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Mon installation photovoltaïque en autoconsommation
mprinfo a répondu à un(e) sujet de Lazer dans Mon installation domotique
J'espère que tu n'as pas un panneau solaire du nom de neymar il ne produira rien est coûtera chers Je te conseil plutôt le gaz du quatar [emoji91][emoji460][emoji460][emoji460][emoji460] Envoyé de mon BLA-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk- 986 réponses
Mon installation photovoltaïque en autoconsommation
mprinfo a répondu à un(e) sujet de Lazer dans Mon installation domotique
Attention le ensoleillement cette année pour un mois d'avril est exceptionnel. Moi j'attends toujours mon coffret de protection Envoyé de mon BLA-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk- 986 réponses
Firmware UniFi Network Application
mprinfo a répondu à un(e) sujet de mprinfo dans Matériels Réseaux
UniFi Network Application 7.1.61 18135k CommentFollow Overview Add Teleport VPN (Requires firmware version 1.12.x/2.4.x or newer). (not available for UXG) Add Traffic Routes (Requires UDM/UXG firmware version 1.12.8/2.4.x or newer) Add Switch Ports Insights and bulk-port editing. Improve Search & Filters on the Devices/Clients/Notifications page. Improve Traffic statistics. Improve UX for Global AP Settings. Improve WiFi Statistics UX. Improvements Add AP widget for UniFi clients. Add MIMO column in the Clients page. Add 802.1x ID/VLAN column in the Clients page. Add warning for HTTPS limitation when Facebook WiFi is selected. Add IPv6 support for UID VPN. Add multi-search to Devices, UniFi Devices & Notifications. Add missing WAN DHCP Client options. Add confirmation dialog to disable the AP meshing setting. Add option to forget clients. Add IP validation before setting a Honeypot IP. Add information if WAN IP is a local IP when configuring a VPN. Add max DHCP Lease Range validation for Network form. Allow Client connect to lock APs only if selected AP is stable. Improve the Advanced adoption UX. Improve fixed IP Address error message. Improve wireless uplink adoption stability. Improve Settings Search page highlight. Improve display of the channel value in the WiFiman table and property panel. Update the device manage section UX. Update USW-Pro-Aggregation property panel. Update unrecognized client icons. Update RPS Anomalies list. Update countries and territories in Country restrictions. Update default Gateway ARP Cache timeout to 10 minutes. Update Settings Search UX. Update DPI Signatures (Requires 1.12.15 or newer). Update Log4j to 2.17.2. Enable debug terminal for USP RPS. Show offline Non-Network devices on the Device page Show Link Quality as experience for UBB's. Show what Radio is used for the Link in the UBB property panel. Show USW-Flex-Mini memory usage in the devices table. Display Clients/Guests at the top of the Device panel. Display Device Capacity for Cloud Console. Display last seen in the uptime column. Replace (unsupported) Power Utilization with Memory Usage for USP-Strip/Plug. Re-organize clients side panel overview. Process device updates less frequently on larger setups. Close U-LTE setup wizard final screen when U-LTE is adopted. Do not include offline devices in the Lock AP device capability check. Remove Network dropdown under Settings for Gateways, which already exists under Overview. Unlock Client locked to Access Point if it was forgotten. Bugfixes Fix issue where limited admins cannot access the application in rare cases. Fix issue where admin notifications were sent, although disabled. Fix missing validation for DHCPv6 Range. Fix issue where Honeypot Alert source IP and service column were empty. Fix issue where “Provision” and “Open Terminal” toggle were not grayed out for offline devices. Fix issue where channel width shows blank when configured via mobile apps. Fix issue in RF Scan output. Fix inability to set Fixed IP addresses for a client on sites with L3 Switches. Fix connected downlink incorrectly reported as isolated. Fix firewall IP range validation. Fix tiny theme images on the Safari browser. Fix SMTP settings are ignored when sending mail. Fix checkbox value for disabled Multicast DNS Setting. Fix missing default sorting for Port and IP Groups. Fix incorrect time format for device firmware update check. Fix AP Group selection. Fix incorrect warning messages when UBB is upgrading. Fix missing custom upgrade for UXG. Fix missing services configuration for USP-RPS/UXG-Pro. Fix port remapping issues with UXG/USG. Fix uplink device showing itself in port diagram tooltips. Fix device is downgraded during adoption. Fix Utilization chart shouldn't surpass 100%. Fix missing Clients/Guests for UXG. Fix UBB LED configuration. Fix issue preventing provisioning Firewall rules, Traffic Rules, and Traffic Routes with paused Networks. Fix issue when the user can’t edit Threat Management settings. Fix issue where devices connected to the port with LAG enabled do not reconnect after the application update. Fix issue where Site-to-Site VPN connection is stalling in rare cases. Fix rare upgrade issue for those upgrading from version 4.x. Fix issue where Honeypot hits with Detect Only setting for Threat management don't send notifications to users. Fix issue where incorrect System Sensitivity was set when enabling Threat management. Fix issue where Guest Hotspot Profile couldn't be saved in rare cases. Fix issues in Switch port insights on Safari browser. Fix Country Restriction limit for UXG. Fix issue where DHCP Guarding option was not available in Network settings. Fix missing information in device columns if the device has an update available. Fix issue where changes were not saved when changing Access Point Channel Optimization setting. Fix issue where APs Wireless Meshing setting unexpectedly resets to "Auto" value. Fix issue where Multi-factor authentication with non-default method failed on the Remote Access portal. Fix issue where Firewall & Security Settings cannot be saved. Fix issue where Guest Hotspot vouchers cannot be printed. Fix issue where Time Range for Traffic Rule cannot cover nighttime. Fix device image size for devices with long names. Fix page crashes when switching between sites in rare cases. Fix issue where "Down Pkts/Bytes" was listed twice. Fix issue where AP settings are incorrect temporary after making some changes. Fix an issue where the Auto Update dialog showed up twice. Fix issue where Min. Data Rate Control for 2.4 GHz in WiFi settings cannot be enabled. Fix issue where Internet settings reset to Auto when adding DDNS entries. Fix old reference to Connectivity Monitor in the max SSID's tooltip. Fix issue where WiFi Guest Network Type could revert to Standard. Fix missing Client MAC address in client property panel when the client is offline. Fix issue where certain admins cannot edit certain settings after restoring from a backup. Fix the issue where System Settings can't be saved. Fix issue where default port profiles were not read-only. Fix unable to open device property panels for disabled/disconnected devices. Disable AP Nightly Channel Optimization Toggle if the global AP setting is disabled. Disable the Wireless Meshing setting if it can not be turned on. Disable DPI service if Traffic Identification is disabled. Hide interface options for not supported devices in Port Forwarding form. Show DPI Restrictions for supported consoles if any existing rule exists. Prevent situation when UBB AP data were shown as Station and the other way round; also show correct wired/wireless uplink type. Known issues Image for the USG-Pro-4 in the dashboard is missing. Editing traffic rules with offline clients selected is not possible. Additional information (Recommended) - Create an up-to-date backup before upgrading your UniFi Network Application settings in the event any issues are encountered. Existing UniFi Network Applications must be on one of the following versions in order to upgrade directly to this version: 7.1.61 and earlier 7.1.x versions. 7.0.26 and earlier 7.0.x versions. 6.5.55 and earlier 6.5.x versions. 6.4.54 and earlier 6.4.x versions. 6.3.51 and earlier 6.3.x versions. 6.2.26 and earlier 6.2.x versions. 6.1.71 and earlier 6.1.x versions. 6.0.45 and earlier 6.0.x versions. 5.14.25 and earlier 5.14.x versions. 5.13.33 and earlier 5.13.x versions. 5.12.72 and earlier 5.12.x versions. 5.11.52 and earlier 5.11.x versions. 5.10.27 and earlier 5.10.x versions. 5.9.33 and earlier 5.9.x versions. 5.8.30 and earlier 5.8.x versions. 5.7.28 and earlier 5.7.x versions. 5.6.42 and earlier 5.6.x versions. Most earlier versions are also supported for direct upgrade, going back to 3.1.0. UniFi Network Application updates may cause your adopted devices to reprovision. An updated/current version of Java 8 must be installed on the system hosting the UniFi Network Application. Java 9 and later are not yet supported. As of UniFi Network Application version 5.9, if using Cloud Access, the host system/device requires outbound 8883/tcp to be open/unrestricted. Find up-to-date port requirements here. Minimum supported device firmware for U6-Series devices is 5.29.0, UAP/USW is 4.0.9, and for USG it's 4.4.34. If you have any 'service dns forwarding options' configuration defined in config.gateway.json, it will overwrite the provisioning of statically defined name servers, leaving you with no DNS. Either remove the 'service dns forwarding options' portion of config.gateway.json, or add additional 'options' lines defining name servers, such as 'server=', 'server=', etc. Microsoft Windows specific Users running 64-bit Windows should only have 64-bit Java installed. If you have 32-bit Java installed then we recommend uninstalling it. macOS Specific We stopped bundling Java as of UniFi Network 5.11.47. If you're installing that release or later please make sure you have manually installed a current release of Java 8 beforehand. Only the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required. Oracle JRE 8 offers the simplest path as it will simply "just work" without requiring any changes. We may investigate alternative JVMs and update this message accordingly. Debian/Ubuntu specific For Debian/Ubuntu users installing via our repo, please update your APT source (see HERE). We support MongoDB 3.6 since 5.13.10, older UniFi Network Application versions only support up to MongoDB 3.4. Checksums b6b14e1da0c6dd8526a752af5e61b091 *UniFi-installer.exe 40c19ffe82f7d63ede0b0c2bd5bae041 *UniFi.pkg 846e6debc45c5dce84563f6e0efcec94 *UniFi.unix.zip a50d1d67e03902cc3e696ccbf32c208f *unifi_sysvinit_all.deb 601df32736f41e40a80a3e472450a3e1 *unifi_sh_api -
Mon installation photovoltaïque en autoconsommation
mprinfo a répondu à un(e) sujet de Lazer dans Mon installation domotique
Moi j'attends toujours le coffret de protection Envoyé de mon BLA-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk- 986 réponses
Fait un reset usine je pense que ça va résoudre ton problème C'est en bas à gauche sur la page recovery Envoyé de mon BLA-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk
HC2 & HCL - 4.621 - BETA - 21/04/2022 Liste des modifications de la version beta 4.621: Important notice: All devices previously added to the system that received support need to be reconfigured. New improvements: - Support for https protocol. - Support for MCO MH-S31x & MH-S22x ZW700 series. - Support for MCO MH3901-Z version 2.1. - Support for Qubino 3-Phase Smart Meter. - Support for Heiman Gas Sensor (HS1CG) version 1.1 & 1.2. - Support for Donexon radiator thermostat. - Support for other Z-Wave devices supported by Home Center 3. - System stability improvements. Resolved issues: - Z-Wave service stops responding after updating to 4.620 and using previously added thermostat. - Few instances of Thermostat & Heating Zone plugin results in system crash. - In some cases, Home Center Lite gateway stops responding after some time. - Losing master-slave synchronization after some time in gateway connection mode. - Master gateway does not detect "central scene" actions on devices added to connected gateways. - Connected slave gateway need manual synchronization to restore its connection. - Incorrect default values of FIBARO Heat Controller configuration parameters. - Sending setProtection action to external sensor of FIBARO Heat Controller result in system crash. - Issues with thermostat controlled by Alexa voice assistant. - Issue with taking a camera snapshot and sending to e-mail. - Sending empty notification if this notification was previously removed. - No possibility to use custom icons uploaded in one of the previous firmware versions. - Tedee lock plugin stops responding after some time and needs rebooting the gateway. - Cannot manually set a date later than 2021-12-31. - No pin for setting location via remote access
Nouvelle mise à jour 4.621 beta disponible pour votre HC2 Envoyé de mon BLA-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk
Nouvelles construction avec Domotique Fibaro
mprinfo a répondu à un(e) sujet de DGDIM dans Mon installation domotique
comme déjà dit @lazer a fait le taf pour l'ipx 800 v4 et l'ecodevice RT2 Pour l'ipx v5 voici un début de code function QuickApp:onInit() self:debug("onInit") self.http = net.HTTPClient({ timeout = 2000 }) self:login() end function QuickApp:login() --self:trace("-------------------------------------------loginIPXV5()") self.http:request("", { options = { checkCertificate = false, method = 'GET', headers = {["content-type"] = "application/json"}, }, success = function(response) self:trace("loginStatus() - status = ", response.status) print(json.encode(response.data)) if response.status == 200 then end end, error = function(error) self:error("logIPX800 V5() Erreur: ", json.encode(error)) end }) end voici un aperçu de ce que cela donne sur hc3- 59 réponses
- hc3
- maison neuve
(et 1 en plus)
Étiqueté avec :
Nouvelles construction avec Domotique Fibaro
mprinfo a répondu à un(e) sujet de DGDIM dans Mon installation domotique
Oui c'est possible tout ce fait via le api de l ipx Tu auras un QA comme si c'était un vrai module zwave Envoyé de mon BLA-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk- 59 réponses
- hc3
- maison neuve
(et 1 en plus)
Étiqueté avec :
Le mouton fait "mais" Envoyé de mon BLA-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk
Bon les enfants c'est fini [emoji23] Envoyé de mon BLA-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk
Joyeux anniversaire Envoyé de mon BLA-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk
@Lazer dommage que ce soit du XML Pour l ipx800 j'ai pas compris ta réponse Envoyé de mon BLA-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk
Je n'ai pas dit que je n'aime pas Je reproche juste à netatmo d'être cloud exclusif. Autre reproche j'aimerai avoir une station ethernet voir POE. Sans devoir passer par le wifi qui pour moi n'est utile que pour les objets mobiles. Envoyé de mon BLA-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk
Perso si c'est pour remplacer des modules qui fonctionnent j'attendrai encore un peu pour voir comment ça évolue le zigbee est en fin de vie Envoyé de mon BLA-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk
Attention il y a 2 types de modules wifi Ceux qui sont accessibles directement via le LAN Ceux ou il faut passé via le cloud. Style netatmo. Envoyé de mon BLA-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk
un retour aux fondements de base ???
mprinfo a répondu à un(e) sujet de jojo dans Nouveau ? Présentez-vous
Tu connais un bon médecin car la je vais plus avoir de congés [emoji24] Envoyé de mon BLA-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk -
un retour aux fondements de base ???
mprinfo a répondu à un(e) sujet de jojo dans Nouveau ? Présentez-vous
Je sais pas si Fibaro est très content du retour de Vincent j'ai mis du temps à le convaincre de prendre une hc 3 Envoyé de mon BLA-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk -
Merci Christophe un soucis de copier coller Envoyé de mon BLA-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk
HC3 & HCL3 - 5.110.15 - Stable - 14/04/2022 Thank you for using our gateway! Be sure to update to the latest version to enjoy new features and improvements. Main features: 1. System supports adding of the Nice, Elero and Z-Wave devices from mobile application Additionally new Z-wave devices adding procedure in webUI is introduced. 2. Introduced new way of controlling devices using dialogs on Favorites screen in mobile application 3. New Scenes category called "Scenarios" for easy control of shutters and blinds according to sunset and sunrise triggers Possibility to configure "morning" and "evening" scenarios with few clicks. System supports altering configuration of those Scenarios via mobile application. 4. Zigbee protocol support (Home Center 3)* First public beta version of Zigbee protocol support now available for tests purpose on HC3. Support for limited types of devices with focus on lighting. Important: Philips TV and Samsung Smart Appliance plugins are no longer supported and have been removed. What's new: Alarm Added checking sensors status before arming the alarm. Dashboard Added translations for thermostat modes on dashboard tiles and sidebar. Added possibility to open device settings directly from device tile. Improved styling of units for sensors on dashboard and sidebar. Changed icon for opening sidebar from device tile. Added logs on device tiles related to transmitting commands for Nice and Elero devices. Devices Updated parameters template for Nice BiDi-Shutter and Nice BiDi-Awning. Added support for Eurotronic Air Quality Sensor. Improved handling of long operations for Color Controllers and Multilevel Switches.** Added support for new revisions of Fibaro devices. Default configuration for RGBW441 set as RGBW after adding device to the system. Added rounding for virtual power consumption values. Added support for Donexon thermostatic valve.** Custom parameters for Z-Wave devices sorted by ID. Support for MCO ZW700 series devices. Improved handling of hold actions on sidebar buttons for shutters and venetian blinds. Elero* Improvements for pairing process. Improved polling mechanism for Elero devices. Improvements for pairing process. Improved support for Elero Dimmer. Modified descriptions for pairing process. Added possibility to pair unknown device type to the system. Energy Warning about unsaved changes in Panel Settings. Added support for declaring fixed cost for a period. General Optimized calculation of sunrise/sunset time. Network Improved changing network settings between DHCP and Static. Nice* Added possibility to Read, Set default and Reset all parameters in devices settings. Changed default role for mono-directional devices from remotes to Blinds/Gates. Added requesting current parameters values during pairing process. Added possibility to configure and use favourite position for mono-directional devices. New styling for Nice devices pairing process. Improvements in protocol auto-detection function. Improved support of BiDi-Shutter and BiDi-Awning devices. Added possibility to calibrate BiDi-Shutter and BiDi-Awning devices from settings. Added notification about issues during device configuration after paring. Added displaying favorite positions states on BiDi devices. Other Improved auto-logging feature. Plugins Thermostat & Heating Zone plugin optimization. Added possibility to set the URL manually for Dahua plugin. Reorganisation of plugins categories. Profiles Support for new "Scenarios" in profiles. Quick Apps Changed function calling format (backwards compatible). Changed auto-complete function for new function format in Lua. Added possibility to edit "secret" variable in QuickApps. Scenes Changed functions calling format (backwards compatible). Changed auto-complete function for new functions format in Lua. Added icons for group actions. Changed font color in dark-mode of Lua editor. Added possibility to enable or disable the scene from edit window. Update Added reconfiguration button for device after successful update.** Z-Wave devices update process improvements. Z-Wave Improved handing of communication errors. Optimized service start-up. Updated certified Z-Wave manufacturers list in Z-Wave engines. Improvements for Z-Wave database size management.** Bug fixes: Alarm Unnecessary notification about wrong pin when trying to disarm the system. Cameras Inactive camera preview tab after saving device settings. Dashboard No automatic refresh of color components on device sidebar.** Missing polish translations for states of simple shutter. No automatic refresh of power consumption on devices sidebar. Fixed issue with displaying states for shutters on devices sidebar. Devices Missing barrier role for simple shutter device type. Issue with adding Fibaro devices (Wall Plug UK, Smart Module, BiDi-ZWave) in Security Mode. Rejected association settings visible on the list until page refresh.** Power graphs in advanced tab do not scale when zooming. Uploading custom icon for Fibaro CO Sensor not possible. Cannot change parameters in Z-Wave devices if "use template for parameters" is disabled. Issue with opening 1P Smart Meter Qubino configuration.** Incorrect devices grouping on settings page for QuickApps and Linked Devices. Additional not applicable icons for devices. Redundant device roles for Walli Roller Shutter and Roller Shutter 3. Inputs state for Smart Implant not reported correctly.** Devices added via Smart Start are not visible in the system until reboot.** Protection settings for Z-Wave devices fixed. Issues with thermostats support when using climate panel.** Diagnostics Issue with starting reconfiguration from Z-Wave tab.** CPU graphs issues. Elero* Wrong device configuration if timeout occurred during binding procedure. Issues with controlling devices after update from 5.072.25 beta. Energy Wrong rounding of percentage consumption on Savings tab. Production devices listed on Top consuming devices and on devices list on Savings tab. Excluding production devices from the Energy Panel does not work. Gateway Connection Changing Fan Mode for thermostats from slave gateway is not possible. General Home location settings change does not alter sunrise/sunset calculation. Location map does not show if longitude/latitude is out of range. History Device icon does not correspond with the state from history. Network No information about possible connection loss after changing network settings. Internet connection status is not stable. Nice* Not migrated device roles for Nice Mono devices added in the system on 5.080. Nice Mono devices added on 5.080 lost the icons after updating to 5.100. Issue with pairing some Nice Mono devices. Not migrated device roles for Nice Mono devices added in the system on 5.080. Notifications Devices icons in wrong states on notifications list. Non-admin user cannot remove notifications. Other Additional credentials popup during log-in in some cases. Text in reboot modal not centered on Safari browser. Rejecting custom icons upload if file extension is in uppercase. Issue with booting up the hub after update to 5.101 Beta. Nice and Elero devices not counted in number of devices in backup. Plugins Removed additional button on sidebar for Fibaro Intercom. Impossible to configure EnvisaLink plugin. Profiles Using Walli devices ring actions causes system crash. Quick Apps Partially white background in mobile view in dark style. Fixed visibility for functions declarations. Scenes Scene does not start in specific configuration when trigger is used in few scenes. Differences between calls in Scenes and QuickApps. Fixed visibility for functions declarations in Lua code. Update No translations of errors for devices update service.** Known issues: Nice* After adding Nice device page refresh is required. Z-Wave Engine 3.0 Some Z-Wave devices are not fully compatible with the new version of Z-Wave engine. Gateway connection is not available in the new Z-Wave engine version. * - does not apply to HC3L (Home Center 3 Lite) ** - applies only to Z-Wave Engine 3.0
un retour aux fondements de base ???
mprinfo a répondu à un(e) sujet de jojo dans Nouveau ? Présentez-vous
"parmis nous" tu ne pouvais pas mieux dire [emoji23] Envoyé de mon BLA-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk -
Notepad est ton amis [emoji12] Envoyé de mon BLA-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk
Le réveil des vieux@Jojo apparaît est@Did sort d hibernation [emoji1787][emoji23] Envoyé de mon BLA-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk
Joyeux anniversaire vieux [emoji12] Envoyé de mon BLA-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk
un retour aux fondements de base ???
mprinfo a répondu à un(e) sujet de jojo dans Nouveau ? Présentez-vous
Retour des chats noirs [emoji1787] @jojo ne trouve pas d'excuse pour l'inclusion de tes modules je t'ai dis que je viendrai te le faire. Envoyé de mon BLA-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk