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  1. bumperke

    Addon Xbmc Kodi By Adn182

    @ADN182 I'm using Kodi v18. So I think that's the reason why it's not working. Will there be a new version of the HC2 Addon for Kodi v18 (in the future) ?
  2. bumperke

    Addon Xbmc Kodi By Adn182

    @ADN182, Yes I can access the Kodi interface with a webbrowser (without a username and password)
  3. bumperke

    Addon Xbmc Kodi By Adn182

    I installed the latest version (1.4), with a Kodi scene and the Virtual device (Kodi v1.vfib) But in the Debug log I get the following error: Am I doing something wrong?
  4. Hello! I just registered myself to this forum to learn more about the HC2. Regards, Bumperke
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