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Tout ce qui a été posté par Kristiano

  1. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    My doorlocks are no longer working in 6.04. Lock is with type "Doorlock" and is included in secure mode. GEA.add({"Doorlock", id["UTILITY_DOOR"], 0}, 30*60, "Garage door unlocked for >30min") 0s validation goes well but then second loop after 30s is goes into error. [DEBUG] 11:15:43: [1;31m2018-01-19 11:15:43.483286 [ fatal] LUA error: /opt/fibaro/scenes/195.lua:783: attempt to index field 'value' (a nil value)
  2. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    I can see all the things applied in the code you attached except the #tempsext". Is that the only thing needed in your code? (Since the translation is not done while testing code) - Can I translate to only say/message the weekday? Like "Today its Monday and the weather condition is Sunny"
  3. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    Did someone say 6.05?
  4. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    6.05 will contain the Sonos TTS features?
  5. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    Is the Weatherlocal bug mentioned above also solved in this version?
  6. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    Even the sun got spots,
  7. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    Using 6.03 but can't get this to work GEA.add({{"WeatherLocal", ""}, {"Time", "15:39"}}, 30, "Test")
  8. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    tried both and first gives this error [DEBUG] 01:02:40: line 1526: attempt to index local 'word' (a nil value) and second this [DEBUG] 17:36:23: line 1554: attempt to call method 'gsub' (a nil value)
  9. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    So if i start wo SONOS and just wants a push, like this? It wont translate my ## variables, it shows in the push as below. GEA.add ({"Time", "15:56"}, 0, "We are # datefull # it is # tempsext # degrees and the time is # WeatherLocal #")
  10. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    So this plugin is no longer needed? GEA.WeatherCondition = function() for i = 1, #GEA.traduction.en.WeatherCondition do if GEA.traduction.en.WeatherCondition[i] == api.get("/weather").WeatherCondition then fibaro:debug(GEA.trad.WeatherCondition[i]) return GEA.trad.WeatherCondition[i] end end return GEA.trad.unknow end
  11. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    I also to the master. Still agree with you. Language and "spoken language" are 2 different things. I use multiple VD for multiple sonos speaker. Each of them with its own IP.
  12. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    Looks very promising! Tell me when I can try it? GEA 6.03?
  13. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    Seems like something good is coming soon. A small thing, but may I propose that the id of the sonos device is part of the parameters? It seems to be better to make the language hard-coded.
  14. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    Thanks a lot! But I run into this error in my Sonos VD. The error is not shown Its just that I done hear anything... except silence It seems like the #datefull# etc are not getting updated since I get this in the TTS Scene. [DEBUG] 14:51:50: Mode=TTS Message=We are #datefull# the outside temperature is #tempsext# degrees and then weather is #WeatherCondition# Vol=25 Btw i removed the Pushnotification of the same. So its "". FYI
  15. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    Yes, my misstake! New problem: How to make Sonos tell the following - "Its Monday today and the weather temp is 6 degrees and cloudy" I have the Sonos VDã©lã©commande-pour-diffuseur-sonos/
  16. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    Excellent! Works like a charm!
  17. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    I don't think I got any help with my issues so I'm trying again. - My GEA scene is called "GEA 6.01" but still my virtual device shows nothing. What can be wrong? - I declare my ids using 1:1 relation like "KITCHEN_LIGHT = 101". How to include floor or section? id like to turn off a complete floor or area. I tried with a function to manage a section, but run into error GEA.add({"SceneActivation", id["LIVING_LIGHT"] , 14}, -1, "", {{"Function", function() return sectionlight("/api/sections/174") end}}) function sectionlight(string) local HC2 = Net.FHttp("",11111); -- no need for authentication response ,status, errorCode = HC2:GET(string) sectionsTable = json.decode(response) response ,status, errorCode = HC2:GET("/api/rooms") roomsTable = json.decode(response) response ,status, errorCode = HC2:GET("/api/devices") devicesTable = json.decode(response) for loop1 = 1, #sectionsTable do sectionid = sectionsTable[loop1].id fibaro:debug(sectionid) for loop2 = 1, #roomsTable do room = roomsTable[loop2].name if roomsTable[loop2].sectionID == sectionsTable[loop1].id then fibaro:debug(room) for loop3 = 1, #devicesTable do if (devicesTable[loop3].roomID == roomsTable[loop2].id and devicesTable[loop3].properties.isLight == 'true') then device = devicesTable[loop3].name deviceid = devicesTable[loop3].id fibaro:debug(device) fibaro:call(deviceid, "turnOff") end end end end end end
  18. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    - Named my GEA scene ”GEA 6.01” but cant ser anything in the Virtual device. - Do I need to declare all ids? If yes how to include floor, room and type in the best way. Would like to “stop” all devices in a certain section, floor at the same time. Possible? thanks!
  19. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    Sorry but I don't follow, - If the global value of the house is armed then? Running scene "Scenetest" with parameter "House" and "Armed" as parameter 1 & 2? Then second line? Whats the condition and action?
  20. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    Thanks a lot @Pepite, - I know I won't work but if the pop-up would instead trigger a virtual device button would be great! - I guess I mean if its possible to get a returned value from a plugin, Im thinking of a GEA condition (eg. house is armed) that in a separate plugin simulates the lights in my house. In a separate scene. The scene would run as long as the house is armed and then get terminated. I guess on the other hand that a GEA condition could trigger the start and another condition could trigger a termination of the same. - I guess I then need to create a local function to trigger the REST call.
  21. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    Some more question, I love GEA 6.0! - How to accommodate a Popup with an easy "Yes" / "No" button? eg. "Play some music?" - A plugin is a separate scene, right? eg. Can I use it to sum the parameters 1-4 and return the result. - 1+2+3+4 = 10 GEA.add({"Scenetest", "1", "2", "3", "4", "Result"}, 30, "Result is: #value#") Different scene? local param1 = GEAPlugin.param1 local param2 = GEAPlugin.param2 local param3 = GEAPlugin.param3 local param4 = GEAPlugin.param4 local Result = param1 + param2 + param3 + param4 GEAPlugin.retour("Result") - And then I can choose to have a local function instead of a plugin? Using the same code. What are the differences between plugin and function? - Simple custom condition, then function. But if more heavy "stuff" like a do while loop that will run for a while, then a plugin is preferred? - If door gets unlocked and I want to send a REST PUT, this will do? GEA.add({"Doorlock", id["UTILITY_DOOR"], 1}, -1, "", {{"ApiPut", ""}}) Thanks!
  22. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    Worked! Thanks! And makes sense since it all points to the -1 immediate trigger
  23. Kristiano

    Support Gea

  24. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    And what about GEA.add({"Value", id["HALL_WALL"], 0}, {"Time", "Sunset-35", "00:00"}, -1, "Force Hall wall light to turn on", {"TurnOn", id["HALL_WALL"]}) Hall wall gets triggered instantly with header. Still gets [DEBUG] 12:45:33: line 1149: attempt to compare table with number and also GEA.add({"Days", "Weekdays"}, {"Time", "09:00", "09:02"}, 30, "", {"turnOff", id["TV_CHRIST"]})
  25. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    Great! Found it! Is the general thought that the could should now be <Condition>, <Action>? Prev i had lines like this that don't work anymore. -- GEA.add({"Global", "G_SPC_ZONE_INPUT_9", "OPEN"}, -1, "", {{"Global", "G_SPC_AREA_STATUS_1", "SET"},{"Scenario", 188}}) In this case the Global value G_SPC_AREA_STATUS_1 gets "SET". What about multiple conditions like this? Should the all be move to the "left? GEA.add(id["TOILET_PIR"], -1, "", {{"Value-", id["TOILET_LUX"], 200},{"Time", "06:00", "21:30"}, {"Value", id["TOILET_LIGHT1"], 50}})
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