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bodyart a gagné pour la dernière fois le 10 juillet 2020

bodyart a eu le contenu le plus aimé !

À propos de bodyart

  • Date de naissance 18/12/1950

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  • Intéret :
    Home Automation
  • Box
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    HC2, HC3 and other

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Newbie (1/14)

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. bodyart

    QuickApp - Plex

    I hope at least your pool is ready now. :-)
  2. Pozdrav Slovensku Salutations à la Slovaquie
  3. bodyart

    Quick App - Squeezebox

    Or define function connect() :-D
  4. bodyart

    Quick App - Squeezebox

    bonjour @CharlesO, just make a button for example Play: with properties: then make a function for the button: function QuickApp:onPlay(state)local c if state=='play' then c='pause'else c='play'end cmd=self.player..' '..c..' '..string.char(10) self:connect(cmd) end Hope this helps a bit :-D
  5. bodyart

    QuickApp - Plex

    Hi @fredokl , unfortunately your QuickApp works only, when you define only one genre in Plex i.e. "films" -- Titre Films ou Séries if media == "Films" then in my case i have defined many genres like: "drama","action","scifi", etc. P.S. Excusez moi, mais je ne parle pas français
  6. Merci encore @Krikroff
  7. Hi ALL! My name is Peter from Groningen, the Netherlands. I'm 66 years young. I'm starting with Fibaro and searching the knowledge from users on different forums. I'm glad i've found this forum and hope to gain some knowledge here and perhaps also to share some. I'm working with fibaro since december of 2016, so i'm still a newbee.
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