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Tout ce qui a été posté par sonnyboy
Hello All. Today my GEA 6.11 started to show this i the debug window, My lights wont light up anymore, i have not change anything Anybody knows what this means? 202 is a Fibaro motionsensor. got the same error message from all my "Fibaro motionsensors" Have tried to power cycle my HC without succsess. Everything else works just fine. [DEBUG] 14:22:28: Started by event of GEA 6.11 (mode property [202]) [DEBUG] 14:22:28: 2018-12-27 14:22:28.441243 [ fatal] Unknown exception: /opt/fibaro/scenes/305.lua:2058: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got number) Did a recovery and now everything works again
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@pepite Im on GEA 6.11 You nailed it, Now it works, thanks
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This is not working as expected, i se in debugwindow that the button is pushed 2 or 3 times but the VD only shows 1 time, perhaps GEA is to fast ? [DEBUG] 12:33:54: [Started] #41 [Time, ["12:33"]][VirtualDevice, [93,"2"]][VirtualDevice, [93,"2"]] [DEBUG] 12:50:45: [Started] #41 [Time, ["12:50"]][VirtualDevice, [93,"2"]][VirtualDevice, [93,"2"]][VirtualDevice, [93,"2"]]
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Hello Can anybody tell me how to push a VD button two times in a row in GEA Today my code looks like this, and i think there is a better way ;) GEA.add(true, 30, "", {{"Time", "06:13", "06:14"}, {"VirtualDevice", VD["CarHeater"], "2"}}) GEA.add(true, 30, "Change CarHeater Time +2 H", {{"Time", "06:15", "06:16"}, {"VirtualDevice", VD["CarHeater"], "2"}})
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@Steven Thanks for your reply, Your solution is what @Kristiano told me to do and it just works
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Solved Thanks @Kristiano It was the days in the VD that didnt match my language Now i must ask about my little problem, i have downloaded Gea Alarm VD and evertything seems ok but my Gea Alarm only works on saturdays, i have downloaded the VD again but the same problem, Does anybody have a clue what wrong? I have this little code i GEA for testing. And have all days activated in the VD --Alarm GEA.add({"Alarm", Alarm["GEA_Alarm"]}, 0, "Släcker dimmern", {{"turnOff", Elliot["Dimmer"]}})
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@Kristiano I have the same setup as you and i dont have any delays.
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Up and running with GEA 6.10 No delays on instant trigger. Nice Work @Steven and all others that make this possible
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I hade the same problem with API not found and 5 to 10 seconds delay on my motion sensors. Added the code from another topic and I worked again. And yes all my ID is correct and 1 global and it's correct.
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HC_ip/fibaro/en/wizard/?steps=hcname Sorry that was for FIBARO, not that name you want to change...
@pepite You need DanaLocks app or fibaros app, on fibaros i i can set "permissions" via users, like my youngest kid, he doesent see the DanaLocks in his phone but my oldest does
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@pepite The answer is [DEBUG] 13:50:33: Value of id 373 is: 0 Got the same value if i debug the master Id So i cant get true or false fibaro:debug("Value of id 373 is: "..fibaro:getValue(373, "value")) With your code [DEBUG] 14:14:47: Value danalock : 0
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@pepite Thanks for looking into this The command is very simple Commands to lock or unlock fibaro:call(373, "secure") fibaro:call(373, "unsecure") Debug on secure [DEBUG] 12:52:04: secure: 0 Unlocked [DEBUG] 12:53:31: Secure: 255 Locked Debug on value [DEBUG] 12:56:22: value: 0 Unlocked [DEBUG] 12:56:55: value: 1 Locked
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Hello @pepite Here it comes {"id":373,"name":"Ytterdörren","roomID":10,"type":"com.fibaro.doorLock","baseType":"com.fibaro.securityMonitoring","enabled":true,"visible":true,"isPlugin":false,"parentId":372,"remoteGatewayId":0,"interfaces":["battery","fibaroFirmwareUpdate","zwave","zwaveAlarm"],"properties":{"batteryLevel":96,"parameters":[],"pollingTimeSec":0,"zwaveCompany":"","zwaveInfo":"0,0,0","zwaveVersion":"0.0","alarmLevel":"0","alarmType":"0","batteryLowNotification":"true","configured":true,"dead":"false","defInterval":"0","deviceControlType":"0","deviceIcon":"79","emailNotificationID":"0","emailNotificationType":"0","endPointId":"0","firmwareUpdate":"{\"info\":\"\",\"progress\":0,\"status\":\"UpToDate\",\"updateVersion\":\"0.0\"}","liliOffCommand":"","liliOnCommand":"","log":"","logTemp":"","manufacturer":"","markAsDead":"true","maxInterval":"0","minInterval":"0","model":"","nodeId":"63","parametersTemplate":"0","productInfo":"","pushNotificationID":"0","pushNotificationType":"0","remoteGatewayId":"0","saveLogs":"true","secured":"0","serialNumber":"","smsNotificationID":"0","smsNotificationType":"0","stepInterval":"0","updateVersion":"","useTemplate":"false","userDescription":"","value":"false"},"actions":{"abortUpdate":1,"reconfigure":0,"retryUpdate":1,"secure":0,"setInterval":1,"startUpdate":1,"unsecure":0,"updateFirmware":1},"created":1508951312,"modified":1508951312,"sortOrder":201}
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@basklj I run GEA to with 4.140 and everything works as it should, or almost i cant get GEA to lock my frontdoor where i have the new Danaloc v3. if i make a VD and let GEA push buttons it works.
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Hello again, i just bought me a Danalock v3 now i just want to put it in my GEA but it desent work. I just want to secure the door at 22:00 but my snippet dont work, push woks but not the secure part, can someone take a look and tell me what im doing wrong? local Hallen = {DoorLock = 371} GEA.add(true, 30, "Frontdoor is now locked", {{"Time", "22:00", "22:01"}, {"secure", Hallen["DoorLock"]}})
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Hello I got a problem with my HC:2, when i do a restart or uprgade my system, my scenes dont start, sometimes it help to do a backup or reboot and the scenes start again, i had this problem a long time and dont know what the problem is, is it something that you have had and know how to fix it? If i push the "play" button on a scene i got 403 access denied Sorry if i wright in english
Im happy that it worked for you to Nice to give something back to this nice forum
I had this problem before and it helps just to press and hold button till it will blink
I got a strange problem, i got often to many instances on GEA, so change from 2 to 4 instances an push the save button. After that the scene is gone, when i manually write in scene 288 new scene apears, my GEA is gone, tried to save the backup that i had but only got error 403. This has happen two times now, only way to get GEA back is to restore a backup on the HC:2 Anyone else with this problem?
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When i did a backup on my system today GEA stopped to to work has anybody else that problem? I run 4.104 Beta. Otherwise my system feels so smood sens i migrated most of my scenes to GEA, Big thanks to all you that made this possible!
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When i use {"Scenario", 242} do i have to put anything up in the begining of the code? GEA.add({"Global-", "Sun", "1.3"}, 30, "", {{"Time", "13:00", "20:00"}, {"Days", "Weekday"}, {"Scenario", 242}}) Can i change {"Days", "Weekday"} to {"Days", "All"}?
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@ggpublic i must ask about your code snippet, should this do the same? GEA.add({"Global","Alarme","Off"},60,"",{{"turnOn",245},{"Time","21:30","21:35"},{"Days","Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday"},{"Portable", ipadFrigo},{"Portable", ipadMini}})
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@pepite thanks for the tip, This works excellent without repeat, should it not? GEA.add(SENSORS["Wc"], 3*60, "", {{"Inverse"}, {"turnOff", Wc["Tak"]}, {"Repeat"}}) Earth Hour Once a year we let the light turn off for one hour, just to save some energy If you want you can read about in here https://www.earthhour.org/ So if everything works the light will go off at 20:30 2017-03-25 and back on again 21:30
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i post my little setup here, perhaps others that just started have like me second thoughts, this is BIG but with help from this forum everything works All the comment is in Swedish Earth Hour is from Robert on Swedish zwaveforum.se, slightly modified, i have deleted sonos in mine, Source here http://zwaveforum.se/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=5463&start=320#p18258 --[[ %% autostart %% properties 202 value 228 value %% globals Sun --]] local Alicia = {Window = 36} local Oliver = {Dimmer = 267} local Elliot = {Dimmer = 274, Elliot_Skrivbord = 300} local BedRoom = {Sonny_Laddare = 37, Erika_Laddare = 288} local Farstukvist = {Tak = 276} local Wc = {Tak = 66} local Laundry_Room = {Tak = 51} local Kitchen = {KaffeBryggare = 272, Window = 250} local LivingRoom = {Hemma_Bio = 42, Tv = 43, Wii = 44, Bakom_Tv = 45, Bakom_Soffa = 269} local SENSORS = {Wc = 202, Laundry_Room = 228} local VD = {AllmanBelysning = 240, BarnensBelysning = 193, Garaget_Stolpe = 76} -- v 5.42 function setEvents() --Barnens belysning --Starta lamporna när globala variablen är 1.3 eller mindre och klockan är mellan 13:00-18:50 släck vid 19 tiden. GEA.add({"Global-", "Sun", "1.3"}, 30, "", {{"Time", "13:00", "18:50"}, {"VirtualDevice", VD["BarnensBelysning"], "1"}})--Tryck på knapp 1 på VD 193 GEA.add(true, 30, "", {{"Time", "19:00", "19:02"}, {"VirtualDevice", VD["BarnensBelysning"], "2"}})--Tryck på knapp 2 på VD 193 GEA.add(true, 30, "", {{"Time", "06:45", "06:46"}, {"turnOff", Elliot["Dimmer"]}}) --UteBelysningen GEA.add({"Global-", "Sun", "0.7"}, 30, "", {{"turnOn", Farstukvist["Tak"]}}) GEA.add({"Global-", "Sun", "0.7"}, 30, "", {{"VirtualDevice", VD["Garaget_Stolpe"], "1"}}) GEA.add({"Global+", "Sun", "0.8"}, 30, "", {{"turnOff", Farstukvist["Tak"]}}) GEA.add({"Global+", "Sun", "0.8"}, 30, "", {{"VirtualDevice", VD["Garaget_Stolpe"], "2"}}) -- Tänder Wc vid rörelse och Släcker GEA.add(SENSORS["Wc"], -1, "", {{"Time", "05:01", "22:30"}, {"Value", Wc["Tak"], 99}}) GEA.add(SENSORS["Wc"], -1, "", {{"Time", "22:31", "05:00"}, {"Value", Wc["Tak"], 30}}) GEA.add(SENSORS["Wc"], 3*60, "", {{"Inverse"}, {"turnOff", Wc["Tak"]}}) -- Tänder Tvättstugan vid rörelse och Släcker GEA.add(SENSORS["Laundry_Room"], -1, "", {{"Time", "00:00", "23:59"},{"turnOn", Laundry_Room["Tak"]}}) GEA.add(SENSORS["Laundry_Room"], 5*60, "", {{"Inverse"}, {"turnOff", Laundry_Room["Tak"]}}) --Vardagsrummet --Standby killer Off GEA.add(true, 30, "", {{"Time", "06:30", "06:31"}, {"turnOn", LivingRoom["Hemma_Bio"]}, {"turnOn", LivingRoom["Tv"]}, {"turnOn", LivingRoom["Wii"]}}) --Standby killer On GEA.add(true, 30, "", {{"Time", "01:30", "01:31"}, {"turnOff", LivingRoom["Hemma_Bio"]}, {"turnOff", LivingRoom["Tv"]}, {"turnOff", LivingRoom["Wii"]}}) --Köket GEA.add({"Sensor+", Kitchen["KaffeBryggare"], 50}, 40*60, "Stänger av Kaffebryggaren #time#", {{"turnOff", Kitchen["kaffeBryggare"]},{"Portable"}}) --Sovrummet --Starta laddare GEA.add(true, 30, "", {{"Time", "22:00", "22:01"}, {"turnOn", BedRoom["Sonny_Laddare"]}, {"turnOn", BedRoom["Erika_Laddare"]}}) --Laddare av GEA.add(true, 30, "", {{"Time", "06:00", "06:01"}, {"turnOff", BedRoom["Sonny_Laddare"]}, {"turnOff", BedRoom["Erika_Laddare"]}}) --Morgonbelysning om sol är mindre än 1 GEA.add({"Global-", "Sun", "1.0"}, 30, "", {{"Time", "05:30", "12:50"}, {"Days", "Weekday"}, {"turnOn", LivingRoom["Bakom_Soffa"]}, {"turnOn", LivingRoom["Bakom_Tv"]}, {"turnOn", Kitchen["Window"]}}) GEA.add({"Global-", "Sun", "1.0"}, 30, "", {{"Time", "07:30", "12:50"}, {"Days", "Weekend"}, {"turnOn", LivingRoom["Bakom_Soffa"]}, {"turnOn", LivingRoom["Bakom_Tv"]}, {"turnOn", Kitchen["Window"]}}) GEA.add({"Global+", "Sun", "1.1"}, 30, "", {{"Time", "05:46", "12:52"}, {"turnOff", LivingRoom["Bakom_Soffa"]}, {"turnOff", LivingRoom["Bakom_Tv"]}, {"turnOff", Kitchen["Window"]}}) -- Earth Hour - Datum fram till 2020. -- Notis via push och Sonos om att Earth Hour börjar om 30 min. GEA.add (true, 30, "Earth Hour börjar om 30 minuter. Förbered levande ljus ifall ni vill se något i mörkret :)", {{"If", {{"Global", "Status", "Hemma"}}}, {"Dates", "25/03/2017", "25/03/2017"}, {"Dates", "31/03/2018", "31/03/2018"}, {"Dates", "30/03/2019", "30/03/2019"}, {"Dates", "28/03/2020", "28/03/2020"}, {"Time", "20:00", "20:01"}}) -- Sätter den globala variabeln till aktivt läge, 1. GEA.add (true, 30, "", {{"If", {{"Global", "Status", "Hemma"}}}, {"Dates", "25/03/2017", "25/03/2017"}, {"Dates", "31/03/2018", "31/03/2018"}, {"Dates", "30/03/2019", "30/03/2019"}, {"Dates", "28/03/2020", "28/03/2020"}, {"Time", "20:30", "20:31"}, {"Global", "EarthHour", "1"}}) -- Påbörjar Earth Hour. Släcker alla lampor, pushar ut notis på mobiler och Sonos. GEA.add ({"Global", "EarthHour", "1"}, -1, "Earth Hour påbörjad. Avslutas 21:30.", {{"If", {{"Global", "Status", "Hemma"}}}, {"Dates", "25/03/2017", "25/03/2017"}, {"Dates", "31/03/2018", "31/03/2018"}, {"Dates", "30/03/2019", "30/03/2019"}, {"Dates", "28/03/2020", "28/03/2020"}, {"Time", "20:30", "20:31"}, {"VirtualDevice", VD["AllmanBelysning"], "2"}}) -- Sätter den globala variabeln till inaktivt läge, 0. GEA.add (true, 30, "", {{"If", {{"Global", "Status", "Hemma"}}}, {"Dates", "25/03/2017", "25/03/2017"}, {"Dates", "31/03/2018", "31/03/2018"}, {"Dates", "30/03/2019", "30/03/2019"}, {"Dates", "28/03/2020", "28/03/2020"}, {"Time", "21:30", "21:31"}, {"Global", "EarthHour", "0"}}) -- Avslutar Earth Hour. Tänder lamporna igen, pushar ut notis på mobiler och Sonos. GEA.add ({"Global", "EarthHour", "0"}, -1, "Earth Hour avslutad. Lamporna tänds.", {{"If", {{"Global", "Status", "Hemma"}}}, {"Dates", "25/03/2017", "25/03/2017"}, {"Dates", "31/03/2018", "31/03/2018"}, {"Dates", "30/03/2019", "30/03/2019"}, {"Dates", "28/03/2020", "28/03/2020"}, {"Time", "21:30", "21:31"}, {"VirtualDevice", VD["AllmanBelysning"], "1"}}) end