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Tout ce qui a été posté par Moicphil

  1. Moicphil


    Bonjour et bienvenue sur le forum. Pour l'alarme un panel gère cela en natif mais tu peux aussi créer toi même tes scènes qui plus est si tu souhaites gérer plusieurs zones.
  2. Moicphil


    non t es pas fatigué, j'ai rien panné non plus...
  3. Moicphil

    S'implanter Une Puce !

    Punaise !... J'ai pas regardé la vidéo en entier...mais Là , perso j’adhère pas! Et y'a une pile ? comment faire ensuite pour extraire le machin ?...
  4. Tu n'as qu'a partir d'un bouton que tu active à23h55 pour envoyer les valeurs dans les variables... non ? Et puis tu peux aussi le faire via une scène sans pb...
  5. Ah oui? c'est quoi la fonction pour changer la couleur du WP ? ( comme pour le RGBW , "setColor") ?
  6. Moi j'ai remarqué que ca par en vrille depuis l'inscription de Steven...
  7. 50 boutons? servent à quoi ?
  8. Je confirme, ralentissement depuis 10 jours...passage de 3sec de chargement moyen à6.3 sec depuis le 13/04...
  9. Effectivement, je vais essayer tien ! c'est quand même dingue les possibilités en Lua...
  10. Moicphil

    Box Alyt

    Vous en pensez quoi de ce projet, prometteur non ?
  11. Dans la "pratique, ensuite tu auras juste a renseigner cette variable "pushover" via tes scènes puis appuyer sur le bouton ... A inserer ensuite dans une scene par exemple : message = "ce que tu veux envoyer via pushover" fibaro:setGlobal("pushover", message);--renseignement variable fibaro:call(xx, "pressButton", "1");--lancement du push fibaro:setGlobal("pushover", "" );--raz variable
  12. Oui, c'est ce que je fais d'ailleurs en utilisant le toolkit de JC -Créer une variable "pushover" -Créer un (ou plusieurs boutons pour des sons différents) avec ces lignes Modifier les dernières lignes du codes avec les identifiants pushover ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Toolkit Framework, lua library extention for HC2, hope that it will be useful. -- This Framework is an addon for HC2 Toolkit application in a goal to aid the integration. -- Tested on Lua 5.1 with Fibaro HC2 3.572 beta -- -- Version 1.0.2 [12-13-2013] -- -- Use: Toolkit or Tk shortcut to access Toolkit namespace members. -- -- Example: -- Toolkit:trace("value is %d", 35); or Tk:trace("value is %d", 35); -- Toolkit.assertArg("argument", arg, "string"); or Tk.assertArg("argument", arg, "string"); -- -- current release: -- latest release: -- -- Memory is preserved: The code is loaded only the first time in a virtual device -- main loop and reloaded only if application pool restarded. -- -- Copyright (C) 2013 Jean-Christophe Vermandé -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- at your option) any later version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if not Toolkit then Toolkit = { __header = "Toolkit", __version = "1.0.2", __luaBase = "5.1.0", __copyright = "Jean-Christophe Vermandé", __licence = [[ Copyright (C) 2013 Jean-Christophe Vermandé This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <></http:>. ]], __frameworkHeader = (function(self) self:traceEx("green", "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"); self:traceEx("green", "-- HC2 Toolkit Framework version %s", self.__version); self:traceEx("green", "-- Current interpreter version is %s", self.getInterpreterVersion()); self:traceEx("green", "-- Total memory in use by Lua: %.2f Kbytes", self.getCurrentMemoryUsed()); self:traceEx("green", "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"); end), -- chars chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", -- hex hex = "0123456789abcdef", -- now(), now("*t", 906000490) -- system date shortcut now =, -- toUnixTimestamp(t) -- t (table) - {year=2013, month=12, day=20, hour=12, min=00, sec=00} -- return Unix timestamp toUnixTimestamp = (function(t) return os.time(t) end), -- fromUnixTimestamp(ts) -- ts (string/integer) - the timestamp -- Example : fromUnixTimestamp(1297694343) -> 02/14/11 15:39:03 fromUnixTimestamp = (function(s) return"%c", ts) end), -- currentTime() -- return current time currentTime = (function() return tonumber("%H%M%S")) end), -- comparableTime(hour, min, sec) -- hour (string/integer) -- min (string/integer) -- sec (string/integer) comparableTime = (function(hour, min) return tonumber(string.format("%02d%02d%02d", hour, min, sec)) end), -- isTraceEnabled -- (boolean) get or set to enable or disable trace isTraceEnabled = true, -- isAutostartTrigger() isAutostartTrigger = (function() local t = fibaro:getSourceTrigger();return (t["type"]=="autostart") end), -- isOtherTrigger() isOtherTrigger = (function() local t = fibaro:getSourceTrigger();return (t["type"]=="other") end), -- raiseError(message, level) -- message (string) - message -- level (integer) - level raiseError = (function(message, level) error(message, level); end), -- colorSetToRgbwTable(colorSet) -- colorSet (string) - colorSet string -- Example: local r, g, b, w = colorSetToRgbwTable(fibaro:getValue(354, "lastColorSet")); colorSetToRgbw = (function(self, colorSet) self.assertArg("colorSet", colorSet, "string"); local t, i = {}, 1; for v in string.gmatch(colorSet,"(%d+)") do t[i] = v; i = i + 1; end return t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4]; end), -- isValidJson(data, raise) -- data (string) - data -- raise (boolean)- true if must raise error -- check if json data is valid isValidJson = (function(self, data, raise) self.assertArg("data", data, "string"); self.assertArg("raise", raise, "boolean"); if (string.len(data)>0) then if (pcall(function () return json.decode(data) end)) then return true; else if (raise) then self.raiseError("invalid json", 2) end; end end return false; end), -- assert_arg(name, value, typeOf) -- (string) name: name of argument -- (various) value: value to check -- (type) typeOf: type used to check argument assertArg = (function(name, value, typeOf) if type(value) ~= typeOf then Tk.raiseError("argument "" must be "..typeOf, 2); end end), -- trace(value, args...) -- (string) value: value to trace (can be a string template if args) -- (various) args: data used with template (in value parameter) trace = (function(self, value, ...) if (self.isTraceEnabled) then if (value~=nil) then return fibaro:debug(string.format(value, ...)); end end end), -- traceEx(value, args...) -- (string) color: color use to display the message (red, green, yellow) -- (string) value: value to trace (can be a string template if args) -- (various) args: data used with template (in value parameter) traceEx = (function(self, color, value, ...) self:trace(string.format('<%s style="color:%s;">%s</%s>', "span", color, string.format(value, ...), "span")); end), -- getInterpreterVersion() -- return current lua interpreter version getInterpreterVersion = (function() return _VERSION; end), -- getCurrentMemoryUsed() -- return total current memory in use by lua interpreter getCurrentMemoryUsed = (function() return collectgarbage("count"); end), -- trim(value) -- (string) value: the string to trim trim = (function(s) Tk.assertArg("value", s, "string"); return (string.gsub(s, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")); end), -- filterByPredicate(table, predicate) -- table (table) - table to filter -- predicate (function) - function for predicate -- Description: filter a table using a predicate -- Usage: -- local t = {1,2,3,4,5}; -- local out, n = filterByPredicate(t,function(v) return v.item == true end); -- return out -> {2,4}, n -> 2; filterByPredicate = (function(table, predicate) Tk.assertArg("table", table, "table"); Tk.assertArg("predicate", predicate, "function"); local n, out = 1, {}; for i = 1,#table do local v = table[i]; if (v~=nil) then if predicate(v) then out[n] = v; n = n + 1; end end end return out, #out; end) };Toolkit:__frameworkHeader();Tk=Toolkit; end; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Toolkit.Debug library extention -- Provide help to trace and debug lua code on Fibaro HC2 -- Tested on Lua 5.1 with HC2 3.572 beta -- -- Copyright 2013 Jean-christophe Vermandé -- -- Version 1.0.1 [12-12-2013] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if not Toolkit.Debug then Toolkit.Debug = { __header = "Toolkit.Debug", __version = "1.0.1", -- The os.clock function returns the number of seconds of CPU time for the program. __clocks = {["fragment"]=os.clock(), ["all"]=os.clock()}, -- benchmarkPoint(name) -- (string) name: name of benchmark point benchmarkPoint = (function(self, name) __clocks[name] = os.clock(); end), -- benchmark(message, template, name, reset) -- (string) message: value to display, used by template -- (string) template: template used to diqplay message -- (string) name: name of benchmark point -- (boolean) reset: true to force reset clock benchmark = (function(self, message, template, name, reset) Toolkit.assertArg("message", message, "string"); Toolkit.assertArg("template", message, "string"); if (reset~=nil) then Toolkit.assertArg("reset", reset, type(true)); end Toolkit:traceEx("yellow", "Benchmark ["..message.."]: ".. string.format(template, os.clock() - self.__clocks[name])); if (reset==true) then self.__clocks[name] = os.clock(); end end) }; Toolkit:traceEx("red", Toolkit.Debug.__header.." loaded in memory..."); -- benchmark code if (Toolkit.Debug) then Toolkit.Debug:benchmark(Toolkit.Debug.__header.." lib", "elapsed time: %.3f cpu secs\n", "fragment", true); end ; end; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Toolkit.Net library extention -- Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest provide http request with advanced functions -- Tested on Lua 5.1 with HC2 3.572 beta -- -- Copyright 2013 Jean-christophe Vermandé -- Thanks to rafal.m for the decodeChunks function used when reponse body is "chunked" -- -- -- Version 1.0.3 [12-13-2013] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if not Toolkit then error("You must add Toolkit", 2) end if not Toolkit.Net then Toolkit.Net = { -- private properties __header = "Toolkit.Net", __version = "1.0.3", __cr = string.char(13), __lf = string.char(10), __crLf = string.char(13, 10), __host = nil, __port = nil, -- private methods __trace = (function(v, ...) if (Toolkit.Net.isTraceEnabled) then Toolkit:trace(v, ...) end end), __writeHeader = (function(socket, data) assert(tostring(data) or data==nil or data=="", "Invalid header found: "; local head = tostring(data); socket:write(head..Toolkit.Net.__crLf); Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::request > Add header [%s]", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, head); end), __decodeChunks = (function(a) resp = ""; line = "0"; lenline = 0; len = string.len(a); i = 1; while i<=len do c = string.sub(a, i, i); if (lenline==0) then if (c==Toolkit.Net.__lf) then lenline = tonumber(line, 16); if (lenline==null) then lenline = 0; end line = 0; elseif (c==Toolkit.Net.__cr) then lenline = 0; else line = line .. c; end else resp = resp .. c; lenline = lenline - 1; end i = i + 1; end return resp; end), __readHeader = (function(data) if data == nil then error("Couldn't find header"); end local buffer = ""; local headers = {}; local i, len = 1, string.len(data); while i<=len do local a = data:sub(i,i) or ""; local b = data:sub(i+1,i+1) or ""; if (a..b == Toolkit.Net.__crLf) then i = i + 1; table.insert(headers, buffer); buffer = ""; else buffer = buffer..a; end i = i + 1; end return headers; end), __readSocket = (function(socket) local err, len = 0, 1; local buffer, data = "", ""; while (err==0 and len>0) do data, err = socket:read(); len = string.len(data); buffer =; end return buffer, err; end), __Http = { __header = "HttpRequest", __version = "1.0.3", __tcpSocket = nil, __timeout = 250, __waitBeforeReadMs = 25, __isConnected = false, __isChunked = false, __url = nil, __method = "GET", __headers = {}, __body = nil, __authorization = nil, -- Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest:setBasicAuthentication(username, password) -- Sets basic credentials for all requests. -- username (string) – credentials username -- password (string) – credentials password setBasicAuthentication = (function(self, username, password) Toolkit.assertArg("username", username, "string"); Toolkit.assertArg("password", password, "string"); --see: self.__authorization = Toolkit.Crypto.Base64:encode(tostring(username..":"..password)); end), -- Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest:setBasicAuthenticationEncoded(base64String) -- Sets basic credentials already encoded. Avoid direct exposure for information. -- base64String (string) - username and password encoded with base64 setBasicAuthenticationEncoded = (function(self, base64String) Toolkit.assertArg("base64String", base64String, "string"); self.__authorization = base64String; end), -- Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest:setWaitBeforeReadMs(ms) -- Sets ms -- ms (integer) – timeout value in milliseconds setWaitBeforeReadMs = (function(self, ms) Toolkit.assertArg("ms", ms, "integer"); self.__waitBeforeReadMs = ms; Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::setWaitBeforeReadMs > set to %d ms", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, ms); end), -- Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest.getWaitBeforeReadMs() -- Returns the value in milliseconds getWaitBeforeReadMs = (function(self) return self.__waitBeforeReadMs; end), -- Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest.setReadTimeout(ms) -- Sets timeout -- ms (integer) – timeout value in milliseconds setReadTimeout = (function(self, ms) Toolkit.assertArg("ms", ms, "number"); self.__timeout = ms; Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::setReadTimeout > Timeout set to %d ms", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, ms); end), -- Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest.getReadTimeout() -- Returns the timeout value in milliseconds getReadTimeout = (function(self) return self.__timeout; end), -- Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest:disconnect() -- Disconnect the socket used by httpRequest disconnect = (function(self) self.__tcpSocket:disconnect(); self.__isConnected = false; Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::disconnect > Connected: %s", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, tostring(self.__isConnected)); end), -- Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest:request(method, uri, headers, body) -- method (string) - method used for the request -- uri (string) - uri used for the request -- headers (table) - headers used for the request (option) -- body (string) - data sent with the request (option) request = (function(self, method, uri, headers, body) -- validation Toolkit.assertArg("method", method, "string"); assert(method=="GET" or method=="POST" or method=="PUT" or method=="DELETE"); assert(uri~=nil or uri==""); self.__isChunked = false; self.__tcpSocket:setReadTimeout(self.__timeout); self.__url = uri; self.__method = method; self.__headers = headers or {}; self.__body = body or nil; local p = ""; if (Toolkit.Net.__port~=nil) then p = ":"..tostring(Toolkit.Net.__port); end local r = self.__method.." ".. self.__url .." HTTP/1.1"; Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::request > %s with method %s", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, self.__url, self.__method); local h = "Host: "..Toolkit.Net.__host .. p; -- write to socket headers method a host! Toolkit.Net.__writeHeader(self.__tcpSocket, r); Toolkit.Net.__writeHeader(self.__tcpSocket, h); -- add headers if needed for i = 1, #self.__headers do Toolkit.Net.__writeHeader(self.__tcpSocket, self.__headers[i]); end if (self.__authorization~=nil) then Toolkit.Net.__writeHeader(self.__tcpSocket, "Authorization: Basic "..self.__authorization); end -- add data in body if needed if (self.__body~=nil) then Toolkit.Net.__writeHeader(self.__tcpSocket, "Content-Length: "..string.len(self.__body)); Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::request > Body length is %d", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, string.len(self.__body)); end self.__tcpSocket:write(Toolkit.Net.__crLf..Toolkit.Net.__crLf); -- write body if (self.__body~=nil) then self.__tcpSocket:write(self.__body); end -- sleep to help process fibaro:sleep(self.__waitBeforeReadMs); -- wait socket reponse local result, err = Toolkit.Net.__readSocket(self.__tcpSocket); Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::receive > Length of result: %d", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, string.len(result)); -- parse data local response, status; if (string.len(result)>0) then local _flag = string.find(result, Toolkit.Net.__crLf..Toolkit.Net.__crLf); local _rawHeader = string.sub(result, 1, _flag + 2); if (string.len(_rawHeader)) then status = string.sub(_rawHeader, 10, 13); Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::receive > Status %s", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, status); Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::receive > Length of headers reponse %d", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, string.len(_rawHeader)); __headers = Toolkit.Net.__readHeader(_rawHeader); for k, v in pairs(__headers) do --Toolkit.Net.__trace("raw #"..k..":"..v) if (string.find(string.lower( v or ""), "chunked")) then self.__isChunked = true; Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::receive > Transfer-Encoding: chunked", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, string.len(result)); end end end local _rBody = string.sub(result, _flag + 4); --Toolkit.Net.__trace("Length of body reponse: " .. string.len(_rBody)); if (self.__isChunked) then response = Toolkit.Net.__decodeChunks(_rBody); err = 0; else response = _rBody; err = 0; end end -- return budy response return response, status, err; end), -- Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest.version() -- Return the version version = (function() return Toolkit.Net.__Http.__version; end), -- Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest:dispose() -- Try to free memory and resources dispose = (function(self) if (self.__isConnected) then self.__tcpSocket:disconnect(); end self.__tcpSocket = nil; self.__url = nil; self.__headers = nil; self.__body = nil; self.__method = nil; if pcall(function () assert(self.__tcpSocket~=Net.FTcpSocket) end) then Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::dispose > Successfully disposed", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header); end -- make sure all free-able memory is freed collectgarbage("collect"); Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::dispose > Total memory in use by Lua: %.2f Kbytes", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, collectgarbage("count")); end) }, -- Toolkit.Net.isTraceEnabled -- true for activate trace in HC2 debug window isTraceEnabled = false, -- Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest(host, port) -- Give object instance for make http request -- host (string) - host -- port (intager) - port -- Return HttpRequest object HttpRequest = (function(host, port) assert(host~=Toolkit.Net, "Cannot call HttpRequest like that!"); assert(host~=nil, "host invalid input"); assert(port==nil or tonumber(port), "port invalid input"); -- make sure all free-able memory is freed to help process collectgarbage("collect"); Toolkit.Net.__host = host; Toolkit.Net.__port = port; local _c = Toolkit.Net.__Http; _c.__tcpSocket = Net.FTcpSocket(host, port); _c.__isConnected = true; Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s > Total memory in use by Lua: %.2f Kbytes", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, collectgarbage("count")); Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s > Create Session on port: %d, host: %s", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, port, host); return _c; end), -- Toolkit.Net.version() version = (function() return Toolkit.Net.__version; end) }; Toolkit:traceEx("red", Toolkit.Net.__header.." loaded in memory..."); -- benchmark code if (Toolkit.Debug) then Toolkit.Debug:benchmark(Toolkit.Net.__header.." lib", "elapsed time: %.3f cpu secs\n", "fragment", true); end; end; function urlencode(str) if (str) then str = string.gsub (str, "\n", "\r\n") str = string.gsub (str, "([^%w ])", function (c) return string.format ("%%%02X", string.byte(c)) end) str = string.gsub (str, " ", "+") end return str end -------- -------- -------- function SendPushover(message) local uri = "/1/messages.json"; local params = "?token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&user=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&message=" .. urlencode(tostring(message or "empty")) .."&priority=0&sound=bugle"; Tk.Net.isTraceEnabled = true; local HttpClient = Tk.Net.HttpRequest("", 80); HttpClient:setReadTimeout(500); local response, status, errorCode = HttpClient:request("POST", uri..params, { "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0", "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9" }); HttpClient:disconnect(); HttpClient:dispose(); HttpClient = nil; end local message = fibaro:getGlobalValue("pushover"); if (string.len(message) > 0) then SendPushover(message); end
  13. Good job Yohan !
  14. Non! toujours dans l'attente de la 902...
  15. Moicphil

    Fibaro Wall Plug

    J'ai pas essayé mais je vois pas pourquoi cette scène ne serait pas réalisable.... Pourquoi ne pas renseigner une variable toute les minutes sur la conso du Congélo. Puis faire une règle: si VAR = 0 alors Notif Du style ( j'ai pas testé ) : -[[ %% autostart %% properties xx valueSensor --id du wallplug du congélo %% globals VAR --]] local conso = fibaro:getValue(xx, "valueSensor") fibaro:setGlobal("VAR", "conso") if ( fibaro:getGlobalValue("VAR") == "0" ) then -- "ton action" end
  16. Merci de poster dans le sujet du "bistrot"
  17. Bonjour Tout d'abord je tiens à t'encourager dans la poursuite de ton projet qui semble prometteur. Néanmoins : - Comme ton inscription à juste pour but (je te cite) de faire financer ton projet, ceci afin de respecter notre charte qui interdit tout lien vers une activité commerciale, j'ai supprimé tes liens vers le site Participatif. Ce forum est une communauté de passionnés Fibaro mais nous sommes bien évidement "à l'écoute" de tout ce qui touche de prés à la domotique. Avec plaisir si tu souhaites nous faire partager l'avancement de ton projet. ( je laisse le sujet dans "le bistrot" si tu souhaites développer sur le sujet )
  18. Moicphil

    Scène Armement Alarme

    Bonjour Pour désarmer : fibaro:call(XX, "setArmed", "0") Pour armer : fibaro:call(XX, "setArmed", "1")
  19. Moicphil


    Bonjour, bienvenue sur le forum
  20. Moicphil


    Bonjour, bienvenue sur le forum
  21. Moicphil


    Bonjour, bienvenue sur le forum
  22. Bonjour, bienvenue sur le forum
  23. Bonjour, bienvenue sur le forum
  24. Bonjour, bienvenue sur le forum
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