Attention : Changelogs différents pour HCL et HC2
Home Center Lite
Version 4.071 Beta
WARNING: Beta version is designed for user testing and soon should be released as official.
Resolved issues:
- #0002290 #0003353 Devices with sceneActivation are not available in Block and Magic scenes
- No user icons in Remote Access
- Gateway Connection - devices with polling interface are not being imported
- 503 error when including blind controller from some manufacturers
- Delays in Z-wave network after setting RGBW Controller to desired level
New devices support:
- Z-Wave.Me ZMR WCS 6 v1.4
- Z-Wave.Me On Off Switch
- Z-Wave.Me FB10 v1.1
- Z-Wave.Me Wall Controller v1.1
- Z-Wave.Me TZ68 g v1.0
- NodOn Octan Remote v2.3
- Philio PSM02 4 in 1 Sensor v1.0
- TKB Home Wall Plug v1.1
- TKBHome TZ67 v1.12
- Reitz Group ZW ESJ v1.0
- Reitz Group ZS 3500 v1.0
- Reitz Group IP44 On Off Switch v1.0
- FortrezZ LLC-SSA03 v2.5
- GreenWave Powernode v4.27
- Qees Remote Controller v0.5
- Jasco Products Wall Outlet v1.16
- Jasco Products ZW3003
- Jasco Products ZW4101
- Everspring HAC01 v2.0
- BeNext-Dimmer
- BeNext-Forest Curtain rail with motor
- wiDom-Universal Power Meter v1.30
- Popp Dimmer v1.0
- Popp On Off Socket v1.0
- CBCC Sarl-Swiidinter
- Aeon Labs SES G2
- Aeon Labs Aeotec Smart Energy Power Strip (DSC11-ZWUS)
- Aeon Labs Micro Smart Energy Switch
- Aeon Labs Recessed Door Sensor
- Aeon Labs DSC26103
- Vision ZR1202 v1.74
- Vision Security ZS5101 v1.65
- Kwikset-Smart Code 916 v3.37
- Yale-T1L v18.128
- Yale Door Lock v80.32
- RTC-CT100 Thermostat v9.1
Other improvements:
- Improved stability
- PIN dfor new user is now set to '1111' by default
- In case of empty user PIN, it is set to default value - '1111'
- filters in /api/devices that allows for filtering out devices that meet some requirements, examples:
HC IP/api/devices?visible=true returns devices with visible equal to 'true'
HC IP/api/devices?property=[batteryLevel,100] returns devices with property batteryLevel equal to 100
HC IP/api/devices?interface=light returns devices with light interface
Multiple filters can be used together, for example: HC IP/api/devices?visible=true&interface=light returns devices with visible equal to 'true' and with 'light' interface
Home Center 2
Version 4.071 Beta
WARNING: Beta version is designed for user testing and soon should be released as official.
Resolved issues: - #0002290 #0003353 Devices with sceneActivation are not available in Block and Magic scenes - No user icons in Remote Access - Gateway Connection - devices with polling interface are not being imported - 503 error when including blind controller from some manufacturers - Delays in Z-wave network after setting RGBW Controller to desired level - Lua scenes: inappropriate line number in error debug
New devices support: - Z-Wave.Me ZMR WCS 6 v1.4 - Z-Wave.Me On Off Switch - Z-Wave.Me FB10 v1.1 - Z-Wave.Me Wall Controller v1.1 - Z-Wave.Me TZ68 g v1.0 - NodOn Octan Remote v2.3 - Philio PSM02 4 in 1 Sensor v1.0 - EMINENT EM6570 - EMINENT EM6550 - TKB Home Wall Plug v1.1 - TKBHome TZ67 v1.12 - Reitz Group ZW ESJ v1.0 - Reitz Group ZS 3500 v1.0 - Reitz Group IP44 On Off Switch v1.0 - FortrezZ LLC-SSA03 v2.5 - GreenWave Powernode v4.27 - Qees Remote Controller v0.5 - Jasco Products Wall Outlet v1.16 - Jasco Products ZW3003 - Jasco Products ZW4101 - Everspring HAC01 v2.0 - BeNext-Dimmer - BeNext-Forest Curtain rail with motor - wiDom-Universal Power Meter v1.30 - Popp Dimmer v1.0 - Popp On Off Socket v1.0 - CBCC Sarl-Swiidinter - Aeon Labs SES G2 - Aeon Labs Aeotec Smart Energy Power Strip (DSC11-ZWUS) - Aeon Labs Micro Smart Energy Switch - Aeon Labs Recessed Door Sensor - Aeon Labs DSC26103 - Vision ZR1202 v1.74 - Vision Security ZS5101 v1.65 - Kwikset-Smart Code 916 v3.37 - Yale-T1L v18.128 - Yale Door Lock v80.32 - RTC-CT100 Thermostat v9.1
Other improvements: - PIN dfor new user is now set to '1111' by default - In case of empty user PIN, it is set to default value - '1111' - New actions in Lua scenes:
- fibaro:call(ID, 'startLevelIncrease', x, y) - fibaro:call(ID, 'startLevelDecrease', x, y) - fibaro:call(ID, 'stopLevelChange')
These calls can be used to start increasing or decreasing Multilevel Switches (like Dimmer 2, RGBW or Roller Shutter 2 modules) value. 'x' and 'y' are optional parameters, used to set respectively time frame in which change should be applied and starting level. 'stopLevelChange' stops previously send action.
- fibaro:getDevicesId(x)
Call used to get table with IDs of devices that meet requirement specified by 'x'.
print('All devices with parameter visible equal to "true" and enabled equal to "true":') ids = fibaro:getDevicesId({visible = true, enabled = true}) print(json.encode(ids))
print('ALl devices with energy interface:') ids = fibaro:getDevicesId({interfaces ={"energy"}}) print(json.encode(ids))
print('All devices with 'unit' property (no matter its value):') ids = fibaro:getDevicesId({properties = {unit="nil"}}) print(json.encode(ids))
- filters in /api/devices that allows for filtering out devices that meet some requirements, examples:
HC IP/api/devices?visible=true returns devices with visible equal to 'true' HC IP/api/devices?property=[batteryLevel,100] returns devices with property batteryLevel equal to 100 HC IP/api/devices?interface=light returns devices with light interface
Multiple filters can be used together, for example: HC IP/api/devices?visible=true&interface=light returns devices with visible equal to 'true' and with 'light' interface