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  1. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    From a best practise perspective how to proceed creating a trigger for 10 lights at the same time. - 10 single lines. One for each light - Group all 10 lights. Add trigger the group I experience today that a light or two gets missed.
  2. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    I still believe the trigger is slower even with GEA 6.10. Im running the 4.511 Beta. And what's the purpose with - GEA.globalvariables = "GEA_Tasks6"? When "GEA_Tasks" is already available.
  3. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    Running the latest GEA and the latest beta of Fibaro firmware. I get the feeling that GEA is triggering slower. All my "-1", instant triggers are slower. Are my feelings correct?
  4. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    thanks! solved! now I get this API Error and I guess its harmless and still not solved?
  5. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    I now get this... [DEBUG] 20:10:30: Started by event of GEA 6.07 (mode property [302])[DEBUG] 20:10:30: 2018-10-22 20:10:30.573861 [ fatal] Unknown exception: /opt/fibaro/scenes/195.lua:1903: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got number)[DEBUG] 20:10:54: GEA run since 1h 30m - Memory used: 826.05 KB
  6. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    Thanks! despite it’s not a -1 should I still declare it at the top?
  7. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    Question, Id like to check if a global variable is in a certain state for 1h or more. How to do that? eg If Global variable "DoorStatus" is "Open" for 1h or more then trigger push.
  8. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    I try again, - How to check if a global parameter been to a certain value over time. eg. Globalparameter "Noonehome" is "Yes" for more then 30 min, then provide push. - Can i have another scene checking if my GEA scene is running? And then if not send a push. Sometimes my GEA scene crashes and i would like to know since its controling to much to be stopped for long. Thanks!
  9. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    im trying to check if a variable is set to "OPEN" for more then 30 min it will send a push. But can't get it to work This is what I tried. GEA.add({"Global", "ZONE1_STATUS", "OPEN"}, 30*60, "Garagedoor open!")
  10. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    Its not getting triggered. The thing is that "secured" carries value "255" instead of "1". Is this handled? Kristian
  11. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    I kept the "506 secured" as a trigger only. Still can't get anything in the log for the new code. Still my code is triggered. (First 2 GEA lines) GEA.add({"Value", id["UTILITY_DOOR"], 0}, 30*60, "Förrådsdörr olåst >30min") GEA.add({"Value", id["UTILITY_DOOR"], 0}, -1, "", {"HttpRequest", "", "PUT", ""}) -- tests GEA.add( {"DoorLock", "Value"}, -1, "The door is : {Result}") GEA.add( {"DoorLock", 506, "Value"}, -1, "The door is : {Result}") GEA.add( {"DoorLock", "Secured"}, -1, "The door is : {Result}") GEA.add( {"DoorLock",506, "Secured"}, -1, "The door is : {Result}") [DEBUG] 16:03:17: Started by event of GEA 6.07 (mode property [506]) [DEBUG] 16:03:17: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [DEBUG] 16:03:17: @0s [Validation*] #54 [Value, [506,0]][HttpRequest, ["https:\/\/\/spc\/area\/2\/unset","PUT",""]] [DEBUG] 16:03:17: [Started] #54 [Value, [506,0]][HttpRequest, ["https:\/\/\/spc\/area\/2\/unset","PUT",""]] [DEBUG] 16:03:17: [action] [HttpRequest, ["https:\/\/\/spc\/area\/2\/unset","PUT",""]] [DEBUG] 16:03:17: @0s [Validation] #56 [DoorLock, [506,"Value"]] [DEBUG] 16:03:17: @0s [Validation] #58 [DoorLock, [506,"Secured"]] [DEBUG] 16:03:18: STATUS200 - DATA : {"status":"success","data":"null"} [DEBUG] 16:03:21: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [DEBUG] 16:03:21: Started by event of GEA 6.07 (mode property [506]) [DEBUG] 16:03:21: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [DEBUG] 16:03:21: @0s [Validation] #54 [Value, [506,0]][HttpRequest, ["https:\/\/\/spc\/area\/2\/unset","PUT",""]] [DEBUG] 16:03:21: @0s [Validation] #56 [DoorLock, [506,"Value"]] [DEBUG] 16:03:21: @0s [Validation] #58 [DoorLock, [506,"Secured"]] [DEBUG] 16:03:24: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    @pepite should I add both 506 value and 506 secured as a trigger on top?
  13. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    I suppose I should add an instant trigger for both 506 value and 506 secured?
  14. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    @nugget So this will be part of next version? Since id like to trigger both for "value" and "secured" by my door. - Secure will control the alarm behind the door - Value will just be used if the door was keept open for a long time Thanks!
  15. Kristiano

    Support Gea

    Correct! I prefer using the secure property since it’s more relevant to the actual status of the the door. Since an open door can be open during brake in. Depends of course what you want to achieve. a disarming alarm trigger makes more sense to the secure but a turning on light is more related to the value property.
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