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Easy :-) Envoyé de mon BND-L21 en utilisant Tapatalk
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Lol pour la date evidemment :-) craquage clavier :-) Oui jy ai pas pense du tt a notstarted :-) Envoyé de mon BND-L21 en utilisant Tapatalk
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Bonjour bonjour, Il buggue ton panneau de chauffage ?? Envoyé de mon BND-L21 en utilisant Tapatalk
Bonjour bonjour @banzai861 En GEA V6, ce n'est plus {"NotStarted"} mais {"NotStart"} Remplace aussi {"Dates","28/10","31/12"} par {"Dates","28/10","31/12","2019"} La variable globale SDE dans l'entête n'a pas l'air utile si aucun déclenchement instantané lui est associé (-1). A tester ;-)
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Yes merci@fredokl Superbe comme dhab j'adore :-) Envoyé de mon BND-L21 en utilisant Tapatalk
Bonjour, La syntaxe est correcte mais ta periode va etre du "Coucher du soleil +45 mins du jour" AU "Coucher du soleil du lendemain" Comme ceci : {"Time", "Sunset+45"}
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Super merci. Bonne idée d'évolution. TOP. Beau boulot. Je teste des que possible. Pas pu m'empecher ;-) magnifique [DEBUG] 09:13:59: Analyzing lua code for 55 global variables, 51 scenes, 52 virtual devices, this may take a while. [DEBUG] 09:14:01: working, [*___________________] 5% done in 3 secondes. [DEBUG] 09:14:07: working, [***_________________] 15% done in 9 secondes. [DEBUG] 09:14:09: working, [****________________] 20% done in 11 secondes. [DEBUG] 09:14:12: working, [*****_______________] 25% done in 14 secondes. [DEBUG] 09:14:16: working, [*******_____________] 35% done in 18 secondes. [DEBUG] 09:14:19: working, [********____________] 40% done in 21 secondes. [DEBUG] 09:14:22: working, [*********___________] 45% done in 24 secondes. [DEBUG] 09:14:27: working, [***********_________] 55% done in 29 secondes. [DEBUG] 09:14:29: working, [************________] 60% done in 31 secondes. [DEBUG] 09:14:32: working, [*************_______] 65% done in 34 secondes. [DEBUG] 09:14:36: working, [***************_____] 75% done in 38 secondes. [DEBUG] 09:14:39: working, [****************____] 80% done in 41 secondes. [DEBUG] 09:14:42: working, [*****************___] 85% done in 44 secondes. [DEBUG] 09:14:46: working, [*******************_] 95% done in 48 secondes. [DEBUG] 09:14:49: working, [********************] 100% done in 51 secondes. [DEBUG] 09:14:50: ================================================================================ Globals variables 25/10/19 09:13:59 Global variable "DeadNodes": - used in VD "DeadNodesAnalysis" mainloop - used in "DeadNodesAnalysis" btn (id: 1) of "DeadNodesAnalysis" VD (69) Global variable "FreeSms": - trigger in scene "FreeSms-API-Pepite" (id:4) - used in scene "FreeSms-API-Pepite" (id:4) - used in scene "FreeSmsCanon-API" (id:5) - used in scene "GEA" (id:7) - used in scene "Reboot HC2" (id:13) - used in scene "Backup_HC2" (id:16) - used in scene "IDChanged" (id:35) - used in "Button11" btn (id: 1) of "Eclairage-Extinction" VD (20) - used in "Button21" btn (id: 2) of "Eclairage-Extinction" VD (20) Global variable "FreeSmsCanon": - trigger in scene "FreeSmsCanon-API" (id:5) - used in scene "FreeSmsCanon-API" (id:5) - used in "Button11" btn (id: 1) of "Eclairage-Extinction" VD (20) - used in "Button21" btn (id: 2) of "Eclairage-Extinction" VD (20) Global variable "GEA_History": - used in scene "GEA" (id:7) - used in scene "GEA_Test" (id:8) - used in scene "GEA_Heating_Manager" (id:58) Global variable "GEA_History_chauffage": - used in scene "GEA_Heating_Manager" (id:58) Global variable "GEA_Plugins": - used in scene "GEA" (id:7) - used in scene "GEA_Test" (id:8) - used in scene "GEA_Heating_Manager" (id:58) Global variable "GEA_Tasks": - used in scene "GEA" (id:7) - used in scene "GEA_Test" (id:8) - used in scene "GEA_Heating_Manager" (id:58) Global variable "GEA_Tasks6": - used in scene "GEA" (id:7) - used in scene "GEA_Test" (id:8) - used in scene "GEA_Heating_Manager" (id:58) Global variable "GEA_Tasks6_chauffage": - used in scene "GEA_Heating_Manager" (id:58) Global variable "GEA_Tasks6_test": - used in scene "GEA_Test" (id:8) Global variable "GEA_Temp_Salon": - used in scene "GEA" (id:7) Global variable "GEA_Test": unused Global variable "GEA_Trajet_Waze": unused Global variable "GEA_lavelinge": - used in scene "Benchmark_firmware" (id:15) - used in scene "Scenetest" (id:19) Global variable "HomeTable": - used in scene "Sauvegarde_IDs" (id:33) - used in scene "Netatmo_Station_Mete" (id:36) Global variable "Icones": - used in scene "Icones-Demarrage" (id:9) Global variable "JourChome": - used in scene "GEA" (id:7) - used in scene "GEA_Test" (id:8) - used in scene "GEA_Heating_Manager" (id:58) - used in "Button11" btn (id: 3) of "Jour Chome" VD (32) Global variable "JourChomeJ1": - used in "Button11" btn (id: 3) of "Jour Chome" VD (32) Global variable "MMS": - used in scene "GEA" (id:7) - used in scene "GEA_Test" (id:8) - trigger in scene "JPI_SMS_MMS" (id:42) - used in scene "JPI_SMS_MMS" (id:42) - used in scene "GEA_Heating_Manager" (id:58) - used in "jpisendsms" btn (id: 3) of "JPI SMS/MMS Gateway" VD (163) - used in "jpisendmms" btn (id: 4) of "JPI SMS/MMS Gateway" VD (163) Global variable "Meteo_Day": - used in scene "GEA" (id:7) - used in scene "GH_lili2" (id:40) - used in VD "YAMS WU" mainloop - used in "refresh" btn (id: 13) of "YAMS WU" VD (33) Global variable "Meteo_Day_Speech": - used in VD "YAMS WU" mainloop - used in "refresh" btn (id: 13) of "YAMS WU" VD (33) Global variable "Meteo_In_2_Days": - used in VD "YAMS WU" mainloop - used in "refresh" btn (id: 13) of "YAMS WU" VD (33) Global variable "Meteo_In_2_Days_Sp": - used in VD "YAMS WU" mainloop - used in "refresh" btn (id: 13) of "YAMS WU" VD (33) Global variable "Meteo_Tomorrow": - used in scene "GEA" (id:7) - used in scene "GH_lili2" (id:40) - used in "Button21" btn (id: 1) of "SONOS_TTS" VD (18) - used in VD "YAMS WU" mainloop - used in "refresh" btn (id: 13) of "YAMS WU" VD (33) Global variable "Meteo_Tomorrow_Sp": - used in VD "YAMS WU" mainloop - used in "refresh" btn (id: 13) of "YAMS WU" VD (33) Global variable "Mode_Maison": - used in scene "GEA" (id:7) - used in scene "GEA_Test" (id:8) - used in scene "GH_lili2" (id:40) - used in scene "GEA_Heating_Manager" (id:58) - used in "Button11" btn (id: 10) of "Mode_Maison" VD (72) - used in "Button21" btn (id: 11) of "Mode_Maison" VD (72) - used in "Button31" btn (id: 12) of "Mode_Maison" VD (72) Global variable "RamFree": - used in scene "GEA" (id:7) - used in "Button11" btn (id: 11) of "HC2 Diagnostics" VD (37) Global variable "SMS": - used in scene "FreeSms-API-Pepite" (id:4) - used in scene "FreeSmsCanon-API" (id:5) - used in scene "GEA" (id:7) - used in scene "GEA_Test" (id:8) - used in scene "Watchdog" (id:11) - used in scene "Reboot HC2" (id:13) - used in scene "Scenetest" (id:19) - used in scene "Push-Interactive" (id:25) - used in scene "GH_lili2" (id:40) - trigger in scene "JPI_SMS_MMS" (id:42) - used in scene "JPI_SMS_MMS" (id:42) - used in scene "Sms2Jpi" (id:44) - used in scene "WeatherBit2" (id:50) - used in scene "GEA_Heating_Manager" (id:58) - used in "btnRefresh" btn (id: 11) of "Evenements" VD (14) - used in "Button21" btn (id: 2) of "Eclairage-Extinction" VD (20) - used in VD "YAMS WU" mainloop - used in "refresh" btn (id: 13) of "YAMS WU" VD (33) - used in "Button11" btn (id: 1) of "Network Monitor" VD (35) - used in "jpisendsms" btn (id: 3) of "JPI SMS/MMS Gateway" VD (163) - used in "jpisendmms" btn (id: 4) of "JPI SMS/MMS Gateway" VD (163) - used in "Button31" btn (id: 4) of "VD_test" VD (178) Global variable "Simu_presence": - used in VD "Presence Replicator" mainloop - used in "Button1" btn (id: 1) of "Presence Replicator" VD (62) - used in "Button2" btn (id: 2) of "Presence Replicator" VD (62) Global variable "SysUpdateOptions": - used in VD "Update Notifier 1.0.8" mainloop - used in "btnMode" btn (id: 5) of "Update Notifier 1.0.8" VD (74) - used in "btnType" btn (id: 6) of "Update Notifier 1.0.8" VD (74) - used in "btnDownMin" btn (id: 7) of "Update Notifier 1.0.8" VD (74) - used in "btnUpMin" btn (id: 8) of "Update Notifier 1.0.8" VD (74) Global variable "Tel_Pepite": - used in "CheckTel" btn (id: 3) of "Detec_Presence_Pepite" VD (107) Global variable "VDSoleilAzimut": - used in "Button31" btn (id: 12) of "Indicateurs solaire" VD (60) Global variable "VDSoleilHauteur": - used in "Button31" btn (id: 12) of "Indicateurs solaire" VD (60) Global variable "VDSoleilLuxPon": - used in "Button31" btn (id: 12) of "Indicateurs solaire" VD (60) Global variable "VDSoleilLuxTot": - used in "Button31" btn (id: 12) of "Indicateurs solaire" VD (60) Global variable "VDSoleilOcta": - used in "Button31" btn (id: 12) of "Indicateurs solaire" VD (60) Global variable "VDSoleilRadiDif": - used in "Button31" btn (id: 12) of "Indicateurs solaire" VD (60) Global variable "VDSoleilRadiDir": - used in "Button31" btn (id: 12) of "Indicateurs solaire" VD (60) Global variable "VDSoleilRadiPon": - used in "Button31" btn (id: 12) of "Indicateurs solaire" VD (60) Global variable "VDSoleilRadiTot": - used in "Button31" btn (id: 12) of "Indicateurs solaire" VD (60) Global variable "VacScolaire": - used in "Button11" btn (id: 1) of "Vacances scolaires" VD (141) Global variable "VacScolaireJ": - used in "Button11" btn (id: 1) of "Vacances scolaires" VD (141) Global variable "VacScolaireJ1": - used in "Button11" btn (id: 1) of "Vacances scolaires" VD (141) Global variable "VacancesScolaire": - used in scene "Vacs_Scolaires" (id:54) - used in "update" btn (id: 1) of "Vacances Scolaire" VD (227) Global variable "Var_WazeTrajet": - trigger in scene "Waze_Calcul_Trajet" (id:14) - used in scene "Waze_Calcul_Trajet" (id:14) Global variable "WeatherState": - used in scene "Netatmo_Station_Mete" (id:36) - used in "Button11" btn (id: 14) of "Outdoor module 2.0" VD (147) - used in "Button11" btn (id: 17) of "Main indoor Mod 2.0" VD (164) Global variable "listeclairage": - used in "Button11" btn (id: 1) of "Eclairage-Extinction" VD (20) - used in "Button21" btn (id: 2) of "Eclairage-Extinction" VD (20) Global variable "radio_sonos": - used in scene "Telco OCTAN" (id:10) Global variable "testLabo": - used in scene "Scenetest" (id:19) Global variable "wbit_today_sp": - used in scene "GEA" (id:7) - used in scene "WeatherBit2" (id:50) - used in "Button41" btn (id: 4) of "SONOS_TTS" VD (18) - used in "Button42" btn (id: 5) of "SONOS_TTS" VD (18) Global variable "wbit_tomorrow_sp": - used in scene "GEA" (id:7) - used in scene "WeatherBit2" (id:50) - used in "Button41" btn (id: 4) of "SONOS_TTS" VD (18) - used in "Button42" btn (id: 5) of "SONOS_TTS" VD (18) Global variable "weatherbit_today": - used in scene "WeatherBit2" (id:50) Global variable "weatherbit_tomorrow": - used in scene "WeatherBit2" (id:50) Global variable "x_sonos_object": - used in scene "GEA" (id:7) - used in scene "GEA_Test" (id:8) - used in scene "GEA_Heating_Manager" (id:58) - used in "Button21" btn (id: 1) of "SONOS_TTS" VD (18) - used in "tempcuisine" btn (id: 2) of "SONOS_TTS" VD (18) - used in "Button31" btn (id: 3) of "SONOS_TTS" VD (18) - used in "Button41" btn (id: 4) of "SONOS_TTS" VD (18) - used in "Button42" btn (id: 5) of "SONOS_TTS" VD (18) - used in "anays" btn (id: 6) of "SONOS_TTS" VD (18) - used in "Button61" btn (id: 7) of "SONOS_TTS" VD (18) - used in "Button62" btn (id: 8) of "SONOS_TTS" VD (18) - used in "Button11" btn (id: 1) of "SONOS_STREAM" VD (19) - used in "Button21" btn (id: 2) of "SONOS_STREAM" VD (19) - used in VD "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" mainloop - used in "btnPlay" btn (id: 7) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (77) - used in "btnPause" btn (id: 8) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (77) - used in "btnStop" btn (id: 9) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (77) - used in "btnPrev" btn (id: 10) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (77) - used in "btnNext" btn (id: 11) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (77) - used in "lblPowerOff" btn (id: 12) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (77) - used in "btnSeekLeft" btn (id: 13) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (77) - used in "btnSeekRight" btn (id: 14) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (77) - used in "btnMute" btn (id: 16) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (77) - used in "btnUnMute" btn (id: 17) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (77) - used in "btnToggleMute" btn (id: 18) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (77) - used in "btnLoudnessOn" btn (id: 20) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (77) - used in "btnLoudnessOff" btn (id: 21) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (77) - used in "btnMyRadioStation1" btn (id: 22) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (77) - used in "btnMyRadioStation2" btn (id: 23) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (77) - used in "btnMyRadioStation3" btn (id: 24) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (77) - used in "btnMyRadioStation4" btn (id: 25) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (77) - used in "btnMyRadioStation5" btn (id: 26) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (77) - used in "Process" btn (id: 28) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (77) - used in VD "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" mainloop - used in "btnPlay" btn (id: 7) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (167) - used in "btnPause" btn (id: 8) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (167) - used in "btnStop" btn (id: 9) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (167) - used in "btnPrev" btn (id: 10) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (167) - used in "btnNext" btn (id: 11) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (167) - used in "lblPowerOff" btn (id: 12) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (167) - used in "btnSeekLeft" btn (id: 13) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (167) - used in "btnSeekRight" btn (id: 14) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (167) - used in "btnMute" btn (id: 16) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (167) - used in "btnUnMute" btn (id: 17) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (167) - used in "btnToggleMute" btn (id: 18) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (167) - used in "btnLoudnessOn" btn (id: 20) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (167) - used in "btnLoudnessOff" btn (id: 21) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (167) - used in "btnMyRadioStation1" btn (id: 22) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (167) - used in "btnMyRadioStation2" btn (id: 23) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (167) - used in "btnMyRadioStation3" btn (id: 24) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (167) - used in "btnMyRadioStation4" btn (id: 25) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (167) - used in "btnMyRadioStation5" btn (id: 26) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (167) - used in "Process" btn (id: 28) of "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" VD (167) Global variable "zwave_48": - used in scene "zwave_viewer_monit" (id:49) Total memory in use by Lua (version Lua 5.2): 5348.66 KB Time for global variables: 51 secondes. ================================================================================ Global variables used by scene 25/10/19 09:14:49 Scene "FreeSms-API-Pepite" (id:4): - global "FreeSms used as a trigger" - global "FreeSms" used - global "SMS" used Scene "FreeSmsCanon-API" (id:5): - global "FreeSmsCanon used as a trigger" - global "FreeSms" used - global "FreeSmsCanon" used - global "SMS" used Scene "Generateur ID's" (id:6): no global variable used Scene "GEA" (id:7): - global "FreeSms" used - global "GEA_History" used - global "GEA_Plugins" used - global "GEA_Tasks" used - global "GEA_Tasks6" used - global "GEA_Temp_Salon" used - global "JourChome" used - global "MMS" used - global "Meteo_Day" used - global "Meteo_Tomorrow" used - global "Mode_Maison" used - global "RamFree" used - global "SMS" used - global "wbit_today_sp" used - global "wbit_tomorrow_sp" used - global "x_sonos_object" used Scene "GEA_Test" (id:8): - global "GEA_History" used - global "GEA_Plugins" used - global "GEA_Tasks" used - global "GEA_Tasks6" used - global "GEA_Tasks6_test" used - global "JourChome" used - global "MMS" used - global "Mode_Maison" used - global "SMS" used - global "x_sonos_object" used Scene "Icones-Demarrage" (id:9): - global "Icones" used Scene "Telco OCTAN" (id:10): - global "radio_sonos" used Scene "Watchdog" (id:11): - global "SMS" used Scene "Reboot HC2" (id:13): - global "FreeSms" used - global "SMS" used Scene "Waze_Calcul_Trajet" (id:14): - global "Var_WazeTrajet used as a trigger" - global "Var_WazeTrajet" used Scene "Benchmark_firmware" (id:15): - global "GEA_lavelinge" used Scene "Backup_HC2" (id:16): - global "FreeSms" used Scene "Delete_Backup_HC2" (id:17): no global variable used Scene "CheckAll_IDs" (id:18): no global variable used Scene "Scenetest" (id:19): - global "GEA_lavelinge" used - global "SMS" used - global "testLabo" used Scene "Popup" (id:20): no global variable used Scene "Pushbullet" (id:21): no global variable used Scene "Push-Interactive" (id:25): - global "SMS" used Scene "Allumage-Bonhomme" (id:26): no global variable used Scene "Snippets LUA" (id:27): no global variable used Scene "Swipe-Sonos" (id:28): no global variable used Scene "Pushbullet_pushingbo" (id:29): no global variable used Scene "Pushbullet_TEST" (id:30): no global variable used Scene "Scene Test2" (id:31): no global variable used Scene "Scène_Babyphone" (id:32): no global variable used Scene "Sauvegarde_IDs" (id:33): - global "HomeTable" used Scene "IDChanged" (id:35): - global "FreeSms" used Scene "Netatmo_Station_Mete" (id:36): - global "HomeTable" used - global "WeatherState" used Scene "Finder" (id:37): no global variable used Scene "backup" (id:38): no global variable used Scene "lili" (id:39): no global variable used Scene "GH_lili2" (id:40): - global "Meteo_Day" used - global "Meteo_Tomorrow" used - global "Mode_Maison" used - global "SMS" used Scene "Simul_Prez" (id:41): no global variable used Scene "JPI_SMS_MMS" (id:42): - global "SMS used as a trigger" - global "MMS used as a trigger" - global "MMS" used - global "SMS" used Scene "Count_Devices" (id:43): no global variable used Scene "Sms2Jpi" (id:44): - global "SMS" used Scene "Weatherbit" (id:45): no global variable used Scene "HC2toJeedom" (id:46): no global variable used Scene "TelcoSoftRemote" (id:47): no global variable used Scene "Zwave_Monitor3.0" (id:48): no global variable used Scene "zwave_viewer_monit" (id:49): - global "zwave_48" used Scene "WeatherBit2" (id:50): - global "SMS" used - global "wbit_today_sp" used - global "wbit_tomorrow_sp" used - global "weatherbit_today" used - global "weatherbit_tomorrow" used Scene "FadeOut_Sonos" (id:51): no global variable used Scene "SonosNode" (id:52): no global variable used Scene "Scene_sonos_minies" (id:53): no global variable used Scene "Vacs_Scolaires" (id:54): - global "VacancesScolaire" used Scene "Scene_Nodon_Interr" (id:55): no global variable used Scene "BotFibaro" (id:56): no global variable used Scene "httprequest" (id:57): no global variable used Scene "GEA_Heating_Manager" (id:58): - global "GEA_History" used - global "GEA_History_chauffage" used - global "GEA_Plugins" used - global "GEA_Tasks" used - global "GEA_Tasks6" used - global "GEA_Tasks6_chauffage" used - global "JourChome" used - global "MMS" used - global "Mode_Maison" used - global "SMS" used - global "x_sonos_object" used Scene "Xref-VGs" (id:59): no global variable used Total memory in use by Lua (version Lua 5.2): 3734.58 KB Time for scenes: 1 secondes. ================================================================================ Global variables used by virtual devices 25/10/19 09:14:50 Virtual device "Clock Sync" (id:4): no global variable used Virtual device "Variables Globales" (id:13): no global variable used Virtual device "Evenements" (id:14): - global "SMS" used in btn "btnRefresh" (id:11) Virtual device "Top 10 Power" (id:15): no global variable used Virtual device "SONOS_TTS" (id:18): - global "Meteo_Tomorrow" used in btn "Button21" (id:1) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "Button21" (id:1) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "tempcuisine" (id:2) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "Button31" (id:3) - global "wbit_today_sp" used in btn "Button41" (id:4) - global "wbit_tomorrow_sp" used in btn "Button41" (id:4) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "Button41" (id:4) - global "wbit_today_sp" used in btn "Button42" (id:5) - global "wbit_tomorrow_sp" used in btn "Button42" (id:5) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "Button42" (id:5) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "anays" (id:6) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "Button61" (id:7) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "Button62" (id:8) Virtual device "SONOS_STREAM" (id:19): - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "Button11" (id:1) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "Button21" (id:2) Virtual device "Eclairage-Extinction" (id:20): - global "FreeSms" used in btn "Button11" (id:1) - global "FreeSmsCanon" used in btn "Button11" (id:1) - global "listeclairage" used in btn "Button11" (id:1) - global "FreeSms" used in btn "Button21" (id:2) - global "FreeSmsCanon" used in btn "Button21" (id:2) - global "SMS" used in btn "Button21" (id:2) - global "listeclairage" used in btn "Button21" (id:2) Virtual device "Jour Chome" (id:32): - global "JourChome" used in btn "Button11" (id:3) - global "JourChomeJ1" used in btn "Button11" (id:3) Virtual device "YAMS WU" (id:33): - global "Meteo_Day" used in mainloop - global "Meteo_Day_Speech" used in mainloop - global "Meteo_In_2_Days" used in mainloop - global "Meteo_In_2_Days_Sp" used in mainloop - global "Meteo_Tomorrow" used in mainloop - global "Meteo_Tomorrow_Sp" used in mainloop - global "SMS" used in mainloop - global "Meteo_Day" used in btn "refresh" (id:13) - global "Meteo_Day_Speech" used in btn "refresh" (id:13) - global "Meteo_In_2_Days" used in btn "refresh" (id:13) - global "Meteo_In_2_Days_Sp" used in btn "refresh" (id:13) - global "Meteo_Tomorrow" used in btn "refresh" (id:13) - global "Meteo_Tomorrow_Sp" used in btn "refresh" (id:13) - global "SMS" used in btn "refresh" (id:13) Virtual device "Freebox TV" (id:34): no global variable used Virtual device "Network Monitor" (id:35): - global "SMS" used in btn "Button11" (id:1) Virtual device "HC2 Diagnostics" (id:37): - global "RamFree" used in btn "Button11" (id:11) Virtual device "My Batteries" (id:50): no global variable used Virtual device "Indicateurs solaire" (id:60): - global "VDSoleilAzimut" used in btn "Button31" (id:12) - global "VDSoleilHauteur" used in btn "Button31" (id:12) - global "VDSoleilLuxPon" used in btn "Button31" (id:12) - global "VDSoleilLuxTot" used in btn "Button31" (id:12) - global "VDSoleilOcta" used in btn "Button31" (id:12) - global "VDSoleilRadiDif" used in btn "Button31" (id:12) - global "VDSoleilRadiDir" used in btn "Button31" (id:12) - global "VDSoleilRadiPon" used in btn "Button31" (id:12) - global "VDSoleilRadiTot" used in btn "Button31" (id:12) Virtual device "Presence Replicator" (id:62): - global "Simu_presence" used in mainloop - global "Simu_presence" used in btn "Button1" (id:1) - global "Simu_presence" used in btn "Button2" (id:2) Virtual device "Home->NLG" (id:66): no global variable used Virtual device "NLG->Home" (id:67): no global variable used Virtual device "DeadNodesAnalysis" (id:69): - global "DeadNodes" used in mainloop - global "DeadNodes" used in btn "DeadNodesAnalysis" (id:1) Virtual device "Imperihome" (id:71): no global variable used Virtual device "Mode_Maison" (id:72): - global "Mode_Maison" used in btn "Button11" (id:10) - global "Mode_Maison" used in btn "Button21" (id:11) - global "Mode_Maison" used in btn "Button31" (id:12) Virtual device "Update Notifier 1.0.8" (id:74): - global "SysUpdateOptions" used in mainloop - global "SysUpdateOptions" used in btn "btnMode" (id:5) - global "SysUpdateOptions" used in btn "btnType" (id:6) - global "SysUpdateOptions" used in btn "btnDownMin" (id:7) - global "SysUpdateOptions" used in btn "btnUpMin" (id:8) Virtual device "VD test" (id:75): no global variable used Virtual device "Sun(rise|set)" (id:76): no global variable used Virtual device "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" (id:77): - global "x_sonos_object" used in mainloop - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnPlay" (id:7) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnPause" (id:8) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnStop" (id:9) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnPrev" (id:10) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnNext" (id:11) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "lblPowerOff" (id:12) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnSeekLeft" (id:13) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnSeekRight" (id:14) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnMute" (id:16) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnUnMute" (id:17) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnToggleMute" (id:18) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnLoudnessOn" (id:20) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnLoudnessOff" (id:21) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnMyRadioStation1" (id:22) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnMyRadioStation2" (id:23) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnMyRadioStation3" (id:24) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnMyRadioStation4" (id:25) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnMyRadioStation5" (id:26) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "Process" (id:28) Virtual device "Chauffage - Salon" (id:92): no global variable used Virtual device "Detec_Presence_Pepite" (id:107): - global "Tel_Pepite" used in btn "CheckTel" (id:3) Virtual device "Syslog Synology" (id:110): no global variable used Virtual device "NestToZXT" (id:114): no global variable used Virtual device "Google Agenda Pepite" (id:138): no global variable used Virtual device "Google Agenda Canon" (id:139): no global variable used Virtual device "GEA Status" (id:140): no global variable used Virtual device "Vacances scolaires" (id:141): - global "VacScolaire" used in btn "Button11" (id:1) - global "VacScolaireJ" used in btn "Button11" (id:1) - global "VacScolaireJ1" used in btn "Button11" (id:1) Virtual device "Outdoor module 2.0" (id:147): - global "WeatherState" used in btn "Button11" (id:14) Virtual device "VD Buttons ID" (id:152): no global variable used Virtual device "Recap_Job_Canon" (id:153): no global variable used Virtual device "GEA Alarm" (id:154): no global variable used Virtual device "JPI SMS/MMS Gateway" (id:163): - global "MMS" used in btn "jpisendsms" (id:3) - global "SMS" used in btn "jpisendsms" (id:3) - global "MMS" used in btn "jpisendmms" (id:4) - global "SMS" used in btn "jpisendmms" (id:4) Virtual device "Main indoor Mod 2.0" (id:164): - global "WeatherState" used in btn "Button11" (id:17) Virtual device "SonosPlaylistSpotify" (id:166): no global variable used Virtual device "SONOS Remote v1.0.1" (id:167): - global "x_sonos_object" used in mainloop - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnPlay" (id:7) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnPause" (id:8) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnStop" (id:9) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnPrev" (id:10) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnNext" (id:11) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "lblPowerOff" (id:12) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnSeekLeft" (id:13) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnSeekRight" (id:14) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnMute" (id:16) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnUnMute" (id:17) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnToggleMute" (id:18) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnLoudnessOn" (id:20) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnLoudnessOff" (id:21) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnMyRadioStation1" (id:22) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnMyRadioStation2" (id:23) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnMyRadioStation3" (id:24) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnMyRadioStation4" (id:25) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "btnMyRadioStation5" (id:26) - global "x_sonos_object" used in btn "Process" (id:28) Virtual device "GEA MultiAlarm" (id:168): no global variable used Virtual device "VD_test" (id:178): - global "SMS" used in btn "Button31" (id:4) Virtual device "WeatherBit" (id:187): no global variable used Virtual device "TV Commande" (id:202): no global variable used Virtual device "SonosHTTP_API" (id:203): no global variable used Virtual device "Cuisine" (id:204): no global variable used Virtual device "Vacances Manager" (id:205): no global variable used Virtual device "Noemie_SONOS" (id:221): no global variable used Virtual device "Vacances Scolaire" (id:227): - global "VacancesScolaire" used in btn "update" (id:1) Virtual device "Thermostat SdB" (id:242): no global variable used Virtual device "Chauffage Manager" (id:243): no global variable used Virtual device "Thermostat Chambres" (id:244): no global variable used Total memory in use by Lua (version Lua 5.2): 4810.84 KB Time for virtual devices: 0 secondes. Total elapsed time: 52 secondes.
Bonjour les artistes, Encore une petite demande ;-) Pouvez-vous me faire une icone pour une SCENE GEA dédiée à la gestion du chauffage svp ? Merci ;-)
Bienvenue, La communauté belge s'agrandit ;-)
Bonjour, Oui un peu ;-) Tu es un privilégié ou non ;-) D'après le debug tu en en GEA 6.12..qui contient des bugs en cours de correction puisqu'elle n'a pas été diffusée ;-) dont Sunset/Sunrise ;-) @Ghoosti bien vu ;-) Je n'ai même pas remarqué que j'avais mis la mauvaise année ;-) @MAM78Well done, tu n'es plus à quelques lignes près dans GEA ;-)
- 12 330 réponses
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Étiqueté avec :
@soulac Boulette, c'est sur 4 chiffres l'année, essaie stp @soulac
- 12 330 réponses
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Étiqueté avec :
@mipa Peux tu essayer cela stp : local exctinction = GEA.add({ {"turnOn", id["LampeExterieur"]}, {"Time", "18:45", "08:30"} }, 3*60, "", { {"turnOff",id["LampeExterieur"]}, {"NotStart"} }) -- 1er passage devant le detecteur, Lampe éteinte, GEA.add({ id["DetecteurMVT"], {"Time", "18:45", "08:30"}, {"turnOff",id["LampeExterieur"]}}, -1, "", { {"turnOn", id["LampeExterieur"]}, {"RestartTask", exctinction } }) -- 2ème passage deavnt le detecteur, Lampe allumée GEA.add( { id["DetecteurMVT"], {"Time", "18:45", "08:30"}, {"turnOn",id["LampeExterieur"]} }, -1, "", {"RestartTask", exctinction} ) @soulac As tu essaye de mettre l'annee comme t'a conseille @Steven. comme ceci local PeriodeEte = {"Dates","01/05/19","15/10/19"} local PeriodeHiver = {"Dates","16/10/19","30/04/19"} -- Fermeture des volets de la cuisine à 23h00 l'été GEA.add(PeriodeEte, 30 , "" , {{"Time","23:00","23:01"},{"Close",id["VR_CUISINE"],100}}) -- Fermeture des volets de la cuisine à 21h00 l'hiver GEA.add(PeriodeHiver, 30 , "" , {{"Time","21:00","21:01"},{"Close",id["VR_CUISINE"],100}})
- 12 330 réponses
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Étiqueté avec :
Salut @soulac Et comme ceci : GEA.add({ {"NODST"}, {"Time","09:05","09:06"}}, 30 , "" , {"Close",id["VR_CHAMBRE_AMIS"],100})
- 12 330 réponses
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Étiqueté avec :
Bonjour, Le fork (scene + VD) d'ADN est OK chez moi, as-tu une erreur ?
- 137 réponses
- aujourdhui
- steven
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Étiqueté avec :
Aucune idee, je n'ai jamais utilisé le panneau de chauffage ;-) PS : je viens d'aller voir, le Qubino fil pilote n'est pas proposé dans les modules liés pour le panneau de chauffage ;-)
Bonjour, J'avoue ne pas me sentir le courage de maintenir une framboise en plus pour la consommation..A voir mais je penche pour un module supp pour l'alim qui pourra evnetuelleent servir de fake device
Bonjour messieurs, @ArTi69 Could you give us your line 735 please ? your "ui....value" is not a global but a label certainly under %% properties to ativate immediately when the value of the label change @MAM78 Je ne comprends déjà meme pas tes conditions, lol trop tôt ;-) Soit une ouverture de fenetre, soit "terrasse off" OU (terrasse on ET timer 01) soit "jardin off", OU (terrasse on ET timer 01) soit "garage off, OU ("terrasse on ET timer 01") J'ai bon ? As tu testé ? Ca fonctionne ?
- 12 330 réponses
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Étiqueté avec :
Tu utilises encore Heating Manager ? LE Qubino fil pilote n'etant pas un thermostat, je crois qu'on ne peut pas l'utiliser dans le panneau de chauffage. Je trouve sympa moi la possibilité d'envoyer les ordres fil pilote justement. C'est facile, sur le radiateur tu configures la température de confort, la température éco. Et voila.
Bonjour messieurs, Rafraichissez moi la mémoire svp ? Ca tourne chez vous ? je ne me souviens plus, possible de l'utiliser avec un fil pilote ?
Bonjour, Tes periodes été et hiver peuvent aussi être gérées par DST ou NODST ;-)
- 12 330 réponses
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Étiqueté avec :
Bonjour bonjour, Quelqu'un s'est-il lancé dans la consommation du radiateur avec ce module ? Vous allez me dire qu'il faut rajouter un module sur l'alim ;-) Histoire de savoir quand est-ce qu'il chauffe ;-)
Bonjour, Après plusieurs tentatives, c'est passé pour moi :-) en suivant la pricedure - 2 exclusions - 1 reboot - 1 inclusion C'est un H1S1P3. Je n'en ai pas d'autre à inclure mais ça ne saurait tarder. Envoyé de mon BND-L21 en utilisant Tapatalk
PAS mal ces intégrations avec Celiane tout de même.
Salut, Ah une bonne nouvelle ca. En esperant que cela fonctionne pour d'autres. Et tes modules sont fonctionnelles ? As-tu tenté de rebooter pour vérifier si tes modules ne sont pas supprimés comme @BenjyNet ? Merci du retour.
Ah zut, je n'ai pas encore essaye de reinclure le mien.