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je tente de faire fonctionner ce code dans une scène, mai il y a des erreur



local  payload = "/domotiquefibaro/fibaro_add.php?times="..times1.."&timestamp="..timestamp.."&nomdevice="..urlencode(tostring(nomdevice1 or "empty")).."&piece="..urlencode(tostring(piece1 or "empty")).."&section="..urlencode(tostring(section1 or "empty")).."&value="..val.."&power="..powerfib..""
HC2 = Net.FHttp("",8080)
response ,status, errorCode = HC2:GET(payload)

  fibaro:debug("response = " .. response)
fibaro:debug("status = " .. status)
if response ~= nill and tonumber(status)==200 then
	fibaro:debug("Succes: ")
	fibaro:debug("Error: Failed ")



[DEBUG] 21:49:37: SectionId : 4
[DEBUG] 21:49:37: line 65: attempt to index global 'Net' (a nil value)

 ligne n°65      HC2 = Net.FHttp("",8080)

Modifié par 971jmd
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