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What platform are you installing on? It seems that you have no more space on your device. Are you installing with sudo?
Just released version 0.5.3 of the plugin. Version 0.5.3 Added support for Horstmann thermostat (eg.: Horstmann HRT4-ZW, Secure SRT321, ...)
My app "Fibaro home center toolkit" is based on a sample app from Apple called HMCatalog. It is a stripped down version on which I added specific Fibaro Home Center functionalities. MyHome app is essentially HMCatalog.
Until now I only implemented Danfoss thermostats. In order to support other kind of devices I need some documentation from you. Are you available for supporting this activity?
run homebridge at the terminal in order to test it. If it works you can then setup an autostart mechanism.
unfortunately I think there's no other way to the HomeKit reset. I'm thinking of building an app to address this: it will export the home kit configuration in an external form and than allows for an import of it. What do you think?
@ggpublic, the grouping parameter set to "room" is useful when you have a lot of devices in Fibaro Home Center. There's a limit of 100 accessory per bridge in HomeKit. When you put "room" in the parameter it create an accessory per room containing all the corresponding Home Center devices. The app that @gomba77 mentioned is able to map the accessories to the rooms also in this case.
Sorry @Thibal34, the second command should also "npm" and not "ppm". The config.json should be in: ~/.homebridge
The first two steps are to install homebrige and homebridge-fibaro-hc2, execute the following command in a terminal: sudo npm install -g homebridge sudo npm install -g homebridge-fibaro-hc2 after that you need to create a config.json file with the right info: start from the sample in github and insert your Home Center credentials and put the file in a .homebridge folder inside your home directory. If something goes wrong (error messages in the installation) post a new message. update: corrected second command
Try to explain what have you dome and your configuration. It may be a problem of your router that is not able to transfer the mDNS traffic, a previous pairing that needs to be reset, or other. Without any further info it's difficult to support you.
I don't see anything strange in these logs. Are you able to reproduce the failure in a controlled manner?
Thank you Cmoi20, which version of homebridge and homebridge-fibaro-hc2 did you install? Do you remember the timeframe in which you experienced the problem?
Have a try Have a try to other apps. I'm now using MyHome App that is essentially a clone of the HMCatalog sample app of Apple.
After adding a module to the HC2 it should be enough to restart Homebridge in order to see him also HomeKit.
It is possible to connect to HomeKit --> homebridge out of home through an Apple TV 3 or 4. Someone is experimenting with docker but it is not finalized solution. homebridge runs almost everywhere in the same way. It is a matter of preference and hw availability. Personally I used a Raspberry PI2.
Another way to exclude the Fibaro devices from homebridge-fibaro-hc2 plugin is to give them a name that starts with "_". I will filter out them in the startup of the plugin. But I don't think the problem is related to the number of devices. Are you able to send me the log of the plugin when the bug happened? Regarding the second question: if you have a virtual button I'll map it to an HomeKit Switch that you normally command via Siri with something like "Turn on Garage Door" (without the reference to the light) unless you explicitly set in an HomeKit app (like Eve) the Switch role as a LightBulb.
Very strange. I'm using homebridge on my HC2 since 3 months now without this kind of problems. I'm currently on the 4.063 beta firmware version (installed yesterday). For those who are experimenting this problem: how many devices are you managing ? Are you able to send me the homebridge log?
Can you detail the bug?
Bonjour, je suis l'auteur du plugin Homebridge-fibaro-hc2. Je serais ravi d'obtenir les commentaires de votre communauté: des suggestions d'amélioration ou d'autres choses. Malheureusement, je ne parle pas français et je l'aide avec la traduction automatique. Merci
Bonjour, je suis l'auteur du plugin Homebridge-fibaro-hc2. Je serais ravi d'obtenir les commentaires de votre communauté: des suggestions d'amélioration ou d'autres choses. Malheureusement, je ne parle pas français et je l'aide avec la traduction automatique. Merci