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Hello @ MAM78 , I agree with you and basically I just wanted to give a feedback wrt my observations. As mentioned, I use only outdoor cams and the PIR sensors are just doing fine for my own intentions. I was actually looking for a simple tool that allows me to use the parameters / variables in my HC2. Your VD is doing it right now. That's great. Yes, I was just struggling to get back to the place where I have made my little translations and did not remember that they are similar to both. looks much better now . Cheers Lodi
....it is not as easy as I thought. (On any server) I can only switch the recording (on/Off) when the detection source is set to "disabled". For the two other options (camera and surv. station) it is not possible to stop or start the recording (see images).
Oh oui, j'en suis sûre (traduction par Google)
....just have changed the recording from continuous to customized, and now the switch to start/stop recording works fine for both servers . Same is for switching between event detection..
@MAM78 Many Thanks' for your reply. Not sure for whatever reason the IDs did not show up but initially, but finally I have managed to get them. I remember I also had to adjust the privileges of the Synology user and maybe this explains why the IDs were not available in the first place. Yes, indeed to test the "Home Mode" status is certainly another -more elegant- option. I will consider to adjust my scenes accordingly. I was also thinking about the installation of a second VD/SSM scene, but were not sure about the consequences and which globals would have to be adjusted. Thanks for your hints. Alternatively I will make the bigger step and buy myself another camera licence to move all three cams to one server. I have currently only outdoor cams and basically want to record all around the clock. I keep all data for 30 days and have reserved the required diskspace. So, this works all fine for me. But I will try to record without a plan which would allow me to switch the recording on and off. As far as I can see this issue appears on both servers (which however have both the same 24/7 setup yet) Yes, I will try to change the recording from "permanent" to "on request" and will feedback my observations. Anyway, I just had a look into the forums étiquette. There it is mentioned that French is mandatory. Hope my English comments are still OK. I am sure you do not want to read my comments when I try to write in French . Many Thanks' Lodi
Hi @MAM78, I had initially some trouble to find the correct IDs for my three cams and hence the VD's did not work in the beginning. Having fixed this issue (Nos are 1, 2 and 3 ), I was able to test the VD and it works great for me. As I intent to change the "Home Mode ON/OFF" status from other scenes I have added two more buttons in addition to the "Home Mode" toggle. So, I have a better control for scenarios like " if PresentState = "Away" then fibaro:call(SSM_ID, "pressButton", "2")". See image below. There is one further issue, which might however be caused by my SSS setup. For one of the three cameras I can create snapshots without any problems. This camera is the only one that is directly connected to this server (1). The other two cameras are connected to a second Diskstation (2) and are just linked to the first Surveillance station (1) via Synology "Central Management System (CMS)". So, when I hit the button for the snapshot for the cams on server (2) I get an authentification failure (debug messages below). For myself this is not a serious issue as I will not need the snapshot funtion at all, or can use the normal Fibaro Plugin. but amybe there is a workaround to login into more than one diskstations in one script. Credentials and privileges in my case are be the same for both Diskstations but the SID is prbably different. What else does not work: - I cannot stop the recording. Or better the recording starts immediately after it was interrupted. Again likely an issue with my own SSS setup, as I am using continuous recording 24/7 - in The camera VDs I cannot toggle the source for movement detection. This always remains as it was initially setup in my SSS. However, as my cameras are have a PIR sensor I will always use this one and have no need to change the source. I have not yet tested the scene buttons. None of my cams has PTZ. So, no way to test this functionality Altogether a fantastic tool and I am amazed what you guys here in the forum are able to implement. As an absolute LUA Rookie I do only barely understand how these VDs are working. But they do the job and that's what counts. Many thanks for sharing your knowledge. Cheers Alex Camera on Server (1) [DEBUG] 19:04:14: 10/01/2019 : Scene started manually [DEBUG] 19:04:14: [{"VD_Text":"Prise d'une photo"},{"action":"TakeSnapshot"},{"value":"3"},{"VD_ID":610},{"VD_Button_ID":10},{"VD_Label":"lblMotionSource"}] [DEBUG] 19:04:14: VD_Text : Prise d'une photo [DEBUG] 19:04:14: action : TakeSnapshot [DEBUG] 19:04:14: value : 3 [DEBUG] 19:04:14: VD_ID : 610 [DEBUG] 19:04:14: VD_Button_ID : 10 [DEBUG] 19:04:14: VD_Label : lblMotionSource [DEBUG] 19:04:14: 10/01/2019 : Prise d'une photo 3 [DEBUG] 19:04:14: Gloabal Variable = SurvStationManager Contente : ({"pathAuth":"auth.cgi","pathCamera":"entry.cgi","SceneID":169,"HomeMode":false,"pathRecord":"entry.cgi","SID":"w5tGURcxDd.ic1830PCN718514","Cameras":{"1":{"Cam_VD_Id":608,"Cam_WithPTZ":false,"Cam_Recording":true,"CameraStatus":0,"Cam_PTZ_Position_name":"","Cam_PTZ_Position_id":"","Cam_Motion_Source":0,"Cam_Name":"Instar_Garten","Cam_Motion_Disabled":false,"Cam_Enabled":true},"3":{"Cam_VD_Id":610,"Cam_WithPTZ":false,"Cam_Recording":true,"CameraStatus":0,"Cam_PTZ_Position_name":"","Cam_PTZ_Position_id":"","Cam_Motion_Source":0,"Cam_Name":"Instar_Terrasse","Cam_Motion_Disabled":false,"Cam_Enabled":true},"2":{"Cam_VD_Id":609,"Cam_WithPTZ":false,"Cam_Recording":true,"CameraStatus":0,"Cam_PTZ_Position_name":"","Cam_PTZ_Position_id":"","Cam_Motion_Source":0,"Cam_Name":"Instar_Front","Cam_Motion_Disabled":false,"Cam_Enabled":true}},"CameraList":"3,1,2"} [DEBUG] 19:04:14: pathAuth =auth.cgi Parameters found in "SurvStationManager" global variable [DEBUG] 19:04:14: pathRecord =entry.cgi Parameters found in "SurvStationManager" global variable [DEBUG] 19:04:14: pathCamera =entry.cgi Parameters found in "SurvStationManager" global variable [DEBUG] 19:04:14: SID =w5tGURcxDd.ic1830PCN718514 Parameters found in "SurvStationManager" global variable [DEBUG] 19:04:14: setTimeout(function() functions[TakeSnapshot]() end, 0) [DEBUG] 19:04:14: Scene main loop finished [DEBUG] 19:04:14: Call TakeSnapshot() function [DEBUG] 19:04:14: getAPI() : [DEBUG] 19:04:14: getAPI() : response success [DEBUG] 19:04:14: getAPI() : callback function TakeSnapshot [DEBUG] 19:04:14: TakeSnapshot : Success [DEBUG] 19:04:14: Prise d'une photo OK [DEBUG] 19:04:14: label : lblStatus value : Prise d'une photo OK [DEBUG] 19:04:14: Update VD_ID : 610 label : ui.lblStatus.value => Prise d'une photo OK Camera on Server (2) [DEBUG] 19:06:02: 10/01/2019 : Scene started manually [DEBUG] 19:06:02: [{"VD_Text":"Prise d'une photo"},{"action":"TakeSnapshot"},{"value":"2"},{"VD_ID":609},{"VD_Button_ID":10},{"VD_Label":"lblMotionSource"}] [DEBUG] 19:06:02: VD_Text : Prise d'une photo [DEBUG] 19:06:02: action : TakeSnapshot [DEBUG] 19:06:02: value : 2 [DEBUG] 19:06:02: VD_ID : 609 [DEBUG] 19:06:02: VD_Button_ID : 10 [DEBUG] 19:06:02: VD_Label : lblMotionSource [DEBUG] 19:06:02: 10/01/2019 : Prise d'une photo 2 [DEBUG] 19:06:02: Gloabal Variable = SurvStationManager Contente : ({"pathAuth":"auth.cgi","pathCamera":"entry.cgi","SceneID":169,"HomeMode":false,"pathRecord":"entry.cgi","SID":"w5tGURcxDd.ic1830PCN718514","Cameras":{"1":{"Cam_VD_Id":608,"Cam_WithPTZ":false,"Cam_Recording":true,"CameraStatus":0,"Cam_PTZ_Position_name":"","Cam_PTZ_Position_id":"","Cam_Motion_Source":0,"Cam_Name":"Instar_Garten","Cam_Motion_Disabled":false,"Cam_Enabled":true},"3":{"Cam_VD_Id":610,"Cam_WithPTZ":false,"Cam_Recording":true,"CameraStatus":0,"Cam_PTZ_Position_name":"","Cam_PTZ_Position_id":"","Cam_Motion_Source":0,"Cam_Name":"Instar_Terrasse","Cam_Motion_Disabled":false,"Cam_Enabled":true},"2":{"Cam_VD_Id":609,"Cam_WithPTZ":false,"Cam_Recording":true,"CameraStatus":0,"Cam_PTZ_Position_name":"","Cam_PTZ_Position_id":"","Cam_Motion_Source":0,"Cam_Name":"Instar_Front","Cam_Motion_Disabled":false,"Cam_Enabled":true}},"CameraList":"3,1,2"} [DEBUG] 19:06:02: pathAuth =auth.cgi Parameters found in "SurvStationManager" global variable [DEBUG] 19:06:02: pathRecord =entry.cgi Parameters found in "SurvStationManager" global variable [DEBUG] 19:06:02: pathCamera =entry.cgi Parameters found in "SurvStationManager" global variable [DEBUG] 19:06:02: SID =w5tGURcxDd.ic1830PCN718514 Parameters found in "SurvStationManager" global variable [DEBUG] 19:06:02: setTimeout(function() functions[TakeSnapshot]() end, 0) [DEBUG] 19:06:02: Scene main loop finished [DEBUG] 19:06:02: Call TakeSnapshot() function [DEBUG] 19:06:02: getAPI() : [DEBUG] 19:06:03: getAPI() : response not success [DEBUG] 19:06:03: getAPI() : callback function TakeSnapshot [DEBUG] 19:06:03: Error : TakeSnapshot failed : API Authentication failure, Invalid login or password. [DEBUG] 19:06:03: label : lblStatus value : Prise d'une photo Failed [DEBUG] 19:06:03: Update VD_ID : 609 label : ui.lblStatus.value => Prise d'une photo Failed
Hi folks, hope this is gonna work also in English as my French is not as good as it is supposed to be (had French in school for three years but this is decades ago :-) ). Sure Google translate will help. My name is Alex and I live close to the city of Hamburg in Germany. I am "smarthoming" for some time and have a HC2 for about two years now. Besides I have a number of Synology NAS (DS209+II; DS214play; DS 218+), Netatmo weather stations and some INSTAR Surveillance Cams. On www.siio.de and the official Fibaro Forum I have seen a lot of postings referencing to this French Forum but it took me a while to register. However, here i am. bonne année 2019 Alex (lodi)