Version 4.090
This update features migration process from version 3.601, reconfiguring every device, adjusting it for changes which took place in the system. This will assure possibly smooth transition and continuous operation, allowing each device to work with old settings until reconfiguration is done. Please refer to message that appears in interface and Notification Center after finishing upgrade for further instructions.
Updating from version 3.601 may take longer than usual, up to 30 minutes, please do not restart controller during update process.
Resolved issues:
- #0003578 Danfoss thermostat shows unreal value
- #0003883 No reports from Northq Gas Meter NQ-92021
- #0003605 #0003962 #0003962 Weather is not updating (weather information provider changed to
- #0003094 Alarm panel doesn't record change of alarm state
- Protection Command Class not working on devices without template
- 503 error when deleting section in some cases
- Malfunction of RGBW when changing controlled device to RGB
- NaN displayed in device serial number
- Scene Activation not working when triggered multiple times by the same id
- Mobile applications: Change of devices order not possible for non-admin users
- Philips Hue plugin does not allow new user configuration. Reinstall existing plugin to enable fix
- Wind speed available in weather conditions computed incorrectly - value too low
- Services Restart called from 503 error page not working
- Scenes do not trigger when RAM usage is above 75%. Threshold moved to 90%
- Device hierarchy not displaying properly for Dimmer 2 in advanced configuration
- Z-Wave Weather templates lacking for devices of other manufacturers
- Weather refresh and schedules hang
- Other minor fixes
New devices support:
- Fibaro Button
- #0003488 Aeon Labs Multisensor GEN 5
- #0003244 Keyfob GEN 5
- MCO MH10 PM2.5 Monitor
- MCO MH9 CO2 Monitor
- Aspire RF9518
- Aspire RF9534
- Aspire RF9536
- Leviton VRI06-1L
- Leviton VRI10-1L
- Leviton VRE06-1L
- Leviton VRF01-1L
- Leviton VRS15-1L
- Leviton VRS05-1L
- Leviton VRCS2-MR
- Leviton VRCS4-MR
- Leviton VRCZ4-MR
- Leviton VRCZ4-MO
- Leviton VRCS1-1L
- Leviton VRCZ1-1L
- Vitrum Think Simple IV Scenari
- Secure SWM301
Other improvements:
- #0003844 Confirmation pop-up is now displayed when restoring or deleting backup
- Favicon added
- Satus bar is scrolled with page
- Notification Center is available directly on the status bar
- Battery devices now work on default wake up interval when included
- Serial number is now displayed in advanced configuration of devices that declare it
- Setpoint thermostats capabilities are flexibly adapted when device is included
- Minor UX inconsistency fixes
- Firmware Update - wireless update of Z-Wave devices: Motion Sensor, Dimmer and Wall Plug. Availability of update for each device is showed in Notification Center and Advanced Configuration. Run update only when devices is in close range from controller (ca. 2 m). Process can take up to 30 minutes, depending on Z-Wave traffic and devices queued for update. Details on whole procedure can be found in notification displayed before every device update.
- New, configurable scenes triggering modes available in each scene advanced configuration:
Automatic - scene gets triggered either by one of defined triggers (device state, global variable etc.) or manually, by 'Run' button
Manual - scene executes only manually by 'Run' button
Disabled - scene is inactive, does not get triggered and cannot be run manually
Visibility - scene can be hidden in all interfaces (mobile apps, web interface)