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À propos de krastavac

  • Date de naissance 12/04/1978

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  1. La réponse de Fibaro c'est que ces modules supplémentaires sont normaux pour les nouvelles fonctionnalités Central Scene: These “remotes” comes when the Central Scene feature comes live for our modules. With this function you can trigger your scene directly from your module with double click for example or when other event occur. This function is completely normal feature. Pour l'instant je n'en vois pas l'utilité. Si quelqu'un est mieux informé, je suis preneur. Belle après-midi
  2. Après la mise à jour sur ma HCL je devais lancer la reconfiguration de la plupart de mes modules. Suite à cette étape j'ai un comportement assez étrange sur les 10 modules roller shutter et le contact de port Fibaro. En effet, un appareil supplémentaire a apparu dans ces modules sous forme d'une télécommande ?!?! Avec la 4.130 j'ai perdu le lien avec ma télécommande Nodon Remote J'ai contacté le support Fibaro mais ils ne sont pas très réactifs ces temps.
  3. La màj est également disponible pour HCL Bon weekend
  4. Liste des modifications logicielles 4.120: Version 4.120 This update features migration process from version 3.600, reconfiguring every device, adjusting them for changes which took place in the system. This will assure a possibly smooth transition and continuous operation, allowing each device to work with old settings until reconfiguration is done. Please, refer to the message that appears in the interface and Notification Center for further instructions after finishing upgrade. Important! Updating from version 3.600 may take up to 30 minutes. Do not restart controller during update process. Resolved issues: - Firmware Update section is hidden from the devices configuration. - Weather plugins force the data refresh. - Incorrect redirect after an update. - It is not possible to create scene with weather or weather plugins as a condition. - Information about the status change of some devices (e.g. Wall Plug) are not displayed in the event panel. - Devices with unticked "Show measurement of energy consumption" option are counted in the global power measurement. - You cannot edit the location points in the location panel. - Central Scene Events are sent twice. - Sending an unsupported action to a device can cause a crash of the Z-Wave service. - Heating and cooling panels don't work with FGWP102 as an actor. - Problem with LUA code execution in virtual devices. - Lack of wind unit in API. - Z-Wave network reset doesn't delete device notifications. - Mobile devices containing Polish special characters in names are wrongly displayed. - Update hangs up. - Scale for power consumption is not displayed for RGBW. - Dashboard always displays sunday. - #0002626 deselecting notification of a low battery. - Weather can't be used as a condition in block scenes. - #0004014 Manual and holiday time rounds temperature sent to devices. - Unification of time display in the web interface. - Minor graphic fixes. New devices support: - Eurotronics Comet Z. - Eurotronics Stella Z. - Philio Technology Corp Multisensor PST02. - Philio Technology Corp PAN06. - Domitech LLC Smart LED Retrofit Kit ZE27EU. Other improvements: - Fibaro Keyfob - the ability to use key sequences for executing the action in system. The ability to block device with key and unblock it with key sequence. - Magic scenes for devices which use Scene Controller or Scene Activation - the ability to add scenes in the configuration of device supporting Central Scene or Scene Activation. Devices already existing in Home Center require soft reconfiguration, after reconfiguration you will have new configuration options. - The view of system update is now similar to configuration Wizard. - Remote support on demand - feature is default off, in LAN settings tab you can grant possibility to enable remote connection for Fibaro Support. - Functionality of temperature measurments export (CSV file) in temperature panel.
  5. Bonjour Je dois dire que je n'arrive pas à m'habituer à la nouvelle mise en page du forum et plus particulièrement la page d'accueil. Malgré la bonne volonté et en ayant laissé un peu de temps pour s'habituer car tout changement demande un effort d'adaptation, je n'y arrive pas. Par conséquent j'y viens moins souvent car j'ai l'impression que c'est devenu statique. Les nouveau sujets placés dans le coin et ne sont pas assez mis en valeur. De plus, à chaque fois que j'y jette un œil, je constate de la pub pour telle ou telle promotion... Excellente semaine
  6. Bienvenue Salutations de Fribourg
  7. Hi Roger Willkomen. Gruss aus fribourg
  8. Je trouve que la stabilité c'est bien améliorée. Je n'ai plus de plantages depuis des mois. Actuellement en 4.91b, aucun souci. Redémarrage uniquement pour mise àjour. Après, je pense que chaque cas est différent en fonction de l'utilisation. Je pilote principalement une 10aine de volets roulants, quelques détecteurs d'inondation/ fumée + les modules du starter kit.
  9. Merci pour le tuto Concernant l'erreur de l'accu, il faut tenter la reconfiguration douce avant de changer la pile. J'avais ce cas alors que la batterie était encore bonne. Après la reconfig, plus de problème. C'était pour un détecteur de mouvements. Ce que je constate depuis la mise à jour c'est que le module apparait comme mort parfois. Il se situe juste au dessus de la HCL ~ 1m-1.5m max J'ai relancé la découverte des nÅ“uds voisins en espérant que cela résolve ce désagrément.
  10. mà j dispo pour HCL aussi si jamais Liste des modifications de la version beta 4.091:Version 4.091 BETA This update features migration process from version 3.601, reconfiguring every device, adjusting it for changes which took place in the system. This will assure possibly smooth transition and continuous operation, allowing each device to work with old settings until reconfiguration is done. Please refer to message that appears in interface and Notification Center after finishing upgrade for further instructions. Important! Updating from version 3.601 may take longer than usual, up to 30 minutes, please do not restart controller during update process. Resolved issues: - Charts in Consumption Panel are not aligned - Firmware Update changelog is not displayed sometimes - Lack of translations in Diagnostic Panel - Magic Scene featuring removed device is inoperable - Magic Scene triggered by battery level is not working - floating point numbers are not displayed correctly on Virtual Devices labels - Some special characters in Magic Scene name may preclude them from saving - Occasional 503 error after activating Virtual Device buttons - Alarm Panel is blank if no devices are added New devices support: - Enerwave ZWN SC7 version 1.5 - Leviton VRCZ4 version 0.2 - Aspier RF 5 Scene Controller - RFID Readers: BeNext, Wintop, Zipato - Envisalink EVL-4CG Plugin (DSC alarm integration) - FGKF-601 - FGCD-001 - FGWP-102 Other improvements: - Multiple RGBW devices can be grouped and controlled as one (both with interface and physical switches). Integration is possible in Advanced Configuration of one of RGBW Controllers - After adding Dimmer, Relay Switch, Wallplug, Roller Shutter or RGBW Controller user can choose controlled device type with pop-up - Removing device with cross icon from device tile triggers Z-Wave removing process, with possibility of forcing it - Improved scene information, number of running instances and scene triggered information are displayed on bottom of scene tile. - Update availability is checked on Home Center booting - Rooms without devices assigned are displayed in Home, Scenes and Devices tab - RGBW color can now be set in Magic Scenes - New filters for displaying hidden devices on Devices tab - Power management notifications are now visible in Notification Center, for devices that are capable of sending them. e.g. Fibaro Dimmer 2, Fibaro Switch 2 - Z-Wave chip malfunction notification is displayed in Notification Center in case of such event - New action in Magic Scenes, controlling of lights or roller shutters in rooms
  11. le calibrage fonctionne sur le principe de la mesure de puissance. Lorsque le moteur est en butée, la puissance change est cette position est enregistrée comme fin de course. S'il n'y a pas de fin de course ou que la puissance est trop faible, le module ne la détecte pas. Voir éventuellement avec d'autres modes de fonctionnement dans la liste déroulante. Sinon essayer de retenir l'écran ou de lui donner un "coup de main" en mode calibrage afin de simuler une fin de course. Il y aussi le paramètre 22: temps de fonctionnement du moteur. Chez moi, il est à 240s par défaut. Éventuellement, c'est ici qu'on peut limiter à 23s.
  12. les scènes cachées ne s'affichent plus. Il y a un menu pour les afficher. je me suis fait peur
  13. HC2 et HCL n'ont pas toujours la même version de firmware. Il s'agit ici de HCL.
  14. Liste des modifications de la version beta 4.084:Version 4.084 Beta This update features migration process from version 3.601, reconfiguring every device, adjusting it for changes which took place in the system. This will assure possibly smooth transition and continuous operation, allowing each device to work with old settings until reconfiguration is done. Please refer to message that appears in interface and Notification Center after finishing upgrade for further instructions. Important! Updating from version 3.601 may take longer than usual, up to 30 minutes, please do not restart controller during update process. Resolved issues: - Philips Hue plugin does not allow new user configuration. Reinstall existing plugin to enable fix - Wind speed available in weather conditions computed incorrectly - value too low - Services Restart called from 503 error page not working - Scenes do not trigger when RAM usage is above 75%. Threshold moved to 90% - Device hierarchy not displaying properly for Dimmer 2 in advanced configuration - Z-Wave Weather templates lacking for devices of other manufacturers - Weather refresh and schedules hang - Other minor fixes Other improvements: - Firmware Update - wireless update of Z-Wave devices: Motion Sensor, Dimmer and Wall Plug. Availability of update for each device is showed in Notification Center and Advanced Configuration. Run update only when devices is in close range from controller (ca. 2 m). Process can take up to 30 minutes, depending on Z-Wave traffic and devices queued for update. Details on whole procedure can be found in notification displayed before every device update. - New, configurable scenes triggering modes available in each scene advanced configuration: Automatic - scene gets triggered either by one of defined triggers (device state, global variable etc.) or manually, by 'Run' button Manual - scene executes only manually by 'Run' button Disabled - scene is inactive, does not get triggered and cannot be run manually Visibility - scene can be hidden in all interfaces (mobile apps, web interface)
  15. Les réactions m'amusent beaucoup. Je n'ai pas l'intention de polémiquer. J'ai exprimé mon impression en voyant ce sujet. C'est votre forum. Faites ce que vous voulez finalement. ABE
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