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Tout ce qui a été posté par Kristiano
My doorlocks are no longer working in 6.04. Lock is with type "Doorlock" and is included in secure mode. GEA.add({"Doorlock", id["UTILITY_DOOR"], 0}, 30*60, "Garage door unlocked for >30min") 0s validation goes well but then second loop after 30s is goes into error. [DEBUG] 11:15:43: [1;31m2018-01-19 11:15:43.483286 [ fatal] LUA error: /opt/fibaro/scenes/195.lua:783: attempt to index field 'value' (a nil value)
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I can see all the things applied in the code you attached except the #tempsext". Is that the only thing needed in your code? (Since the translation is not done while testing code) - Can I translate to only say/message the weekday? Like "Today its Monday and the weather condition is Sunny"
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Did someone say 6.05?
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6.05 will contain the Sonos TTS features?
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Is the Weatherlocal bug mentioned above also solved in this version?
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Even the sun got spots,
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Using 6.03 but can't get this to work GEA.add({{"WeatherLocal", ""}, {"Time", "15:39"}}, 30, "Test")
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tried both and first gives this error [DEBUG] 01:02:40: line 1526: attempt to index local 'word' (a nil value) and second this [DEBUG] 17:36:23: line 1554: attempt to call method 'gsub' (a nil value)
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So if i start wo SONOS and just wants a push, like this? It wont translate my ## variables, it shows in the push as below. GEA.add ({"Time", "15:56"}, 0, "We are # datefull # it is # tempsext # degrees and the time is # WeatherLocal #")
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So this plugin is no longer needed? GEA.WeatherCondition = function() for i = 1, #GEA.traduction.en.WeatherCondition do if GEA.traduction.en.WeatherCondition[i] == api.get("/weather").WeatherCondition then fibaro:debug(GEA.trad.WeatherCondition[i]) return GEA.trad.WeatherCondition[i] end end return GEA.trad.unknow end
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I also to the master. Still agree with you. Language and "spoken language" are 2 different things. I use multiple VD for multiple sonos speaker. Each of them with its own IP.
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Looks very promising! Tell me when I can try it? GEA 6.03?
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Seems like something good is coming soon. A small thing, but may I propose that the id of the sonos device is part of the parameters? It seems to be better to make the language hard-coded.
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Thanks a lot! But I run into this error in my Sonos VD. The error is not shown Its just that I done hear anything... except silence It seems like the #datefull# etc are not getting updated since I get this in the TTS Scene. [DEBUG] 14:51:50: Mode=TTS Message=We are #datefull# the outside temperature is #tempsext# degrees and then weather is #WeatherCondition# Vol=25 Btw i removed the Pushnotification of the same. So its "". FYI
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Yes, my misstake! New problem: How to make Sonos tell the following - "Its Monday today and the weather temp is 6 degrees and cloudy" I have the Sonos VD https://www.domotique-fibaro.fr/topic/616-fibaro-hc2-vd-sonos-remote-tã©lã©commande-pour-diffuseur-sonos/
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Excellent! Works like a charm!
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I don't think I got any help with my issues so I'm trying again. - My GEA scene is called "GEA 6.01" but still my virtual device shows nothing. What can be wrong? - I declare my ids using 1:1 relation like "KITCHEN_LIGHT = 101". How to include floor or section? id like to turn off a complete floor or area. I tried with a function to manage a section, but run into error GEA.add({"SceneActivation", id["LIVING_LIGHT"] , 14}, -1, "", {{"Function", function() return sectionlight("/api/sections/174") end}}) function sectionlight(string) local HC2 = Net.FHttp("",11111); -- no need for authentication response ,status, errorCode = HC2:GET(string) sectionsTable = json.decode(response) response ,status, errorCode = HC2:GET("/api/rooms") roomsTable = json.decode(response) response ,status, errorCode = HC2:GET("/api/devices") devicesTable = json.decode(response) for loop1 = 1, #sectionsTable do sectionid = sectionsTable[loop1].id fibaro:debug(sectionid) for loop2 = 1, #roomsTable do room = roomsTable[loop2].name if roomsTable[loop2].sectionID == sectionsTable[loop1].id then fibaro:debug(room) for loop3 = 1, #devicesTable do if (devicesTable[loop3].roomID == roomsTable[loop2].id and devicesTable[loop3].properties.isLight == 'true') then device = devicesTable[loop3].name deviceid = devicesTable[loop3].id fibaro:debug(device) fibaro:call(deviceid, "turnOff") end end end end end end
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- Named my GEA scene ”GEA 6.01” but cant ser anything in the Virtual device. - Do I need to declare all ids? If yes how to include floor, room and type in the best way. Would like to “stop” all devices in a certain section, floor at the same time. Possible? thanks!
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Sorry but I don't follow, - If the global value of the house is armed then? Running scene "Scenetest" with parameter "House" and "Armed" as parameter 1 & 2? Then second line? Whats the condition and action?
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Thanks a lot @Pepite, - I know I won't work but if the pop-up would instead trigger a virtual device button would be great! - I guess I mean if its possible to get a returned value from a plugin, Im thinking of a GEA condition (eg. house is armed) that in a separate plugin simulates the lights in my house. In a separate scene. The scene would run as long as the house is armed and then get terminated. I guess on the other hand that a GEA condition could trigger the start and another condition could trigger a termination of the same. - I guess I then need to create a local function to trigger the REST call.
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Some more question, I love GEA 6.0! - How to accommodate a Popup with an easy "Yes" / "No" button? eg. "Play some music?" - A plugin is a separate scene, right? eg. Can I use it to sum the parameters 1-4 and return the result. - 1+2+3+4 = 10 GEA.add({"Scenetest", "1", "2", "3", "4", "Result"}, 30, "Result is: #value#") Different scene? local param1 = GEAPlugin.param1 local param2 = GEAPlugin.param2 local param3 = GEAPlugin.param3 local param4 = GEAPlugin.param4 local Result = param1 + param2 + param3 + param4 GEAPlugin.retour("Result") - And then I can choose to have a local function instead of a plugin? Using the same code. What are the differences between plugin and function? - Simple custom condition, then function. But if more heavy "stuff" like a do while loop that will run for a while, then a plugin is preferred? - If door gets unlocked and I want to send a REST PUT, this will do? GEA.add({"Doorlock", id["UTILITY_DOOR"], 1}, -1, "", {{"ApiPut", ""}}) Thanks!
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Worked! Thanks! And makes sense since it all points to the -1 immediate trigger
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And what about GEA.add({"Value", id["HALL_WALL"], 0}, {"Time", "Sunset-35", "00:00"}, -1, "Force Hall wall light to turn on", {"TurnOn", id["HALL_WALL"]}) Hall wall gets triggered instantly with header. Still gets [DEBUG] 12:45:33: line 1149: attempt to compare table with number and also GEA.add({"Days", "Weekdays"}, {"Time", "09:00", "09:02"}, 30, "", {"turnOff", id["TV_CHRIST"]})
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Great! Found it! Is the general thought that the could should now be <Condition>, <Action>? Prev i had lines like this that don't work anymore. -- GEA.add({"Global", "G_SPC_ZONE_INPUT_9", "OPEN"}, -1, "", {{"Global", "G_SPC_AREA_STATUS_1", "SET"},{"Scenario", 188}}) In this case the Global value G_SPC_AREA_STATUS_1 gets "SET". What about multiple conditions like this? Should the all be move to the "left? GEA.add(id["TOILET_PIR"], -1, "", {{"Value-", id["TOILET_LUX"], 200},{"Time", "06:00", "21:30"}, {"Value", id["TOILET_LIGHT1"], 50}})
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