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So first task will stop if i turnoff coffee machine? Regards Jonny Larsson From my iPhone6+ med Tapatalk
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So this will be good if i understand right. Second line will stop the first task if it uses less then 10watt or powered Off? local coffeeTask = GEA.add({"Sensor+", id["kaffebryggare"], 50}, 40*60, "", {{"turnOff", id["kaffebryggare"]}}) GEA.add({"Sensor-", id["kaffebryggare"], 10}, -1, "", {{"StopTask", coffeeTask}})
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EN This do not work, why? Goal is to shut off the wall plug after 40min when it use more then 50watt GEA.add({"power+", id["kaffebryggare"], 50}, 40*60, "", {{"turnOff", id["kaffebryggare"]}}) Get this error msg [DEBUG] 10:53:59: line 2066: attempt to concatenate local 'name' (a nil value)
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EN How is Group working? Is it associating? Or is something you set up in GEA? GEA.add(17, 5*60, "", {{"Group",1},{"Group",2}}) -- Lumière allumée depuis 5 mn. GEA.add(18, 5*60, "", {{"Group",1}}) -- Porte ouverte depuis 5 mn. GEA.add({"Group",1}, 5*60, "Porte ouverte et lampe allumé de puis plus de 5mn.")
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EN have a question regarding my code. Can it be improved with some other functions in GEA? Code works but maybe it can be changed -- Turn off if no movement local koketmotion = id["mSensor_kok"] local koketTask = GEA.add(id["fonster_kok"], 10*60, "", {{"turnOff"}}) local koketTask2 = GEA.add(id["lilla_fonster_kok"], 10*60, "", {{"turnOff"}}) GEA.add(koketmotion, -1, "", {{"turnOn", id["lilla_fonster_kok"]},{"turnOn", id["fonster_kok"]}, {"RestartTask", koketTask}, {"RestartTask", koketTask2}}) GEA.add(id["fonster_kok"], -1, "", {{"Inverse"}, {"turnOff", id["fonster_kok"]}}) GEA.add(id["lilla_fonster_kok"], -1, "", {{"Inverse"}, {"turnOff", id["fonster_kok"]}})
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EN thanks pepite, works perfectly
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EN Need some help with this task. Want it to run only between time that i have specified but it runs always. local wcTask = GEA.add(id["wcTaklampa"], 10*60, "", {{"turnOff"}}) GEA.add(id["mSensor1wc"], -1, "", {{"If",{{"Days","Weekdays"},{"Time", "07:00", "22:00"}}},{"Function", function() fibaro:call(id["wcTaklampa"], "turnOn") end},{"Function", function() fibaro:call(id["wcSpegel"], "turnOn") end},{"RestartTask", wcTask}}) GEA.add(id["mSensor2wc"], -1, "", {{"If",{{"Days","Weekdays"},{"Time", "07:00", "22:00"}}},{"Function", function() fibaro:call(id["wcTaklampa"], "turnOn") end},{"Function", function() fibaro:call(id["wcSpegel"], "turnOn") end},{"RestartTask", wcTask}})
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Sujet résolu Mother And Motion Cookies + Hc2
jompa68 a répondu à un(e) sujet de jompa68 dans Multimédia (audio, vidéo ...)
Une autre Scène pour connaitre le nombre de "pas" / distance parcourue avec un Motion cookie : . --[[ %% autostart %% properties %% globals --]] ----------------------------------------------------------------- --[[ Mother and moion cookies scene by Jonny Larsson (jompa68) Scene that use a cookies to track your steps/walk Scene will run every 30 seconds. 2015-02-19 version 0.1 --]] local sourceTrigger = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); function tempFunc() local currentDate = os.date("*t"); local cookieWalk = 'F6s7juyUKgpxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' local httpClient = net.HTTPClient(); httpClient:request('https://apis.sen.se/v2/feeds/'..cookieWalk..'/events/?format=json', { success = function(response) if tonumber(response.status) == 200 then local jsonData = json.decode(response.data) local total=0 for i = 1, #jsonData.objects do if jsonData.objects[i].profile == 'WalkStandard' then if string.sub(jsonData.objects[i].dateEvent,1,10) == os.date("%Y-%m-%d") then total = total + jsonData.objects[i].data.numberSteps end end end print('Total steps/walk today: '..total) fibaro:call(423, "setProperty", "ui.lblSteps.value", total) else print('call::checkUpdate ERROR [HTTPClient:request] status: ' .. response.status) end end, options = { headers = { ['Authorization'] = 'Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' } } }); setTimeout(tempFunc, 30*1000) end if (sourceTrigger["type"] == "autostart") then tempFunc() else fibaro:debug("Set scene to %%autostart to have it run by automatic") end -
Sujet résolu Mother And Motion Cookies + Hc2
jompa68 a posté un sujet dans Multimédia (audio, vidéo ...)
. Utiliser la Mother de Sense et les Motion Cookies comme détection de présence avec la HC2. Parametrer l'application "présence" en vous connectant sur le site "sen.se" Quand vous arrivez ou partez de votre domicile, l'application mettra à jour le "statut" du cookie Avec une scène en Lua et via l'Api de "sen.se", nous pouvons trouver la valeur de la "présence", envoyer une variable globale et l'utiliser dans d'autres scènes. Egalement afin d'utiliser des modules virtuels type "On/Off". ( ex: Allumer,éteindre la lumière / Mise en route ou arrêt de l'alarme....etc ) --[[ %% autostart %% properties %% globals --]] ----------------------------------------------------------------- --[[ Mother and moion cookies scene by Jonny Larsson (jompa68) An presence scene that use a cookies to track when arrive or leave home and set a global variable with the actual value, then you can use the variable as trigger to do other things with your HC2 like turnOn a lamp, turnOff alarm etc. Scene will run every 30 seconds. Change this to rows: local cookiePresence = 'D6se3zRof0bAB5Mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' <--- id of cookie ['Authorization'] = 'Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' <--- encoded user and password for apis.sen.se login 2015-02-19 version 0.1 --]] local sourceTrigger = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); function tempFunc() local currentDate = os.date("*t"); local cookiePresence = 'D6se3zRofxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' local httpClient = net.HTTPClient(); httpClient:request('https://apis.sen.se/v2/feeds/'..cookiePresence..'/events/?limit=1&format=json', { success = function(response) if tonumber(response.status) == 200 then local jsonData = json.decode(response.data) local total=0 for i = 1, #jsonData.objects do if jsonData.objects[i].profile == 'WalkStandard' then if string.sub(jsonData.objects[i].dateEvent,1,10) == os.date("%Y-%m-%d") then presence = jsonData.objects[i].data.body end end end print('Presence: '..presence) fibaro:call(423, "setProperty", "ui.lblPresence.value", presence) fibaro:setGlobal("cookie_Jonny", presence) else print('call::checkUpdate ERROR [HTTPClient:request] status: ' .. response.status) end end, options = { headers = { ['Authorization'] = 'Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' } } }); setTimeout(tempFunc, 30*1000) end if (sourceTrigger["type"] == "autostart") then tempFunc() else fibaro:debug("Set scene to %%autostart to have it run by automatic") end -
En Steven, sorry but i did not ask for permission before i did share your script on forum.fibaro.com. http://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/17675-gea/#entry58065 My intention is not to take credit on your script. iPhone 6 Plus @ Tapatalk
- 12 330 réponses
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Merci beaucoup, ça marche
Non, cela n'a pas fonctionné. EN No, that did not work.
EN Krikroff, can you tell how to fix your VD to support swedish letters? If i test this in browser it says swedish à…à„à– letters correctly: http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?ie=UTF8&tl=sv&q=Smà¶rgà¥sbord But when i look at your VD i see that you use ie=UTF-8 instead. Did try to change to UTF8 but it does not work... Can you give me some hint? Please
le script a été améliorée Skickat från min iPhone med Tapatalk
FR (google translate) im en utilisant un script Stevens GoogleCal2HC2 et créé une fonction dans GEA que seulement envoyer la chaîne de texte d'entrée de calandre à mes Sonos au moment spécifié de calendrier. EN im using Stevens GoogleCal2HC2 script and created a function in GEA that only send the text string of calender entry to my Sonos at specified time from calender. function isEventNow2TTS() local day = os.date("%d/%m %H:%M") for i = 1, 10 do local event = fibaro:getGlobalValue("Event"..i) if (string.find(event, day)) then TTStext = string.sub(event, 15) return true, TTStext end end return false end GEA.add({"Function", function() return isEventNow2TTS() end}, 30, "",{{"Global","SonosTTS","lng=en|dr=auto|vol=30|txt="..'#value#'..". . .|"}})
- 12 330 réponses
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EN did sort it out..
EN Trying this code but when temperature is - values it will not work
Function to compare lastseen with abscencetime. Create an variable, in my case "LastSeenJonny" then in your smartphone check device/scene add this code to set lastseen in unixtime. then function in GEA can compare if lastseens is more then for example 30minutes fibaro:setGlobal("LastSeenJonny",os.date(os.time())) Then put this in GEA local LastSeenJonny = 0+fibaro:getGlobal("LastSeenJonny"); -- == FUNCTIONS == -- -- AbsenceTime function isAbsence() local AbsenceTime = 30 --30 minutes local AbsenceTime = os.time() - (AbsenceTime * 60) fibaro:debug(AbsenceTime) if tonumber(LastSeenJonny) < AbsenceTime then fibaro:setGlobal("PresentState", "Away") local state = fibaro:getGlobalValue("PresentState") return true, state end return false end ------------------------ ABSENCE ------------------------------------ GEA.add({"Function", function() return isAbsence() end}, 30, "",{{"Days","Weekday"},{"Time", "06:00", "22:00"},{"Repeat"}}) GEA.add({"Global", "PresentState", "Away"}, -1, "#value#",{{"Days","Weekday"},{"Time", "06:00", "22:00"},{"Function", function() return isAbsence() end},{"Portable", 201},{"MaxTime", 1}})
Qu'ai-je m'ennuie si je veux qu'il TurnON au coucher du soleil et bretelle de sortie au lever du soleil GEA.add(true, 60, "", {{"Time", "Sunset", "Sunrise"}, {"turnOn", id["LYKTSTOLPE"]}}) what have i miss if i want it to turnOn at sunset and turnOff at sunrise?
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Toute personne qui utilise ce en 4.017? Anyone who uses this in 4.017?
- 102 réponses
Merci sebcbien
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Étiqueté avec :
Comment puis-je envoyer poussée de conduire autre que celle spécifiée dans GEA.portables = {} 167. Pour envoyer une seule chose de GEA à ma femme, pas tout How can I send push to other device than that specified in GEA.portables = {167}. Want to send only one thing from GEA to my wife, not everything GEA.add({"Function", function() return isEventNow() end}, 30, "#value#")
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Étiqueté avec :
Je vais essayer de créer un plugin de cette Will try to make a plugin of this
Merci beaucoup Shad