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  1. nelsonamen

    Addon Xbmc Kodi By Adn182

    If you can continue support to hc-lite it will be perfect Thanks
  2. nelsonamen

    Addon Xbmc Kodi By Adn182

    ok, now works in xbox one, but the problem is that i am using HC-lite, and no variables are generated, how i create a scene for play_started and another for Play_stopped, i think you remove this and set for a global scene but this don´t work in hc-lite i can not make play, pause, stop, resume in one scene. Thanks
  3. nelsonamen

    Addon Xbmc Kodi By Adn182

    ok thanks, it will be very good have a version of UWP. i only use for lights on play, pause, resume, stop.... no cam needed or complicated things Thanks
  4. nelsonamen

    Addon Xbmc Kodi By Adn182

    I have tried but without success, have this error maybe is this... Can't be implemented Python _subprocess module is not available on UWP, so an author of the add-on must work around or not use it for UWP
  5. nelsonamen

    Addon Xbmc Kodi By Adn182

    Is this work with xbox one kodi alpha?
  6. Hello from Portugal Sorry for not being able to speak french, but this place looks very valuable as a source of information on Fibaro and other z-wave stuff, so I'm here.
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