ci dessous mon mail au support Fibaro.
pour resumer : j'ai fait un downgrade FW de ma HCL, et maintenant elle ne boot plus meme en mode recovery !!!!
le support me dit qu'il n'y a pas grand chose à faire, mais si qqun a une idée malgré tout, je suis hyper preneur
Merci à tous
dearsI am using an HCL. Since I installed the last beta version, I had some problems : the web access was very long, quite impossible to configure any new module.So I decided to use the recovery method and reinstall a backup. It was quite successfull, but latency came back.So I decided to install the last known stable version via the recovery option (version 4.054)This operation failedSince, receovry mode is inaccessible any more. So, the box seems to be in a state that I do not know how to solve.Symptom is as follow : recovery mode (+ button + on/off fast) >> I go on the webbrowser and IP of the box and get : have cleared the browser history and used antoher browser.for information the box is detected Is there a way to use SSH or something to be sure to restore ? or would you have another option ? many thanks for your assistancebest regards