voici le code mis àjour.
Temps de test: 5 minutes, donc je garantis pas qu'il n'y a pas de bugs
Code du main loop àremplacer:
-- WU WeatherData - Fetch weather data from wunderground.com. Multilanguage support!
-- Original Code by Jonny Larsson 2015 http://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/19810-wu-weatherdata-version-202-2015-10-25/
-- Forked by Sébastien Jauquet 11/2015 http://www.domotique-fibaro.fr/index.php/topic/6446-yams-wu-yet-another-meteo-station-wunderground-version/
-- Inspired by GEA(steven), stevenvd, Lazer, Krikroff and many other users.
-- Source - forum.fibaro.com, domotique-fibaro.fr and worldwideweb
-- 2014-03-22 - Permissions granted from Krikroff
-- 2014-03-23 - Added rain and forecast, Added FR language.
-- 2014-03-23 - Language variable changed to get the translation from wunderground.com in forcast
-- 2014-03-24 - Added PL language
-- 2014-03-24 - Select between PWS or LOCID to download weather data
-- 2015-10-23 - New source code.
-- 2015-11-16 - Permissions granted from Jonny Larsson
-- 2015-11-13 - V3.0 - Fork Code by Sebastien Jauquet (3 days forecast, rain in mm)
-- 2015-11-14 - V3.1 - Compatibilty with GEA, French translation
-- 2015-11-14 - V3.2 - Catch rain errors (-999mm null empty etc.)
-- 2015-11-14 - V3.3 - Catch json decode error (was stopping main loop) with pcall (can be extended to other jdon datas if needed)
-- 2015-11-16 - V3.4 - Generate HTML and non HTML version (for compatibility with mobiles)
-- 2015-11-18 - V3.5 - Fixed bug not updating Meteo_Day becaus WU.now was only updated at first launch
-- 2015-11-18 - V3.6 - Merged some changes from jompa new version
-- 2015-11-18 - Added autmatic creation of Global Variables if not existing
-- 2015-11-19 - V3.7 - Modify schedule management and CleanUp code
-- 2015-11-22 - V3.8 - Finalise mobile version and bug fixing
-- 2015-11-23 - V3.9 - Added multiple notification options (Lazer way)
-- 2015-11-30 - V4.0 - More precision for rain mm (moring/evening) + added feels like T° + optimized display
-- 2016-07-11 - V4.1 - Added Speech VG, with subst of symbols of day, tomorrow and Day+2 to be more speech compatible (in french only, sorry)
-- Look for nearest station here: http://www.wunderground.com
-- 2061-10-01 - V4.2 - Removed HTML tags
WU = {};
-- WU settings
--WU.APIkey = "XXXXXXXXXxxxxxXX"; -- Put your WU api key here
--WU.PWS = "IGVLEBOR5"; -- The PWS location to get data from (Personal Weather Station)
--WU.LOCID = "SWXX0076"; -- The location ID to get data from (City location)
--WU.station = "PWS"; -- Choose your prefered method to retrieve from: PWS or LOCID
WU.APIkey = "XXXXXxxxxxXXXXXXX"; -- Put your WU api key here
WU.PWS = "XXXXXXXXXX"; -- The PWS location to get data from (Personal Weather Station)
WU.LOCID = "XXXXXXX"; -- The location ID to get data from (Public City location)
WU.station = "LOCID"; -- Choose your prefered method to retrieve from: PWS or LOCID
-- notifications
WU.notifications = true; -- send notifications
WU.push_fcst1 = "11:30"; -- time when forecast for today will be pushed to smartphone
WU.push_fcst2 = "18:15"; -- time when forecast for tonight will be pushed to smartphone
WU.notificationTypes = {"push", "email"};--notification types {"push", "email", "sms"}
WU.smartphoneID = {1347}; -- Smartphone Id to send push to. {id1, id2, id3}
WU.userID = {2}; -- User Id to send email to. {id1, id2, id3}
WU.sms = {
["VD_ID"] = 0, -- Virtual Device ID
["VD_Button"] = "1", -- Virtual Device Button
["VG_Name"] = "SMS"}; -- Global Variable Name
WU.debug_messages = false; -- Diplay debug for notifications
-- Other settings
WU.translation = {true};
WU.language = "FR"; -- EN, FR, SW, PL (default is en)
WU.GEA = true; -- subst % with %% when storing in the VG's (because gea bug with % in push messages)
WU.CreateVG = true; -- will atomaticaly create global variables at first run if = true
WU.updateEvery = 30; -- get data every xx minutes
-- Do not change
WU.startTime = os.time();
WU.scheduler = os.time()+60*WU.updateEvery;
WU.currentDate = os.date("*t");
WU.now = os.date("%H:%M");
WU.DoNotRecheckBefore = os.time();
WU.selfId = fibaro:getSelfId();
WU.version = "4.2";
WU.translation["EN"] = {
Push_forecast = "Push forecast",
Exiting_loop_slider = "Exiting loop earlier (Slider Changed)",
Exiting_loop_push = "Exiting loop earlier (For push)",
Last_updated = "Last updated",
Temperature = "T°/Feels Like",
Humidity = "Humidity",
Pressure = "Pressure",
Wind = "Wind",
Rain = "Rain",
Forecast = "Forecast ",
EmailSubject = "Meteo of this",
Station = "Station",
Fetched = "Fetched",
Data_processed = "Data processed",
Update_interval = "Next update will be in (min)",
No_data_fetched = "No data fetched",
NO_STATIONID_FOUND = "No stationID found",
NO_DATA_FOUND = "No data found"
WU.translation["FR"] = {
Push_forecast = "Push des prévisions",
Exiting_loop_slider = "Sortie de boucle (Slider Changé)",
Exiting_loop_push = "Sortie de boucle (Pour Push)",
Last_updated = "Mise àjour",
Temperature = "T°/Ressentie",
Humidity = "Humidité",
Pressure = "Pression",
Wind = "Vent",
Rain = "Pluie",
Forecast = "",
EmailSubject = "Météo de ce",
Station = "Station",
Fetched = "Données reçues",
Data_processed = "Données mises àjour",
Update_interval = "Prochaine Mise àjour prévue dans (min)",
No_data_fetched = "Pas de données reçues !!",
NO_STATIONID_FOUND = "StationID non trouvée !!",
NO_DATA_FOUND = "Pas de données disponibles !!"
WU.translation["SW"] = {
Push_forecast = "Push forecast",
Exiting_loop_slider = "Exiting loop earlier (Slider Changed)",
Exiting_loop_push = "Exiting loop earlier (For push)",
Last_updated = "Last updated",
Temperature = "T°/Feels Like",
Humidity = "Fuktighet",
Pressure = "Barometer",
Wind = "Vind",
Rain = "Regn",
Forecast = "Prognos ",
EmailSubject = "Meteo of this",
Station = "Station",
Fetched = "Hämtat",
Data_processed = "All data processat",
Update_interval = "Nästa uppdatering är om (min)",
No_data_fetched = "Inget data hämtat",
NO_STATIONID_FOUND = "StationID ej funnet",
NO_DATA_FOUND = "Ingen data hos WU"
WU.translation["PL"] = {
Push_forecast = "Push prognoza",
Exiting_loop_slider = "Exiting loop earlier (Slider Changed)",
Exiting_loop_push = "Exiting loop earlier (For push)",
Last_updated = "Last updated",
Temperature = "T°/Feels Like",
Humidity = "Wilgotnosc",
Pressure = "Pressure",
Wind = "Wiatr",
Rain = "Rain",
Forecast = "Forecast ",
EmailSubject = "Meteo of this",
Station = "Station",
Fetched = "Fetched",
Data_processed = "Data processed",
No_data_fetched = "No data fetched",
Update_interval = "Next update will be in (min)",
NO_STATIONID_FOUND = "No stationID found",
NO_DATA_FOUND = "No data found"
WU.translation["NL"] = {
Push_forecast = "Push verwachting",
Exiting_loop_slider = "Exiting loop earlier (Slider Changed)",
Exiting_loop_push = "Exiting loop earlier (For push)",
Last_updated = "Last updated",
Temperature = "T°/Feels Like",
Humidity = "Vochtigheid",
Pressure = "Druk",
Wind = "Wind",
Rain = "Regen",
Forecast = "Verwachting ",
EmailSubject = "Meteo of this",
Station = "Weerstation",
Fetched = "Ontvangen",
Data_processed = "Gegevens verwerkt",
Update_interval = "Volgende update in (min)",
No_data_fetched = "Geen gegevens ontvangen",
NO_STATIONID_FOUND = "Geen stationID gevonden",
NO_DATA_FOUND = "Geen gegevens gevonden"
WU.translation["DE"] = {
Push_forecast = "Push vorhersage",
Exiting_loop_slider = "Exiting loop earlier (Slider Changed)",
Exiting_loop_push = "Exiting loop earlier (For push)",
Last_updated = "Last updated",
Temperature = "T°/Feels Like",
Humidity = "Luftfeuchtigkeit",
Pressure = "Luftdruck",
Wind = "Wind",
Rain = "Regen",
Forecast = "Vorhersage ",
EmailSubject = "Meteo of this",
Station = "Station",
Fetched = "Abgerufen",
Data_processed = "Daten verarbeitet",
No_data_fetched = "Keine Daten abgerufen",
Update_interval = "Das nächste Update in (min)",
NO_STATIONID_FOUND = "Keine stationID gefunden",
NO_DATA_FOUND = "Keine Daten gefunden"
Debug = function (color, message)
if color and color ~= "" then
fibaro:debug('<span style="color:'..color..';">'..message..'</span>');
WU.notification = function(message, subject, param)
local message = message or "<vide>";
if WU.debug_messages then
Debug("yellow", "Notification : "..message);
if param then
for _, notif in ipairs(param) do
if WU.debug_messages then
Debug("grey", notif);
-- Envoi Push
if notif == "push" and WU.smartphoneID then
for _, id in ipairs(WU.smartphoneID) do
if WU.debug_messages then
Debug("grey", "Send Push smartphone ID : "..id);
fibaro:call(id, "sendPush", message);
-- Envoi Email
elseif notif == "email" and WU.userID then
for _, id in ipairs(WU.userID) do
if WU.debug_messages then
Debug("grey", "Send Email user ID : "..id);
fibaro:call(id, "sendEmail", subject, message);
-- Envoi SMS
elseif notif == "sms" and WU.sms then
if WU.debug_messages then
Debug("grey", "Send SMS : VD_ID="..(WU.sms["VD_ID"] or 0).." VD_Button="..(WU.sms["VD_Button"] or "0").." VG_Name="..(WU.sms["VG_Name"] or ""));
fibaro:setGlobal(WU.sms["VG_Name"], message);
if WU.sms["VD_ID"] and tonumber(WU.sms["VD_ID"])>0 and WU.sms["VD_Button"] and tonumber(WU.sms["VD_Button"])>0 then
fibaro:call(WU.sms["VD_ID"], "pressButton", WU.sms["VD_Button"]);
Debug("orange", "Warning : no notification options given");
WU.createGlobalIfNotExists = function(varName, defaultValue)
if (fibaro:getGlobal(varName) == "") then
Debug("red", "Global Var: "..varName.." HAS BEEN CREATED");
newVar = {};
newVar.name = varName;
HC2 = Net.FHttp("", 11111);
HC2:POST("/api/globalVariables", json.encode(newVar));
WU.substPercent = function(doublePercentSymbol)
if WU.GEA then
doublePercentSymbol = string.gsub(doublePercentSymbol, "%%.", "%%%%");
return doublePercentSymbol;
WU.substSpeech = function(substSpeech)
substSpeech = string.gsub(substSpeech, "km/h", "kilomètre heure");
substSpeech = string.gsub(substSpeech, "ºC", "degrés");
substSpeech = string.gsub(substSpeech, "°C", "degrés");
substSpeech = string.gsub(substSpeech, "%(", "de ");
substSpeech = string.gsub(substSpeech, "%)", "");
substSpeech = string.gsub(substSpeech, "mm", "milimètres de pluie.");
substSpeech = string.gsub(substSpeech, " Vents ", " Vents de provenance ");
substSpeech = string.gsub(substSpeech, "/", " à");
substSpeech = string.gsub(substSpeech, " N ", " Nord ");
substSpeech = string.gsub(substSpeech, " S ", " Sud ");
substSpeech = string.gsub(substSpeech, " E ", " Est ");
substSpeech = string.gsub(substSpeech, " O ", " Ouest ");
substSpeech = string.gsub(substSpeech, " NE ", " Nord Est ");
substSpeech = string.gsub(substSpeech, " NNE ", " Nord Nord Est ");
substSpeech = string.gsub(substSpeech, " ENE ", " Est Nord Est ");
substSpeech = string.gsub(substSpeech, " NO ", " Nord Ouest ");
substSpeech = string.gsub(substSpeech, " NNO ", " Nord Nord Ouest ");
substSpeech = string.gsub(substSpeech, " ONO ", " Ouest Nord Ouest ");
substSpeech = string.gsub(substSpeech, " SE ", " Sud Est ");
substSpeech = string.gsub(substSpeech, " SSE ", " Sud Sud Est ");
substSpeech = string.gsub(substSpeech, " ESE ", " Est Sud Est ");
substSpeech = string.gsub(substSpeech, " SO ", " Sud Ouest ");
substSpeech = string.gsub(substSpeech, " SSO ", " Sud Sud Ouest ");
substSpeech = string.gsub(substSpeech, " OSO ", " Ouest Sud Ouest ");
return substSpeech;
WU.cleanJson = function(jsontocheck,returnIfTrue)
if jsontocheck == "-999.00" or jsontocheck == "--" or jsontocheck == json.null then
jsontocheck = returnIfTrue;
local ok = pcall(function()
testConcatenate = "Test Concatenate: " .. jsontocheck; -- test for non concatenate value
end )
if (not ok) then
decode_error = true;
Debug( "red", "decode raised an error");
if WU.notifications then
WU.notification("decode error in WU Meteo","Got a Decode Error in WU Meteo.", WU.notificationTypes);
return jsontocheck;
WU.HtmlColor = function(StringToColor,color)
if MobileDisplay == false then
StringToColor= "<font color=\""..color.."\"> "..StringToColor.."</font>";
return StringToColor;
WU.IconOrText = function(icon,txt)
if MobileDisplay == false then
IconOrText = "<img src="..icon.."\>";
IconOrText = txt;
return IconOrText;
WU.HtmlOrText = function(_html,txt)
if MobileDisplay == false then
HtmlOrText = _html;
HtmlOrText = txt;
return HtmlOrText;
WU.getSlider = function()
ValeurSliderfunct = fibaro:getValue(WU.selfId , "ui.WebOrMobile.value");
return tonumber(ValeurSliderfunct);
WU.setSlider = function(position)
fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.WebOrMobile.value", position);
return WU.getSlider();
WU.checkMobileOrWeb = function()
ValeurSliderSleep = WU.getSlider(); -- check slider value at first run
if ValeurSliderSleep <= 50 then
if ValeurSliderSleep == 1 then
MobileDisplay = false;
MobileDisplay = false;
WU.runDirect = 1;
sleepAndcheckslider = 20*WU.updateEvery; -- exit wait loop
Debug("orange", WU.translation[WU.language]["Exiting_loop_slider"]);
WU.setSlider(1); -- désactive le run immediat lors du prochain test
if ValeurSliderSleep >= 50 then
if ValeurSliderSleep == 98 then
MobileDisplay = true;
WU.runDirect = 1;
sleepAndcheckslider = 20*WU.updateEvery; -- exit wait loop
Debug("orange", WU.translation[WU.language]["Exiting_loop_slider"]);
WU.setSlider(98); -- désactive le run immediat lors du prochain test
return WU.getSlider();
WU.fetchWU = function()
decode_error = false;
local WGROUND = Net.FHttp("api.wunderground.com",80);
local response ,status, err = WGROUND:GET("/api/"..WU.APIkey.."/conditions/forecast/lang:"..WU.language.."/q/"..WU.station..":"..locationID..".json");
--Debug("orange", "api.wunderground.com/api/"..WU.APIkey.."/conditions/forecast/lang:"..WU.language.."/q/"..WU.station..":"..locationID..".json");
if (tonumber(status) == 200 and tonumber(err)==0) then
Debug( "cyan", WU.translation[WU.language]["Fetched"]);
if (response ~= nil) then
WU.now = os.date("%H:%M");
jsonTable = json.decode(response);
if jsonTable.response.error ~= nil then
Debug( "red", WU.translation[WU.language]["NO_DATA_FOUND"]);
Debug( "yellow", WU.translation[WU.language]["NO_DATA_FOUND"]);
-- current observation
stationID = jsonTable.current_observation.station_id;
humidity = jsonTable.current_observation.relative_humidity;
temperature = jsonTable.current_observation.temp_c;
pression = jsonTable.current_observation.pressure_mb;
wind = jsonTable.current_observation.wind_kph;
rain = WU.cleanJson(jsonTable.current_observation.precip_today_metric,"0");
weathericon = jsonTable.current_observation.icon_url;
feelslike_c = jsonTable.current_observation.feelslike_c;
temperatureWithFeels = temperature.."/"..feelslike_c
-- Today meteo
fcstday1 = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[1].title;
fcst1 = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[1].fcttext_metric;
fcst1icon = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[1].icon_url;
-- Today Evening Meteo
fcstday2 = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[2].title;
fcst2 = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[2].fcttext_metric;
fcst2icon = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[2].icon_url;
-- Tomorrow Morning Meteo
fcstday3 = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[3].title;
fcst3 = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[3].fcttext_metric;
fcst3icon = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[3].icon_url;
-- In 2 days Morning Meteo
fcstday5 = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[5].title;
fcst5 = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[5].fcttext_metric;
fcst5icon = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[5].icon_url;
-- SimpleForecast Today Meteo (Complete day)
fcst1SmallTxt = jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].conditions;
fcst1Tmax = jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].high.celsius;
fcst1Tmin = jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].low.celsius;
fcst1avewind =jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].avewind.kph;
fcst1avewinddir =jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].avewind.dir;
fcst1mmday = WU.cleanJson(jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].qpf_day.mm,"0");
fcst1mmnight = WU.cleanJson(jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].qpf_night.mm,"0");
fcst1mm = fcst1mmday.."/"..fcst1mmnight
-- SimpleForecast Tomorrow Meteo (Complete day)
fcst2SmallTxt = jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[2].conditions;
fcst2Tmax = jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[2].high.celsius;
fcst2Tmin = jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[2].low.celsius;
fcst2avewind =jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[2].avewind.kph;
fcst2avewinddir =jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[2].avewind.dir;
fcst2mmday = WU.cleanJson(jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[2].qpf_day.mm,"0");
fcst2mmnight = WU.cleanJson(jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[2].qpf_night.mm,"0");
fcst2mm = fcst2mmday.."/"..fcst2mmnight
-- In 2 days Meteo (Complete day)
fcst3SmallTxt = jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[3].conditions;
fcst3Tmax = jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[3].high.celsius;
fcst3Tmin = jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[3].low.celsius;
fcst3avewind =jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[3].avewind.kph;
fcst3avewinddir =jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[3].avewind.dir;
fcst3mmday = WU.cleanJson(jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[3].qpf_day.mm,"0");
fcst3mmnight = WU.cleanJson(jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[3].qpf_night.mm,"0");
fcst3mm = fcst3mmday.."/"..fcst3mmnight
if (stationID ~= nil) and decode_error == false then
fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblStation.value", locationID);
fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblTempHum.value", WU.translation[WU.language]["Temperature"]..": "..temperature.."°C | "..humidity.." "..WU.translation[WU.language]["Humidity"]);
fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblWindRain.value", WU.translation[WU.language]["Wind"]..": "..wind.." km/h - "..WU.translation[WU.language]["Rain"]..": "..rain.." mm");
if (WU.now >= "03:00" and WU.now <= "23:59") then -- donne meteo du jour entre 00:00 (ou 3h) et 15:59. permet de garder la météo du soir jusqu'a 3h du matin, sinon change àminuit
fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblFcst.value", WU.HtmlOrText(
WU.translation[WU.language]["Forecast"]..fcstday1..": "..fcst1.." ("..fcst1mm.." mm)",
fcst1Tmax.."°/"..fcst1Tmin.."° | "..fcst1mm.."mm | "..fcst1avewind.."Km/h ("..fcst1avewinddir..")"));
fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblIcon.value",WU.IconOrText(fcst1icon,fcstday1..": "..fcst1SmallTxt));
local texte = WU.substPercent(WU.translation[WU.language]["Forecast"]..fcstday1..": ".." "..fcst1.." ("..fcst1mm.." mm)");
fibaro:setGlobal("Meteo_Day", texte);
local texte = WU.substPercent(WU.translation[WU.language]["Forecast"]..fcstday1..": ".." "..fcst1);
texte = WU.substSpeech(texte);
fibaro:setGlobal("Meteo_Day_Speech", texte);
elseif (WU.now >= "16:00" and WU.now <= "23:59") then -- donne meteo soirée entre 16:00 et 23:59
fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblFcst.value", WU.HtmlOrText(
WU.translation[WU.language]["Forecast"]..fcstday2..": "..fcst2.." ("..fcst1mm.." mm)",
fcst1Tmax.."°/"..fcst1Tmin.."° | "..fcst1mm.."mm | "..fcst1avewind.."Km/h ("..fcst1avewinddir..")"));
fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblIcon.value",WU.IconOrText(fcst2icon,fcstday2..": "..fcst1SmallTxt));
local texte = WU.substPercent(WU.translation[WU.language]["Forecast"]..fcstday2..": ".." "..fcst2.." ("..fcst1mm.." mm)");
fibaro:setGlobal("Meteo_Day", texte);
local texte = WU.substPercent(WU.translation[WU.language]["Forecast"]..fcstday2..": ".." "..fcst2);
texte = WU.substSpeech(texte);
fibaro:setGlobal("Meteo_Day_Speech", texte);
-- Meteo of Tomorrow
fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblFcstTomorrow.value", WU.HtmlOrText(
WU.translation[WU.language]["Forecast"]..fcstday3..": "..fcst3.." ("..fcst2mm.." mm)",
fcst2Tmax.."°/"..fcst2Tmin.."° | "..fcst2mm.."mm | "..fcst2avewind.."Km/h ("..fcst2avewinddir..")"));
fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblIconTomorrow.value",WU.IconOrText(fcst3icon,fcstday3..": "..fcst2SmallTxt));
local texte = WU.substPercent(WU.translation[WU.language]["Forecast"]..fcstday3..": ".." "..fcst3.." ("..fcst2mm.." mm)");
fibaro:setGlobal("Meteo_Tomorrow", texte);
local texte = WU.substPercent(WU.translation[WU.language]["Forecast"]..fcstday3..": ".." "..fcst3);
texte = WU.substSpeech(texte);
fibaro:setGlobal("Meteo_Tomorrow_Sp", texte);
-- Meteo in 2 Days
fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblFcst2Days.value", WU.HtmlOrText(
WU.translation[WU.language]["Forecast"]..fcstday5..": "..fcst5.." ("..fcst3mm.." mm)",
fcst3Tmax.."°/"..fcst3Tmin.."° | "..fcst3mm.."mm | "..fcst3avewind.."Km/h ("..fcst3avewinddir..")"));
fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblIcon2Days.value",WU.IconOrText(fcst5icon,fcstday5..": "..fcst3SmallTxt));
local texte = WU.substPercent(WU.translation[WU.language]["Forecast"]..fcstday5..": ".." "..fcst5.." ("..fcst3mm.." mm)");
fibaro:setGlobal("Meteo_In_2_Days", texte);
local texte = WU.substPercent(WU.translation[WU.language]["Forecast"]..fcstday5..": ".." "..fcst5);
texte = WU.substSpeech(texte);
fibaro:setGlobal("Meteo_In_2_Days_Sp", texte);
if WU.notifications then
if (os.date("%H:%M") == WU.push_fcst1) then
WU.notification(fcstday1.." - "..fcst1.." ("..fcst1mm.." mm)" , WU.translation[WU.language]["EmailSubject"].." "..fcstday1 , WU.notificationTypes); -- Send Morning meteo
elseif (os.date("%H:%M") == WU.push_fcst2) then
WU.notification( fcstday2.." - "..fcst2.." ("..fcst2mm.." mm)" , WU.translation[WU.language]["EmailSubject"].." "..fcstday2 , WU.notificationTypes); -- Send evening meteo
if WU.notifications then
fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblNotify.value", WU.translation[WU.language]["Push_forecast"].." = true");
else fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblNotify.value",WU.translation[WU.language]["Push_forecast"].." = false");
WU.scheduler = os.time()+WU.updateEvery*60;
fibaro:call(WU.selfId, "setProperty", "ui.lblUpdate.value", WU.translation[WU.language]["Last_updated"]..": "..os.date("%c"));
Debug( "cyan", WU.translation[WU.language]["Data_processed"]);
Debug( "white", WU.translation[WU.language]["Update_interval"].." "..WU.updateEvery);
Debug( "red", WU.translation[WU.language]["NO_STATIONID_FOUND"]);
fibaro:debug("status:" .. status .. ", errorCode:" .. errorCode);
sleepAndcheckslider = 0;
while sleepAndcheckslider <= 20*WU.updateEvery do
sleepAndcheckslider = sleepAndcheckslider+1;
if (WU.DoNotRecheckBefore <= os.time()) and ((WU.scheduler == os.time) or (os.date("%H:%M") == WU.push_fcst1) or (os.date("%H:%M") == WU.push_fcst2)) then
Debug("orange", WU.translation[WU.language]["Exiting_loop_push"]);
WU.DoNotRecheckBefore = os.time()+60;
sleepAndcheckslider = 20*WU.updateEvery;
Debug( "orange", "10/2015 - WU Weather - Original LUA Scripting by Jonny Larsson 2015");
Debug( "orange", "11/2015 - YAMS WU - Fork by Sébastien Jauquet");
Debug( "orange", "Version: "..WU.version);
if WU.station == "LOCID" then
locationID = WU.LOCID;
WU.station == "PWS" then
locationID = WU.PWS;
if WU.CreateVG then
WU.createGlobalIfNotExists("Meteo_Day", "");
WU.createGlobalIfNotExists("Meteo_Tomorrow", "");
WU.createGlobalIfNotExists("Meteo_In_2_Days", "");
WU.createGlobalIfNotExists("Meteo_Day_Speech", "");
WU.createGlobalIfNotExists("Meteo_Tomorrow_Sp", "");
WU.createGlobalIfNotExists("Meteo_In_2_Days_Sp", "");
while true do