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  1. Moicphil's message in Problème D'identification Sur Iphone was marked as the answer   
    Bonjour, clique sur "Edit" dans les paramètres de l'application, ensuite tu n'a plus qu'à  remplir les champs :

  2. Moicphil's message in Bouton "slider" was marked as the answer   
    Je met le code fini, ça pourra peut être servir à  d'autres !...
    Et merci @Gregory 
    function map_range( a1, a2, b1, b2, s ) return b1 + (s-a1)*(b2-b1)/(a2-a1) end HC2 = Net.FHttp("",80) HC2:setBasicAuthentication("admin", "xxxxxxx") local new_temp = map_range(0, 100, 15, 25, _sliderValue_ ) response ,status, errorCode = HC2:GET("/api/panels/heating?id=5") jsonTable = json.decode(response) = new_temp; json = json.encode(jsonTable); HC2:PUT("/api/panels/heating?id=5", json) fibaro:log("ready")
  3. Moicphil's message in Arrêter une scène active was marked as the answer   
    Ok, merci, j'ai rajouté et je n'ai plus de message d'erreur mais j'ai plus de push !
    --[[ %% properties 133 value 25 value 26 value 27 value 28 value 29 value 30 value 31 value 132 value 103 value 131 value 104 value 133 armed 25 armed 26 armed 27 armed 28 armed 29 armed 30 armed 31 armed 132 armed 103 armed 131 armed 104 armed %% globals VAR --]] local doorID = {133,25,26,27,28,29,30,132,103,131,104}; local trigger = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); if (trigger['type']=='property') and ( tonumber(fibaro:getGlobalValue("VAR")) == tonumber("3") ) then for i =1, #doorID do --Porte s'ouvre if (trigger['deviceID']==doorID[i] and tonumber(fibaro:getValue(doorID[i], "armed")) > 0 ) then fibaro:call(5, "pressButton", "5"); -- fibaro:call(82, "pressButton", "1"); -- fibaro:call(138, "pressButton", "1"); -- fibaro:call(7, "pressButton", "5"); -- fibaro:call(7, "pressButton", "7"); -- fibaro:sleep(15000); -- fibaro:call(42, "setValue", "100"); -- fibaro:call(38, "setValue", "100"); -- fibaro:call(43, "setValue", "100"); -- fibaro:sleep(135000); -- fibaro:call(82, "pressButton", "2"); -- fibaro:sleep(30000); -- fibaro:call(42, "turnOff"); -- fibaro:call(38, "turnOff"); -- fibaro:call(43, "turnOff"); --Porte se ferme elseif (trigger['deviceID']==doorID[i] and tonumber(fibaro:getValue(doorID[i], "armed")) > 0 ) then end end end
  4. Moicphil's message in problem connection depuis mise a jours appui was marked as the answer   
    Résolu !
  5. Moicphil's message in Allumage lumière was marked as the answer   
    Sujet Résolu :'
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