[DEBUG] 15:37:39: Error : SS_GetSID failed : API Authentication failure, Invalid login or password.[DEBUG] 15:37:39: 2019-02-03 15:37:39.043989 [ error] timer handler failed with error: /opt/fibaro/scenes/140.lua:394: attempt to concatenate upvalue 'SID' (a nil value)[DEBUG] 15:37:48: 03/02/2019 : Scene started manually[DEBUG] 15:37:48: [{"VD_Text":""},{"action":"SS_Init_VG"},{"value":" "},{"VD_ID":171},{"VD_Label":""}][DEBUG] 15:37:48: VD_Text :[DEBUG] 15:37:48: action : SS_Init_VG[DEBUG] 15:37:48: value :[DEBUG] 15:37:48: VD_ID : 171[DEBUG] 15:37:48: VD_Label :[DEBUG] 15:37:48: 03/02/2019 :[DEBUG] 15:37:48: Gloabal Variable = SurvStationManager Contente : ({"pathRecord":"entry.cgi","pathAuth":"auth.cgi","SceneID":140,"pathCamera":"entry.cgi"}[DEBUG] 15:37:48: pathAuth =auth.cgi Parameters found in "SurvStationManager" global variable[DEBUG] 15:37:48: pathRecord =entry.cgi Parameters found in "SurvStationManager" global variable[DEBUG] 15:37:48: pathCamera =entry.cgi Parameters found in "SurvStationManager" global variable[DEBUG] 15:37:48: setTimeout(function() functions[SS_Init_VG]() end, 0)[DEBUG] 15:37:48: Scene main loop finished[DEBUG] 15:37:48: Call SS_Init_VG() function[DEBUG] 15:37:48: getAPI() :,SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Camera,SYNO.SurveillanceStation.ExternalRecording[DEBUG] 15:37:48: getAPI() : response success[DEBUG] 15:37:48: getAPI() : callback function GET_Path[DEBUG] 15:37:48: Query : Success[DEBUG] 15:37:48: pathAuth : auth.cgi[DEBUG] 15:37:48: pathRecord : entry.cgi[DEBUG] 15:37:48: pathCamera : entry.cgi[DEBUG] 15:37:48: Save pathAuth Parameters to (SurvStationManager) global variable[DEBUG] 15:37:48: Save pathRecord Parameters to (SurvStationManager) global variable[DEBUG] 15:37:48: Save pathCamera Parameters to (SurvStationManager) global variable[DEBUG] 15:37:48: getAPI() :[DEBUG] 15:37:49: getAPI() : response not success[DEBUG] 15:37:49: getAPI() : callback function GetSID[DEBUG] 15:37:49: GetSID : Success[DEBUG] 15:37:49: Error : SS_GetSID failed : API Authentication failure, Invalid login or password.[DEBUG] 15:37:49: 2019-02-03 15:37:49.186950 [ error] timer handler failed with error: /opt/fibaro/scenes/140.lua:394: attempt to concatenate upvalue 'SID' (a nil value)
Hello can anyone help me please