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Tout ce qui a été posté par Krikroff

  1. Des news [mention=43]Did[/mention] ? Bonne j’espère [emoji1696]
  2. Krikroff

    HC3 - 5.021.11

    @Lazer oui c’est vrai, bon il y a visiblement du mieux avec la 5.021 mais aussi quelques régressions de ce que j’ai constaté hier soir notamment sur la partie QA [emoji53] [mention=11]BenjyNet[/mention] ça t’intéresse pas ils disent les gens que le Qubino Fil Pilote n’est supporté que si tu fais des invocations vaudou [emoji51]
  3. Krikroff

    HC3 - 5.021.11

    Bon c’était peut-être une erreur, c’est déjà arrivé quelques fois sur le HC2/HCLITE ou alors distribuée uniquement sur des HC3 en test, je dis cela parce que sur le forum officiel quelques membres évoquent la mise en œuvre de fonctionnalités non disponibles en 5.020 Je crois qu’ils avaient prévu de la déployer le 20/02 juste une journée à attendre @PITP2 pour que tu puisses tester cela en vrai ! Sinon il y a toujours la notion de stable / bêta / alpha cf. Capture de l’api/updates faite par [mention=133]Lazer[/mention]
  4. Krikroff

    HC3 - 5.021.11

    Nan nan mais j’ai bien ma petite idée [emoji12]
  5. Krikroff

    HC3 - 5.021.11

    Il ne me semble pas, nous verrons bien lorsqu’elle sera disponible pour de vrai [emoji51] Rhooo [emoji56]
  6. Krikroff

    HC3 - 5.021.11

    Bon et bien il n'y a plus qu'a attendre, cette mise à jour semble être prometteuse pour les possesseurs de HC3 et ceux qui lorgnent dessus
  7. Krikroff

    HC3 - 5.021.11

    Et si tu balances un /api/update tu as rien ?
  8. Ça en devient inintéressant [emoji848] encore une motivation de plus pour passer sur HC3 [emoji12]
  9. Krikroff

    HC3 - 5.021.11

    C’est bien vrai [emoji39] Bon il doit s’agir de la mise à jour prévue pour le 20, j’ai fait une capture d’écran, je poste ça dès que je rentre [emoji4]
  10. Krikroff

    HC3 - 5.021.11

    @PITP2 tu passes la màj ? [emoji51]
  11. Krikroff

    HC3 - 5.021.11

    En effet [emoji106]
  13. Krikroff

    HC3 - 5.021.11

    A venir... What's new: Block Scenes Actions on the LED ring for FIBARO Walli series devices. Actions for Z-Wave thermostats. Cameras Redirecting to camera configuration after adding. Possibility of setting a custom icon. Climate Indicating the active mode of climate schedule. Dashboard Controlling the binarySwitch, multilevelSwitch and rollerShutter devices from the right sidebar. Displaying the current set temperature on the thermostat icon. Collapsing/expanding the rooms side menu. Devices Z-Wave removing mode available from the list of all devices. Displaying the battery level under the battery icon on the device list. Changed the default humidity range to 40-50%. Consistent configuration of various types of linked devices. Support for pending and failed associations. Support for the black box of FIBARO Heat Controller (FGT-001). Support for FIBARO RGBW Controller 2 (FGRGBW-442). Support for Z-Wave locks. Support for Z-Wave thermostats. Support for wind and rain sensors. General Downloading the current location of the gateway in https connection mode. Lua Scenes Possibility to download a scene trigger using the sourceTrigger object that triggered the scene. Added functions os.time, and fibaro.sleep. Migration from HC2/HCL "Finish migration" button on the welcome screen restoring backup transferred from HC2/HCL. Network Disabled the possibility to turn off the Wi-Fi during the first configuration. Other Shorter loading time of device and room lists. Added loaders for loading lists in settings. Consistent display of entries in the debugger (Lua, Quick Apps) and the Z-Wave console. Collapsing/expanding the settings side menu. Added Czech language. Plugins Fixes and improvements regarding the Satel plugin. Integration of Satel alarm partitions with the FIBARO alarm. Profiles Display and control of climate zones. Display and control of alarm zones. Added icons related to weather and temperature. Quick Apps Added new device types: com.fibaro.genericDevice and Recovery Mode Displaying the inactive system version. Progress bar when uploading a local file. Displaying the time remaining to automatic reboot of the gateway. Rooms Indicating the default room on the list of rooms. VoIP Added the functionality description. Bug fixes: Access No refresh after synchronizing users. Remote support cannot be enabled via remote access. Backup The "restore with version" option does not download the correct software version. Instead of the selected local backup, the latest local backup is always restored. Number of scenes in backup is always equal 0. Block Scenes Unable to enter the time in the delay block. Lists of rooms and sections do not load. Active "run scene" button despite unsaved changes. Selected triggers disappear after reloading page. No suitable options for the type com.fibaro.barrier. Redundant fields in blocks for RGBW devices. No condition values displayed for Central Scene controllers. Forcing the watering from the scene causes a system error. Missing translations. Cameras Cannot display the advanced tab. Image path is composed incorrectly and the camera image is not displayed. Invalid default image refresh time. Climate Incorrect limits of minimum and maximum temperature. Zone temperature is not displayed in manual mode. Restarting the gateway when any partition is in Hold mode causes a system error. Dashboard Search does not work properly if entered a dot in the search box. Devices Unable to reconfigure a device added in security mode. No device polling button if polling is globally enabled. Doubled message about unsaved changes in device parameters. Errors in displaying the energy consumption of the device. No advanced settings section for Z-Wave locks. Changing the role of RGBW device requires page refresh to display properly. No icons for several types of sensors connected to the FIBARO Smart Implant. Cannot set the minimum and maximum RGBW slider value. Cannot reset advanced parameters to the default values. Invalid redirection to associated device. The Advanced tab is not displayed when added a scene with Central Scene event. USB powered device is marked as a battery device. The user added icon has an invalid path. Changing the device name is not applied in the notifications. Lack of support for the FIBARO Smart Implant device. Incorrect support of the Danfoss RS device. Diagnostics Unable to download the device template. Garden Setting is not displayed correctly on the days that the schedule does not apply to. Incorrect operation of sprinklers in a sequence. Lua Scenes Incorrect loading of the scene editor view. Errors in displaying the debugger. Network Changing the IP address or addressing mode does not work properly. Access Point is inactive after the recovery procedure. Notifications No filtering by type and priority. Notifications for linked devices do not work. Other Checkboxes do not display correctly when viewing on a tablet. Inconsistent icons and buttons on warning popups. Plugins Philips Hue devices are set to default light values after switching off and on. No weather data displayed on the YR Weather plugin preview tab. Quick Apps New device is always assigned to the default room. The ID of an existing item changes when adding a new item. The device view is not updating. No code scrolling possibility. Importing an unassigned device results in an error. Visual fixes. Recovery Mode The restore, repair and switch actions do not display statuses. Visual fixes. Rooms The section name does not change when you close the window. Update Retrying to download the update return an error. Z-Wave Unable to close the adding controller window. The mesh reconfiguration for the Z-Wave devices does not work. ... and many more!
  14. Non c’est un bug [emoji23]
  15. Tu pourras consulter le Swagger directement depuis le HC3
  16. @mprinfo cette fonctionnalité existait bien avant cette mise à jour Je ne suis pas certain qu'il s’agisse de celle-ci
  17. En effet de mémoire c’est bien de l’asynchrone et UDP. J’avais survolé ce protocole dans le cadre d’un projet M2M au taff il y a quelques années. Je ne me souviens plus trop pourquoi nous ne l’avions pas retenu à l’époque [emoji848]
  18. Krikroff


    Bienvenue sur le forum [mention=13145]Nuts[/mention] [emoji4]
  19. Oui comme neeo coolcam et Cie [emoji4]
  20. Le 4Pro niveau fabrication tu valides ? Le H & T semble prometteur également [emoji4]
  21. Krikroff

    La fin complète de la zibase

    Et oui [emoji3525] ... Compliqué en France !!!
  22. Merci [mention=404]Nico[/mention] ça me rassure je commençais à croire que j’étais vraiment le seul dans ce cas [emoji4]. Ou alors nous sommes tombés sur la bonne série [emoji51]
  23. Attention, ils vont forcément nous sortir d’autres thèmes tout comme sur l’application mobile [emoji51]
  24. C’est vrai !! Je vois bien la synergie possible entre modules Shelly et QuickApps sur HC3 [emoji4]
  25. C’est vrai [mention=629]PITP2[/mention] que ces produits dans la gamme modules Wifi se démarquent vraiment [emoji4] Tu testes lesquels ? Niveau sécurité ça donne quoi ?
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