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Thank you very much for as always quick and superb replies
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Hi two question: is it possible to use the "local id" field to define other things than a device ID? eg. parameter values. is if possible to use e.g. global+ and compare to another variable? e.g. GEA.add({"Global+", "VariableA", "VarableB", 30, "" { **do some fun things***}) i also have some problems with this one if anyone can figure of the issue it would be much appricated GEA.add({{"Global", "Driftlage", "Övervakning"},{"Value+", id["Flodesvakt"], 250}, {"Value+", id["Sandfilter"], 0.65},{"Value-", id["Sandfilter"], 0.9}, {"Value+", id["Ph"], 7},{"Value-", id["Ph"], 7.8}, {"Value+", id["Redox"], 599},{"Value-", id["Redox"], 750}}, 30, "", {{"Global", "Paminnelse", "0"}, {"Repeat"}}) it is not validated even though Flodesvakt=300, Sandfilter=0.71 , Ph=7.41 and Redox = 619 Best regards, Daniel
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Hi all wonderful people. does anyone know if it is possible to do some easy math in GEA for example: * i would like to turn on a fan if the temperature indoors is above 25 degrees but the air outside is atleast 2 lower * or if the current measurement on my pressure gauge is 1.x times higher than yesterday (logged as a variable) * temp in room A is 5 degrees higher than in room B? Best regards, Daniel
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Thanks again @lazer found that thanks to you once again! Best regards, Daniel
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It's so hard to search for old discussions on GEA but if i remember correctly it is possible to use local variables within GEA but i cant find any clue on how to do it. I am wrong or could anyone tell me how to do this?
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Thank you very much @Lazer
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Hi all, a maybe basic question is it possible to use ">" or "<" with global variables or is there a better way to solve the problem. I am using some timer e.g. if it is nighttime and any outdoor lights is on, turn them of after 5 min if any door i opened or movement during night, turn on lights and reset the counter GEA.add ({"Global", "time of day", "night"}, 30, "", {"Global", "outdoor night timer", "inc+"}) GEA.add({618}, -1, "", {"Global", "outdoor night timer", "0"}) GEA.add({425}, -1, "", {"Global", "outdoor night timer", "0"}) GEA.add({553}, -1, "", {"Global", "outdoor night timer", "0"}) GEA.add({601}, -1, "", {"Global", "outdoor night timer", "0"}) GEA.add ({"Global", "outdoor night timer", >10}, -1, "", {"Turnoff", 620, 659, 362})
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DEAR all, I am trying to migrate to HC3 but have porblems with this new GEA. I hope i have added some lines on the correct places but i do get the following error /warning as you see it didn't add line 23 nor do i see that it runs every 30 sec. Ps. was the language selection removed? I cant find it anymore
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Thank you@pepite The idea is to use the counter to check an array of triggers if any of them starts reset the counter different amount of time. when all conditions are fulfilled execute something. eg. if outdoor motion sensor detects light reset the timer to -3 min but if the phones arrive at home reset the timer to -10 min.
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Dear all, I have searched and searched without finding any answer to if it is possible to have local 'variables' in GEA that can be used with the inc+ function. Any one that can help out with a answer? Best regards, Daniel --anyone awake? GEA.add({{id["VardagsrumPIR"]},{"Global", "Solen", "Sen kväll"}}, -1, "", {{"Global", "VaknaCounter", "0"},{"Repeat"}}) -- if movement in livingroom restart timer GEA.add({{id["HallPIR"]},{"Global", "Solen", "Sen kväll"}}, -1, "", {{"Global", "VaknaCounter", "0"},{"Repeat"}}) -- if movement in hallway restart timer GEA.add({{"Power+", id["TV"], 50}}, 60, "", {{"Global", "VaknaCounter", "0"},{"Repeat"}}) -- -- if the TV is on restart timer GEA.add({{id["VardagsrumDorr"]},{"Global", "Solen", "Sen kväll"}}, -1, "", {{"Global", "VaknaCounter", "0"},{"Repeat"}}) -- if the door to the pavio is open restart timer GEA.add({{id["HallLampa"]},{"Global", "Solen", "Sen kväll"}}, 5*60, "", {{"Global", "VaknaCounter", "0"},{"Repeat"}}) --if lights are on in Hallway restart timer GEA.add({{id["Sovrum1Lampa"]},{"Global", "Solen", "Sen kväll"}}, 5*60, "", {{"Global", "VaknaCounter", "0"},{"Repeat"}}) --if lights are on in masterbedroom restart timer GEA.add({{id["SoffbordLampa"]},{"Global", "Solen", "Sen kväll"}}, 5*60, "", {{"Global", "VaknaCounter", "0"},{"Repeat"}}) --if lights are on by the couch restart timer --Are we asleep local ljusstyrning = GEA.add({"Global", "Solen", "Sen kväll"}, 60, "", {{"Global", "VaknaCounter", "inc+"},{"Repeat"}}) -- count up every minute local ljusstyrning2 = GEA.add({"Global+", "VaknaCounter", "15"}, -1, "", {{"Global", "Vakna", "Stilla"},{"Scenario", id["ManSlack"]},{"Global", "VaknaCounter", "0"}}) --then counting reached 15 define night and turn of all remaining lights etc. GEA.add({"Global", "Ljusstyrning", "Gäster/Man"}, 30, "", {{"StopTask", ljusstyrning},{"StopTask", ljusstyrning2}}) -- if we have guests keep all lights on GEA.add({"Global", "Ljusstyrning", "Auto"}, 30, "", {{"RestartTask", ljusstyrning},{"RestartTask", ljusstyrning2}}) ---reaktivate light management
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Thank you all for great help now my Gea works as it should with some 40 functions For my next function i am wondering if there is any possibility to use randomization ( i know true randomization is impossible). The idea is that if the alarm system is armed then during the late night run a couple of parallel functions at "random" times between 21:45-23:00, turning off different groups of lights in each function. eg. Monday/day 1 -- 22:06 turn off Lights 1-3, 22:16 turn of lights 4-6, 22:59 turn off lights 7-10 Tuesday/day 2 -- 21:46 turn off Lights 7-10, 22:08 turn of lights 4-6, 22:22 turn off lights 1-3 Any brilliant ideas or solutions? Best regards, Daniel
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Thank you very much @Steven, For me there was never any hurry but i sincerely appreciate all the time you have put into both developing GEA and for the support you give The new code looks like it is working as it should! I quite often envy those that have the same discipline as you, and not having the computer at home working evenings and weekends...
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Dear @Steven, unfortionatly the log shows that each time i get movement it interperate the code as seting the varible to night instead of if night GEA.add(id["FramsidePIR"], -1, "", { {"Global", "Solen", "Natt"}, --if nighttime {"TurnOn", { id["UppfartenLampa"], id["EntreLampa"], id["GangLampa"] }} -- turn on lights } ) Best regards, Daniel
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Dear @Steven, Thank you for the explanation! I will correct this in the code and give it a new try
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Dear @pepite, Thank you so much for helping me out with this. Line 1921 is " message:gsub("({.-})", function(c) " from section " message:gsub("({.-})", function(c) local d = tools.split(c:gsub("{", ""):gsub("}", ""), ",") for i = 1, #d do d = tools.trim(d) if (tools.isNumber(d)) then d = tonumber(d) elseif (d:lower()=="true") then d = true elseif (d:lower()=="false") then d = false end end local res = GEA.getOption(d).getValue() if (type(res) == "nil") then res = "n/a" end message = message:gsub(c, tostring(res)) end) " Regarding Lux meter 167, I had it in the heading to collect the data but not started adding the code yet, so removing it and only adding the once i have a function ready for solved that one Are these correct functions? got a little confused with the multiple conditions structure with PIR activation: --Turn on outdoor lights on front side of the house PIR dependent during the night and turn of 5 min later GEA.add(id["FramsidePIR"], -1, "", {{"Global", "Solen", "Natt"}}, {{"turnOn", id["EntreLampa"]}, {"turnOn", id["UppfartenLampa"]},{"turnOn", id["GangLampa"]}}) -- when PIR notice movement, but only during night time, turn on 3 lamps GEA.add(id["FramsidePIR"], 5*60, "", {{"Global", "Solen", "Natt"}}, {{"turnOff", id["EntreLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["UppfartenLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["GangLampa"]}}) -- 5 min after the movement stops, still only during night time, turn of the affected lamps --Outdoor Lightning -- get variable Sun='Solen' through the day using timers to avoid LUX meters to activete the light on inproper times GEA.add( {{"Time", "05:00", "05:02"}}, 30 , {{"Global", "Solen", "Gryning"}}) - check every 30 sec and if time is between 05:00-05:02 state that it is twilight in the global variable GEA.add( {{"Time", "09:00", "09:02"}}, 30 , {{"Global", "Solen", "Dag"}, {"Global", "Pool", "Släck"}}) -- check every 30 sec and if time is between 09:00-09:02 state that it is daytime and the the pool light variable should be set to off GEA.add( {{"Time", "14:00", "14:02"}}, 30 , {{"Global", "Solen", "Eftermiddag"}}) GEA.add( {{"Time", "22:00", "22:02"}}, 30 , {{"Global", "Solen", "Sen kväll"}}) -- Control Variable 'Sun' (Solen)with LUX meeters morning and afternoon GEA.add( {{"Value+", id["FramsidanLUX"], 150} , {"Global", "Solen", "Gryning"}}, 30 , {{"Global", "Pool", "Släck"}, {"turnOFF", id["EntreLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["UppfartenLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["GangLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["AltanLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["PoolLampa"]}, {"Global", "Solen", "Dag"}}) --check every 30 sec and if the lux is above 150 and it is twilight turn of a bunch of lamps and state that it is daytime and pool lights off GEA.add( {{"Value+", id["BaksidanLUX"], 150} , {"Global", "Solen", "Gryning"}}, 30 , {{"Global", "Pool", "Släck"}, {"turnOFF", id["EntreLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["UppfartenLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["GangLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["AltanLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["PoolLampa"]}, {"Global", "Solen", "Dag"}}) -- same as above but on the other side of the house GEA.add( {{"Value-", id["FramsidanLUX"], 25} , {"Global", "Solen", "Eftermiddag"}}, 30, {{"Global", "Pool", "Tänd"}, {"turnOn", id["EntreLampa"]}, {"turnOn", id["UppfartenLampa"]}, {"turnOn", id["GangLampa"]}, {"turnOn", id["AltanLampa"]}, {"Global", "Solen", "Kväll"}}) ----check every 30 sec and if the lux is below 25 and it is afternoon turn on a bunch of lamps and state that it is evening and pool lights on GEA.add( {{"Value-", id["BaksidanLUX"], 25} , {"Global", "Solen", "Eftermiddag"}}, 30, {{"Global", "Pool", "Tänd"}, {"turnOn", id["EntreLampa"]}, {"turnOn", id["UppfartenLampa"]}, {"turnOn", id["GangLampa"]}, {"turnOn", id["AltanLampa"]}, {"Global", "Solen", "Kväll"}})
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Thank you @Steven and @pepite , The link to the new verion worked exelent and i have now change to that one. and with the explanation of multiple arguments for the new verion i have now started to clean up my functions. Unfortunately i may have done something wrong again of found a bug is i get this error in the "do not touch" code. Also ID 167 is my LUX sensor in the garage and at the moment is indicates zero but according to the event log if is operational and changes regularly. Best Regards, Daniel
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Dear all, I have resently started trying to transfeer som 30 scenes into GEA but i do not really understand a couple of things * how do i add multiple If arguments? E.g. when PIR is activated and Variable x is Y and Varible XX is YY then do this. * similar when both the PIR, door sensor and garagedoor tilt sensor should be safe for x min before turning the lights of. I have tried to do this in the following code but somehow only some commands are working and i can not understand what i am doing wrong Any help of pointing into the right direction would be very appreciated! Best regards! Daniel Ps. i have added the whole start just if i have messed up already in the initiation of GEA... PPS. anyone that can send me the latest version? the link to 6.11 in the GEA thread does not seem to work for me. --[[ %% autostart %% properties 8 value 9 value 33 value 79 value 89 value 91 value 98 value 158 value 167 value 169 value 170 value 172 value 187 value 222 value 224 value %% globals Solen Vakna --]] -- v 5.42 -- ================================================== -- GEA : Gestionnaire d'Evénements Automatique -- ================================================== -- [FR] Scénario permettant de contrôler si un périphérique est -- activé depuis trop longtemps ou lancer un push d'avertissement. -- Ce scénario permet une annotation plus simple que le code LUA -- il nécessite néanmoins quelques connaissances. -- -- [EN] This scene allow you to check every X second the status -- of a module and send actions if the module is activated since too long. -- This scene allow you a more simple annotation than LUA -- it requires some knowledge -- -- Auteur : Steven P. with modifications of Hansolo and Shyrka973 -- Version : 5.42 -- Special Thanks to : -- jompa68, Fredric, Diuck, Domodial, moicphil, lolomail, byackee, -- JossAlf, Did, sebcbien, chris6783, tibahut and all other guy from Domotique-fibaro.fr -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Historique / History -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- L'historique complet est diponible ici / the full history is available here : -- http://www.domotique-fibaro.fr/index.php/topic/1082-gea-gestionnaire-dévénements-automatique/?p=12428 local id = { --Framsidan FramsidanLUX = 224 , EntreLampa = 25 , FramsidePIR = 222 , UppfartenLampa = 302 , GangLampa = 31 , Siren = 228 , -- Baksidan BaksidanLUX = 172 , AltanLampa = 19 , PoolLampa = 39 , BaksidanPIR = 170 , --Vardagsrum VardagsrumPIR = 98 , TV = 187 , VrumLampa = 306 , SoffbordLampa = 5 , FonsterLampa = 158 , Luftvarmepump = 28 , --KÖK MatbordLampa = 211 , DiskbankLampa = 213 , --Tvättstuga TvattstugaLampa = 29 , TvattstugaPIR = 89 , TvattstugaLUX = 91 , --Hall HallLampa = 44 , HallPIR = 79 , SovrumsBrandlarm = 9 , KoksBrandlarm = 8 , --Sovrum 1 - vuxna Sovrum1Lampa = 208 , --Sovrum 2 Barn Sovrum2Lampa = 197 , --Badrum --Krypgrund KrypgrundLampa = 209 , --Garage GaragePIR = 165 , GarageLUX = 167 , Garageport = 158 , GarageLampa = 301 , GarageBrandlarm = 33 , --Pumprum PumprumTemp = 41 , } -- Paramétrage de GEA / GEA configuration function config() GEA.isVersionFour = true -- On est en version 4.017 Beta ou supérieure / GEA.language = "EN" -- Votre langue : FR (default) / Your language : EN GEA.checkEvery = 30 -- On vérifie toutes les X secondes (default : 30) / Check every X seconds GEA.portables = {179} -- Liste des portables devant recevoir une notification {70, 71} / Smartphones you want to be notified GEA.debug = false -- Affichage des traces dans la console (default : false) / Show trace in the debug window -- GEA.getGlobalForActivation = {"SuspendreGEA", "non"} -- active ou désactive l'exécution de GEA via une variable globale / active or deactive GEA execution with a global variable -- GEA.catchError = false GEA.optimize = GEA.typeOptimize["IMMEDIATE_ONLY"] -- option : GEA.typeOptimize["NONE"], GEA.typeOptimize["IMMEDIATE_ONLY"], GEA.typeOptimize["ALL"] -- permet d'optimiser les soucis liés au getName et getRoom de fibaro mais n'affiche plus le nom des modules concernés. end -- Ajouter ici les événements à exécuter / Add here events to schedule -- Une liste d'exemples est disponible dans un fichier annexe samples.lua / A samples list is available in another file called samples.lua function setEvents() --Outdoor Lightning -- get variable Sun='Solen' through the day using timers to avoid LUX meters to activete the light on inproper times GEA.add(true, 30, "", { {"Time", "05:00", "05:02"}, {"Global", "Solen", "Gryning"} } ) GEA.add(true, 30, "", { {"Time", "09:00", "09:02"}, {"Global", "Solen", "Dag"}, {"Global", "Pool", "Släck"} } ) GEA.add(true, 30, "", { {"Time", "14:00", "14:02"}, {"Global", "Solen", "Eftermiddag"} } ) GEA.add(true, 30, "", { {"Time", "22:00", "22:02"}, {"Global", "Solen", "Sen kväll"} } ) -- Control Variable 'Sun' (Solen)with LUX meeters morning and afternoon GEA.add(id["FramsidanLUX"], -1, "", { {"If" ,{ {"Value+", id["FramsidanLUX"], 150} } }, {"IF", { {"Global", "Solen", "Gryning"} } }, {"Global", "Pool", "Släck"}, {"turnOFF", id["EntreLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["UppfartenLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["GangLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["AltanLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["PoolLampa"]}, {"Global", "Solen", "Dag"} } ) GEA.add(id["BaksidanLUX"], -1, "", {{"If" ,{{"Value+", id["BaksidanLUX"], 150}}}, {"IF", {{"Global", "Solen", "Gryning"}}}, {"Global", "Pool", "Släck"},{"turnOFF", id["EntreLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["UppfartenLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["GangLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["AltanLampa"]},{"turnOff", id["PoolLampa"]}, {"Global", "Solen", "Dag"}}) GEA.add(id["FramsidanLUX"], -1, "", {{"If" ,{{"Value-", id["FramsidanLUX"], 25}}}, {"IF", {{"Global", "Solen", "Eftermiddag"}}}, {"Global", "Pool", "Tänd"},{"turnOn", id["EntreLampa"]}, {"turnOn", id["UppfartenLampa"]}, {"turnOn", id["GangLampa"]}, {"turnOn", id["AltanLampa"]}}) GEA.add(id["BaksidanLUX"], -1, "", {{"If" ,{{"Value-", id["BaksidanLUX"], 25}}}, {"IF", {{"Global", "Solen", "Eftermiddag"}}}, {"Global", "Pool", "Tänd"}, {"turnOn", id["EntreLampa"]}, {"turnOn", id["UppfartenLampa"]}, {"turnOn", id["GangLampa"]}, {"turnOn", id["AltanLampa"]}}) --Turn on Lights at Sunset GEA.add(true, 30, "", { {"Time", "Sunset+15", "Sunset+20"}, {"Global", "Solen", "Kväll"}, {"Global", "Pool", "Tänd"}, {"turnOn", id["EntreLampa"]}, {"turnOn", id["UppfartenLampa"]}, {"turnOn", id["GangLampa"]}, {"turnOn", id["AltanLampa"]} } ) --Turn of Lights at 22.00 if no motion indoors and lights/TV is turned of (Varable 'Vakna'=awake GEA.add(true, 30, "", { {"If", { "Global", "Vakna", "Stilla"}, { { "Time", "22:00", "22:02"}, {"Global", "Solen", "Natt"}, {"Global", "Pool", "Släck"}, {"turnOFF", id["EntreLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["UppfartenLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["GangLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["AltanLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["PoolLampa"]}, {"Global", "Solen", "Natt"} } } } ) -- Turn of outdoor light if they are on during wrong hours GEA.add(true, 15*60, "", {{"If", { "Global", "Solen", "Dag"}, {"Global", "Pool", "Släck"}, {"turnOFF", id["EntreLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["UppfartenLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["GangLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["AltanLampa"]},{"turnOff", id["PoolLampa"]}}}) GEA.add(true, 15*60, "", {{"If", { "Global", "Solen", "Eftermiddag"}, {"Global", "Pool", "Släck"}, {"turnOFF", id["EntreLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["UppfartenLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["GangLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["AltanLampa"]},{"turnOff", id["PoolLampa"]}}}) GEA.add(true, 30*60, "", {{"If", { "Global", "Solen", "Natt"}, {"Global", "Pool", "Släck"}, {"turnOFF", id["EntreLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["UppfartenLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["GangLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["AltanLampa"]},{"turnOff", id["PoolLampa"]}}}) --Turn on outdoor lights weekdays at wake up time GEA.add(true, 30, "", {{"If", {"Global", "Solen", "Gryning"}, {{"Time", "05:45", "05:47"}, {"Days", "Weekday"}, {"turnOn", id["EntreLampa"]}, {"turnOn", id["UppfartenLampa"]}, {"turnOn", id["GangLampa"]}}}}) --Turn on outdoor lights on front side of the house PIR dependent during the night and turn of 5 min later GEA.add(id["FramsidePIR"], -1, "", {{"If",{{"Global", "Solen", "Natt"}}}, {"turnOn", id["EntreLampa"]}, {"turnOn", id["UppfartenLampa"]},{"turnOn", id["GangLampa"]}}) GEA.add(id["FramsidePIR"], 5*60, "", {{"If",{{"Global", "Solen", "Natt"}}}, {"turnOff", id["EntreLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["UppfartenLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["GangLampa"]}}) --Turn on outdoor lights on rear side of the house PIR dependent during the night and turn of 5 min later GEA.add(id["BaksidanPIR"], -1, "", {{"If",{{"Global", "Solen", "Natt"}}}, {"turnOn", id["AltanLampa"]}, {"turnOn", id["GangLampa"]}}) -- something wrong here ** GEA.add(id["BaksidanPIR"], 5*60, "", {{"Inverse"}, {{"If",{"Global", "Solen", "Natt"}, {"turnOff", id["AltanLampa"]}, {"turnOff", id["GangLampa"]}}}) --Lights Garage --Turn on Lights if movement in the Garage ??How do i add the two Garagedoors?? GEA.add(id["GaragePIR"], -1, "", {{"turnOn", id["GarageLampa"]}}) GEA.add(id["GaragePIR"], 5*60, "", {{"Inverse"}, {"Time", "23:00", "Sunrise"}, {"turnOff", id["GarageLampa"]}}) --Lights rear entrece -- is the room already bright? GEA.add(id["TvattstugaLUX"], -1, "", {{"If" ,{{"Value-", id["TvattstugaLUX"], 50}}}, {"Global", "tvattljus", "Mork"}}) GEA.add(id["TvattstugaLUX"], 1*60, "", {{"If" ,{{"Value+", id["TvattstugaLUX"], 75}}}, {"Global", "tvattljus", "Ljus"}}) -- if the room is dark and there is movement turn on the lights for 5 min GEA.add(id["TvattstugaPIR"], -1, "", {{"If",{{"Global", "tvattljus", "Mork"}}, {"turnOn", id["TvattstugaLampa"]}}}) GEA.add(id["TvattstugaPIR"], 5*60, "", {{"Inverse"}, {"turnOff", id["TvattstugaLampa"]}}) end
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Also I have found my way here...
Forall a répondu à un(e) sujet de Forall dans Nouveau ? Présentez-vous
Thank you! -
Hi everyone and thanks for what seems to be the golden place to improve my home automation. Hi i am a happy DIY home automation kind of a person. I try to improve both my programming skills (that was almost non existent when i started) and try to get a functional and fun house. (according to my wife though not everything is improvements though ) I hope to reach the level where i can be of support as well for others my system: HC2, 9 built in power switches (double), 1 built in power switch single, 2 dimmers, 4 door sensors, 4 multi motion sensors, siren, 3 smoke alarms, 1 power strip, 2 fibaro universal sensors, 1 garage door sensor, 1 plug in power switch