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Tout ce qui a été posté par iman

  1. iman

    comment conserver la conso électrique

    Je vais essayé de voir la chose mais étant nul avec ce type de fonction
  2. iman

    comment conserver la conso électrique

    je ferai la modification par la suite et je vais chercher
  3. iman

    comment conserver la conso électrique

    dans le fichier config, j'ai juste modifier le mot de passe et créer une base phpMYAdmin avec identifiant root et mot de passe et pour le serveur j'ai également laissé localhost
  4. iman

    comment conserver la conso électrique

    non je n'ai aucun autre site et pour moi c'est nouveau j'ai fait la modification sur la ligne mais toujours le même message d'erreur
  5. iman

    comment conserver la conso électrique

    j'utilise mon synologie avec mariaDB 10 et phpMyAdmin dans le quel j'ai créer une base de donnée "domotique"
  6. iman

    comment conserver la conso électrique

    j'ai voulu installé domocharts, mais au moment de mettre l'url 192.1668.X.XXX/graph/install.php j'ai le message d'erreur Error : could not find driver mon serveur web est activé, j'ai copie le dossier gaph dans le dossier web et j'ai uniquement modifier le mot de passe et la je sèche
  7. iman

    comment conserver la conso électrique

    merci pepite, je vais regardé ça.Il n'est pas prévu pour la box fibaro une sauvegarde sur le cloud prochainement?
  8. bonjour je souhaiterai conserver l'historique de ma consommation électrique sur plusieurs année, car au bout d'un moment cette historique est perdu sur la box, comment faire?
  9. iman

    Heating Manager

    setpoint résolu et tous fonctionne
  10. iman

    Heating Manager

    OJC, ma scène fonctionne mais le setpoint=1 °c il ne prend pas la consigne du VD?
  11. iman

    Heating Manager

    honte à moi, je viens de trouver j'ai 2 VD et je change la variable suivant la cheminée si elle est en route et j'ai modifier qu'un seul des VD et évidemment le mauvais merci encore pour ton aide OJC sinon pour la régule c top
  12. iman

    Heating Manager

    dans le VD les labels sont identique et voici la scène et message erreur: --[[ %% autostart %% properties 1078 ui.lbldressing.value 1078 ui.lblsalle.value 1078 ui.lblbureau.value 1078 ui.lblsalledebains.value 1078 ui.lblchambre.value 1078 ui.lblenfant.value 1078 ui.lblclara.value 1078 ui.lblmatheo.value %% globals --]] --[[ Heating Manager v. 1.3.0 (2017) by OJC This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. --]] --[[ Versions Notes 1.3.0 Add the possibility of using virtual device as heater controller Add the possibilité of using virtual device or global variable as setpoint provider 1.2.0 New regulation code, inspired by eedomus box Add the possibility of using virtual temperature sondes Configuration simplification for both Manager and Panel 1.1.0 Add motion sensor management Improve door/window sensor management Code Optimization 1.0.0 Initial release --]] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GENERIC CODE -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- logColor = {"YellowGreen", "SkyBlue", "NavajoWhite", "Tomato"} lib = {} function lib:iif(a,b,c) if (a) then return b else return c end end function lib:log(m,l) if ((l or 1) >= logLevel) then print('<span style="color:' .. logColor[l or 1] .. ';">' .. m .. '</span>') end end f = {"Ç","ç","[-èéêë']+","[-ÈÉÊË']+","[-àáâãäå']+","[-@ÀÁÂÃÄÅ']+","[-ìíîï']+","[-ÌÍÎÏ']+","[-ðòóôõö']+","[-ÒÓÔÕÖ']+","[-ùúûü']+","[-ÙÚÛÜ']+","[-ýÿ']+","Ý","%W"} r = {"C","c","e","E","a","A","i","I","o","O","u","U","y","Y",""} format = {} function format:ddigit(n) if (n < 10) then return "0"..n else return n end end function format:replace(s) local s = s for i, j in ipairs(f) do s = string.gsub(s, j, r) end return s end function getDeviceIDbyName(name) local devices = api.get("/devices?name=" .. name) if (devices[1] ~= nil) then return devices[1].id end end function getInstanceAuthorization(max) local t = os.time() local max = tonumber(max) or 1 while (fibaro:countScenes() > max) do fibaro:sleep(500) if (os.time() - t) > 30 then return false end end return true end --DEPENDENCIES = lib:log; getDeviceIDbyName function getPanelID() local p = panel local v = fibaro:getGlobalValue( if (fibaro:getValue(v, p.label) == nil) then local ID = getDeviceIDbyName( if (ID ~= nil) then fibaro:setGlobal(, ID) return ID else lib:log("[CRITICAL ERROR] " .. .. " was not found !", 4) fibaro:abort() end else return v end end --DEPENDENCIES = format:ddgit function getReadableTime(t) local d = "" local h = math.floor(t/3600) local m = math.floor(t/60 - (h * 60)) local s = math.floor(t - h * 3600 - m * 60) if (h > 0) then d = d .. format:ddigit(h) .. " h " end if (m > 0) then d = d .. lib:iif(h ~= 0, format:ddigit(m), m) .. " m " end if (s > 0) then d = d .. lib:iif(m ~= 0, format:ddigit(s), s) .. " s" end return d end function getTemperatureSonde(ID) local r = api.get("/rooms?id=" .. ID) return r.defaultSensors.temperature end function setGlobalVariables(...) for _, v in ipairs{...} do if (fibaro:getGlobalValue(v) == nil) then"/globalVariables", {name = v, isEnum = 0}) end end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SPECIFIC CODE -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- collection = {} HeatingManager = {} --DEPENDENCIES = GetTemperatureSonde; format:replace function HeatingManager:addHeater(idHeater, idSonde, localP, localT) local heater, on, off if type(idHeater) == "table" then heater, on, off = idHeater[1], idHeater[2], idHeater[3] else heater, on, off = idHeater, 0, 0 end table.insert(collection, { heater = heater, OnOff = lib:iif(on ~= 0, {on, off}, 0), sonde = idSonde or getTemperatureSonde(fibaro:getRoomID(heater)), kP = localP or default.kP, kT = localT or default.kT, panel = "lbl" .. format:replace(fibaro:getRoomNameByDeviceID(heater)) }) end --DEPENDENCIES = getPanelID function HeatingManager:getTemperatures(item) local c, s, e = 0, 0, 0 if (type(item.sonde) == "number") then c = fibaro:getValue(item.sonde, "value") elseif (type(item.sonde) == "table") then c = string.match(fibaro:getValue(item.sonde[1], "ui." .. item.sonde[2] .. ".value"), "[0-13]+[,.][0-13]+") or string.match(fibaro:getValue(item.sonde[1], "ui." .. item.sonde[2] .. ".value"), "[0-13]+") end s = string.match(fibaro:getValue(getPanelID(), "ui." .. item.panel .. ".value"), "[0-]+13[,.][0-13]+") or string.match(fibaro:getValue(getPanelID(), "ui." .. item.panel .. ".value"), "[0-13]+") if (outdoorSonde == nil) then o = api.get("/weather").Temperature elseif (type(outdoorSonde) == "number") then o = fibaro:getValue(outdoorSonde, "value") elseif (type(outdoorSonde) == "table") then o = string.match(fibaro:getValue(outdoorSonde[1], "ui." .. outdoorSonde[2] .. ".value"), "[0-9]+[,.][0-9]+") or string.match(fibaro:getValue(outdoorSonde[1], "ui." .. outdoorSonde[2] .. ".value"), "[0-9]+") end return c, s, o or s end function HeatingManager:setOutdoorSonde(idSonde) outdoorSonde = idSonde end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MAIN CODE -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --DEPENDENCIES = lib:log; getReadableTime ; -- HeatingManager:getTemperatures function SceneRun() local collection = collection for _, item in ipairs(collection) do local current, setpoint, C, T, P = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 lib:log("[INFO] Checking " .. fibaro:getRoomNameByDeviceID(item.heater) .. "...") current, setpoint, outdoor = HeatingManager:getTemperatures(item) if (current == nil) then lib:log("[ERROR] " .. fibaro:getRoomNameByDeviceID(item.heater) .. " have no Temperature Sonde !",4) fibaro:call(item.heater, "turnOff") break end lib:log("[INFO] Current = " .. current .. " °C - Setpoint = " .. setpoint .." °C - Outdoor = " .. outdoor .. " °C") P = math.min((item.kP * (setpoint - current)) + (item.kT * (setpoint - outdoor)),1) if (P > 0) then lib:log("[ACTION] Start heating in " .. fibaro:getRoomNameByDeviceID(item.heater) .. " for " .. getReadableTime(P * heatingCycle * 60), 2) if type(item.OnOff) == "number" then fibaro:call(item.heater, "turnOn") if (P < 1) then setTimeout(function() fibaro:call(item.heater, "turnOff") end, P * heatingCycle * 60 * 1000) end else fibaro:call(item.heater, "pressButton", item.OnOff[1]) if (P < 1) then setTimeout(function() fibaro:call(item.heater, "pressButton", item.OnOff[2]) end, P * heatingCycle * 60 * 1000) end end else lib:log("[INFO] Heating is not required in ".. fibaro:getRoomNameByDeviceID(item.heater)) if type(item.OnOff) == "number" then fibaro:call(item.heater, "turnOff") else fibaro:call(item.heater, "pressButton", item.OnOff[2]) end end end setTimeout(SceneRun, heatingCycle * 60 * 1000) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CONFIGURATION -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 1. Default Parameters default = {} default.kP = 3.1 default.kT = 0.02 -- For more information, see -- 2. General Parameters heatingCycle = 10 logLevel = 1 -- 3. Collection Definition --[[ HeatingManager:addHeater(idHeater, [idSonde], [localP], [localT]) + idHeater = ID of heater control device or {ID of heater virtuel device, order number of the ON button, order number of the OFF button} + idSonde = ID of temperature sonde or {ID of temperature virtual device, ID of temperature label} - Optional : if not set, room temperature sonde is used + localP = Optional : if not set, default.kP is used + localT = Optional : if not set, default.kT is used --]] HeatingManager:addHeater({437, 1, 2}, 1053, localP, localT) HeatingManager:addHeater({511, 1, 2}, 453, 0.6, 0.01) HeatingManager:addHeater({438, 1, 2}, 1059, 2.6, localT) HeatingManager:addHeater({439, 1, 2}, 415, 1.2, 0.01) HeatingManager:addHeater({1076, 1, 2}, 1073, 0.6, 0.01) HeatingManager:addHeater({943, 1, 2}, 1070, 0.6, 0.01) HeatingManager:addHeater({1075, 1, 2}, 457, 0.6, 0.01) HeatingManager:addHeater({1077, 1, 2}, 450, 0.6, 0.01) --HeatingManager:setOutdoorSonde(ID Device or {ID VirtualDevice, ID Label}) --idSonde = ID Device or {ID VirtualDevice, ID Label} - Optional : If not set, weather plugin is used HeatingManager:setOutdoorSonde(1045) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- START CODE -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --DEPENDENCIES = lib:log; getInstanceAuthorization; -- HeatingManager:checkGlobalVariables; -- SceneRun trigger = fibaro:getSourceTrigger() if not (getInstanceAuthorization(lib:iif(trigger.type == "property", 9, 1))) then lib.log("[CRITICAL ERROR] Too many instances are running !", 4) fibaro:abort() end panel = {name = "Heating Panel", label = "ui.lblHeatingPanel.value", global = "HeatingPanelID"} setGlobalVariables("HeatingPanelID") if (trigger.type == "property") then for _, item in ipairs(collection) do if item.panel == string.match(trigger.propertyName,"ui.(%a+).value") then local current = 0 local setPoint = 0 current, setPoint = HeatingManager:getTemperatures(item) if (current == nil) then lib:log("[ERROR] " .. fibaro:getRoomNameByDeviceID(item.heater) .. " have no Temperature Sonde !",4) fibaro:call(item.heater, "turnOff") fibaro:abort() end if (current < setPoint) then lib.log("[OVERRIDE] Start heating in " .. fibaro:getRoomNameByDeviceID(item.heater), 4) fibaro:call(item.heater,"turnOn") elseif (current >= setPoint) then lib.log("[OVERRIDE] Heating is not required in " .. fibaro:getRoomNameByDeviceID(item.heater), 4) fibaro:call(item.heater,"turnOff") end end end else lib:log("Heating Manager v. 1.3.0 (2017) by OJC", 3) SceneRun() end [DEBUG] 17:54:32: [INFO] Checking chambre...[DEBUG] 17:54:32: line 153: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)
  13. iman

    Heating Manager

    entre temps temps j'ai rectifier et mis tous avec le label chambre ainsi que le nom de la pièce
  14. iman

    Heating Manager

    la voici: --[[ %% autostart %% properties 1078 ui.lbldressing.value 1078 ui.lblsalle.value 1078 ui.lblbureau.value 1078 ui.lblsalledebains.value 1078 ui.lblchambre.value 1078 ui.lblenfant.value 1078 ui.lblclara.value 1078 ui.lblmatheo.value %% globals --]] --[[ Heating Manager v. 1.3.0 (2017) by OJC This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. --]] --[[ Versions Notes 1.3.0 Add the possibility of using virtual device as heater controller Add the possibilité of using virtual device or global variable as setpoint provider 1.2.0 New regulation code, inspired by eedomus box Add the possibility of using virtual temperature sondes Configuration simplification for both Manager and Panel 1.1.0 Add motion sensor management Improve door/window sensor management Code Optimization 1.0.0 Initial release --]] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GENERIC CODE -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- logColor = {"YellowGreen", "SkyBlue", "NavajoWhite", "Tomato"} lib = {} function lib:iif(a,b,c) if (a) then return b else return c end end function lib:log(m,l) if ((l or 1) >= logLevel) then print('<span style="color:' .. logColor[l or 1] .. ';">' .. m .. '</span>') end end f = {"Ç","ç","[-èéêë']+","[-ÈÉÊË']+","[-àáâãäå']+","[-@ÀÁÂÃÄÅ']+","[-ìíîï']+","[-ÌÍÎÏ']+","[-ðòóôõö']+","[-ÒÓÔÕÖ']+","[-ùúûü']+","[-ÙÚÛÜ']+","[-ýÿ']+","Ý","%W"} r = {"C","c","e","E","a","A","i","I","o","O","u","U","y","Y",""} format = {} function format:ddigit(n) if (n < 10) then return "0"..n else return n end end function format:replace(s) local s = s for i, j in ipairs(f) do s = string.gsub(s, j, r) end return s end function getDeviceIDbyName(name) local devices = api.get("/devices?name=" .. name) if (devices[1] ~= nil) then return devices[1].id end end function getInstanceAuthorization(max) local t = os.time() local max = tonumber(max) or 1 while (fibaro:countScenes() > max) do fibaro:sleep(500) if (os.time() - t) > 30 then return false end end return true end --DEPENDENCIES = lib:log; getDeviceIDbyName function getPanelID() local p = panel local v = fibaro:getGlobalValue( if (fibaro:getValue(v, p.label) == nil) then local ID = getDeviceIDbyName( if (ID ~= nil) then fibaro:setGlobal(, ID) return ID else lib:log("[CRITICAL ERROR] " .. .. " was not found !", 4) fibaro:abort() end else return v end end --DEPENDENCIES = format:ddgit function getReadableTime(t) local d = "" local h = math.floor(t/3600) local m = math.floor(t/60 - (h * 60)) local s = math.floor(t - h * 3600 - m * 60) if (h > 0) then d = d .. format:ddigit(h) .. " h " end if (m > 0) then d = d .. lib:iif(h ~= 0, format:ddigit(m), m) .. " m " end if (s > 0) then d = d .. lib:iif(m ~= 0, format:ddigit(s), s) .. " s" end return d end function getTemperatureSonde(ID) local r = api.get("/rooms?id=" .. ID) return r.defaultSensors.temperature end function setGlobalVariables(...) for _, v in ipairs{...} do if (fibaro:getGlobalValue(v) == nil) then"/globalVariables", {name = v, isEnum = 0}) end end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SPECIFIC CODE -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- collection = {} HeatingManager = {} --DEPENDENCIES = GetTemperatureSonde; format:replace function HeatingManager:addHeater(idHeater, idSonde, localP, localT) local heater, on, off if type(idHeater) == "table" then heater, on, off = idHeater[1], idHeater[2], idHeater[3] else heater, on, off = idHeater, 0, 0 end table.insert(collection, { heater = heater, OnOff = lib:iif(on ~= 0, {on, off}, 0), sonde = idSonde or getTemperatureSonde(fibaro:getRoomID(heater)), kP = localP or default.kP, kT = localT or default.kT, panel = "lbl" .. format:replace(fibaro:getRoomNameByDeviceID(heater)) }) end --DEPENDENCIES = getPanelID function HeatingManager:getTemperatures(item) local c, s, e = 0, 0, 0 if (type(item.sonde) == "number") then c = fibaro:getValue(item.sonde, "value") elseif (type(item.sonde) == "table") then c = string.match(fibaro:getValue(item.sonde[1], "ui." .. item.sonde[2] .. ".value"), "[0-9]+[,.][0-9]+") or string.match(fibaro:getValue(item.sonde[1], "ui." .. item.sonde[2] .. ".value"), "[0-9]+") end s = string.match(fibaro:getValue(getPanelID(), "ui." .. item.panel .. ".value"), "[0-]+9[,.][0-9]+") or string.match(fibaro:getValue(getPanelID(), "ui." .. item.panel .. ".value"), "[0-9]+") if (outdoorSonde == nil) then o = api.get("/weather").Temperature elseif (type(outdoorSonde) == "number") then o = fibaro:getValue(outdoorSonde, "value") elseif (type(outdoorSonde) == "table") then o = string.match(fibaro:getValue(outdoorSonde[1], "ui." .. outdoorSonde[2] .. ".value"), "[0-9]+[,.][0-9]+") or string.match(fibaro:getValue(outdoorSonde[1], "ui." .. outdoorSonde[2] .. ".value"), "[0-9]+") end return c, s, o or s end function HeatingManager:setOutdoorSonde(idSonde) outdoorSonde = idSonde end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MAIN CODE -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --DEPENDENCIES = lib:log; getReadableTime ; -- HeatingManager:getTemperatures function SceneRun() local collection = collection for _, item in ipairs(collection) do local current, setpoint, C, T, P = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 lib:log("[INFO] Checking " .. fibaro:getRoomNameByDeviceID(item.heater) .. "...") current, setpoint, outdoor = HeatingManager:getTemperatures(item) if (current == nil) then lib:log("[ERROR] " .. fibaro:getRoomNameByDeviceID(item.heater) .. " have no Temperature Sonde !",4) fibaro:call(item.heater, "turnOff") break end lib:log("[INFO] Current = " .. current .. " °C - Setpoint = " .. setpoint .." °C - Outdoor = " .. outdoor .. " °C") P = math.min((item.kP * (setpoint - current)) + (item.kT * (setpoint - outdoor)),1) if (P > 0) then lib:log("[ACTION] Start heating in " .. fibaro:getRoomNameByDeviceID(item.heater) .. " for " .. getReadableTime(P * heatingCycle * 60), 2) if type(item.OnOff) == "number" then fibaro:call(item.heater, "turnOn") if (P < 1) then setTimeout(function() fibaro:call(item.heater, "turnOff") end, P * heatingCycle * 60 * 1000) end else fibaro:call(item.heater, "pressButton", item.OnOff[1]) if (P < 1) then setTimeout(function() fibaro:call(item.heater, "pressButton", item.OnOff[2]) end, P * heatingCycle * 60 * 1000) end end else lib:log("[INFO] Heating is not required in ".. fibaro:getRoomNameByDeviceID(item.heater)) if type(item.OnOff) == "number" then fibaro:call(item.heater, "turnOff") else fibaro:call(item.heater, "pressButton", item.OnOff[2]) end end end setTimeout(SceneRun, heatingCycle * 60 * 1000) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CONFIGURATION -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 1. Default Parameters default = {} default.kP = 3.1 default.kT = 0.02 -- For more information, see -- 2. General Parameters heatingCycle = 10 logLevel = 1 -- 3. Collection Definition --[[ HeatingManager:addHeater(idHeater, [idSonde], [localP], [localT]) + idHeater = ID of heater control device or {ID of heater virtuel device, order number of the ON button, order number of the OFF button} + idSonde = ID of temperature sonde or {ID of temperature virtual device, ID of temperature label} - Optional : if not set, room temperature sonde is used + localP = Optional : if not set, default.kP is used + localT = Optional : if not set, default.kT is used --]] HeatingManager:addHeater({437, 1, 2}, 1053, localP, localT) HeatingManager:addHeater({511, 1, 2}, 453, 0.6, 0.01) HeatingManager:addHeater({438, 1, 2}, 1059, 2.6, localT) HeatingManager:addHeater({439, 1, 2}, 415, 1.2, 0.01) HeatingManager:addHeater({1076, 1, 2}, 1073, localP, localT) HeatingManager:addHeater({943, 1, 2}, 1070, 0.6, 0.01) HeatingManager:addHeater({1075, 1, 2}, 457, 2.6, localT) HeatingManager:addHeater({1077, 1, 2}, 450, 1.2, 0.01) --HeatingManager:setOutdoorSonde(ID Device or {ID VirtualDevice, ID Label}) --idSonde = ID Device or {ID VirtualDevice, ID Label} - Optional : If not set, weather plugin is used HeatingManager:setOutdoorSonde(1045) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- START CODE -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --DEPENDENCIES = lib:log; getInstanceAuthorization; -- HeatingManager:checkGlobalVariables; -- SceneRun trigger = fibaro:getSourceTrigger() if not (getInstanceAuthorization(lib:iif(trigger.type == "property", 9, 1))) then lib.log("[CRITICAL ERROR] Too many instances are running !", 4) fibaro:abort() end panel = {name = "Heating Panel", label = "ui.lblHeatingPanel.value", global = "HeatingPanelID"} setGlobalVariables("HeatingPanelID") if (trigger.type == "property") then for _, item in ipairs(collection) do if item.panel == string.match(trigger.propertyName,"ui.(%a+).value") then local current = 0 local setPoint = 0 current, setPoint = HeatingManager:getTemperatures(item) if (current == nil) then lib:log("[ERROR] " .. fibaro:getRoomNameByDeviceID(item.heater) .. " have no Temperature Sonde !",4) fibaro:call(item.heater, "turnOff") fibaro:abort() end if (current < setPoint) then lib.log("[OVERRIDE] Start heating in " .. fibaro:getRoomNameByDeviceID(item.heater), 4) fibaro:call(item.heater,"turnOn") elseif (current >= setPoint) then lib.log("[OVERRIDE] Heating is not required in " .. fibaro:getRoomNameByDeviceID(item.heater), 4) fibaro:call(item.heater,"turnOff") end end end else lib:log("Heating Manager v. 1.3.0 (2017) by OJC", 3) SceneRun() end et avec le panneau le déboguer est OK par contre message erreur avec la scène sur le rajout à partir de chambre
  15. iman

    Heating Manager

    OJC, j'ai voulu rajouter 4 radiateurs supplémentaires soit 8 au total et j'ai ce message d'erreur avec le heating manager 1.3: [DEBUG] 15:16:01: [INFO] Checking notre chambre...[DEBUG] 15:16:01: line 154: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)
  16. iman

    Heating Manager

    bravo pour le travail
  17. iman

    Heating Manager

    il ya plus cas
  18. iman

    Heating Manager

    donc il n'y a plus cas contiguë cette partie: HeatingManager:addHeater({437, 1, 2}, 642, localP, localT) HeatingManager:addHeater({511, 1, 2}, 453, 0.6, 0.01) HeatingManager:addHeater({438, 1, 2}, 682, localP, localT) HeatingManager:addHeater({439, 1, 2}, 415, localP, localT) et l'id de la sonde EXT, et pour le KP et Kt par défaut faut -il également les renseignés ou plus besoin?
  19. iman

    Heating Manager

    je suppose qu'il faut toujours renseigner en début de la scène le rappel du VD ?: --[[ %% autostart %% properties 1039 ui.lbldressing.value 1039 ui.lblsalle.value 1039 ui.lblbureau.value 1039 ui.lblsalledebains.value %% globals --]
  20. iman

    Heating Manager

    pas d'autre mots pour le ya plus cas voir ça ce week-end
  21. iman

    Heating Manager

    je te confirme avoir le même souci impossible de faire prendre une valeur après 3h dans mon cas
  22. iman

    Heating Manager

    OJC, justement j'utilisé le code de steven pour planifier mon chauffage car avec le panneau de chauffage comme je te disais la consigne apres 3H n'était pas pris en charge alors que sur le panneau elle apparaissait bien et avec ta modification comme disait pepite tous le monde il trouvera son compte
  23. iman

    Heating Manager

    merci pour ton travail
  24. iman

    Heating Manager

    dans l'ensemble je suis pas mal,il faut que j'affine les réglages pour la salle grande pièces 42 m2 avec plancher donc grande inertie, peut on supprimer les panneaux de chauffages ou du moins pour une pièce et l'inscrire les horaires dans la scène car il met impossible de mettre une consigne a partir de 20h et en suite une autre à 3h celle-ci ne bascule pas, un bug dans les panneaux ou alors je ne l'utilise pas correctement
  25. iman

    Heating Manager

    dans la scène : heatingCycle = 10 logLevel = 1 A quoi correspond le logLevel?
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