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  1. Hi All, Questions about Netatmo VD and PHP script. I have regular set of Netatmo sensors (indoor and outdoor). And when I install VD ver. 2.01 it works out of a box giving me results of indoor measurments, other are as false. If I try VD of 2.3 version all measurments are false. No clue why. I tried to check PHP script in browser and for parameters: - /netatmo/netatmo.php?parameter=ext result is {"body":[],"status":"ok","time_exec":0.030246019363403,"time_server":1451833793} - /netatmo/netatmo.php?parameter=int result is {"body":[{"beg_time":1451831637,"value":[[19.8,882,47,1020.4,45]]}],"status":"ok","time_exec":0.033217191696167,"time_server":1451832195} Above would explain why version 2.01 gives me only indoor measurment. Jsonviewer proves that all netatmo measurments are downloaded correctly. Thus, the problem is downloading values just to Fibaro. Part of PHP script: if ($parameter == "int") { $url_mesures_internes = """ . $params['access_token'] . "&device_id=" . $module_interne . "&module_id=" . $module_externe . "&scale=max&type=Temperature,Humidity&date_end=last"; $mesures_externes = file_get_contents($url_mesures_externes); echo $mesures_externes ; } "ext" parameters includes also "$module_interne ", is it correct?
  2. Mine is regular set with rain gauge. I've tried to edit lua code by removing all mod2 and so on sections plus amended average values calculation but as I was expecting - I did fuck up ;-) Now I can't get anything, either on VD itself or on the phone... Seems to be overcomplicated for me, haha!
  3. Hi again, Finally, I've installed your netatmo VD plus php script on raspi as I want VMC VD to control fans speed. Seems like script does its job (json viewer shows all correct data) but once I want to update netatmo VD I receive via push, error info about resExt false and other readings are as true. What could be wrong? Anyway, Merry Christmas and Happy a New Year!
  4. Hi again, I use Fibaro netatmo plugin. Somehow I've managed to write something like that: --[[ %% autostart %% properties 1293 value %% events %% globals --]] while true do if ( tonumber(fibaro:getValue(1293, "value")) ~= 0 ) then fibaro:setGlobal("CO2_Max_Value", tonumber(fibaro:getValue(1293, "value"))); end fibaro:debug('Wartość CO2: ' .. tonumber(fibaro:getGlobalValue("CO2_Max_Value", "value")) .. ';'); fibaro:sleep(300000); end It does update variable CO2_Max_Value but there is small problem with multiple instances of this scene. How to run it periodically and not having multiple instances?? Just to confirm, in general, to use this VD you created you need only 3 variables: - CO2_Max_Value - VMC_Speed - VMC_Lock To understand slider and Auto functionality, when its value is less than 50, VD controls VMC speed automatically (depends on CO2 level), over 50 is only manual mode and what does setpoint 50 do??
  5. Hi All, Sorry, I don't speak French. So far, I've managed to install and configure raspi + Fhem. Also I added to Fibaro VD created by sebcbien. VD does communicate with raspi/VMC over and cgi modules ( How can I interface Netatmo readings (CO2), through variables? What's a proper way of full VD configuration?
  6. Hi All, I'm sorry but I don't speak French, I hope you will forgive me that :-). I'm newbie from Poland and I try to "polish" my HC2 functionality and therefore I would like to grab info from wherever I can. More likely I won't be too active on this forum due to language barrier but I'll try to be helpful as much as I can... And thanks in advance!!!
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