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Tout ce qui a été posté par mprinfo

  1. Tu peux si je me souviens bien faire cela au niveau de la gestion zwave mais je sais pas si cela efface tout Envoyé de mon SM-G900F
  2. Il me fallait juste la scène volets J'essaie de te faire cela pour ce soir mais je te promets rien Envoyé de mon SM-G900F
  3. Allez un recovery ca te fera la main et c'est très simple a faire Envoyé de mon SM-G900F
  4. Lol moi je passe une bonne partie de mon temps sur le forum ca en plus depuis peu on a la 4g car pas d'ordinateur au boulot Envoyé de mon SM-G900F
  5. Attention ils y a des soucis avec les trigger j'avais une scène qui merdais je l'ai supprimer et recréé et c'est rentré dans l'ordre Envoyé de mon SM-G900F
  6. Il faut installer le nouveau xpenoboot et ensuite installer les dsm 5.2 Tu es en natif ou exsi ? Envoyé de mon SM-G900F
  7. Au boulot en plus lol merci pour le retour Envoyé de mon SM-G900F
  8. Tu es entrain de prendre goût au mises a jours lol Envoyé de mon SM-G900F
  9. Il faudrait que tu fasses un cheksum pour voir ce qui ce passe A priori c'est un soucis de la clef on va vite le savoir avec le cheksum Envoyé de mon SM-G900F
  10. Oui tu risque pas gand choses. Tu sais je comme toi face de boucq et autres c'est pas mon truc avant d'être sur le forum je savais pas utilisé Tapatalk et maintenant je peux plus m'en passer je suis les sujets qui m'intéresse et je recois un push a chaque post ca plait bien lol je vais regarder pour le rss merci Envoyé de mon SM-G900F
  11. A priori aucun soucis mais j'ai pas testé plus les disques son la on a accès a l'interface de plus on peut faire marche downgrade en cas de soucis donc il n'y a pas trop de risque Moi j'utilise que tapaltak donc j'ai pas toujours tout et les flux RSS je n'ai jamais utilisé je sais même pas comment on fait lol
  12. après un petit tour rapide les disques sont ok je dois faire la mise a jour de l'update1 tous c'est très bien passé aucun soucis d'installation
  13. C'est en cours chez moi. Normalement c'est le travail de nico l'annonce des nouvelles versions mais depuis son recovery il bug lol c'est une mise a jour du 01/06/2015 update 1 ça vient de finir j'ai accès a l'interface donc il y a du mieux. je regarde cela demain
  14. DS3615xs Release Notes Version : 5.2-5565 Update 1(2015/05/21) Fixed IssuesFixed an issue where users could fail to join domain when the domain admin account contains specific characters. Improved the compatibility with USB devices. Fixed a security vulnerability to prevent cross-site scripting attacks (XSS). Upgraded PHP to 5.5.25 to address multiple security vulnerabilities (CVE-2006-7243, CVE-2015-4021, CVE-2015-4022, CVE-2015-4024, CVE-2015-4025, CVE-2015-4026). Improved the compatibility with 3rd party DTV applications. Fixed an issue where SSD cache volume information may not be displayed correctly in Resource Monitor. Fixed an issue where users with guest accounts would be unable to create new files or folders via SMB protocol. Version : 5.2-5565(2015/05/12) Compatibility and InstallationDSM 5.2 can only be installed on Synology products running DSM 5.0 or above. Before starting, please log in to DSM and go to DSM Update to install the latest DSM. Some features have specific hardware requirements and are only available on certain Synology NAS products. Important NotesDSM 5.2 is the last supported major DSM version for all 10-series models. An issue of data consistency caused by SSD TRIM is not resolved yet; as a result, SSD TRIM is currently disabled in DSM 5.2. DSM 5.2 is the last DSM version to support Time Backup as an add-on application in Package Center. Time Backup features will be fully merged into the built-in Backup package in future releases. Existing Time Backup users will not be affected. Sharing via Facebook and Google+ will no longer be supported starting from DSM 5.2. What’s New in DSM 5.2 Single Sign-On You can register multiple DSM and access them using one set of credentials. After initial login, linked DSM accounts will automatically log in to avoid credential re-authentication. Windows File Sharing Added SMB3 and end-to end data encryption support. Backup and Replication Added support for file-level restoration with File Version Browser in multi-version backup tasks. You can set up backup rotation to recycle old backup versions automatically in multi-version backup tasks. Added data transfer encryption support for multi-version backup. Added support for Amazon S3 China Region as a backup destination. iSCSI LUN Snapshots You can take iSCSI snapshots more frequently, up to every five minutes. You can set the snapshot retention policy to retain a specific number of versions for hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly snapshots. Link Aggregation Added support for two new modes when creating a bond interface: Adaptive Load Balancing and Balance XOR. SSD Cache SSD cache now has a smaller memory footprint, consuming 90% less memory than DSM 5.1 for newly created SSD caches. File Station You can manage and transfer files to popular public cloud services such as Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, and OneDrive. The built-in photo viewer now supports full-screen mode. You can drag and drop files between two browsers. You can set the number of times a shared link can be accessed. Added playlist support for the built-in audio player. You can use the built-in mail client to send shared links. QuickConnect Enhanced stability. DSM will automatically add port forwarding rules required by QuickConnect services on your compatible UPnP router, saving your time on network configuration. DSM log-in page You can add welcome messages to deliver information to users before they log in to the system. DSM Help You can reach online resources such as FAQ and compatibility lists in DSM Help now. One more tutorial about how to back up data from your computer is added in the section of Get started with DSM. Misc You can customize the security level of SSH connections by selecting which encryption algorithm(s) to use. Added more flexible port forwarding rules, including assigning random port numbers, and customized port settings. You can set usage quotas for different groups. The group usage quota is automatically applied when a user is added to the group. What’s New in Packages Single Sign-On Package Based on the OAuth2 standard, SSO Server package turns Synology NAS into a SSO server that allows developers to register their web applications to the server and utilize the single sign-on feature. This increases daily productivity by saving time spent on re-authentication. Docker Docker is a lightweight virtualization application that gives you the ability to run thousands of containers created by developers from all over the world on DSM. The hugely popular built-in image repository, Docker Hub, allows you to find shared applications from other talented developers. A step-by-step tutorial is introduced to guide you through the basic container creation. Note Station Added to-do list feature. You can add tasks to notes or add them independently to the to-do list. Manage tasks by specifying a priority, due date, and reminder. Synology Web Clipper is now available on the Chrome Web Store. You can clip web content directly to Note Station. Export notebooks to a nsx file for backup or for importing to another Synology NAS. Export individual notes as HTML files so that users without Note Station can read them. You can archive seldomly used notebooks so that they will not be displayed in the notebook section or in search results. Enhanced Note Station file structure. A three-tier structure (Shelf, Notebook, and Note) provides greater flexibility for organizing Note Station. You can display notes in presentation mode. You can create new notes in a joined notebook if you were given modify permissions. You can share notes via the built-in DSM email application. You can change the default notebook. You can adjust the default note font size. Import notes from YinXiangBiJi. Better note version conflict handling. Todo badge number on Desktop icon. Cloud Station Added support for low-latency smart polling. You can assign different historic version numbers for each shared folder. Enhanced general performance. Added support for native renaming operation. Administrators can enable/disable Cloud Station directly from Package Center. Added support for File Station Recycle Bin. Files greater than 10GB can be synced. Updated PC client for Windows, Mac and Linux: Added a quick setup wizard. Added a search feature to automatically find all Synology NAS in the local area network. Added a system tray menu in graphic user interface. You can right-click to stop or resume syncing for specific subfolders. You can right-click a synced folder to generate a folder sharing link. You can right-click any file on your computer to copy it to the Cloud Station folder. Added a client-side sync log. Cloud Sync Added unidirectional sync from NAS to public cloud and from public cloud to NAS. You can encrypt and compress data sent to public cloud storage. Added support for Amazon S3 compatible public cloud service providers. Added support for WebDAV public cloud service providers. Added support for Amazon Cloud Drive. Added support for Megafon Disk. Added support for native renaming operation (support level differs with public cloud storage API). You can customize both task name and polling period. You can sync files as large as 10GB with OneDrive. Added support for File Station Recycle Bin. Mail Server Added attachment filter to block specific file extensions. You can receive real-time notifications regarding daily quota status. Added support for SPF/DKIM and DMARC sender validation. Added customized auto-reply and content setting features. Daily quotas can be set by user. Glacier Backup Enhanced to handle Amazon server-side speed limit. Enhanced general performance. Video Station You can use hotkeys to fast forward, rewind, and adjust the volume during video playback. Subtitle files can now be located anywhere on your Synology NAS and no longer need to match the filename of your video files. Simply select them using the built-in chooser in Video Station during playback. More code-pages supported to correctly recognize subtitles in different languages. You can set a timing offset to sync subtitles with video playback. You can customize video posters by selecting an image from your Synology NAS. Use the shortcut on the library to quickly add video folders. You can delete videos directly from Video Station Supported right-click context menu to access useful functions more quickly. Audio Station Added support for indexing CUE sheet files to display all indexed audio tracks, and the song information of an undivided album file for management (requires DSM 5.2). Added support of transcoding FLAC/APE, ALAC/AAC, OGG, AIFF formats for DLNA players. Photo Station A brand-new design that gives Photo Station mobile a refreshed look-and-feel. The update includes two major improvements: watching videos and linking directly to details page of a photo. You can select specific albums when creating a smart album. More EXIF information is displayed in the lightbox page, and can also be added as conditions when creating smart albums. Download Station Previews for photos and videos are available for torrent downloads. Added support for HTTP downloads with multiple connections. Media Server Resumed video transcoding support (This feature is supported by select models. Please go here for detailed information). Redmine Redmine is a flexible project management web application. It has numerous features and can be run on Synology NAS via Docker. GitLab GitLab is a web-based Git repository manager with wiki and issue tracking features. It has numerous features and can be run on Synology NAS via Docker. LXQt LXQt is a desktop utility built on QT with partial Razor-qt and LXDE components. It comes with a basic graphical user interface which gives users the ability to leverage certain operating system features, such as web browsing. It has numerous features and can be run on Synology NAS via Docker. SpreeCommerce SpreeCommerce is a full-featured storefront tool built on common standards so you do not have to compromise speed to market, efficiency, or innovation. You can also easily leverage the advantages of modular design to configure, supplement, or replace the functionalities you need. It has numerous features and can be run on Synology NAS via Docker. Discource Discourse is a forum application software with a focus on user experience by introducing infinite scrolling, live updates, drag and drop attachments and more. It has numerous features and can be run on Synology NAS via Docker. MantisBT MantisBT is an open source, web-based issue tracker and project management tool with a focus on simplicity and flexibility. Users are able to get started quickly and manage their projects effectively, making collaboration with team members and clients easy and professional. LimeSurvey LimeSurvey is a powerful survey creation tool that help you easily create and publish intuitive and question-and-answer surveys and collect responses without the requirement of technical background. LimeSurvey also provides graphical analysis of the result for you to quickly find the information from the statistics. You also have the full control of whom to access the survey, either publish the survey publicly or limit only the users with the "once-only" token. CMS Enhanced general performance. Bug fixes and usability enhancements.
  15. voici pour le dsm 5.2 en natif ou sous exsi ou ici télécharger le DSM ici
  16. @lazer tu as le dsm5.2 sur ton hp ? Envoyé de mon SM-G900F
  17. Moi 47 a la fin du mois je fais avec lol quelques bugs mais ça va encore lol Envoyé de mon SM-G900F
  18. Mac beurc lol ik n'y en aura jamais chez moi lol Envoyé de mon SM-G900F
  19. Lol je croirait m'entendre lol Tu es un peu plus jeune que moi pourtant Envoyé de mon SM-G900F
  20. mprinfo

    Concurrent Wall Plug

    Oui il a enfin fini de mettre a jours la section module zwave que ce fût long MDR Il y avait pas mal de boulot mais le résultat et super si il est dans les 3 choix de membres du mois de juin je vote pour lui car il doit etre en tête des sujets commencer lol Envoyé de mon SM-G900F
  21. Ok pas de soucis tu fais du dual boot ? C'est plus trop a la mode il y a la virtualisation Envoyé de mon SM-G900F
  22. Pas besoin de mettre 0 je l inclus automatiquement dans les 2 tables et lorsque c'est 0 je mets a jours la vg Jour_Nuit j'ai passé un peut de temps pour faire cette scène afin de l'optimiser au mieux et de simplifier son utilisation pour la partager Envoyé de mon SM-G900F
  23. Peux tu me donnes le code de ta scène volets Envoyé de mon SM-G900F
  24. Lol tu as une erreur dans la scène Mais ca fonctionne quand même Envoyé de mon SM-G900F
  25. Ils ce sont fermées? Envoyé de mon SM-G900F
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