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À propos de DjoulZ

  • Date de naissance 07/04/1978

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    La Domotique
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    Home Center 2

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  1. Hi DjoulZ, I found your Fibaro plugin for Daikin air conditiotion devices on the forum but somhow I connot download it (permission denied). Would it be possible to get this plugin directly from you ?? Recently I bought wifi module to my daikin and I tried to connect both devices (daikin & fibaro) and then I found your post. Using your solution would save me a lot of time. Thanks in advance. Regards Pawel (my email:

    1. DjoulZ


      Hi Youka! Sorry for delay for response (and my bad English). So, if you cannot download it, it's because you don't post comment and profile description. If you do it, you could. Else, I sent you my git repo for Daikin plugin. Bye

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