) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Charging: " ..mower_charging) end elseif ( == 'charging') and (d.value == true) then local mower_charging = "yes" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowercharging.value", mower_charging) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Charging: " ..mower_charging) end elseif ( == 'quality') then local mower_quality = (d.value .. " %" ) if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerquality.value", mower_quality) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Signal quality is " ..mower_quality) end elseif ( == 'connection_status') and (d.value == "unknown") then local mower_connection_status = "unknown" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerconnectionstatus.value", mower_connection_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Connection status is " ..mower_connection_status) end elseif ( == 'connection_status') and (d.value == "status_device_unreachable") then local mower_connection_status = "lost" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerconnectionstatus.value", mower_connection_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Connection is " ..mower_connection_status) end elseif ( == 'connection_status') and (d.value == "status_device_alive") then local mower_connection_status = "alive" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerconnectionstatus.value", mower_connection_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Connection is " ..mower_connection_status) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "bad" then local mower_state = "bad" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstate.value", mower_state) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Radio link is " ..mower_state) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "poor" then local mower_state = "poor" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstate.value", mower_state) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Radio link is " ..mower_state) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "good" then local mower_state = "good" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstate.value", mower_state) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Radio link is " ..mower_state) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "excellent" then local mower_state = "excellent" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstate.value", mower_state) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Radio link is " ..mower_state) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "undefined" then local mower_state = "Undefined" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstate.value", mower_state) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Radio link is " ..mower_state) end elseif ( == 'temperature') and (d.unit == 'C') then local mower_temperature = (d.value.. " °C") if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowertemperature.value", mower_temperature) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Ambient termperature is " ..mower_temperature) end elseif ( == 'temperature') and (d.unit == 'F') then local mower_temperature = (d.value.. " °F") if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowertemperature.value", mower_temperature) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Ambient termperature is " ..mower_temperature) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "paused") then local mower_status = "operation paused" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "ok_cutting") then local mower_status = "OK - cutting away the grass!" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "ok_searching") then local mower_status = "OK - searching" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "ok_charging") then local mower_status = "OK - charging" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "ok_leaving") then local mower_status = "OK - leaving" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "wait_updating") then local mower_status = "waiting for update to be completed" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "wait_power_up") then local mower_status = "waiting for power up to complete" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "parked_timer") then local mower_status = "parked - on timer" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "parked_park_selected") then local mower_status = "parked - per selection" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "off_disabled") then local mower_status = "off - disabled" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "off_hatch_open") then local mower_status = "off - hatch open" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "unknown") then local mower_status = "unknown" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "error") then local mower_status = "an error occurred" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "error_at_power_up") then local mower_status = "error at power up" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "off_hatch_closed") then local mower_status = "off - hatch closed" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "ok_cutting_time_overridden") then local mower_status = "OK - cutting time overridden" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "Parked_autotimer") then local mower_status = "parked - per automatic timer" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "parked_daily_limit_reached") then local mower_status = "parked - daily limit reached" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "undefined") then local mower_status = "undefined" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'manual_operation') and (d.value == true) then local mower_manual_operation = "yes" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowermanualoperation.value", mower_manual_operation) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Manual operation: " ..mower_manual_operation) end elseif ( == 'manual_operation') and (d.value == false) then local mower_manual_operation = "no" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowermanualoperation.value", mower_manual_operation) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Manual operation: " ..mower_manual_operation) end elseif ( == 'error') and (d.value == "no_message") then local mower_error = "all clear" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowererror.value", mower_error) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Error message: " ..mower_error) end elseif ( == 'error') and (d.value ~= "no_message") then local mower_error = d.value if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowererror.value", mower_error) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Error message: " ..mower_error) end elseif ( == 'source_for_next_start') and (d.value == "no_source") then local mower_source_for_next_start = "no source" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowersourcefornextstart.value", mower_source_for_next_start) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Source for next start is " ..mower_source_for_next_start) end elseif ( == 'source_for_next_start') and (d.value == "completed_cutting daily_limit") then local mower_source_for_next_start = "completed cutting - reached daily limit" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowersourcefornextstart.value", mower_source_for_next_start) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Source for next start is " ..mower_source_for_next_start) end elseif ( == 'source_for_next_start') and (d.value == "countdown_timer") then local mower_source_for_next_start = "will resume when timer countdown is complete" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowersourcefornextstart.value", mower_source_for_next_start) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Source for next start is " ..mower_source_for_next_start) end elseif ( == 'source_for_next_start') and (d.value == "mower-charging") then local mower_source_for_next_start = "will resume when finished charging " if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowersourcefornextstart.value", mower_source_for_next_start) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Source for next start is " ..mower_source_for_next_start) end elseif ( == 'source_for_next_start') and (d.value == "completed_cutting_autotimer") then local mower_source_for_next_start = "completed cutting - according to timer" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowersourcefornextstart.value", mower_source_for_next_start) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Source for next start is " ..mower_source_for_next_start) end elseif ( == 'source_for_next_start') and (d.value == "undefined") then local mower_source_for_next_start = "undefined" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowersourcefornextstart.value", mower_source_for_next_start) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Source for next start is " ..mower_source_for_next_start) end elseif ( == 'timestamp_next_start') then stamp_timestamp_next_start = string.len(tostring(d.value)) if (stamp_timestamp_next_start == 17) then local mower_timestamp_next_start = (MakeTimeStamp2(d.value)) elseif (stamp_timestamp_next_start == 20) then local mower_timestamp_next_start = (MakeTimeStamp3(d.value)) if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowertimestampnextstart.value", mower_timestamp_next_start) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Next start on " ..mower_timestamp_next_start) end end elseif ( == 'override_end_time') then stamp_override_end_time = string.len(tostring(d.value)) if (stamp_override_end_time == 17) then local mower_override_end_time = (MakeTimeStamp2(d.value)) elseif (stamp_override_end_time == 20) then local mower_override_end_time = (MakeTimeStamp3(d.value)) if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.moweroverrideendtime.value", mower_override_end_time) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Override end time is on " ..mower_override_end_time) end end elseif ( == 'firmware_status') and (d.value == "up_to_date") then local mower_firmware_status = "up to date" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerfirmwarestatus.value", mower_firmware_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Firmware is " ..mower_firmware_status) end end end end end --Find GARDENA Sensors if v.category == "sensor" then if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then end for a, b in pairs(v.abilities) do for c, d in pairs( do if ( == 'last_time_online') then check = tostring(d.value) if (check == "") then print ("nil value") else local sensor_online = (MakeTimeStamp3(d.value)) if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensoronline.value", sensor_online) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Last on-line: " ..sensor_online) end end elseif ( == 'level') then local sensor_battery_level = (d.value .. " %") if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorbatterylevel.value", sensor_battery_level) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery level is " ..sensor_battery_level) end elseif ( == 'disposable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'out_of_operation') then local sensor_battery_status = "Out of operation" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorbatterystatus.value", sensor_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery health is " ..sensor_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'disposable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'replace_now') then local sensor_battery_status = "Replace now" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorbatterystatus.value", sensor_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery health is " ..sensor_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'disposable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'low') then local sensor_battery_status = "Low" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorbatterystatus.value", sensor_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery health is " ..sensor_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'disposable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'ok') then local sensor_battery_status = "OK" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorbatterystatus.value", sensor_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery health is " ..sensor_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'disposable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'undefined') then local sensor_battery_status = "Undefined" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorbatterystatus.value", sensor_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery health is " ..sensor_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'quality') then local sensor_quality = (d.value .. " %" ) if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorquality.value", sensor_quality) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Signal quality is " ..sensor_quality) end elseif ( == 'connection_status') and (d.value == "unknown") then local sensor_connection_status = "unknown" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorconnectionstatus.value", sensor_connection_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Connection status is " ..sensor_connection_status) end elseif ( == 'connection_status') and (d.value == "status_device_unreachable") then local sensor_connection_status = "lost" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorconnectionstatus.value", sensor_connection_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Connection status is " ..sensor_connection_status) end elseif ( == 'connection_status') and (d.value == "status_device_alive") then local sensor_connection_status = "alive" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorconnectionstatus.value", sensor_connection_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Connection status is " ..sensor_connection_status) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "bad" then local sensor_state = "bad" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorconnectionstatus.value", sensor_connection_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Connection status is " ..sensor_state) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "poor" then local sensor_state = "poor" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorstate.value", sensor_state) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Radio link is " ..sensor_state) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "good" then local sensor_state = "good" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorstate.value", sensor_state) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Radio link is " ..sensor_state) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "undefined" then local sensor_state = "undefined" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorstate.value", sensor_state) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Radio link is " ..sensor_state) end elseif (b.type == 'soil_temperature_sensor') and ( == 'temperature') and (d.unit == 'C') then local sensor_soil_temperature = (d.value .. " °C") if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorsoiltemperature.value", sensor_soil_temperature) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Soil temperature is " ..sensor_soil_temperature) end elseif (b.type == 'soil_temperature_sensor') and ( == 'temperature') and (d.unit == 'F') then local sensor_soil_temperature = (d.value .. " °F") if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorsoiltemperature.value", sensor_soil_temperature) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Soil temperature is " ..sensor_soil_temperature) end elseif (b.type == 'ambient_temperature_sensor') and ( == 'temperature') then local sensor_ambient_temperature = (d.value .. " °C" ) if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorambienttemperature.value", sensor_ambient_temperature) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Ambient temperature is " .. sensor_ambient_temperature) end elseif (b.type == 'ambient_temperature_sensor') and ( == 'temperature') and (d.uni == 'F') then local sensor_ambient_temperature = (d.value .. " °F" ) if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorambienttemperature.value", sensor_ambient_temperature) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Ambient temperature is " .. sensor_ambient_temperature) end elseif ( == 'frost_warning') and (d.value == "no_frost") then local sensor_frost_warning = "No frost warning" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorfrostwarning.value", sensor_frost_warning) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", sensor_frost_warning) end elseif ( == 'frost_warning') and (d.value == "frost") then local sensor_frost_warning = "Frost warning!" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorfrostwarning.value", sensor_frost_warning) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", sensor_frost_warning) end elseif ( == 'frost_warning') and (d.value == "undefined") then local sensor_frost_warning = "Frost warning status undefined" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorfrostwarning.value", sensor_frost_warning) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", sensor_frost_warning) end elseif ( == 'humidity') then local sensor_humidity = (d.value .. " %") if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorhumidity.value", sensor_humidity) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Soil humidity is " ..sensor_humidity) end elseif ( == 'light') then local sensor_light = (d.value.. " lx") if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorlight.value", sensor_light) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Light intensity is " ..sensor_light) end elseif ( == 'firmware_status') and (d.value == "up_to_date") then local sensor_firmware_status = "up to date" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorfirmwarestatus.value", sensor_firmware_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Firmware is " ..sensor_firmware_status) end end end end end end --Find GARDENA Watering Computers if v.category == "watering_computer" then for a, b in pairs(v.abilities) do for c, d in pairs( do if ( == 'last_time_online') then local watering_computer_online = (MakeTimeStamp(d.value)) if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputeronline.value", watering_computer_online) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Last on-line on " ..watering_computer_online) end elseif ( == 'level') then local watering_computer_battery_level = (d.value .. " %") if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerbatterylevel.value", watering_computer_battery_level) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery level is " ..watering_computer_battery_level) end elseif ( == 'disposable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'out_of_operation') then local watering_computer_battery_status = "Out of operation" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerbatterystatus.value", watering_computer_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery health is " ..watering_computer_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'disposable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'replace_now') then local watering_computer_battery_status = "Replace batteries now" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerbatterystatus.value", watering_computer_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery health is " ..watering_computer_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'disposable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'low') then local watering_computer_battery_status = "Batteries are low" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerbatterystatus.value", watering_computer_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", watering_computer_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'disposable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'ok') then local watering_computer_battery_status = "OK" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerbatterystatus.value", watering_computer_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery health is " ..watering_computer_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'disposable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'undefined') then local watering_computer_battery_status = "Undefined" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerbatterystatus.value", watering_computer_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery health is " ..watering_computer_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'quality') then local watering_computer_quality = (d.value .. "%" ) if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerquality.value", watering_computer_quality) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Signal quality is " ..watering_computer_quality) end elseif ( == 'connection_status') and (d.value == "unknown") then local watering_computer_connection_status = "unknown" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerconnectionstatus.value", watering_computer_connection_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Connection status is " ..watering_computer_connection_status) end elseif ( == 'connection_status') and (d.value == "status_device_unreachable") then local watering_computer_connection_status = "lost" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerconnectionstatus.value", watering_computer_connection_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Connection status is " ..watering_computer_connection_status) end elseif ( == 'connection_status') and (d.value == "status_device_alive") then local watering_computer_connection_status = "alive" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerconnectionstatus.value", watering_computer_connection_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Connection status is " ..watering_computer_connection_status) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "bad" then local watering_computer_state = "bad" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerstate.value", watering_computer_state) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Radio link is " ..watering_computer_state) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "poor" then local watering_computer_state = "poor" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerstate.value", watering_computer_state) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Radio link is " ..watering_computer_state) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "good" then local watering_computer_state = "good" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerstate.value", watering_computer_state) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Radio link is " ..watering_computer_state) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "undefined" then local watering_computer_state = "undefined" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerstate.value", watering_computer_state) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Radio link is " ..watering_computer_state) end elseif ( == 'valve_open') and (d.value == false) then local watering_computer_valve_open = "closed" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputervalveopen.value", watering_computer_valve_open) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Water valve is " ..watering_computer_valve_open) end elseif ( == 'valve_open') and (d.value == true) then local watering_computer_valve_open = "open" if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Watervalve is " ..watering_computer_valve_open) end elseif ( == 'manual_override') and d.value == "inactive" then local watering_computer_manual_override = "inactive" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputermanualoverride.value", watering_computer_manual_override) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Manual override is " ..watering_computer_manual_override) end elseif ( == 'manual_override') and d.value == "open" then local watering_computer_manual_override = "open" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputermanualoverride.value", watering_computer_manual_override) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Manual override is " ..watering_computer_manual_override) end elseif ( == 'manual_override') and d.value == "undefined" then local watering_computer_manual_override = "undefined" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputermanualoverride.value", watering_computer_manual_override) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Manual override is " ..watering_computer_manual_override) end elseif ( == 'button_manual_override_time') then local watering_computer_button_manual_override_time = d.value.. " minutes" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerbuttonmanualoverridetime.value", watering_computer_button_manual_override_time) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Manual override time is " ..watering_computer_button_manual_override_time) end elseif ( == 'last_manual_override_time') then local watering_computer_last_manual_override_time = d.value.. " minutes" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerlastmanualoverridetime.value", watering_computer_last_manual_override_time) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Last manual override lasted " ..watering_computer_last_manual_override_time) end elseif ( == 'temperature') and (d.unit == 'C') then local watering_computer_temperature = d.value.. " °C" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputertemperature.value", watering_computer_temperature) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Ambient temperature is " .. watering_computer_temperature) end elseif ( == 'temperature') and (d.unit == 'F') then local watering_computer_temperature = d.value.. " °F" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputertemperature.value", watering_computer_temperature) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Ambient temperature is " .. watering_computer_temperature) end elseif ( == 'frost_warning') and (d.value == "no_frost") then local watering_computer_frost_warning = "no frost warning" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerfrostwarning.value", watering_computer_frost_warning) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", watering_computer_frost_warning) end elseif ( == 'frost_warning') and (d.value == "frost") then local watering_computer_frost_warning = "frost warning!" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerfrostwarning.value", watering_computer_frost_warning) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", watering_computer_frost_warning) end elseif ( == 'frost_warning') and (d.value == "undefined") then local watering_computer_frost_warning = "frost warning status undefined" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerfrostwarning.value", watering_computer_frost_warning) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", watering_computer_frost_warning) end elseif ( == 'adaptive_scheduling_last_decision') and (d.value == "undefined") then local watering_computer_adaptive_scheduling_last_decision = "undefined" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputeradpativeschedulinglastdecision.value", watering_computer_adaptive_scheduling_last_decision) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Adaptive scheduling last decision is " ..watering_computer_adaptive_scheduling_last_decision) end elseif ( == 'adaptive_scheduling_last_decision') and (d.value == "watered_sensor_timeout") then local watering_computer_adaptive_scheduling_last_decision = "timed out by soil moisture sensor" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputeradpativeschedulinglastdecision.value", watering_computer_adaptive_scheduling_last_decision) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Adaptive scheduling last decision " ..watering_computer_adaptive_scheduling_last_decision) end elseif ( == 'adaptive_scheduling_last_decision') and (d.value == "skipped") then local watering_computer_adaptive_scheduling_last_decision = "skipped by adaptive scheduling" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputeradpativeschedulinglastdecision.value", watering_computer_adaptive_scheduling_last_decision) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Adaptive scheduling last decision " ..watering_computer_adaptive_scheduling_last_decision) end elseif ( == 'adaptive_scheduling_last_decision') and (d.value == "watered") then local watering_computer_adaptive_scheduling_last_decision = "to water" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputeradpativeschedulinglastdecision.value", watering_computer_adaptive_scheduling_last_decision) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Adaptive scheduling last decision is " ..watering_computer_adaptive_scheduling_last_decision) end elseif ( == 'scheduled_watering_end') then local watering_computer_scheduled_watering_end = MakeTimeStamp3(d.timestamp) if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerscheduledwateringend.value", watering_computer_scheduled_watering_end) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Watering is scheduled to end on " ..watering_computer_scheduled_watering_end) end elseif ( == 'scheduled_watering_next_start') then local watering_computer_scheduled_watering_next_start = MakeTimeStamp3(d.timestamp) if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerscheduledwateringnextstart.value", watering_computer_scheduled_watering_next_start) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Watering is scheduled to start on " ..watering_computer_scheduled_watering_next_start) end elseif ( == 'firmware_status') and (d.value == "up_to_date") then local watering_computer_firmware_status = "up to date" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerfirmwarestatus.value", watering_computer_firmware_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Firmware is " ..watering_computer_firmware_status) end end end end end end end end, }) end if ( sourceTrigger["type"] == "autostart" or "manual") then gAuth() end
pepite Posté(e) le 21 mars 2018 Signaler Posté(e) le 21 mars 2018 Alors où en es tu ?? Ca avance???Envoyé de mon Nexus 5X en utilisant Tapatalk
Delacoste Posté(e) le 21 mars 2018 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 21 mars 2018 il y a 18 minutes, pepite a dit : Alors où en es tu ?? Ca avance??? Salut pepite, Pas trop je suis un peu perdu. Tu entends quoi par recréer les variables? c'est remettre mon même username et mon password , enregistrer et relancer??? ou autre chose Mon Gateway Gardena est en wifi, tu penses que si il était en LAN ça résoudrait le problème?
pepite Posté(e) le 21 mars 2018 Signaler Posté(e) le 21 mars 2018 Salut, Tu vas dans le panneau de variables et tu regardes si les variables citées ci-dessus sont créées ? Si ce n'est pas le cas tu les créees. Inutile de rechanger tes identifiants s'ils sont bons
Delacoste Posté(e) le 21 mars 2018 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 21 mars 2018 On avance... mais... On voit: Gartena Gateway, c'est bon On voit la sonde, c'est bon et on voit le début d'un water Control qui se nomme voiture mais j'en ai 4 au total et il les voit pas as-tu une idée [DEBUG] 19:33:59: GARDENA smartsystem - Autostart[DEBUG] 19:33:59: This scene runs every: 1 minutes[DEBUG] 19:33:59: Authentication was succesful[DEBUG] 19:34:00: Locating GARDENA smartsystem devices in My Garden[DEBUG] 19:34:00: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *[DEBUG] 19:34:01: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *[DEBUG] 19:34:01: Found the following GARDENA gateway:[DEBUG] 19:34:01: Name: Gateway[DEBUG] 19:34:01: Identifier: aa660928-8e02-47c1-bb49-69f2ea446d34[DEBUG] 19:34:01: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *[DEBUG] 19:34:01: Found the following GARDENA sensor:[DEBUG] 19:34:01: Name: Sonde[DEBUG] 19:34:01: Identifier: 62f42561-495b-4609-b3c4-9d1fad2231d6[DEBUG] 19:34:01: Last on-line: 21-03-2018 at 17:41[DEBUG] 19:34:01: Battery level is 7 %[DEBUG] 19:34:01: Battery health is Low[DEBUG] 19:34:01: Signal quality is 50 %[DEBUG] 19:34:01: Connection status is unknown[DEBUG] 19:34:01: Radio link is good[DEBUG] 19:34:01: Ambient temperature is 5 °C[DEBUG] 19:34:01: No frost warning[DEBUG] 19:34:01: Soil temperature is 7 °C[DEBUG] 19:34:01: Soil humidity is 100 %[DEBUG] 19:34:01: Light intensity is 140 lx[DEBUG] 19:34:01: Firmware is up to date[DEBUG] 19:34:01: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *[DEBUG] 19:34:01: Found the following GARDENA watering_computer:[DEBUG] 19:34:01: Name: Voiture [DEBUG] 19:34:01: Identifier: 6e9487da-a290-43af-9576-6349670c2f55[DEBUG] 19:34:01: [1;31m2018-03-21 19:34:01.226013 [ fatal] LUA error: /opt/fibaro/scenes/10.lua:99: field 'day' missing in date table
Delacoste Posté(e) le 21 mars 2018 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 21 mars 2018 J'ai dû inscrire, comme tu me l'as demandé, les variables: gardena_token et gardena_userid c'est variables on été complétées par:
Delacoste Posté(e) le 22 mars 2018 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 22 mars 2018 Il y a 19 heures, pepite a dit : Salut, Tu vas dans le panneau de variables et tu regardes si les variables citées ci-dessus sont créées ? Si ce n'est pas le cas tu les créees. Inutile de rechanger tes identifiants s'ils sont bons Alors pepite, as-tu une idée??
pepite Posté(e) le 22 mars 2018 Signaler Posté(e) le 22 mars 2018 Bonjour Une idée ? ben je n'ai pas de Gardena ;-) lol Tu as une erreur lua, ligne 99 de ta scene 10 qui doit etre ta scène status. A priori ca viendrait de la fonction MakeTimeStamp(datestring) lorsqu'il veut récuperer le last On line : la variable day n'a pas l'air d'exister. function MakeTimeStamp(dateString) local pattern = "(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)T(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)(%u)" local xyear, xmonth, xday, xhour, xminute, xseconds, xoffset = dateString:match(pattern) local converted_timestamp = os.time({year = xyear, month = xmonth, day = xday, hour = xhour, min = xminute, sec = xseconds}) local converted_time ="%d-%m-%Y at %H:%M",converted_timestamp); return converted_time end --Find GARDENA Watering Computers if v.category == "watering_computer" then for a, b in pairs(v.abilities) do for c, d in pairs( do if ( == 'last_time_online') then local watering_computer_online = (MakeTimeStamp(d.value)) if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputeronline.value", watering_computer_online) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Last on-line on " ..watering_computer_online) end Tu as quelle date d'indiquée dans ton application qui pourrait correspondre au last-on line ? As tu moyen de provoquer une connexion du Water Computer "Voiture" Sinon, essaie aussi d'envoyer un message sur le MarketPlace au créateur ;-)
Delacoste Posté(e) le 22 mars 2018 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 22 mars 2018 il y a 5 minutes, pepite a dit : Tu as quelle date d'indiquée dans ton application qui pourrait correspondre au last-on line ? As tu moyen de provoquer une connexion du Water Computer "Voiture" Salut pepite et merci pour ta réponse J'ai envoyé hier soir une commande test d'arrosage. Elle a été activées par l’application mobile dont tu vois une copie d'écran ci-dessous. Je vais, ce soir, essayer de restarter mon Gateway et relancer un cycle d'arrosage.Et si ça ne fonctionne toujours pas j'écrirai au Marketplace. Merci je te tiens au courant.
pepite Posté(e) le 22 mars 2018 Signaler Posté(e) le 22 mars 2018 @Delacoste J'ai regardé d'un peu plus près avec l'aide de mon "tuteur" LUA @Steven Je pense que cela vient du format de date quand je regarde ta ligne "Dernière Transmission". Peux tu tester ceci. Après function MakeTimeStamp(dateString) local pattern = "(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)T(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)(%u)" local xyear, xmonth, xday, xhour, xminute, xseconds, xoffset = dateString:match(pattern) local converted_timestamp = os.time({year = xyear, month = xmonth, day = xday, hour = xhour, min = xminute, sec = xseconds}) local converted_time ="%d-%m-%Y at %H:%M",converted_timestamp); return converted_time end Colle ceci function MakeTimeStamp1(dateString) local pattern = "(%d+)/(%d+)/(%d+),%s(%d+):(%d+)" local xday, xmonth, xyear, xhour, xminute, xseconds = dateString:match(pattern) local converted_timestamp = os.time({year = xyear, month = xmonth, day = xday, hour = xhour, min = xminute, sec = xseconds}) local converted_time ="%d-%m-%Y at %H:%M",converted_timestamp); return converted_time end Dans --Find GARDENA Watering Computers if v.category == "watering_computer" then Remplace local watering_computer_online = (MakeTimeStamp(d.value)) par local watering_computer_online = (MakeTimeStamp1(d.value))
Delacoste Posté(e) le 22 mars 2018 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 22 mars 2018 Merci pepite, j'essaye ce soi et te redis. Mais un grand merci de t'être penché dessus.
Delacoste Posté(e) le 22 mars 2018 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 22 mars 2018 M*rde! J'ai fait les motifs demandées, puis enregistré... Toujours la même erreur [DEBUG] 18:47:18: GARDENA smartsystem - Autostart[DEBUG] 18:47:18: This scene runs every: 1 minutes[DEBUG] 18:47:19: Authentication was succesful[DEBUG] 18:47:19: Locating GARDENA smartsystem devices in My Garden[DEBUG] 18:47:19: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *[DEBUG] 18:47:20: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *[DEBUG] 18:47:20: Found the following GARDENA gateway:[DEBUG] 18:47:20: Name: Gateway[DEBUG] 18:47:20: Identifier: aa660928-8e02-47c1-bb49-69f2ea446d34[DEBUG] 18:47:20: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *[DEBUG] 18:47:20: Found the following GARDENA sensor:[DEBUG] 18:47:20: Name: Sonde[DEBUG] 18:47:20: Identifier: 62f42561-495b-4609-b3c4-9d1fad2231d6[DEBUG] 18:47:20: Last on-line: 22-03-2018 at 17:41[DEBUG] 18:47:20: Battery level is 6 %[DEBUG] 18:47:20: Battery health is Low[DEBUG] 18:47:20: Signal quality is 50 %[DEBUG] 18:47:20: Connection status is unknown[DEBUG] 18:47:20: Radio link is good[DEBUG] 18:47:20: Ambient temperature is 7 °C[DEBUG] 18:47:20: No frost warning[DEBUG] 18:47:20: Soil temperature is 7 °C[DEBUG] 18:47:20: Soil humidity is 100 %[DEBUG] 18:47:20: Light intensity is 148 lx[DEBUG] 18:47:20: Firmware is up to date[DEBUG] 18:47:20: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *[DEBUG] 18:47:20: Found the following GARDENA watering_computer:[DEBUG] 18:47:20: Name: Voiture [DEBUG] 18:47:20: Identifier: 6e9487da-a290-43af-9576-6349670c2f55[DEBUG] 18:47:20: [1;31m2018-03-22 18:47:20.542074 [ fatal] LUA error: /opt/fibaro/scenes/10.lua:99: field 'day' missing in date table
Delacoste Posté(e) le 22 mars 2018 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 22 mars 2018 ce que je comprends pas c'est que la sonde "passe" est il a le même format de données
pepite Posté(e) le 22 mars 2018 Signaler Posté(e) le 22 mars 2018 bizarre bizarre, t'as bien changé ou il fallait ? oui je suis d'accord avec toi pour la sonde.
Delacoste Posté(e) le 22 mars 2018 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 22 mars 2018 (modifié) --[[ %% properties %% autostart %% globals --]] ------------------------------------------------------ -- Customize the following data (GARDENA smartsystem) ------------------------------------------------------ local username = '' local password = 'mot de passe' ------------------------------------------------------ local max_counter = 6 local refresh = 60 local debug = 1 ------------------------------------------------------ -- Do not change anything from this point onwards ------------------------------------------------------ local sourceTrigger = fibaro:getSourceTrigger() Debug = function ( color, message ) fibaro:debug(string.format('<%s style="color:%s;">%s', "span", color, message, "span")) end DebugError = function ( color, message ) fibaro:debug(string.format('<%s style="color:%s;">%s', "span", color, message, "span")) end Debug('orange', 'GARDENA smartsystem - Autostart') Debug('white', 'This scene runs every: ' ..(refresh/60).. ' minutes') function addGlobal(vName, vValue) local http = net.HTTPClient({timeout=5000}) requestData = json.encode({ name = vName, value = vValue }) http:request("", { options = { method = 'POST', headers = { ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' }, data = requestData, timeout = 5000 }, success = function(resp) if tonumber(resp.status) == 201 then if (debug == 1) then Debug("green", "status: "..tostring(resp.status)..", variable: "..vName.." added, value: "..vValue) else Debug("purple", "status: "..tostring(resp.status)..", variable: "..vName) end end end, error = function(err) DebugError("red", "error: "..tostring(err)..", variable: "..vName.." adding FAILED") end }) end function matchDevices(Identifier) devices = {} local httpClient = net.HTTPClient(); httpClient:request('', { success = function(resp) local devices = json.decode( for i, v in pairs(devices) do if ( == Identifier) then local vName = string.gsub(Identifier,'[%d%-%d]',"") local vValue = tostring( if (fibaro:getGlobalValue(vName) == nil) then addGlobal(vName, vValue) -- nu fibaro:setGlobal(vName, vValue) end end end end, error = function(err) print('error = ' .. err) end, options = { method = 'GET' } }) end --end function makeLink(id) return string.format( '<a href="../devices/configuration.html?id=%u" target="_blank"'.. 'style="display:inline;color:Cyan">%u</a>', id, id) end function MakeTimeStamp1(dateString) local pattern = "(%d+)/(%d+)/(%d+),%s(%d+):(%d+)" local xday, xmonth, xyear, xhour, xminute, xseconds = dateString:match(pattern) local converted_timestamp = os.time({year = xyear, month = xmonth, day = xday, hour = xhour, min = xminute, sec = xseconds}) local converted_time ="%d-%m-%Y at %H:%M",converted_timestamp); return converted_time end function MakeTimeStamp2(dateString) local pattern = "(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)T(%d+):(%d+)(%u)" local xyear, xmonth, xday, xhour, xminute, xseconds, xoffset = dateString:match(pattern) local converted_timestamp = os.time({year = xyear, month = xmonth, day = xday, hour = xhour, min = xminute, sec = xseconds}) local converted_time ="%d-%m-%Y at %R",converted_timestamp); return converted_time end function MakeTimeStamp3(dateString) local pattern = "^(%d%d%d%d)-(%d%d)-(%d%d)T(%d%d):(%d%d):(%d%d)(.-)$" local xyear, xmonth, xday, xhour, xminute, xseconds, xoffset = dateString:match(pattern) local converted_timestamp = os.time({year = xyear, month = xmonth, day = xday, hour = xhour, min = xminute, sec = xseconds}) local converted_time ="%d-%m-%Y at %R",converted_timestamp); return converted_time end function gAuth(nextFunction) local request_body = '{"sessions":{"email":"' .. username .. '","password":"' .. password ..'"}}' getSessionData('', request_body, function(data) if (data.sessions ~= nil) then local token = data.sessions.token local user_id = data.sessions.user_id addGlobal('gardena_parameters', "") addGlobal('gardena_command', "") addGlobal('gardena_userid', "") addGlobal('gardena_token', "") addGlobal('gardena_location', "") fibaro:setGlobal('gardena_token', token) fibaro:setGlobal('gardena_userid', user_id) if (debug == 1) then Debug('white', 'Authentication was succesful') end gLocation() else DebugError( 'red', 'Authentication failed. Please check username and password') end end ) setTimeout(gAuth, refresh*1000); end function getSessionData(url, body, func) local http = net.HTTPClient() http:request(url, { options = { method = 'POST', headers = { ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' }, data = body }, success = function(response) if response.status == 200 or response.status == 201 then func(json.decode( else end end }) end function gLocation() local token = fibaro:getGlobal('gardena_token') local user_id = fibaro:getGlobal('gardena_userid') local url = '' .. user_id local http = net.HTTPClient() http:request(url, { options={ headers = {['Content-Type'] = 'application/json',['X-Session'] = token}, method = 'GET', timeout = 5000 }, success = function(status) local response = json.decode( local name = response.locations[1].name local location = response.locations[1].id fibaro:setGlobal('gardena_location', location) gDevices() if (debug == 1) then Debug('white', "Locating GARDENA smartsystem devices in " Debug('yellow', "* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *") end end, }) end function gDevices() local token = fibaro:getGlobal('gardena_token') local user_id = fibaro:getGlobal('gardena_userid') local location = fibaro:getGlobal('gardena_location') local url = '' .. location local http = net.HTTPClient() http:request(url, { options={ headers = {['Content-Type'] = 'application/json',['X-Session'] = token}, method = 'GET', timeout = 5000 }, success = function(status) if status.status ~= 200 and status.status ~= 201 then print("failed"); end if status.status == 200 then local response = json.decode( local name = response.devices[1].name local device = response.devices[1].id for k,v in pairs(response.devices) do local vName = string.gsub(,'[%d%-%d]',"") local vValue = tostring( local VirtualDevice = fibaro:getGlobalValue(vName) local deviceid = matchDevices( if (debug == 1) then Debug('yellow', "* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *") Debug('white', "Found the following GARDENA "..v.category.. ":") Debug('yellow', "Name: " Debug('yellow', "Identifier: " if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then Debug("white", "Corresponding Fibaro virtual device is " ..makeLink(VirtualDevice)) end if v.category == "gateway" then end --Find GARDENA Mowers if v.category == "mower" then for a, b in pairs(v.abilities) do for c, d in pairs( do if ( == 'last_time_online') then stamp_last_time_online = string.len(tostring(d.value)) if (stamp_last_time_online == 17) then local mower_online = (MakeTimeStamp2(d.value)) elseif (stamp_last_time_online == 20) then local mower_online = (MakeTimeStamp3(d.value)) if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Last on-line on " ..mower_online) end if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.moweronline.value", mower_online) end end elseif ( == 'level') then local mower_battery_level = (d.value .. " %") if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery level is " ..mower_battery_level) end if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerbatterylevel.value", mower_battery_level) end elseif ( == 'rechargeable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'ok') then local mower_battery_status = "OK" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerbatterystatus.value", mower_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery health is " ..mower_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'rechargeable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'weak') then local mower_battery_status = "weak" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerbatterystatus.value", mower_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery health is " ..mower_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'rechargeable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'undefined') then local mower_battery_status = "undefined" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerbatterystatus.value", mower_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery health is " ..mower_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'charging') and (d.value == false) then local mower_charging = "no" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowercharging.value", mower_charging) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Charging: " ..mower_charging) end elseif ( == 'charging') and (d.value == true) then local mower_charging = "yes" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowercharging.value", mower_charging) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Charging: " ..mower_charging) end elseif ( == 'quality') then local mower_quality = (d.value .. " %" ) if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerquality.value", mower_quality) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Signal quality is " ..mower_quality) end elseif ( == 'connection_status') and (d.value == "unknown") then local mower_connection_status = "unknown" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerconnectionstatus.value", mower_connection_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Connection status is " ..mower_connection_status) end elseif ( == 'connection_status') and (d.value == "status_device_unreachable") then local mower_connection_status = "lost" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerconnectionstatus.value", mower_connection_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Connection is " ..mower_connection_status) end elseif ( == 'connection_status') and (d.value == "status_device_alive") then local mower_connection_status = "alive" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerconnectionstatus.value", mower_connection_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Connection is " ..mower_connection_status) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "bad" then local mower_state = "bad" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstate.value", mower_state) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Radio link is " ..mower_state) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "poor" then local mower_state = "poor" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstate.value", mower_state) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Radio link is " ..mower_state) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "good" then local mower_state = "good" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstate.value", mower_state) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Radio link is " ..mower_state) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "excellent" then local mower_state = "excellent" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstate.value", mower_state) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Radio link is " ..mower_state) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "undefined" then local mower_state = "Undefined" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstate.value", mower_state) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Radio link is " ..mower_state) end elseif ( == 'temperature') and (d.unit == 'C') then local mower_temperature = (d.value.. " °C") if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowertemperature.value", mower_temperature) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Ambient termperature is " ..mower_temperature) end elseif ( == 'temperature') and (d.unit == 'F') then local mower_temperature = (d.value.. " °F") if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowertemperature.value", mower_temperature) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Ambient termperature is " ..mower_temperature) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "paused") then local mower_status = "operation paused" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "ok_cutting") then local mower_status = "OK - cutting away the grass!" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "ok_searching") then local mower_status = "OK - searching" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "ok_charging") then local mower_status = "OK - charging" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "ok_leaving") then local mower_status = "OK - leaving" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "wait_updating") then local mower_status = "waiting for update to be completed" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "wait_power_up") then local mower_status = "waiting for power up to complete" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "parked_timer") then local mower_status = "parked - on timer" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "parked_park_selected") then local mower_status = "parked - per selection" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "off_disabled") then local mower_status = "off - disabled" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "off_hatch_open") then local mower_status = "off - hatch open" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "unknown") then local mower_status = "unknown" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "error") then local mower_status = "an error occurred" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "error_at_power_up") then local mower_status = "error at power up" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "off_hatch_closed") then local mower_status = "off - hatch closed" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "ok_cutting_time_overridden") then local mower_status = "OK - cutting time overridden" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "Parked_autotimer") then local mower_status = "parked - per automatic timer" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "parked_daily_limit_reached") then local mower_status = "parked - daily limit reached" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'status') and (d.value == "undefined") then local mower_status = "undefined" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerstatus.value", mower_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Status is " ..mower_status) end elseif ( == 'manual_operation') and (d.value == true) then local mower_manual_operation = "yes" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowermanualoperation.value", mower_manual_operation) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Manual operation: " ..mower_manual_operation) end elseif ( == 'manual_operation') and (d.value == false) then local mower_manual_operation = "no" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowermanualoperation.value", mower_manual_operation) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Manual operation: " ..mower_manual_operation) end elseif ( == 'error') and (d.value == "no_message") then local mower_error = "all clear" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowererror.value", mower_error) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Error message: " ..mower_error) end elseif ( == 'error') and (d.value ~= "no_message") then local mower_error = d.value if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowererror.value", mower_error) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Error message: " ..mower_error) end elseif ( == 'source_for_next_start') and (d.value == "no_source") then local mower_source_for_next_start = "no source" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowersourcefornextstart.value", mower_source_for_next_start) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Source for next start is " ..mower_source_for_next_start) end elseif ( == 'source_for_next_start') and (d.value == "completed_cutting daily_limit") then local mower_source_for_next_start = "completed cutting - reached daily limit" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowersourcefornextstart.value", mower_source_for_next_start) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Source for next start is " ..mower_source_for_next_start) end elseif ( == 'source_for_next_start') and (d.value == "countdown_timer") then local mower_source_for_next_start = "will resume when timer countdown is complete" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowersourcefornextstart.value", mower_source_for_next_start) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Source for next start is " ..mower_source_for_next_start) end elseif ( == 'source_for_next_start') and (d.value == "mower-charging") then local mower_source_for_next_start = "will resume when finished charging " if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowersourcefornextstart.value", mower_source_for_next_start) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Source for next start is " ..mower_source_for_next_start) end elseif ( == 'source_for_next_start') and (d.value == "completed_cutting_autotimer") then local mower_source_for_next_start = "completed cutting - according to timer" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowersourcefornextstart.value", mower_source_for_next_start) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Source for next start is " ..mower_source_for_next_start) end elseif ( == 'source_for_next_start') and (d.value == "undefined") then local mower_source_for_next_start = "undefined" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowersourcefornextstart.value", mower_source_for_next_start) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Source for next start is " ..mower_source_for_next_start) end elseif ( == 'timestamp_next_start') then stamp_timestamp_next_start = string.len(tostring(d.value)) if (stamp_timestamp_next_start == 17) then local mower_timestamp_next_start = (MakeTimeStamp2(d.value)) elseif (stamp_timestamp_next_start == 20) then local mower_timestamp_next_start = (MakeTimeStamp3(d.value)) if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowertimestampnextstart.value", mower_timestamp_next_start) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Next start on " ..mower_timestamp_next_start) end end elseif ( == 'override_end_time') then stamp_override_end_time = string.len(tostring(d.value)) if (stamp_override_end_time == 17) then local mower_override_end_time = (MakeTimeStamp2(d.value)) elseif (stamp_override_end_time == 20) then local mower_override_end_time = (MakeTimeStamp3(d.value)) if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.moweroverrideendtime.value", mower_override_end_time) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Override end time is on " ..mower_override_end_time) end end elseif ( == 'firmware_status') and (d.value == "up_to_date") then local mower_firmware_status = "up to date" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.mowerfirmwarestatus.value", mower_firmware_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Firmware is " ..mower_firmware_status) end end end end end --Find GARDENA Sensors if v.category == "sensor" then if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then end for a, b in pairs(v.abilities) do for c, d in pairs( do if ( == 'last_time_online') then check = tostring(d.value) if (check == "") then print ("nil value") else local sensor_online = (MakeTimeStamp3(d.value)) if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensoronline.value", sensor_online) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Last on-line: " ..sensor_online) end end elseif ( == 'level') then local sensor_battery_level = (d.value .. " %") if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorbatterylevel.value", sensor_battery_level) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery level is " ..sensor_battery_level) end elseif ( == 'disposable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'out_of_operation') then local sensor_battery_status = "Out of operation" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorbatterystatus.value", sensor_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery health is " ..sensor_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'disposable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'replace_now') then local sensor_battery_status = "Replace now" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorbatterystatus.value", sensor_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery health is " ..sensor_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'disposable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'low') then local sensor_battery_status = "Low" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorbatterystatus.value", sensor_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery health is " ..sensor_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'disposable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'ok') then local sensor_battery_status = "OK" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorbatterystatus.value", sensor_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery health is " ..sensor_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'disposable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'undefined') then local sensor_battery_status = "Undefined" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorbatterystatus.value", sensor_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery health is " ..sensor_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'quality') then local sensor_quality = (d.value .. " %" ) if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorquality.value", sensor_quality) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Signal quality is " ..sensor_quality) end elseif ( == 'connection_status') and (d.value == "unknown") then local sensor_connection_status = "unknown" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorconnectionstatus.value", sensor_connection_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Connection status is " ..sensor_connection_status) end elseif ( == 'connection_status') and (d.value == "status_device_unreachable") then local sensor_connection_status = "lost" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorconnectionstatus.value", sensor_connection_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Connection status is " ..sensor_connection_status) end elseif ( == 'connection_status') and (d.value == "status_device_alive") then local sensor_connection_status = "alive" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorconnectionstatus.value", sensor_connection_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Connection status is " ..sensor_connection_status) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "bad" then local sensor_state = "bad" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorconnectionstatus.value", sensor_connection_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Connection status is " ..sensor_state) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "poor" then local sensor_state = "poor" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorstate.value", sensor_state) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Radio link is " ..sensor_state) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "good" then local sensor_state = "good" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorstate.value", sensor_state) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Radio link is " ..sensor_state) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "undefined" then local sensor_state = "undefined" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorstate.value", sensor_state) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Radio link is " ..sensor_state) end elseif (b.type == 'soil_temperature_sensor') and ( == 'temperature') and (d.unit == 'C') then local sensor_soil_temperature = (d.value .. " °C") if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorsoiltemperature.value", sensor_soil_temperature) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Soil temperature is " ..sensor_soil_temperature) end elseif (b.type == 'soil_temperature_sensor') and ( == 'temperature') and (d.unit == 'F') then local sensor_soil_temperature = (d.value .. " °F") if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorsoiltemperature.value", sensor_soil_temperature) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Soil temperature is " ..sensor_soil_temperature) end elseif (b.type == 'ambient_temperature_sensor') and ( == 'temperature') then local sensor_ambient_temperature = (d.value .. " °C" ) if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorambienttemperature.value", sensor_ambient_temperature) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Ambient temperature is " .. sensor_ambient_temperature) end elseif (b.type == 'ambient_temperature_sensor') and ( == 'temperature') and (d.uni == 'F') then local sensor_ambient_temperature = (d.value .. " °F" ) if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorambienttemperature.value", sensor_ambient_temperature) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Ambient temperature is " .. sensor_ambient_temperature) end elseif ( == 'frost_warning') and (d.value == "no_frost") then local sensor_frost_warning = "No frost warning" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorfrostwarning.value", sensor_frost_warning) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", sensor_frost_warning) end elseif ( == 'frost_warning') and (d.value == "frost") then local sensor_frost_warning = "Frost warning!" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorfrostwarning.value", sensor_frost_warning) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", sensor_frost_warning) end elseif ( == 'frost_warning') and (d.value == "undefined") then local sensor_frost_warning = "Frost warning status undefined" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorfrostwarning.value", sensor_frost_warning) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", sensor_frost_warning) end elseif ( == 'humidity') then local sensor_humidity = (d.value .. " %") if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorhumidity.value", sensor_humidity) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Soil humidity is " ..sensor_humidity) end elseif ( == 'light') then local sensor_light = (d.value.. " lx") if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorlight.value", sensor_light) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Light intensity is " ..sensor_light) end elseif ( == 'firmware_status') and (d.value == "up_to_date") then local sensor_firmware_status = "up to date" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.sensorfirmwarestatus.value", sensor_firmware_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Firmware is " ..sensor_firmware_status) end end end end end end --Find GARDENA Watering Computers if v.category == "watering_computer" then for a, b in pairs(v.abilities) do for c, d in pairs( do if ( == 'last_time_online') then local watering_computer_online = (MakeTimeStamp1(d.value)) if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputeronline.value", watering_computer_online) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Last on-line on " ..watering_computer_online) end elseif ( == 'level') then local watering_computer_battery_level = (d.value .. " %") if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerbatterylevel.value", watering_computer_battery_level) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery level is " ..watering_computer_battery_level) end elseif ( == 'disposable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'out_of_operation') then local watering_computer_battery_status = "Out of operation" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerbatterystatus.value", watering_computer_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery health is " ..watering_computer_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'disposable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'replace_now') then local watering_computer_battery_status = "Replace batteries now" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerbatterystatus.value", watering_computer_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery health is " ..watering_computer_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'disposable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'low') then local watering_computer_battery_status = "Batteries are low" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerbatterystatus.value", watering_computer_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", watering_computer_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'disposable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'ok') then local watering_computer_battery_status = "OK" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerbatterystatus.value", watering_computer_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery health is " ..watering_computer_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'disposable_battery_status') and (d.value == 'undefined') then local watering_computer_battery_status = "Undefined" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerbatterystatus.value", watering_computer_battery_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Battery health is " ..watering_computer_battery_status) end elseif ( == 'quality') then local watering_computer_quality = (d.value .. "%" ) if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerquality.value", watering_computer_quality) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Signal quality is " ..watering_computer_quality) end elseif ( == 'connection_status') and (d.value == "unknown") then local watering_computer_connection_status = "unknown" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerconnectionstatus.value", watering_computer_connection_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Connection status is " ..watering_computer_connection_status) end elseif ( == 'connection_status') and (d.value == "status_device_unreachable") then local watering_computer_connection_status = "lost" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerconnectionstatus.value", watering_computer_connection_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Connection status is " ..watering_computer_connection_status) end elseif ( == 'connection_status') and (d.value == "status_device_alive") then local watering_computer_connection_status = "alive" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerconnectionstatus.value", watering_computer_connection_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Connection status is " ..watering_computer_connection_status) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "bad" then local watering_computer_state = "bad" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerstate.value", watering_computer_state) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Radio link is " ..watering_computer_state) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "poor" then local watering_computer_state = "poor" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerstate.value", watering_computer_state) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Radio link is " ..watering_computer_state) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "good" then local watering_computer_state = "good" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerstate.value", watering_computer_state) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Radio link is " ..watering_computer_state) end elseif ( == 'state') and d.value == "undefined" then local watering_computer_state = "undefined" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerstate.value", watering_computer_state) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Radio link is " ..watering_computer_state) end elseif ( == 'valve_open') and (d.value == false) then local watering_computer_valve_open = "closed" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputervalveopen.value", watering_computer_valve_open) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Water valve is " ..watering_computer_valve_open) end elseif ( == 'valve_open') and (d.value == true) then local watering_computer_valve_open = "open" if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Watervalve is " ..watering_computer_valve_open) end elseif ( == 'manual_override') and d.value == "inactive" then local watering_computer_manual_override = "inactive" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputermanualoverride.value", watering_computer_manual_override) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Manual override is " ..watering_computer_manual_override) end elseif ( == 'manual_override') and d.value == "open" then local watering_computer_manual_override = "open" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputermanualoverride.value", watering_computer_manual_override) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Manual override is " ..watering_computer_manual_override) end elseif ( == 'manual_override') and d.value == "undefined" then local watering_computer_manual_override = "undefined" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputermanualoverride.value", watering_computer_manual_override) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Manual override is " ..watering_computer_manual_override) end elseif ( == 'button_manual_override_time') then local watering_computer_button_manual_override_time = d.value.. " minutes" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerbuttonmanualoverridetime.value", watering_computer_button_manual_override_time) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Manual override time is " ..watering_computer_button_manual_override_time) end elseif ( == 'last_manual_override_time') then local watering_computer_last_manual_override_time = d.value.. " minutes" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerlastmanualoverridetime.value", watering_computer_last_manual_override_time) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Last manual override lasted " ..watering_computer_last_manual_override_time) end elseif ( == 'temperature') and (d.unit == 'C') then local watering_computer_temperature = d.value.. " °C" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputertemperature.value", watering_computer_temperature) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Ambient temperature is " .. watering_computer_temperature) end elseif ( == 'temperature') and (d.unit == 'F') then local watering_computer_temperature = d.value.. " °F" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputertemperature.value", watering_computer_temperature) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Ambient temperature is " .. watering_computer_temperature) end elseif ( == 'frost_warning') and (d.value == "no_frost") then local watering_computer_frost_warning = "no frost warning" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerfrostwarning.value", watering_computer_frost_warning) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", watering_computer_frost_warning) end elseif ( == 'frost_warning') and (d.value == "frost") then local watering_computer_frost_warning = "frost warning!" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerfrostwarning.value", watering_computer_frost_warning) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", watering_computer_frost_warning) end elseif ( == 'frost_warning') and (d.value == "undefined") then local watering_computer_frost_warning = "frost warning status undefined" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerfrostwarning.value", watering_computer_frost_warning) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", watering_computer_frost_warning) end elseif ( == 'adaptive_scheduling_last_decision') and (d.value == "undefined") then local watering_computer_adaptive_scheduling_last_decision = "undefined" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputeradpativeschedulinglastdecision.value", watering_computer_adaptive_scheduling_last_decision) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Adaptive scheduling last decision is " ..watering_computer_adaptive_scheduling_last_decision) end elseif ( == 'adaptive_scheduling_last_decision') and (d.value == "watered_sensor_timeout") then local watering_computer_adaptive_scheduling_last_decision = "timed out by soil moisture sensor" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputeradpativeschedulinglastdecision.value", watering_computer_adaptive_scheduling_last_decision) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Adaptive scheduling last decision " ..watering_computer_adaptive_scheduling_last_decision) end elseif ( == 'adaptive_scheduling_last_decision') and (d.value == "skipped") then local watering_computer_adaptive_scheduling_last_decision = "skipped by adaptive scheduling" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputeradpativeschedulinglastdecision.value", watering_computer_adaptive_scheduling_last_decision) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Adaptive scheduling last decision " ..watering_computer_adaptive_scheduling_last_decision) end elseif ( == 'adaptive_scheduling_last_decision') and (d.value == "watered") then local watering_computer_adaptive_scheduling_last_decision = "to water" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputeradpativeschedulinglastdecision.value", watering_computer_adaptive_scheduling_last_decision) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Adaptive scheduling last decision is " ..watering_computer_adaptive_scheduling_last_decision) end elseif ( == 'scheduled_watering_end') then local watering_computer_scheduled_watering_end = MakeTimeStamp3(d.timestamp) if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerscheduledwateringend.value", watering_computer_scheduled_watering_end) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Watering is scheduled to end on " ..watering_computer_scheduled_watering_end) end elseif ( == 'scheduled_watering_next_start') then local watering_computer_scheduled_watering_next_start = MakeTimeStamp3(d.timestamp) if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerscheduledwateringnextstart.value", watering_computer_scheduled_watering_next_start) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Watering is scheduled to start on " ..watering_computer_scheduled_watering_next_start) end elseif ( == 'firmware_status') and (d.value == "up_to_date") then local watering_computer_firmware_status = "up to date" if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerfirmwarestatus.value", watering_computer_firmware_status) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Firmware is " ..watering_computer_firmware_status) end end end end end end end end, }) end if ( sourceTrigger["type"] == "autostart" or "manual") then gAuth() end Modifié le 22 mars 2018 par Delacoste
pepite Posté(e) le 23 mars 2018 Signaler Posté(e) le 23 mars 2018 Bonjour, Pour le Gardena Sensor il n'utilise pas la même fonction pour formater la date. Pour tester s'il récupère bien tout, on va "squeezer" le last-on-line". Fais ceci au niveau " Find Gardena Watering Computers" : --local watering_computer_online = (MakeTimeStamp(d.value)) --if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputeronline.value", watering_computer_online) end --if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Last on-line on " ..watering_computer_online) end if (debug == 1) then Debug("white", "Squeeze du Last-On-line") end
Delacoste Posté(e) le 23 mars 2018 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 23 mars 2018 Salut petite, J'ai envoyé un message hier soir à Figaro Market et il a corrigé le script: @Lionel. The issue is in the inconsistent formatting of the date stamps received from the various Gardena devices and the way that my code is able (in this case unable) to handle it. Ultimately I have got to add some code to normalise the date stamp. For now a quick fix is to apply the following small change to the smartstatus scene. Navigate to line 570, where you will find the following code: --Find GARDENA Watering Computers if v.category == "watering_computer" then for a, b in pairs(v.abilities) do for c, d in pairs( do if ( == 'last_time_online') then local watering_computer_online = (MakeTimeStamp3(d.value)) In this last line, change MakeTimeStamp into MakeTimeStamp3 This cause the script to change to another function to decode the timestamp and should resolve the issue. Cheers, Barlow Maintenant le script tourne. Première question: Faut-il toujours laisser tourner le script? Ja'i crée un VD pour la sonde et ça fonctionne. Ce qui est bizarre c'est que j'ai rien dû ajouter (IP...) Maintenant j'ai crée un VD pour smart water Control Gardena mais là rien ne bouge Il faut renseigner quelque chose à quelque part? Il faudra créer 4 VD (1 pour chaque)? J'ai aussi Merci encore pour ta patience!!
pepite Posté(e) le 23 mars 2018 Signaler Posté(e) le 23 mars 2018 Super. Je te rappelle que je n'en ai pas, donc aucune idée du fonctionnement. N'oublie pas, tu dois avoir aussi la scene "command". Il est normal que tu n'es rien renseigné, la scène status s'occupe de tout, et a l'air de creer une variable par device trouvé maispour moi tu dois quand même mettre l'ip dans le VD.Tu dois avoir donc d'autres variables, regarde dans ton panneau de variables. - il regarde dans les propriétés des VDs l'IP, le compare à "identifier" de tes matériels gardena puis crée une variable globale à partir du nom. N'as tu aps une variable "voiture" ? function matchDevices(Identifier) devices = {} local httpClient = net.HTTPClient(); httpClient:request('', { success = function(resp) local devices = json.decode( for i, v in pairs(devices) do if ( == Identifier) then local vName = string.gsub(Identifier,'[%d%-%d]',"") local vValue = tostring( if (fibaro:getGlobalValue(vName) == nil) then addGlobal(vName, vValue) -- nu fibaro:setGlobal(vName, vValue) end end end end, error = function(err) print('error = ' .. err) end, options = { method = 'GET' } }) end Ce qui a l'air de confirmer ce que tu penses, 1 VD par matériel, ce qui parait coherent ;-) Ceci : local VirtualDevice = fibaro:getGlobalValue(vName) if (VirtualDevice ~= nil) then fibaro:call(VirtualDevice, "setProperty", "ui.wateringcomputerbatterylevel.value", watering_computer_battery_level) end Montre que les infos ne remontent pas si la variable globale n'existe pas. Variable dans laquelle il stocke l'id du VD. local vValue = tostring( fibaro:setGlobal(vName, vValue) Ensuite clique sur les boutons de commande pour voir ce qu'il se passe. Il met dans son mode opératoire que si rien ne remonte, il faut relancer la scene status. As tu essayé ?
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