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    Trnava, Slovaia
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  1. I did it. I have QA for local connection with HC3 and Goodwe series like in Homeassistance for ET, EM and DT series.. If you want QA contact me with message on forum
  2. I have it . I have first experimental QA. If you somebody o want I will send you but I need help with by finding out where it is given individually in the packets found in the case of how to calculate them. I have SOC, PV1, PV2 and temperatures..
  3. Hello, I have a Goodwe EM3648-EM converter. I installed Homeassistance (HA) for data. I have HC3 fibaro and I would like to have some data in fibaro. HA communicates with the inverter via UDP and reading data directly from the inverter every 5 seconds. I started testing the communication via shark and found that HA is sending a command to Goodwe - aa55c07f0106000245. I use some QA for UDP comunication in HC3 . The result is that QA command: string.char(0xaa,0x55,0xc0,0x7f,0x01,0x02,0x00,0x02,0x41) ["�U�\u0001�M1111EGW3648-EM ����������������93648EMU18AW00333600410-04000-11 410-02034-14\u0018\u001F�","�U�\u0001�M1111EGW3648-EM ����������������93648EMU18AW00333600410-04000-11 410-02034-14\u0018\u001F�","�U�\u0001�M1111EGW3648-EM ����������������93648EMU18AW00333600410-04000-11 410-02034-14\u0018\u001F�","�U�\u0001�M1111EGW3648-EM ����������������93648EMU18AW00333600410-04000-11 410-02034-14\u0018\u001F�","�U�\u0001�M1111EGW3648-EM ����������������93648EMU18AW00333600410-04000-11 410-02034-14\u0018\u001F�","�U�\u0001�M1111EGW3648-EM ����������������93648EMU18AW00333600410-04000-11 410-02034-14\u0018\u001F�"] string.char(0xaa,0x55,0xc0,0x7f,0x01,0x06,0x00,0x02,0x45) send data to HC3 in same format but long data. ( attachment aa.odt) . Data have format tarting 5C75303030 and after is parameter I thing. I'm not that good at programming anymore, but maybe it will help someone, in case it helps to do basic QA for getting data from the inverter, similar to homeassistance. In attachment is QA which get data from inverter. Some document or links which can help.: - - - - - aa.odt udp_Goodwe.fqa
  4. I would like to ask you for a little help. I will try to create QA with child devices. QA which will be monitor PV consumption converter and create CHILD devices. It will be monitoring FVE only 2 parameters (panel production and battery status). I created 2 child devices in QA, but I have no idea how to update parameters in childs. I can't even override in childs QA value, unit, log. I'm making a mistake somewhere Where should I write the function and where should I initialize it and how to change parameters in childs devices. Can you help me? FVE.txt
  5. Thank you very much!!!
  6. HI, I would like to 2. ask pleasse help me. 1. It possible to change the text, value of a label field in some QA with start function (button) in another QA? this is not working, self:updateView("label", "text", "Good day")) 2. How can I run QA with with start function (button) in another QA? Thanks.
  7. martin7462


    thank you but i'm not a programmer so i guess I can't do it alone.
  8. martin7462


    Someone can't help. I'm trying to change my simple VD to QA in HC3 where the countdown starts for a defined time. The countdown works. In HC2 it worked in HC3 I can't set it. But: I can't stop it with another button during the countdown. How to interrupt, stop the countdown in HC3 LUA? Can't you help with LUA adjustment? I was trying it in the lines 12-15 but doesnot work. I can interrupt the function during startup. QA in Attachment. Thanks. LUA: function QuickApp:onInit() timer2 = self:getVariable("timer2") timer = tonumber(self:getVariable("timer")) self.counter = timer*10 if timer == -1 then self:debug("SET TIME") self:updateView("label1", "text", "SET TIME") end while self.counter > 0 do if self:getVariable("timer") == "-1" then self:debug("STOP") self:updateView("label1", "text", "STOP") break else self:updateView("label1", "text", "START") self.counter = self.counter -1; self:debug(self.counter) hub.sleep(1000) self:updateView("label2", "text", "remaining time: " ..self.counter) end end if self.counter ==0 then self:setVariable("timer", "-1") self:updateView("label", "text", "SET TIME: 0s") self:updateView("label1", "text", "STOP") self:updateView("label2", "text", " remaining times: 0 s") end self:debug("QuickApp:onInit") end -- set 10s function QuickApp:Button10s() self:setVariable("timer", "1") self:updateView("label", "text", " SET: 10s") self:updateView("label1", "text", "Waiting") end -- button STOP function QuickApp:STOP() self:setVariable("timer2", "-1") self:updateView("label5", "text", "SET TIME: 0s") self:updateView("label4", "text", "STOPPED") end Counter (5).fqa
  9. Finally zigbee we're going to try
  10. hello very well thank you.
  11. Hi every one, I'm Martin from Slovakia. I have Fibaro HC2 home automation with lights, sockets, blinds, home heating on products Fibaro , Neocoolcam and some VD such as air conditioning Dainkin, energy consumption, sprinler lawn atc. I'm just trying to move everything to HC3 Best regards Martin
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