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Tout ce qui a été posté par Bloug

  1. aucune idée mais il est donné à : Audible noise : <40 dBA
  2. J'suis passé par un fournisseur de mon taff à 590€ ( sans la carte )
  3. Merci pour les conseils pour l'onduleur , il y a le très bon tuto de Lazer a voir donc après mise en route .....
  4. Voila c'est commandé avec un eaton 5p 1150ir .... mais sans la carte réseau malheureusement merci pour vos conseils Et organisation de baie y'a des règles de placement pour la chaleur ? des normes couleur pour les câbles ?? Onduleur en bas Switch au milieu ???
  5. Je comprends parfaitement ! Après vérif je vais avoir un besoin immédiat de 28 ports ( 2 poe ) Sur ton résonnement, soit un 24 ports gbt est à environ 300 € + un switch poe 8 ports à environ 150 € == 450€ ( base en Dlink ) et là pour le même budget j'ai le zyxel 48 ports +poe et c'est là où un néophyte comme moi à du mal Donc : To Be or not to be ? @Nico n'a pas vomi sur ma 1er question sur la fiabilité du Zyxel ...... d'un autre coté personne ne semble Lover cette marque ( hey @kiwi @schwinny ) puisqu'on me propose autre chose ... Il y a une grosse différence entre j'aime pas Zyxel car il se manage pas à 300% en niveau 9² sur mon clavier qwerty grec et J'aime pas Zyxel car j'en change 3 par jours à mon taff chaque semaine ! mais Tkt pas vu ton utilisation.... il va tenir 8 mois Si un Cisco garanti à vie c'est l'audi A8 des routes ! alors QUI est le Zyxel ? ...... La renault 104 ???? .... That is the question
  6. pour le Zyxel : 456.65 €,-frorderby_piupopolari&fh_location=//frroot/fr_FR/$s=ZYXEL\u0020GS1900-48HP&testo=ZYXEL+GS1900-48HP Qui dit mieux ? mais ..... c'est zarbi que le Zyxel soit bcp moins cher ? de la me*de ou koi ? mdr
  7. La version POE : TP-Link T1600G-52PS(TL-SG2452P) Smart Switch Administrable 48 Ports Gigabit PoE+ (4 Ports SFP, Rackable): 600.99 € forcement les Poe monte le prix ... plus de watt mais plus d'euros , le dernier lien du cisco n'est pas POE quand au ventilateur il semble ne pas en avoir sur le zyxel ( ) Après c'est pas mon domaine, et je ne pense pas l"exploiter comme vous (vous aurez droit à des screens en cas de pb ) .... je préfère mettre 100€ dans un bon repas à la mer .... dans l'intercom de fibaro .... dans l'intercom hikvision dans la ventilation de la baie .... mais a voir car j'ai prévu une tuile à douille juste au dessus peut être qu'avec le tirage naturel .... sinon 60° c'est que dalle non ?
  8. Bonjour, je prépare le terrain pour la pose de ma baie, difficile pour un NON professionnel de faire aussi propre que les belles images trouvées sur le net .... ayant suivi vos conseils sur le câble en Grade 3s j'en profite une nouvelle fois pour vous en demander d'autres .... Vous les professionnels Pourriez vous me dire les principales étapes ? Classer les fils ? les classer après dans un ordre précis comment organiser la baie ? Dans ma baie, j'ai : Un ou deux patch pannel ( enfin le plastique où je clipse mes keystones ) un switch à determiner.... un Qnap ( ts269l ) que je souhaite basculer sur un modèle rackable un onduleur rackable type Eaton 5P 850iR la freebox, puis surement le bazar pour le portier et l'intercom de fibaro je pense laisser la HC2 dans le bureau situé plus au centre de la maison ET la hc2 n'est pas moche ! (deux prises ondulées sont tirées pour pouvoir y brancher le PC / écran et la hc2) là ou je bloque c'est le switch.... j'ai pour l'instant une quarantaine de points .... je ne souhaite pas mettre 3000 € et les switch 10Gb j'en parle pas .... avez vous des conseils j'ai vu le : ZYXEL GS1900-48HP - Switch web manageable 48 x 10/100/1000 Mbps, PoE+ 170W, rackable mais je ne connais pas cette marque (et vous ? ) maison.pdf.....du coup un patch panel en haut et en bas du switch et c'est propre ??? voila un petit tableau pour y voir plus clair : ou voici le pdf : maison.pdf Merci pour vos conseils
  9. Salut, CT2S
  10. ouai ...c'est pas gagné
  11. bon la boite qui me fait les Q18 et q19 ne fait pas les particuliers car j'ai l'obligation de passer par le "Consuel" ..... J'ai donc commencé par envoyer un plan pour le meuble compteur ou arrive le tableau (encastré) avec la baie au dessus pour validation .... voir sur la dernière rangée de module à 90cm du sol ne dérange pas ..
  12. Si c'est une utilisation sans la tablette made by HIK, c'est direct une utilisation avec PC IVMS4200 Quid sur mobile et tablette IVMS4500 ? Ensuite question intégration je ne pense pas fibaro rendre la solution Hikvision compatible alors qu'ils comptent en sortir une ( d'ici qq années ) un petit œil sur le forum ipcamtalk Pour les PrO du Bidouillage en lua et VD des choses sont possibles avec la hc2 et la solution de HIK? petit HS avec les cam de chez HIK, ivms4200 indique les personnes connectées sur la cam .... est-ce possible de récupérer l'info sur la hc2 ???
  13. pensez vous utile/obligatoire le distributeur Audio/video ? DS-KAD606-N - Video/Audio Distributor DS-KAD606-P - Video/Audio Distributor
  14. manuel pour l'ecran c'est ici :
  15. Bravo et Merci pour le partage ! ....en pleine construction.... Est il possible de m'indiquer les avantages et inconvénients si j'utilise un Ecodevice RT2 plutôt q'un IPX800 ? EcodeviceRT2 est plutôt basé Comptage et l'IPX plutôt Automate il me semble ? un VD a t il déjà été réalisé pour EDRT2 .... ou un plugins
  16. oui t'as raison !!!!! la boite qui s'occupe des vérif elec au boulot entre le Q18 et Q19 & VGP ils doivent pouvoir être plus souple
  17. En pleine construction j'arrive à l'intervention de l'électricien. Partant du principe que toutes mes pièces seront un jour ou l'autre équipées de micromodules, je me pose la question de les fournir maintenant pour la pose donc "Sans Inclusion" ou de tout rajouter pus tard quand je m'installe ? Si je ne les pose pas de suite je me retrouve avec des boutons poussoirs qui marqueront seulement si je reste appuyé ? Et le Consuel va péter un plomb ??? Ou une installe fonctionnele pour faire plaisir à Mr Consuel, mais avec tout à re-démonter pour inclusion. Mon avis et de les fournir, mais de réaliser au préalable une exclusion. Et le vôtre ? MErci
  18. Oupsss Ceci explique cela arfff la grosse boulette c'est sur que là avec 180 c'est mieux Un Grand Merci !!!! @Did vous êtes pas plus d'une une vingtaine de personnes à faire des trucs de fou avec une simple adresse la liste des suspects sera courte ! Et si j'avais changé une lettre O cas Z'OUUUU ????? non avec la bourde du dessus j'suis pas crédible
  19. Merci Lazer, voici donc la Scéne avec les debug placé à tout va --[[ %% autostart %% properties %% globals FbxV6_LAN_Alex PresenceAlex --]] fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : Etape 1 - ligne 21") function Check() local delay = 1800 local timestamp = os.time() local FbxV6_LAN_Alex = tonumber(fibaro:getGlobalValue("FbxV6_LAN_Alex")) local PresenceAlex = fibaro:getGlobalValue("PresenceAlex") fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : 2 - ligne 15") if FbxV6_LAN_Alex < timestamp - delay then if PresenceAlex == "1" then fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : Absence détectée") fibaro:setGlobal("PresenceAlex", "0") end fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : 3 - ligne 21") else if PresenceAlex == "0" then fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : Présence détectée") fibaro:setGlobal("PresenceAlex", "1") fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : 4 - ligne 26") end end end fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : 5 - ligne 30") local trigger = fibaro:getSourceTrigger() fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : 6 - ligne 31") if trigger["type"] == "autostart" then fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : Autostart infinite loop...") while true do Check() fibaro:sleep(60*1000) -- 1 minutes fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : 7 - ligne 38") end fibaro:debug('4 - ligne 38') elseif trigger["type"] == "global" then fibaro:debug("Global variable change : "..trigger['name']) Check() fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : 8 - ligne 45") elseif trigger["type"] == "other" then fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : Started manually") Check() fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : 9 - ligne 48") elseif trigger["type"] == "property" then fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : Property changed : ".. trigger['deviceID'].." => "..trigger['propertyName']) else fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : 10 - ligne 53") fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : Unknown trigger : "..trigger["type"]) end fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : 11 - ligne 56") Voici les étapes avec réalisées : 9H42 - Désactivation du wifi sur le Tel 9H44 - Disparition du tel sur freebox OS 9h50 - Activation du Wifi sur le Tél 9H50 - Apparition instantanée du tel sur freebox OS Voici le Débug : [DEBUG] 09:41:50: 08/07/2017 : Etape 1 - ligne 21 [DEBUG] 09:41:50: 08/07/2017 : 5 - ligne 30 [DEBUG] 09:41:50: 08/07/2017 : 6 - ligne 31 [DEBUG] 09:41:50: 08/07/2017 : Autostart infinite loop... [DEBUG] 09:41:50: 08/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 15 [DEBUG] 09:42:17: 08/07/2017 : Etape 1 - ligne 21 [DEBUG] 09:42:17: 08/07/2017 : 5 - ligne 30 [DEBUG] 09:42:17: 08/07/2017 : 6 - ligne 31 [DEBUG] 09:42:17: Global variable change : FbxV6_LAN_Alex [DEBUG] 09:42:17: 08/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 15 [DEBUG] 09:42:17: 08/07/2017 : 8 - ligne 45 [DEBUG] 09:42:17: 08/07/2017 : 11 - ligne 56 [DEBUG] 09:42:50: 08/07/2017 : 7 - ligne 38 [DEBUG] 09:42:50: 08/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 15 [DEBUG] 09:43:02: 08/07/2017 : Etape 1 - ligne 21 [DEBUG] 09:43:02: 08/07/2017 : 5 - ligne 30 [DEBUG] 09:43:02: 08/07/2017 : 6 - ligne 31 [DEBUG] 09:43:02: Global variable change : FbxV6_LAN_Alex [DEBUG] 09:43:02: 08/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 15 [DEBUG] 09:43:02: 08/07/2017 : 8 - ligne 45 [DEBUG] 09:43:02: 08/07/2017 : 11 - ligne 56 [DEBUG] 09:43:50: 08/07/2017 : 7 - ligne 38 [DEBUG] 09:43:51: 08/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 15 [DEBUG] 09:44:51: 08/07/2017 : 7 - ligne 38 [DEBUG] 09:44:51: 08/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 15 [DEBUG] 09:45:51: 08/07/2017 : 7 - ligne 38 [DEBUG] 09:45:51: 08/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 15 [DEBUG] 09:46:51: 08/07/2017 : 7 - ligne 38 [DEBUG] 09:46:51: 08/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 15 [DEBUG] 09:47:51: 08/07/2017 : 7 - ligne 38 [DEBUG] 09:47:51: 08/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 15 [DEBUG] 09:48:51: 08/07/2017 : 7 - ligne 38 [DEBUG] 09:48:51: 08/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 15 [DEBUG] 09:49:51: 08/07/2017 : 7 - ligne 38 [DEBUG] 09:49:51: 08/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 15 [DEBUG] 09:50:51: 08/07/2017 : 7 - ligne 38 [DEBUG] 09:50:51: 08/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 15 [DEBUG] 09:51:16: 08/07/2017 : Etape 1 - ligne 21 [DEBUG] 09:51:16: 08/07/2017 : 5 - ligne 30 [DEBUG] 09:51:16: 08/07/2017 : 6 - ligne 31 [DEBUG] 09:51:16: Global variable change : FbxV6_LAN_Alex [DEBUG] 09:51:16: 08/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 15 [DEBUG] 09:51:16: 08/07/2017 : 8 - ligne 45 [DEBUG] 09:51:16: 08/07/2017 : 11 - ligne 56 [DEBUG] 09:51:51: 08/07/2017 : 7 - ligne 38 [DEBUG] 09:51:51: 08/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 15 [DEBUG] 09:52:01: 08/07/2017 : Etape 1 - ligne 21 [DEBUG] 09:52:01: 08/07/2017 : 5 - ligne 30 [DEBUG] 09:52:01: 08/07/2017 : 6 - ligne 31 [DEBUG] 09:52:01: Global variable change : FbxV6_LAN_Alex [DEBUG] 09:52:01: 08/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 15 [DEBUG] 09:52:01: 08/07/2017 : 8 - ligne 45 [DEBUG] 09:52:01: 08/07/2017 : 11 - ligne 56 [DEBUG] 09:52:51: 08/07/2017 : 7 - ligne 38 [DEBUG] 09:52:51: 08/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 15 [DEBUG] 09:53:31: 08/07/2017 : Etape 1 - ligne 21 [DEBUG] 09:53:31: 08/07/2017 : 5 - ligne 30 [DEBUG] 09:53:31: 08/07/2017 : 6 - ligne 31 [DEBUG] 09:53:31: Global variable change : FbxV6_LAN_Alex [DEBUG] 09:53:31: 08/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 15 [DEBUG] 09:53:31: 08/07/2017 : 8 - ligne 45 [DEBUG] 09:53:31: 08/07/2017 : 11 - ligne 56 [DEBUG] 09:53:51: 08/07/2017 : 7 - ligne 38 [DEBUG] 09:53:51: 08/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 15 [DEBUG] 09:54:51: 08/07/2017 : 7 - ligne 38 [DEBUG] 09:54:51: 08/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 15 [DEBUG] 09:55:01: 08/07/2017 : Etape 1 - ligne 21 [DEBUG] 09:55:01: 08/07/2017 : 5 - ligne 30 [DEBUG] 09:55:01: 08/07/2017 : 6 - ligne 31 [DEBUG] 09:55:01: Global variable change : FbxV6_LAN_Alex [DEBUG] 09:55:01: 08/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 15 [DEBUG] 09:55:01: 08/07/2017 : 8 - ligne 45 [DEBUG] 09:55:01: 08/07/2017 : 11 - ligne 56 Et celui du VD Freebox : [DEBUG] 09:41:29: Alex-S8 found. [DEBUG] 09:41:31: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:41:31: last activity at 1499487342 [DEBUG] 09:41:31: Device 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 not found! [DEBUG] 09:41:32: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 with success [DEBUG] 09:41:32: primary_name : Alex-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 09:40:09 [DEBUG] 09:41:33: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 with success [DEBUG] 09:41:33: primary_name : Galaxy-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 06:10:11 [DEBUG] 09:41:34: Session - Closing the current session successfully. [DEBUG] 09:41:34: Benchmark [Main process]: elapsed time: 1.400 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:41:34: Benchmark [Total loop process]: elapsed time: 1.390 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:41:34: Total memory in use by Lua: 359.14 Kbytes [DEBUG] 09:42:04: difftime is 30 seconds [DEBUG] 09:42:04: Start main process #1501, please wait... [DEBUG] 09:42:04: 2.0 - Track authorization progress for track Id: 2 [DEBUG] 09:42:06: 2.1 - The app should monitor the status until it is different from pending. [DEBUG] 09:42:06: status: granted: the app_token is valid and can be used to open a session [DEBUG] 09:42:06: challenge: DRv/tfFmVlSf/xeRu8omSKxy0J1ozChD [DEBUG] 09:42:06: 3.0 - Try to opening a session. [DEBUG] 09:42:06: difftime is 0 seconds [DEBUG] 09:42:06: 3.1 - Compute password: hmac-sha1 of the challenge and the app_token. [DEBUG] 09:42:07: 3.2 - Opening Session [DEBUG] 09:42:07: 3.3 - Session is opened [DEBUG] 09:42:09: Get System config with success [DEBUG] 09:42:10: Get Wi-Fi Status with success [DEBUG] 09:42:11: Get Every Calls with success [DEBUG] 09:42:12: Get Connection status with success [DEBUG] 09:42:13: Get Disk 1 info with success [DEBUG] 09:42:15: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:42:15: Alex-S8 found. [DEBUG] 09:42:16: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:42:16: last activity at 1499487342 [DEBUG] 09:42:16: Device 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 not found! [DEBUG] 09:42:17: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 with success [DEBUG] 09:42:17: primary_name : Alex-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 09:42:12 [DEBUG] 09:42:18: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 with success [DEBUG] 09:42:18: primary_name : Galaxy-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 06:10:11 [DEBUG] 09:42:19: Session - Closing the current session successfully. [DEBUG] 09:42:19: Benchmark [Main process]: elapsed time: 1.270 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:42:19: Benchmark [Total loop process]: elapsed time: 1.280 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:42:19: Total memory in use by Lua: 359.14 Kbytes [DEBUG] 09:42:49: difftime is 30 seconds [DEBUG] 09:42:49: Start main process #1502, please wait... [DEBUG] 09:42:49: 2.0 - Track authorization progress for track Id: 2 [DEBUG] 09:42:51: 2.1 - The app should monitor the status until it is different from pending. [DEBUG] 09:42:51: status: granted: the app_token is valid and can be used to open a session [DEBUG] 09:42:51: challenge: /YJ7ms//h4dmdPV1dKauMKZHDvo3i4Z/ [DEBUG] 09:42:51: 3.0 - Try to opening a session. [DEBUG] 09:42:51: difftime is 0 seconds [DEBUG] 09:42:51: 3.1 - Compute password: hmac-sha1 of the challenge and the app_token. [DEBUG] 09:42:52: 3.2 - Opening Session [DEBUG] 09:42:53: 3.3 - Session is opened [DEBUG] 09:42:54: Get System config with success [DEBUG] 09:42:55: Get Wi-Fi Status with success [DEBUG] 09:42:56: Get Every Calls with success [DEBUG] 09:42:57: Get Connection status with success [DEBUG] 09:42:58: Get Disk 1 info with success [DEBUG] 09:42:59: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:42:59: last activity at 1499499735 [DEBUG] 09:42:59: 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 seems sleep. [DEBUG] 09:43:01: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:43:01: last activity at 1499487342 [DEBUG] 09:43:01: Device 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 not found! [DEBUG] 09:43:02: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 with success [DEBUG] 09:43:02: primary_name : Alex-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 09:42:51 [DEBUG] 09:43:03: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 with success [DEBUG] 09:43:03: primary_name : Galaxy-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 06:10:11 [DEBUG] 09:43:04: Session - Closing the current session successfully. [DEBUG] 09:43:04: Benchmark [Main process]: elapsed time: 1.300 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:43:04: Benchmark [Total loop process]: elapsed time: 1.300 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:43:04: Total memory in use by Lua: 359.09 Kbytes [DEBUG] 09:43:35: difftime is 31 seconds [DEBUG] 09:43:35: Start main process #1503, please wait... [DEBUG] 09:43:35: 2.0 - Track authorization progress for track Id: 2 [DEBUG] 09:43:36: 2.1 - The app should monitor the status until it is different from pending. [DEBUG] 09:43:36: status: granted: the app_token is valid and can be used to open a session [DEBUG] 09:43:36: challenge: 3w+nxJT0lrfTebz0YyODM15wX0Oy+J+S [DEBUG] 09:43:36: 3.0 - Try to opening a session. [DEBUG] 09:43:36: difftime is 0 seconds [DEBUG] 09:43:36: 3.1 - Compute password: hmac-sha1 of the challenge and the app_token. [DEBUG] 09:43:37: 3.2 - Opening Session [DEBUG] 09:43:38: 3.3 - Session is opened [DEBUG] 09:43:39: Get System config with success [DEBUG] 09:43:40: Get Wi-Fi Status with success [DEBUG] 09:43:41: Get Every Calls with success [DEBUG] 09:43:42: Get Connection status with success [DEBUG] 09:43:43: Get Disk 1 info with success [DEBUG] 09:43:45: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:43:45: last activity at 1499499735 [DEBUG] 09:43:45: 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 seems sleep. [DEBUG] 09:43:46: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:43:46: last activity at 1499487342 [DEBUG] 09:43:46: Device 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 not found! [DEBUG] 09:43:47: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 with success [DEBUG] 09:43:47: primary_name : Alex-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 09:42:51 [DEBUG] 09:43:48: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 with success [DEBUG] 09:43:48: primary_name : Galaxy-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 06:10:11 [DEBUG] 09:43:49: Session - Closing the current session successfully. [DEBUG] 09:43:49: Benchmark [Main process]: elapsed time: 1.300 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:43:49: Benchmark [Total loop process]: elapsed time: 1.290 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:43:49: Total memory in use by Lua: 359.14 Kbytes [DEBUG] 09:44:19: difftime is 30 seconds [DEBUG] 09:44:19: Start main process #1504, please wait... [DEBUG] 09:44:19: 2.0 - Track authorization progress for track Id: 2 [DEBUG] 09:44:21: 2.1 - The app should monitor the status until it is different from pending. [DEBUG] 09:44:21: status: granted: the app_token is valid and can be used to open a session [DEBUG] 09:44:21: challenge: ROp5v6CZ5/Or96uzHZ786K1cFkY5ATuM [DEBUG] 09:44:21: 3.0 - Try to opening a session. [DEBUG] 09:44:21: difftime is 0 seconds [DEBUG] 09:44:21: 3.1 - Compute password: hmac-sha1 of the challenge and the app_token. [DEBUG] 09:44:22: 3.2 - Opening Session [DEBUG] 09:44:22: 3.3 - Session is opened [DEBUG] 09:44:23: Get System config with success [DEBUG] 09:44:25: Get Wi-Fi Status with success [DEBUG] 09:44:26: Get Every Calls with success [DEBUG] 09:44:27: Get Connection status with success [DEBUG] 09:44:28: Get Disk 1 info with success [DEBUG] 09:44:29: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:44:29: last activity at 1499499735 [DEBUG] 09:44:29: 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 seems sleep. [DEBUG] 09:44:31: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:44:31: last activity at 1499487342 [DEBUG] 09:44:31: Device 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 not found! [DEBUG] 09:44:32: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 with success [DEBUG] 09:44:32: primary_name : Alex-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 09:42:51 [DEBUG] 09:44:33: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 with success [DEBUG] 09:44:33: primary_name : Galaxy-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 06:10:11 [DEBUG] 09:44:34: Session - Closing the current session successfully. [DEBUG] 09:44:34: Benchmark [Main process]: elapsed time: 1.170 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:44:34: Benchmark [Total loop process]: elapsed time: 1.170 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:44:34: Total memory in use by Lua: 359.09 Kbytes [DEBUG] 09:45:04: difftime is 30 seconds [DEBUG] 09:45:04: Start main process #1505, please wait... [DEBUG] 09:45:04: 2.0 - Track authorization progress for track Id: 2 [DEBUG] 09:45:05: 2.1 - The app should monitor the status until it is different from pending. [DEBUG] 09:45:05: status: granted: the app_token is valid and can be used to open a session [DEBUG] 09:45:05: challenge: n29wUConm4rnfDxxiZIt0bWpidBWxtaI [DEBUG] 09:45:06: 3.0 - Try to opening a session. [DEBUG] 09:45:06: difftime is 1 seconds [DEBUG] 09:45:06: 3.1 - Compute password: hmac-sha1 of the challenge and the app_token. [DEBUG] 09:45:07: 3.2 - Opening Session [DEBUG] 09:45:07: 3.3 - Session is opened [DEBUG] 09:45:08: Get System config with success [DEBUG] 09:45:09: Get Wi-Fi Status with success [DEBUG] 09:45:10: Get Every Calls with success [DEBUG] 09:45:12: Get Connection status with success [DEBUG] 09:45:13: Get Disk 1 info with success [DEBUG] 09:45:14: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:45:14: last activity at 1499499735 [DEBUG] 09:45:14: 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 seems sleep. [DEBUG] 09:45:15: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:45:15: last activity at 1499487342 [DEBUG] 09:45:15: Device 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 not found! [DEBUG] 09:45:16: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 with success [DEBUG] 09:45:16: primary_name : Alex-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 09:42:51 [DEBUG] 09:45:17: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 with success [DEBUG] 09:45:17: primary_name : Galaxy-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 06:10:11 [DEBUG] 09:45:19: Session - Closing the current session successfully. [DEBUG] 09:45:19: Benchmark [Main process]: elapsed time: 1.170 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:45:19: Benchmark [Total loop process]: elapsed time: 1.170 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:45:19: Total memory in use by Lua: 359.09 Kbytes [DEBUG] 09:45:49: difftime is 30 seconds [DEBUG] 09:45:49: Start main process #1506, please wait... [DEBUG] 09:45:49: 2.0 - Track authorization progress for track Id: 2 [DEBUG] 09:45:50: 2.1 - The app should monitor the status until it is different from pending. [DEBUG] 09:45:50: status: granted: the app_token is valid and can be used to open a session [DEBUG] 09:45:50: challenge: 8c11L8bDUmbxt/tBzS8jf1s0AZiRoeV8 [DEBUG] 09:45:50: 3.0 - Try to opening a session. [DEBUG] 09:45:50: difftime is 0 seconds [DEBUG] 09:45:50: 3.1 - Compute password: hmac-sha1 of the challenge and the app_token. [DEBUG] 09:45:52: 3.2 - Opening Session [DEBUG] 09:45:52: 3.3 - Session is opened [DEBUG] 09:45:53: Get System config with success [DEBUG] 09:45:55: Get Wi-Fi Status with success [DEBUG] 09:45:56: Get Every Calls with success [DEBUG] 09:45:57: Get Connection status with success [DEBUG] 09:45:58: Get Disk 1 info with success [DEBUG] 09:45:59: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:45:59: last activity at 1499499735 [DEBUG] 09:45:59: 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 seems sleep. [DEBUG] 09:46:00: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:46:00: last activity at 1499487342 [DEBUG] 09:46:00: Device 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 not found! [DEBUG] 09:46:02: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 with success [DEBUG] 09:46:02: primary_name : Alex-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 09:42:51 [DEBUG] 09:46:03: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 with success [DEBUG] 09:46:03: primary_name : Galaxy-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 06:10:11 [DEBUG] 09:46:04: Session - Closing the current session successfully. [DEBUG] 09:46:04: Benchmark [Main process]: elapsed time: 1.310 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:46:04: Benchmark [Total loop process]: elapsed time: 1.310 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:46:04: Total memory in use by Lua: 359.09 Kbytes [DEBUG] 09:46:34: difftime is 30 seconds [DEBUG] 09:46:34: Start main process #1507, please wait... [DEBUG] 09:46:34: 2.0 - Track authorization progress for track Id: 2 [DEBUG] 09:46:35: 2.1 - The app should monitor the status until it is different from pending. [DEBUG] 09:46:35: status: granted: the app_token is valid and can be used to open a session [DEBUG] 09:46:35: challenge: ChPXxxrTOFBt7Xh7b7woFms+iaEicFl6 [DEBUG] 09:46:35: 3.0 - Try to opening a session. [DEBUG] 09:46:35: difftime is 0 seconds [DEBUG] 09:46:35: 3.1 - Compute password: hmac-sha1 of the challenge and the app_token. [DEBUG] 09:46:37: 3.2 - Opening Session [DEBUG] 09:46:37: 3.3 - Session is opened [DEBUG] 09:46:38: Get System config with success [DEBUG] 09:46:39: Get Wi-Fi Status with success [DEBUG] 09:46:40: Get Every Calls with success [DEBUG] 09:46:41: Get Connection status with success [DEBUG] 09:46:43: Get Disk 1 info with success [DEBUG] 09:46:44: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:46:44: last activity at 1499499735 [DEBUG] 09:46:44: 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 seems sleep. [DEBUG] 09:46:45: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:46:45: last activity at 1499487342 [DEBUG] 09:46:45: Device 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 not found! [DEBUG] 09:46:46: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 with success [DEBUG] 09:46:46: primary_name : Alex-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 09:42:51 [DEBUG] 09:46:47: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 with success [DEBUG] 09:46:47: primary_name : Galaxy-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 06:10:11 [DEBUG] 09:46:49: Session - Closing the current session successfully. [DEBUG] 09:46:49: Benchmark [Main process]: elapsed time: 1.210 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:46:49: Benchmark [Total loop process]: elapsed time: 1.200 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:46:49: Total memory in use by Lua: 359.14 Kbytes [DEBUG] 09:47:19: difftime is 30 seconds [DEBUG] 09:47:19: Start main process #1508, please wait... [DEBUG] 09:47:19: 2.0 - Track authorization progress for track Id: 2 [DEBUG] 09:47:20: 2.1 - The app should monitor the status until it is different from pending. [DEBUG] 09:47:20: status: granted: the app_token is valid and can be used to open a session [DEBUG] 09:47:20: challenge: gP0ESS0VUW4ksSSUW8AYt8oNLdOVYlD/ [DEBUG] 09:47:20: 3.0 - Try to opening a session. [DEBUG] 09:47:20: difftime is 0 seconds [DEBUG] 09:47:20: 3.1 - Compute password: hmac-sha1 of the challenge and the app_token. [DEBUG] 09:47:21: 3.2 - Opening Session [DEBUG] 09:47:22: 3.3 - Session is opened [DEBUG] 09:47:23: Get System config with success [DEBUG] 09:47:24: Get Wi-Fi Status with success [DEBUG] 09:47:25: Get Every Calls with success [DEBUG] 09:47:26: Get Connection status with success [DEBUG] 09:47:27: Get Disk 1 info with success [DEBUG] 09:47:29: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:47:29: last activity at 1499499735 [DEBUG] 09:47:29: 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 seems sleep. [DEBUG] 09:47:30: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:47:30: last activity at 1499487342 [DEBUG] 09:47:30: Device 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 not found! [DEBUG] 09:47:31: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 with success [DEBUG] 09:47:31: primary_name : Alex-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 09:42:51 [DEBUG] 09:47:32: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 with success [DEBUG] 09:47:32: primary_name : Galaxy-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 06:10:11 [DEBUG] 09:47:33: Session - Closing the current session successfully. [DEBUG] 09:47:33: Benchmark [Main process]: elapsed time: 1.250 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:47:33: Benchmark [Total loop process]: elapsed time: 1.250 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:47:33: Total memory in use by Lua: 359.09 Kbytes [DEBUG] 09:48:03: difftime is 30 seconds [DEBUG] 09:48:03: Start main process #1509, please wait... [DEBUG] 09:48:03: 2.0 - Track authorization progress for track Id: 2 [DEBUG] 09:48:05: 2.1 - The app should monitor the status until it is different from pending. [DEBUG] 09:48:05: status: granted: the app_token is valid and can be used to open a session [DEBUG] 09:48:05: challenge: v5Lf93XMOqUueyDoPU4caW1KeCojHRkj [DEBUG] 09:48:05: 3.0 - Try to opening a session. [DEBUG] 09:48:05: difftime is 0 seconds [DEBUG] 09:48:05: 3.1 - Compute password: hmac-sha1 of the challenge and the app_token. [DEBUG] 09:48:06: 3.2 - Opening Session [DEBUG] 09:48:07: 3.3 - Session is opened [DEBUG] 09:48:08: Get System config with success [DEBUG] 09:48:09: Get Wi-Fi Status with success [DEBUG] 09:48:10: Get Every Calls with success [DEBUG] 09:48:11: Get Connection status with success [DEBUG] 09:48:13: Get Disk 1 info with success [DEBUG] 09:48:14: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:48:14: last activity at 1499499735 [DEBUG] 09:48:14: 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 seems sleep. [DEBUG] 09:48:15: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:48:15: last activity at 1499487342 [DEBUG] 09:48:15: Device 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 not found! [DEBUG] 09:48:16: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 with success [DEBUG] 09:48:16: primary_name : Alex-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 09:42:51 [DEBUG] 09:48:17: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 with success [DEBUG] 09:48:17: primary_name : Galaxy-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 06:10:11 [DEBUG] 09:48:18: Session - Closing the current session successfully. [DEBUG] 09:48:18: Benchmark [Main process]: elapsed time: 1.190 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:48:18: Benchmark [Total loop process]: elapsed time: 1.190 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:48:18: Total memory in use by Lua: 359.06 Kbytes [DEBUG] 09:48:49: difftime is 31 seconds [DEBUG] 09:48:49: Start main process #1510, please wait... [DEBUG] 09:48:49: 2.0 - Track authorization progress for track Id: 2 [DEBUG] 09:48:50: 2.1 - The app should monitor the status until it is different from pending. [DEBUG] 09:48:50: status: granted: the app_token is valid and can be used to open a session [DEBUG] 09:48:50: challenge: AbvP+gfyzhrVCTU4SMH+b+cQHq//v1oo [DEBUG] 09:48:50: 3.0 - Try to opening a session. [DEBUG] 09:48:50: difftime is 0 seconds [DEBUG] 09:48:50: 3.1 - Compute password: hmac-sha1 of the challenge and the app_token. [DEBUG] 09:48:51: 3.2 - Opening Session [DEBUG] 09:48:52: 3.3 - Session is opened [DEBUG] 09:48:53: Get System config with success [DEBUG] 09:48:54: Get Wi-Fi Status with success [DEBUG] 09:48:55: Get Every Calls with success [DEBUG] 09:48:56: Get Connection status with success [DEBUG] 09:48:58: Get Disk 1 info with success [DEBUG] 09:48:59: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:48:59: last activity at 1499499735 [DEBUG] 09:48:59: 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 seems sleep. [DEBUG] 09:49:00: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:49:00: last activity at 1499487342 [DEBUG] 09:49:00: Device 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 not found! [DEBUG] 09:49:01: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 with success [DEBUG] 09:49:01: primary_name : Alex-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 09:42:51 [DEBUG] 09:49:02: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 with success [DEBUG] 09:49:02: primary_name : Galaxy-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 06:10:11 [DEBUG] 09:49:03: Session - Closing the current session successfully. [DEBUG] 09:49:03: Benchmark [Main process]: elapsed time: 1.330 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:49:03: Benchmark [Total loop process]: elapsed time: 1.340 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:49:03: Total memory in use by Lua: 359.14 Kbytes [DEBUG] 09:49:34: difftime is 31 seconds [DEBUG] 09:49:34: Start main process #1511, please wait... [DEBUG] 09:49:34: 2.0 - Track authorization progress for track Id: 2 [DEBUG] 09:49:35: 2.1 - The app should monitor the status until it is different from pending. [DEBUG] 09:49:35: status: granted: the app_token is valid and can be used to open a session [DEBUG] 09:49:35: challenge: Q5AJmUH4O//2t5HXodfELTd+H3eE0KaL [DEBUG] 09:49:35: 3.0 - Try to opening a session. [DEBUG] 09:49:35: difftime is 0 seconds [DEBUG] 09:49:35: 3.1 - Compute password: hmac-sha1 of the challenge and the app_token. [DEBUG] 09:49:36: 3.2 - Opening Session [DEBUG] 09:49:37: 3.3 - Session is opened [DEBUG] 09:49:38: Get System config with success [DEBUG] 09:49:39: Get Wi-Fi Status with success [DEBUG] 09:49:40: Get Every Calls with success [DEBUG] 09:49:41: Get Connection status with success [DEBUG] 09:49:42: Get Disk 1 info with success [DEBUG] 09:49:44: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:49:44: last activity at 1499499735 [DEBUG] 09:49:44: 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 seems sleep. [DEBUG] 09:49:45: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:49:45: last activity at 1499487342 [DEBUG] 09:49:45: Device 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 not found! [DEBUG] 09:49:46: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 with success [DEBUG] 09:49:46: primary_name : Alex-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 09:42:51 [DEBUG] 09:49:47: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 with success [DEBUG] 09:49:47: primary_name : Galaxy-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 06:10:11 [DEBUG] 09:49:48: Session - Closing the current session successfully. [DEBUG] 09:49:48: Benchmark [Main process]: elapsed time: 1.220 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:49:48: Benchmark [Total loop process]: elapsed time: 1.230 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:49:48: Total memory in use by Lua: 359.14 Kbytes [DEBUG] 09:50:18: difftime is 30 seconds [DEBUG] 09:50:18: Start main process #1512, please wait... [DEBUG] 09:50:18: 2.0 - Track authorization progress for track Id: 2 [DEBUG] 09:50:20: 2.1 - The app should monitor the status until it is different from pending. [DEBUG] 09:50:20: status: granted: the app_token is valid and can be used to open a session [DEBUG] 09:50:20: challenge: T6zfLtXFmcKC8qGjNqpDpUzueq162T9V [DEBUG] 09:50:20: 3.0 - Try to opening a session. [DEBUG] 09:50:20: difftime is 0 seconds [DEBUG] 09:50:20: 3.1 - Compute password: hmac-sha1 of the challenge and the app_token. [DEBUG] 09:50:21: 3.2 - Opening Session [DEBUG] 09:50:21: 3.3 - Session is opened [DEBUG] 09:50:22: Get System config with success [DEBUG] 09:50:24: Get Wi-Fi Status with success [DEBUG] 09:50:25: Get Every Calls with success [DEBUG] 09:50:26: Get Connection status with success [DEBUG] 09:50:27: Get Disk 1 info with success [DEBUG] 09:50:28: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:50:28: last activity at 1499499735 [DEBUG] 09:50:28: 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 seems sleep. [DEBUG] 09:50:30: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:50:30: last activity at 1499487342 [DEBUG] 09:50:30: Device 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 not found! [DEBUG] 09:50:31: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 with success [DEBUG] 09:50:31: primary_name : Alex-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 09:42:51 [DEBUG] 09:50:32: Get LAN Host 30:07:4D:50:AA:65 with success [DEBUG] 09:50:32: primary_name : Galaxy-S8 , last_activity : 08/07/2017 06:10:11 [DEBUG] 09:50:33: Session - Closing the current session successfully. [DEBUG] 09:50:33: Benchmark [Main process]: elapsed time: 1.180 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:50:33: Benchmark [Total loop process]: elapsed time: 1.180 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:50:33: Total memory in use by Lua: 359.09 Kbytes [DEBUG] 09:51:03: difftime is 30 seconds [DEBUG] 09:51:03: Start main process #1513, please wait... [DEBUG] 09:51:03: 2.0 - Track authorization progress for track Id: 2 [DEBUG] 09:51:04: 2.1 - The app should monitor the status until it is different from pending. [DEBUG] 09:51:04: status: granted: the app_token is valid and can be used to open a session [DEBUG] 09:51:05: challenge: MwAJRoIUZfmghw+jqGagUWq0GWYG9GO0 [DEBUG] 09:51:05: 3.0 - Try to opening a session. [DEBUG] 09:51:05: difftime is 1 seconds [DEBUG] 09:51:05: 3.1 - Compute password: hmac-sha1 of the challenge and the app_token. [DEBUG] 09:51:06: 3.2 - Opening Session [DEBUG] 09:51:06: 3.3 - Session is opened [DEBUG] 09:51:07: Get System config with success [DEBUG] 09:51:08: Get Wi-Fi Status with success [DEBUG] 09:51:10: Get Every Calls with success [DEBUG] 09:51:11: Get Connection status with success [DEBUG] 09:51:12: Get Disk 1 info with success [DEBUG] 09:51:13: Get Wi-Fi Stations List with success [DEBUG] 09:51:13: Alex-S8 found. L'adresse MAC de mon S8 est bien : 30:07:4D:4F:A2:32 avec le wifi bien réglé pour être activé même en veille Désolé pour le Pavé
  20. préjugé !!!! y'a de +en+ d'informatique sur les machines avec les centres d'usinage ... bon c'est clair c'est pas du lua ... j'suis quand même beaucoup plus à l'aise avec Autocad La seule modif dans la scène originale c'est que j'utilise un seul Tél contre 2 dans la celle de @Lazer et j'ai adopter la même correction que @fredoold validé par le chef lui même vais chercher un plan B avec du bluetooth ou tasker ..?...
  21. @Nicode menuiserie plus précisément dans l'agencement de magasin .... genre centre optique / Auditif / médical et sous-traitance d'usinage CNC . Bon J'ai tout Ré-installé ( polling à 30sec ) mais ma variable PresenceAlex ne bouge pas ... surement la modif de la scène qui merde.
  22. lol je connais bien le patron il a des pb de domotique avec sa freebox depuis qu'il a changé de mobile ...... Dans le VD freebox j'ai : if not FreeboxObject then FreeboxObject = { _userId = 2,-- User ID used for notifications _polling = 17280,-- Polling time (value in seconds) loool heuuu c'est énorme lol j'ai vue que c'est 300 par défaut ..... à réduire plus bas ? du coup je vais réinstaller ta version O complet ...
  23. Bonsoir, Bon j'ai essayé de placer des fibaro:debug() à droite à gauche, mais au préalable j'ai re Réglé l'heure de la hc2 ( decallage de 5 min ) donc Ohh K'Zouuuu .... --[[ %% autostart %% properties %% globals FbxV6_LAN_Alex PresenceAlex --]] fibaro:debug('1 - ligne 9') function Check() local delay = 1800 local timestamp = os.time() local FbxV6_LAN_Alex = tonumber(fibaro:getGlobalValue("FbxV6_LAN_Alex")) local PresenceAlex = fibaro:getGlobalValue("PresenceAlex") if FbxV6_LAN_Alex < timestamp - delay then if PresenceAlex == "1" then fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : Absence détectée") fibaro:setGlobal("PresenceAlex", "0") end fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : 2 - ligne 21") else if PresenceAlex == "0" then fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : Présence détectée") fibaro:setGlobal("PresenceAlex", "1") end fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : 3 - ligne 27") end end local trigger = fibaro:getSourceTrigger() if trigger["type"] == "autostart" then fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : Autostart infinite loop...") while true do Check() fibaro:sleep(60*1000) -- 1 minutes end fibaro:debug('4 - ligne 38') elseif trigger["type"] == "global" then fibaro:debug("Global variable change : "..trigger['name']) Check() elseif trigger["type"] == "other" then fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : Started manually") Check() elseif trigger["type"] == "property" then fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : Property changed : ".. trigger['deviceID'].." => "..trigger['propertyName']) else fibaro:debug('%d/%m/%Y').." : Unknown trigger : "..trigger["type"]) end fibaro:debug('5 - ligne 50') voila le résultat du débug : [DEBUG] 13:22:49: 1 - ligne 9 [DEBUG] 13:22:49: 06/07/2017 : Autostart infinite loop... [DEBUG] 13:22:49: 06/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 21 [DEBUG] 13:23:50: 06/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 21 [DEBUG] 13:24:50: 06/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 21 >>>>>>>> Idem du reply 2 - ligne 21 ...... [DEBUG] 15:02:09: 06/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 21 [DEBUG] 15:03:09: 06/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 21 [DEBUG] 15:04:09: 06/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 21 [DEBUG] 15:05:07: 1 - ligne 9 [DEBUG] 15:05:07: Global variable change : FbxV6_LAN_Alex [DEBUG] 15:05:07: 06/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 21 [DEBUG] 15:05:07: 5 - ligne 50 [DEBUG] 15:05:08: 1 - ligne 9 [DEBUG] 15:05:08: Global variable change : FbxV6_LAN_Saki [DEBUG] 15:05:08: 06/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 21 [DEBUG] 15:05:08: 5 - ligne 50 [DEBUG] 15:05:09: 06/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 21 [DEBUG] 15:06:09: 06/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 21 [DEBUG] 15:07:09: 06/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 21 [DEBUG] 15:08:09: 06/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 21 >>>>>>>> Idem du reply 2 - ligne 21 ...... [DEBUG] 20:29:13: 06/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 21 [DEBUG] 20:30:13: 06/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 21 [DEBUG] 20:31:13: 06/07/2017 : 2 - ligne 21 Bon j'ai coupé les moments chiants comme dans une mauvaise série ...... Pour info personne à la maison à 15h05 , ma femme est rentrée vers 16h00 ( enfin ..... j'espère loool ) et moi je suis parti au taf vers 13h30 et retour vers 17h30 ..... Que " Global variable change : FbxV6_LAN_Alex " arrive seul c'est déjà bizzzzzare mais moins que de voir : " Global variable change : FbxV6_LAN_Saki " Pourquoi la scène pioche cette variable ?
  24. trouve pas , soir un pb dans le copié collé qui cause une anomalie ou peut être un pb avec la V4.130
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