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À propos de petergebruers

  • Date de naissance 26/09/1967

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  1. petergebruers

    Migration de HC2 vers HC3

    Oui. Ca aussi. Exactement mon idée, mais pour prouver que ca fonctionne je l'ai teste quand meme "don't try this at home" Il me semble, pour certain utilisateur, dans certain cas, Il ya des problèmes avec le "dashboard" (mais l'appli mobile fonctionne) ... Je n'ai pas encore des retours si support a résolu leurs problème(s). Je l'appelai plutôt "changement de contrôleur" que "migration".
  2. Sorry for posting in English here, but the information I'll link to will be in English as well so ... hard to avoid the language issue... This device will probably appeal to users having unexplained delays and unreliable connections. I have a warning for the potential buyer... Z-Wave routing probably does not work they way you think and it is unlikely that adding this "special" device is actually going to solve your problem, because without Zniffer you cannot diagnose the issues this device tries to solve, and without "forced routes" there is no guarantee it will actually repeat messages and fix your problem device(s). I am not saying it does not work, on the contrary, all mains devices with very few exceptions can act as repeaters. I have worked with several users and a long time Fibaro user called "robmac" has posted a detailed explanation on the OpenHAB forum. It is very technical "geek stuff" but the TL;DR is easy: get proper advice or make a Zniffer and familiarise yourself with the information it gives + read this article about Z-Wave routing... I've also worked with another user, "amilanov" an he has posted an excellent guide and some things Zniffer can do for you. It is hard to find decent information on this level and this may appeal to no more than 0,1% of all users on this forum (but they will find this information awesome!), so my apologies to those other 99,9%
  3. Pas besoin de supprimer cette sonde, pas besoin de exclure l' FGT non plus... Après un certain temp, l' FGT comprendra que il n'y a plus de communication. Quand vous recevez la nouvelle sonde, suivez les instructions dans le manuel (hint: menu "bleu").
  4. Quand même, ca explique tout... Vous avez fait exclude & include ou "reconfigure" sur cette 5eme FGT... et maintenant votre HC net reconnait plus cette FGT come "FGT", mais come "thermostat". Confirmé par Fibaro. La partie importante: "if you are using TRV with HC version lower than 4.162 Beta device won't include properly after removing it from the network as lower version do not have a template for module in fw other than 4.0. Beta 4.162 fully support valves with 4.3 fw, if you are sticking to last stable version please do not remove modules after the update or just wait few days for next stable release." EDIT: a ce temps la... next stable release = 4.170
  5. Il me semble que votre FGT est a fw 4.3 et votre HC = 4.150... Pour FGT 4.3 il faut HC >= 4.162 (pour avoir le "template"). Si je ne me trompe pas FGT 4.0 fonctionne a partir de 4.150.
  6. FGT-001 ON = ON et OFF = OFF -- Set valve to OFF mode fibaro:call(1346, "setMode", "0") -- Set valve to AUTO mode and set target temperature fibaro:call(1346, "setMode", "1") fibaro:call(1346, "setTargetLevel", 21) -- Set valve to FULL POWER - dangerous! fibaro:call(1346, "setMode", "31")
  7. FGD211 + bypass = OK Sans bypass = NOK, reste allumé...
  8. Attention... Il est fortement conseille d'attendre le "non-beta" suivant du firmware HC, ou d'installer 4.162 si vous acceptez les risques de beta, et vous conaissez la procedure "recovery". Car la version 4.160 na pas de template pour FGT FW 4.3...
  9. Merci @TonyC For those fluent in English, I recommend you follow this topic on the official forum:
  10. Actif sur le forum officiel depuis 2013: Langue maternel: Flamand. Mon Français n'est pas super, mais je me débrouille. Je suis un ingénieur électricien, mais j'ai travaillé principalement dans l'informatique. Occasionnellement, je programme un microcôntroleur ... Par exemple, pour contrôler quelques LEDS ou mesurer la résistance interne d'une cellule CR2032. Number of physical (master) devices: 101. Device Types: 38. Danfoss: Z Thermostat, Z Thermostat 014G0013. Aeotec: DSA03202 Minimote, ZW088 Key Fob Gen5, DSB05 Multisensor, ZW074 MultiSensor Gen5, ZW089 Recessed Door Sensor Gen5. Vision: ZG8101 Garage Door Detector. FIBARO System: FGD211 Universal Dimmer 500W, FGD212 Dimmer 2, FGS221 Double Relay Switch 2x1.5kW, FGS222 Double Relay Switch 2x1.5kW, FGS223 Double Relay, FGRM222 Roller Shutter Controller 2, FGS213 Switch, FGBS001 Universal Binary Sensor, FGWPE/F Wall Plug, FGK101 Door Opening Sensor, FGDW002 Door Opening Sensor 2, FGMS001 Motion Sensor, FGMS001-ZW5 Motion Sensor, FGRGBWM441 RGBW Controller, FGFS101 Flood Sensor, FGSS101 Smoke Sensor, FGSD002 Smoke Sensor, FGPB101 Button, FGKF601 Keyfob, FGSD001 CO Sensor. Z-Wave.Me: Z-Uno, ZME_064435 Wall Controller. Chromagic Technologies Corporation: HSCP02 Motion Detector. Everspring (ZyXEL): ST812 Flood Detector. Philio Technology Corporation: PST02-A 4 in 1 Multi-Sensor. Qubino: ZMNHDA2 Flush Dimmer, ZMNHBA2 Flush 2 Relays, ZMNHIA2 Flush on/off thermostat. Neo CoolCam: Power plug 12A. Remotec: ZRC-90.
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